poissondisk sampling completely restructure for performance

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Massimiliano Corsini 2009-01-16 11:30:19 +00:00
parent 87ed77aa88
commit 7bd8b4f19b
1 changed files with 83 additions and 165 deletions

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@ -88,6 +88,13 @@ class SurfaceSampling
typedef typename MetroMesh::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename MetroMesh::FaceContainer FaceContainer;
typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType> MeshSHT;
typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType>::CellIterator MeshSHTIterator;
typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType> MontecarloSHT;
typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType>::CellIterator MontecarloSHTIterator;
typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType> SampleSHT;
typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType>::CellIterator SampleSHTIterator;
static math::MarsenneTwisterRNG &SamplingRandomGenerator()
@ -658,105 +665,33 @@ static CoordType RandomBox(vcg::Box3<ScalarType> box)
return p;
// naive projection generates a sample inside the given box, and project it in the
// faces intersected by this box. It always returns a valid sample.
static vcg::Point3<ScalarType> naiveProjection(vcg::Box3<ScalarType> box,
MetroMesh &mesh,
vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType> & sht)
static bool generatePoissonDiskSample(Point3i *cell, MontecarloSHT samplepool, vcg::Point3<ScalarType> & p)
vcg::Point3<ScalarType> p;
MontecarloSHTIterator cellBegin;
MontecarloSHTIterator cellEnd;
MontecarloSHTIterator cellIt;
samplepool.Grid(*cell, cellBegin, cellEnd);
p = RandomBox(box);
std::vector<VertexType *> samples;
for (cellIt = cellBegin; cellIt != cellEnd; cellIt++)
// projection on the faces
CoordType closestp = p;
ScalarType maxdist = box.DimX();
ScalarType mindist;
//vcg::tri::GetClosestFace<MetroMesh, vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType> >(
// mesh, sht, p, maxdist, mindist, closestp);
typedef vcg::tri::FaceTmark<MetroMesh> Marker;
Marker markerFunctor;
FaceType *nearestF=0;
vcg::face::PointDistanceBaseFunctor<ScalarType> PDistFunct;
nearestF = sht.GetClosest(PDistFunct,markerFunctor,p,maxdist,mindist,closestp);
return closestp;
// Montecarlo "reduced" generates a sample on the faces intersected by the given box
static vcg::Point3<ScalarType> naiveMontecarloReduced(vcg::Box3<ScalarType> box,
std::vector<FaceType *> faces)
vcg::Point3<ScalarType> p;
return p;
// naive projection generates a sample inside the given box, and project it on the
// faces intersected by this box. If the projected point lies outside the box
// the sample is re-generated.
// false is returned if the maximum number of attempts has been reached.
static bool naiveProjectionInside(vcg::Box3<ScalarType> box,
MetroMesh &mesh,
vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType> & sht,
int maxattemps, vcg::Point3<ScalarType> &p)
bool flaginside = false;
int k=1;
if (samples.size() >= 1)
p = naiveProjection(box, mesh, sht);
// check if p is inside the box
flaginside = box.IsIn(p);
} while (!flaginside && k < maxattemps);
return flaginside;
int index = RandomInt(samples.size());
p = samples[index]->P();
return true;
return false;
// naive surface generation generates a sample on the faces intersected by the given box
// if the point lies outside the box the sample is re-generated.
// false is returned if the maximum number of attempts has been reached.
static bool naiveMontecarloReducedInside(vcg::Box3<ScalarType> box, std::vector<FaceType *> faces,
int maxattemps, vcg::Point3<ScalarType> &p)
return true;
// [erfect projection generates a sample inside the given box, and project it
// on the surface inside this box. It always returns a valid sample.
static vcg::Point3<ScalarType> perfectProjection(vcg::Box3<ScalarType> box, std::vector<FaceType *> faces)
vcg::Point3<ScalarType> p;
return p;
// perfect Montecarlo Reduced generates a sample on the faces contained in the given box.
// Intersecting faces are treated properly. It always returns a valid sample.
static vcg::Point3<ScalarType> perfectMontecarloReduced(vcg::Box3<ScalarType> box, std::vector<FaceType *> faces)
vcg::Point3<ScalarType> p;
return p;
// check the radius constrain
static bool checkPoissonDisk(vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType> sht, Point3<ScalarType> p, ScalarType radius)
static bool checkPoissonDisk(SampleSHT sht, Point3<ScalarType> p, ScalarType radius)
typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType>::CellIterator itBegin;
typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType>::CellIterator itEnd;
typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType>::CellIterator it;
SampleSHTIterator itBegin;
SampleSHTIterator itEnd;
SampleSHTIterator it;
// get the samples closest to the given one
sht.Grid(p, itBegin, itEnd);
@ -784,18 +719,18 @@ static bool checkPoissonDisk(vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType> sht,
* IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing, 2007,
* 10-12 Sept. 2007, pp. 129-132.
static void Poissondisk(MetroMesh &m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum, int version)
static void Poissondisk(MetroMesh &m, VertexSampler &ps, MetroMesh & montecarloMesh, int sampleNum)
const int MAXLEVELS = 10; // maximum level of subdivision
// spatial index of mesh face - used to search where to place the samples
vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType> searchSHT;
typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType>::CellIterator cellBegin;
typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType>::CellIterator cellEnd;
typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType>::CellIterator cellIt;
//MeshSHT searchSHT;
// spatial index of montecarlo samples - used to choose a new sample to insert
MontecarloSHT montecarloSHT;
// spatial hash table of the generated samples - used to check the radius constrain
vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType> checkSHT;
SampleSHT checkSHT;
// initialize spatial hash table for searching
ScalarType meshArea = Stat<MetroMesh>::ComputeMeshArea(m);
@ -806,37 +741,37 @@ static void Poissondisk(MetroMesh &m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum, int vers
int sizeX = m.bbox.DimX() / r;
int sizeY = m.bbox.DimY() / r;
int sizeZ = m.bbox.DimZ() / r;
Point3i gridsize(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
searchSHT.InitEmpty(m.bbox, gridsize);
FaceIterator fi;
for (fi = m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); fi++)
// initialize spatial hash to index pre-generated samples
VertexIterator vi;
montecarloSHT.InitEmpty(m.bbox, gridsize);
for (vi = m.vert.begin(); vi != m.vert.end(); vi++)
// initialize spatial hash table for checking
// initialize spatial hash table for check poisson-disk radius constrain
checkSHT.InitEmpty(m.bbox, gridsize);
// sampling algorithm ("Projection-based")
// ---------------------------------------------------
// sampling algorithm
// ------------------
// - generate millions of samples using montecarlo algorithm
// - extract a cell (C) from the active cell list (with probability proportional to cell's volume)
// - with a probability proportional to the intersection between the surface and the cell
// generate a sample inside C and project it on the mesh
// generate a sample inside C by choosing one of the contained pre-generated samples
// - if the sample violates the radius constrain discard it, and add the cell to the cells-to-subdivide list
// - iterate until the active cell list is empty or a pre-defined number of subdivisions is reached
// sampling algorithm ("Surface-based")
// ------------------------------------------------
// - extract a cell (C) from the active cell list (with probability proportional to the cell's volume)
// - with a probability proportional to the intersection between the surface and the cell
// generate a sample on the triangles inside C
// - if the sample violated the radius constrain discard it, and add the cell to the cells-to-subdivide list
// - iterate until the active cell list is empty or a pre-defined number of subdivisions is reached
std::vector<Point3i *> activeCells;
std::vector<Point3i *> cellsToSubdivide;
typename std::vector<Point3i *>::iterator cellIt;
std::set<FaceType *> nextFaces; // faces to add to the next level of subdivision
typename std::set<FaceType *>::iterator nextFacesIt;
typename std::vector<Point3i>::iterator it;
@ -854,7 +789,7 @@ static void Poissondisk(MetroMesh &m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum, int vers
// create active cell list
for (it = searchSHT.AllocatedCells.begin(); it != searchSHT.AllocatedCells.end(); it++)
for (it = montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.begin(); it != montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.end(); it++)
@ -865,7 +800,7 @@ static void Poissondisk(MetroMesh &m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum, int vers
int ncell = static_cast<int>(activeCells.size());
int index,index2;
Point3i *temp;
for (int i = 0; i < 129248; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < ncell/2; i++)
index = RandomInt(ncell);
index2 = RandomInt(ncell);
@ -884,47 +819,8 @@ static void Poissondisk(MetroMesh &m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum, int vers
currentCell = activeCells[i];
// calculate box and contained faces
searchSHT.Grid(*currentCell, cellBegin, cellEnd);
searchSHT.IPiToBox(*currentCell, currentBox);
for (cellIt = cellBegin; cellIt != cellEnd; ++cellIt)
validsample = true;
if (version == 0)
// naive projection method (unsafe)
s = naiveProjection(currentBox, m, searchSHT);
else if (version == 1)
// naive montecarlo reduced (unsafe)
s = naiveMontecarloReduced(currentBox, faces);
else if (version == 2)
// naive projection method (safer, but still not perfect)
validsample = naiveProjectionInside(currentBox, m, searchSHT, 10, s);
else if (version == 3)
// naive montecarlo reduced (safer, but still not perfect)
validsample = naiveMontecarloReducedInside(currentBox, faces, 10, s);
else if (version == 4)
// perfect projection method
s = perfectProjection(currentBox, faces);
else if (version == 5)
// perfect montecarlo reduced
s = perfectMontecarloReduced(currentBox, faces);
// generate a sample chosen from the pre-generated one
validsample = generatePoissonDiskSample(currentCell, montecarloSHT, s);
if (validsample)
@ -946,30 +842,52 @@ static void Poissondisk(MetroMesh &m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum, int vers
// add these faces to the faces for the next level of subdivision
for (facesIt = faces.begin(); facesIt != faces.end(); facesIt++)
// subdivide this cell
// proceed to the next level of subdivision
// cleaning spatial index data structures
// increase grid resolution
gridsize[0] *= 2;
gridsize[1] *= 2;
gridsize[2] *= 2;
searchSHT.InitEmpty(m.bbox, gridsize);
for (nextFacesIt = nextFaces.begin(); nextFacesIt != nextFaces.end(); nextFacesIt++)
//searchSHT.InitEmpty(m.bbox, gridsize);
montecarloSHT.InitEmpty(m.bbox, gridsize);
for (cellIt = cellsToSubdivide.begin(); cellIt != cellsToSubdivide.end(); cellIt++)
MeshSHTIterator faceBegin,faceEnd,faceIt;
MontecarloSHTIterator ptBegin,ptEnd,ptIt;
Point3i *cell = *cellIt;
// pre-generated samples for the next level of subdivision
montecarloSHT.Grid(*cell, ptBegin, ptEnd);
for (ptIt = ptBegin; ptIt != ptEnd; ptIt++)
// faces of the mesh for the next level of subdivision
searchSHT.Grid(*cell, faceBegin, faceEnd);
for (faceIt = faceBegin; faceIt != faceEnd; faceIt++)
} while(level < 2);
} while(level < 1);
//template <class MetroMesh>