Heavyly restructured for meshlab inclusion. Now the access to the quadric elements are mediated by a static helper class.

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Paolo Cignoni 2006-10-09 20:12:55 +00:00
parent 2896499a4b
commit 6295f96fbd
1 changed files with 63 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.9 2006/10/07 17:20:25 cignoni
Updated to the new style face->Normal() becomes Normal(face)
Revision 1.8 2005/10/02 23:19:36 cignoni
Changed the sign of the priority of a collapse. Now it is its the error as it should (and not -error)
@ -75,10 +78,15 @@ namespace tri{
must have incremental mark
must have:
field QuadricType Q;
incremental mark
VF topology
must have:
QuadricType Qd();
ScalarType W() const;
A per-vertex Weight that can be used in simplification
lower weight means that error is lowered,
@ -89,27 +97,26 @@ namespace tri{
(e.g. its weight with the one of the given vertex, the color ect).
Standard: void function;
Faces devono avere Shared Adjacency
durante la init serve FF per le quadriche di bordo
durante la semplificazione si usa VF
OtherWise the class should be templated with a static helper class that helps to retrieve these functions.
If the vertex class exposes these functions a default static helper class is provided.
//**Helper CLASSES**//
template <class VERTEX_TYPE>
class QInfoStandard
static void Init(){};
static math::Quadric<double> &Qd(VERTEX_TYPE &v) {return v.Qd();}
static math::Quadric<double> &Qd(VERTEX_TYPE *v) {return v->Qd();}
static typename VERTEX_TYPE::ScalarType W(VERTEX_TYPE *v) {return 1.0;};
static typename VERTEX_TYPE::ScalarType W(VERTEX_TYPE &v) {return 1.0;};
static void Merge(VERTEX_TYPE & v_dest, VERTEX_TYPE const & v_del){};
template<class TriMeshType,class MYTYPE>
class TriEdgeCollapseQuadric: public TriEdgeCollapse< TriMeshType,MYTYPE>
typedef typename vcg::tri::TriEdgeCollapse< TriMeshType, MYTYPE > TEC;
typedef typename TEC::EdgeType EdgeType;
typedef typename TriEdgeCollapse<TriMeshType, MYTYPE>::HeapType HeapType;
typedef typename TriEdgeCollapse<TriMeshType, MYTYPE>::HeapElem HeapElem;
typedef typename TriMeshType::CoordType CoordType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef math::Quadric< double > QuadricType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::VertexType VertexType;
class QParameter
class TriEdgeCollapseQuadricParameter
double QualityThr; // all
@ -135,6 +142,22 @@ public:
template<class TriMeshType,class MYTYPE, class HelperType = QInfoStandard<TriMeshType::VertexType> >
class TriEdgeCollapseQuadric: public TriEdgeCollapse< TriMeshType, MYTYPE>
typedef typename vcg::tri::TriEdgeCollapse< TriMeshType, MYTYPE > TEC;
typedef typename TEC::EdgeType EdgeType;
typedef typename TriEdgeCollapse<TriMeshType, MYTYPE>::HeapType HeapType;
typedef typename TriEdgeCollapse<TriMeshType, MYTYPE>::HeapElem HeapElem;
typedef typename TriMeshType::CoordType CoordType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef math::Quadric< double > QuadricType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::VertexType VertexType;
typedef TriEdgeCollapseQuadricParameter QParameter;
typedef HelperType QH;
static QParameter & Params(){static QParameter p; return p;}
enum Hint {
HNHasFFTopology = 0x0001, // La mesh arriva con la topologia ff gia'fatta
@ -170,7 +193,8 @@ public:
{ CoordType newPos;
if(Params().OptimalPlacement) newPos= ComputeMinimal();
else newPos=this->pos.V(1)->P();
int FaceDel=DoCollapse(this->pos, newPos); // v0 is deleted and v1 take the new position
@ -351,8 +375,8 @@ public:
QuadricType qq=v[0]->q;
QuadricType qq=QH::Qd(v[0]);
double QuadErr = Params().ScaleFactor*qq.Apply(v[1]->P());
// All collapses involving triangles with quality larger than <QualityThr> has no penalty;
@ -367,7 +391,7 @@ public:
if(QuadErr<Params().QuadricEpsilon) QuadErr=Params().QuadricEpsilon;
if( Params().UseVertexWeight ) QuadErr *= (v[1]->W()+v[0]->W())/2;
if( Params().UseVertexWeight ) QuadErr *= (QH::W(v[1])+QH::W(v[0]))/2;
if(!Params().QualityCheck && !Params().NormalCheck) error = (ScalarType)(QuadErr);
if( Params().QualityCheck && !Params().NormalCheck) error = (ScalarType)(QuadErr / MinQual);
@ -447,10 +471,11 @@ static void InitQuadric(TriMeshType &m)
typename TriMeshType::FaceIterator pf;
typename TriMeshType::VertexIterator pv;
int j;
// m.ClearFlags();
for(pv=m.vert.begin();pv!=m.vert.end();++pv) // Azzero le quadriche
if( ! (*pv).IsD() && (*pv).IsW())
@ -472,7 +497,7 @@ static void InitQuadric(TriMeshType &m)
if( (*pf).V(j)->IsW() ) (*pf).V(j)->q += q; // Sommo la quadrica ai vertici
if( (*pf).V(j)->IsW() ) QH::Qd((*pf).V(j)) += q; // Sommo la quadrica ai vertici
if( (*pf).IsB(j)) // Bordo!
@ -484,12 +509,12 @@ static void InitQuadric(TriMeshType &m)
// poiche' la pesatura in funzione dell'area e'gia fatta in p.Direction()
// Senza la normalize il bordo e' pesato in funzione della grandezza della mesh (mesh grandi non decimano sul bordo)
pb.SetDirection(p.Direction() ^ ( (*pf).V1(j)->cP() - (*pf).V(j)->cP() ).Normalize());
pb.SetDirection(pb.Direction()* Params().BoundaryWeight); // amplify border planes
pb.SetDirection(pb.Direction()* (ScalarType)Params().BoundaryWeight); // amplify border planes
pb.SetOffset(pb.Direction() * (*pf).V(j)->cP());
if( (*pf).V (j)->IsW() ) (*pf).V (j)->q += q; // Sommo le quadriche
if( (*pf).V1(j)->IsW() ) (*pf).V1(j)->q += q;
if( (*pf).V (j)->IsW() ) QH::Qd((*pf).V (j)) += q; // Sommo le quadriche
if( (*pf).V1(j)->IsW() ) QH::Qd((*pf).V1(j)) += q;
@ -542,21 +567,21 @@ static void InitQuadric(TriMeshType &m)
typename TriMeshType::VertexType * v[2];
v[0] = this->pos.V(0);
v[1] = this->pos.V(1);
QuadricType q=v[0]->q;
QuadricType q=QH::Qd(v[0]);
CoordType x;
bool rt=q.Minimum(x);
if(!rt) {
Point3<QuadricType::ScalarType> x;
bool rt=q.Minimum(x);
if(!rt) { // if the computation of the minimum fails we choose between the two edge points and the middle one.
double qvx=q.Apply(x);
double qv0=q.Apply(v[0]->P());
double qv1=q.Apply(v[1]->P());
if(qv0<qvx) x=v[0]->P();
if(qv1<qvx && qv1<qv0) x=v[1]->P();
if(qv0<qvx) x.Import(v[0]->P());
if(qv1<qvx && qv1<qv0) x.Import(v[1]->P());
return x;
return CoordType::Construct(x);