Completed translation of comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,12 +49,9 @@
namespace vcg {
Classe per gestire un allineamento tra DUE sole mesh.
Class for aligning pair of meshes using ICP (iterated closest point)
class AlignPair {
@ -77,7 +74,7 @@ public:
/*********************** Classi Accessorie ****************************/
/*********************** Utility classes ****************************/
class A2Vertex;
@ -138,14 +135,14 @@ public:
int DistanceDiscarded;
int AngleDiscarded;
int BorderDiscarded;
int SampleTested; // quanti punti ho testato con la mindist
int SampleUsed; // quanti punti ho scelto per la computematrix
int SampleTested; // how many points have been tested
int SampleUsed; // how many points have been actually used to compute the transformation
double pcl50;
double pclhi;
double AVG;
double RMS;
double StdDev;
int Time; // quando e' finita questa iterazione
int Time; // Ending time of this iteration
@ -205,7 +202,7 @@ public:
I[qi].SampleTested, I[qi].SampleUsed, I[qi].DistanceDiscarded, I[qi].BorderDiscarded, I[qi].AngleDiscarded);
// Scrive una tabella con tutti i valori
//! Write a HTML table with the values
inline void htmlDump(FILE *fp)
fprintf(fp, "Final Err %8.5f In %i iterations Total Time %ims\n", lastPcl50(), (int)I.size(), totTime());
@ -249,64 +246,46 @@ public:
SampleNum = 2000;
MaxPointNum = 100000;
MinPointNum = 30;
MaxIterNum = 75;
TrgDistAbs = 0.005f;
MinDistAbs = 10;
MaxAngleRad = math::ToRad(45.0);
MaxShear = 0.5;
MaxScale = 0.5; // significa che lo scale deve essere compreso tra 1-MaxScale e 1+MaxScale
PassHiFilter = 0.75;
ReduceFactorPerc = 0.80;
MinMinDistPerc = 0.01;
EndStepNum = 5;
MatchMode = MMRigid;
SampleMode = SMNormalEqualized;
UseVertexOnly = false;
SampleNum = 2000;
MaxPointNum = 100000;
MinPointNum = 30;
MaxIterNum = 75;
TrgDistAbs = 0.005f;
MinDistAbs = 10;
MaxAngleRad = math::ToRad(45.0);
MaxShear = 0.5;
MaxScale = 0.5; // means that the scale must be between 1-MaxScale and 1+MaxScale
PassHiFilter = 0.75;
ReduceFactorPerc = 0.80;
MinMinDistPerc = 0.01;
EndStepNum = 5;
MatchMode = MMRigid;
SampleMode = SMNormalEqualized;
UGExpansionFactor = 10;
int SampleNum; // numero di sample da prendere sulla mesh fix, utilizzando
// il SampleMode scelto tra cui poi sceglierne al piu' <MaxPointNum>
// e almeno <MinPointNum> da usare per l'allineamento.
int MaxPointNum; // numero di coppie di punti da usare quando si calcola la matrice
// di allienamento e che poi si mettono da parte per il globale;
// di solito non usato
int MinPointNum; // minimo numero di coppie di punti ammissibile perche' sia considerato
// valido l'allineamento
double MinDistAbs; // distanza minima iniziale perche due punti vengano presi in
// considerazione. NON e' piu espressa in percentuale sul bbox della mesh nella ug.
// Ad ogni passo puo essere ridotta per
// accellerare usando ReduceFactor
double MaxAngleRad; // massimo angolo in radianti tra due normali perche' i due
// punti vengano presi in considerazione.
int MaxIterNum; // massimo numero di iterazioni da fare in align
double TrgDistAbs; // distanza obiettivo entro la quale devono stare almeno la meta'
// dei campioni scelti; di solito non entra in gioco perche' ha un default molto basso
int EndStepNum; // numero di iterazioni da considerare per decidere se icp ha converso.
//double PassLoFilter; // Filtraggio utilizzato per decidere quali punti scegliere tra quello trovati abbastanza
double PassHiFilter; // vicini. Espresso in percentili. Di solito si scarta il quelli sopra il 75 e quelli sotto il 5
double ReduceFactorPerc; // At each step we discard the points farther than a given threshold. The threshold is iterativeley reduced;
// StartMinDist= min(StartMinDist, 5.0*H.Percentile(ap.ReduceFactorPerc))
int SampleNum; //! The intial number of samples that are chosen on the fix mesh.
int MaxPointNum; //! Maximum number off point used to compute the transforamtion matrix (rarely used)
int MinPointNum; //! Minimal number of point that we have to find to consider the resulting alignment valid
double MinDistAbs; //! Minimal distance for ICP points. Only points that are closer than this threshold are chosen.
//! This threshold is iteratively lowered by the ReduceFactor parameter
double MaxAngleRad; //! Max angle (in radiant) for ICP points. Only points whose normal differ less than this threshold are considered
int MaxIterNum; //! Maximum number of iteration to be done during aligning
double TrgDistAbs; //! Target distance (half of the samples should be below this distance to consider the icp reach convergence)
int EndStepNum; //! max number of ICP iterations
double PassHiFilter; //! Percentile filtering threshold. Usually we discard the farthest quartile of the matched points
double ReduceFactorPerc; //! At each step we discard the points farther than a given threshold. The threshold is iterativeley reduced;
//! StartMinDist= min(StartMinDist, 5.0*H.Percentile(ap.ReduceFactorPerc))
double MinMinDistPerc; // Ratio between initial starting distance (MinDistAbs) and what can reach by the application of the ReduceFactor.
double MinMinDistPerc; //! Ratio between initial starting distance (MinDistAbs) and what can reach by the application of the ReduceFactor.
int UGExpansionFactor; // Grandezza della UG per la mesh fix come rapporto del numero di facce della mesh fix
int UGExpansionFactor; //! Size of the uniform grid as a ration of the fix mesh size
// Nel caso si usi qualche struttura multiresolution
int MinFixVertNum; // Gli allineamenti si fanno mettendo nella ug come mesh fix una semplificata;
float MinFixVertNumPerc; // si usa il max tra MinFixVertNum e OrigMeshSize*MinFixVertNumPerc
bool UseVertexOnly; // if true all the Alignment pipeline ignores faces and works over point clouds.
bool UseVertexOnly; //! if true all the Alignment pipeline ignores faces and works over point clouds.
double MaxShear;
double MaxScale;
@ -316,14 +295,13 @@ public:
// Classe per memorizzare il risultato di un allineamento tra due mesh
// i punti si intendono nel sistema di riferimento iniziale delle due mesh.
// se le mesh hanno una trasformazione di base in ingresso,
// questa appare solo durante la A2Mesh::Import e poi e' per sempre dimenticata.
// Questi punti sono quindi nei sistemi di riferimento costruiti durante la Import
// la matrice Tr quella che
// Class to store the result of an alignment between two meshes
// the points are intended in the initial reference system of the two meshes.
// if the meshes have a basic transformation in input,
// this appears only during the A2Mesh::Import and then is forever forgotten.
// These points are therefore in the reference systems built during the Import
// the matrix Tr that which
// Tr*Pmov[i]== Pfix
@ -334,10 +312,10 @@ public:
int FixName;
Matrix44d Tr;
std::vector<Point3d> Pfix; // vertici corrispondenti su fix (rossi)
std::vector<Point3d> Nfix; // normali corrispondenti su fix (rossi)
std::vector<Point3d> Pmov; // vertici scelti su mov (verdi) prima della trasformazione in ingresso (Original Point Target)
std::vector<Point3d> Nmov; // normali scelti su mov (verdi)
std::vector<Point3d> Pfix; // Corresponding Points on the Fix Mesh (red)
std::vector<Point3d> Nfix; // Corresponding Normals on the Fix Mesh (red)
std::vector<Point3d> Pmov; // Chosen Points on the Mov Mesh (green) before the transformation
std::vector<Point3d> Nmov; // Chosen Normals on the Mov Mesh (green)
Histogramf H;
Stat as;
Param ap;
@ -369,7 +347,7 @@ public:
/******************* Fine Classi Accessorie ************************/
/******************* End utility classes ************************/
static inline const char* errorMsg(ErrorCode code)
@ -570,32 +548,32 @@ public:
Minimo esempio di codice per l'uso della funzione di allineamento.
Minimal example of code for using the align.
AlignPair::A2Mesh Mov,Fix; // le due mesh da allineare
vector<AlignPair::A2Vertex> MovVert; // i punti sulla mov da usare per l'allineamento
Matrix44d In; In.SetIdentity(); // la trasformazione iniziale che applicata a mov la porterebbe su fix.
AlignPair::A2Mesh Mov,Fix; // The two meshes to be alligned. Mov will moved.
vector<AlignPair::A2Vertex> MovVert; // Points chosen on Mov Mesh to compute the alignment
Matrix44d In; In.SetIdentity(); // Initial transformation to be applied to Mov mesh to bring it over the Fix mesh.
AlignPair aa; // l'oggetto principale.
AlignPair aa; // The main align class
AlignPair::Param ap;
UGrid< AlignPair::A2Mesh::face_container > UG;
Fix.LoadPly("FixMesh.ply"); // Standard ply loading
Fix.Init( Ident, false); // Inizializzazione necessaria (normali per vert,
Mov.Init( Ident, false); // info per distanza punto faccia ecc)
AlignPair::InitFix(&Fix, ap, UG); // la mesh fix viene messa nella ug.
aa.ConvertVertex(Mov.vert,MovVert); // si campiona la mesh Mov per trovare un po' di vertici.
Fix.LoadPly("FixMesh.ply"); // Standard ply loading
Fix.Init( Ident, false); // Basic init (computation of normals)
Mov.Init( Ident, false);
AlignPair::InitFix(&Fix, ap, UG); // Init UG for quick search
aa.ConvertVertex(Mov.vert,MovVert); // Sample the Mov vertex in order to find good samples to be used.
aa.SampleMovVert(MovVert, ap.SampleNum, ap.SampleMode);
||||; // si assegnano i membri principali dell'oggetto align pair
aa.ap = ap;
||||; // basic init of the align class with the chosen vert and the fix mesh
aa.ap = ap;
aa.Align(In,UG,res); // si spera :)
// il risultato sta nella matrice res.Tr;
aa.Align(In,UG,res); // Main ICP algorithm
// the matrix containing the computed alignment is in res.Tr;
@ -629,7 +607,7 @@ in
The Main ICP alignment Function:
It assumes that:
we have two meshes:
@ -637,9 +615,6 @@ in
- Mov the mesh we 'move' e.g. the one for which we search the transforamtion.
requires normalize normals for vertices AND faces
Allinea due mesh;
Assume che:
la uniform grid sia gia' inizializzata con la mesh fix
inline bool align(
A2Grid &u,
@ -653,13 +628,13 @@ in
Histogramf &h,
Stat &as)
std::vector<char> beyondCntVec; // flag vector to set the movverts that we should not use
// every time that a vertex is at a distance beyound max dist, its counter is incremented;
// movverts that has been discarded more than MaxCntDist times will not be considered anymore
std::vector<char> beyondCntVec; // flag vector to set the movverts that we should not use
// every time that a vertex is at a distance beyound max dist, its counter is incremented;
// movverts that has been discarded more than MaxCntDist times will not be considered anymore
const int maxBeyondCnt = 3;
std::vector< Point3d > movvert;
std::vector< Point3d > movnorm;
std::vector<Point3d> pmov; // vertices chosen after the transformation
std::vector<Point3d> pmov; // vertices chosen after the transformation
status = SUCCESS;
int tt0 = clock();
@ -704,7 +679,7 @@ in
Point3d closestPoint, closestNormal;
double maxd = startMinDist;
if (u.Empty()) {// using the point cloud grid{
if (u.Empty()) { // using the point cloud grid
A2Mesh::VertexPointer vp = tri::GetClosestVertex(*fix, uv, movvert[i], maxd, error);
if (error >= startMinDist) {
ii.DistanceDiscarded++; ++beyondCntVec[i]; continue;
@ -715,7 +690,7 @@ in
closestPoint = vp->P();
closestNormal = vp->N();
else {// using the standard faces and grid
else { // using the standard faces and grid
A2Mesh::FacePointer f = vcg::tri::GetClosestFaceBase<vcg::AlignPair::A2Mesh, vcg::AlignPair::A2Grid >(*fix, u, movvert[i], maxd, error, closestPoint);
if (error >= startMinDist) {
ii.DistanceDiscarded++; ++beyondCntVec[i]; continue;
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