Added a version of the point-face distance function that does NOT require the precomputed edgeplane additional data.
This commit is contained in:
@ -248,6 +248,205 @@ namespace vcg {
/// BASIC VERSION of the Point-face distance that does not require the EdgePlane Additional data.
/// Given a face and a point, returns the closest point of the face to p.
/// it assumes that the face has Normalized Normal and on the flags stored the preferred orientation.
// UpdateNormals::PerFaceNormalized(m)
// UpdateFlags<>::FaceProjection(m);
template <class FaceType>
bool PointDistanceBase(
const FaceType &f, /// the face to be tested
const vcg::Point3<typename FaceType::ScalarType> & q, /// the point tested
typename FaceType::ScalarType & dist, /// bailout distance. It must be initialized with the max admittable value.
vcg::Point3<typename FaceType::ScalarType> & p )
typedef typename FaceType::ScalarType ScalarType;
Plane3<ScalarType> fPlane;
const ScalarType EPSILON = ScalarType( 0.000001);
ScalarType b,b0,b1,b2;
// Calcolo distanza punto piano
ScalarType d = Distance( fPlane, q );
if( d>dist || d<-dist ) // Risultato peggiore: niente di fatto
return false;
// Calcolo del punto sul piano
// NOTA: aggiunto un '-d' in fondo Paolo C.
Point3<ScalarType> t = fPlane.Direction();
t[0] *= -d;
t[1] *= -d;
t[2] *= -d;
p = q; p += t;
Point3<ScalarType> fEdge[3];
fEdge[0] = f.cP(1); fEdge[0] -= f.cP(0);
fEdge[1] = f.cP(2); fEdge[1] -= f.cP(1);
fEdge[2] = f.cP(0); fEdge[2] -= f.cP(2);
This piece of code is part of the EdgePlane initialization structure: note that the edges are scaled!.
if(nx>ny && nx>nz) { f.Flags() |= FaceType::NORMX; d = 1/f.Plane().Direction()[0]; }
else if(ny>nz) { f.Flags() |= FaceType::NORMY; d = 1/f.Plane().Direction()[1]; }
else { f.Flags() |= FaceType::NORMZ; d = 1/f.Plane().Direction()[2]; }
f.Edge(0)*=d; f.Edge(1)*=d;f.Edge(2)*=d;
So we must apply the same scaling according to the plane orientation, eg in the case of NORMX
scaleFactor= 1/fPlane.Direction()[0];
fEdge[0]*=d; fEdge[1]*=d;fEdge[2]*=d;
ScalarType scaleFactor;
switch( f.Flags() & (FaceType::NORMX|FaceType::NORMY|FaceType::NORMZ) )
case FaceType::NORMX:
scaleFactor= 1/fPlane.Direction()[0];
fEdge[0]*=d; fEdge[1]*=d;fEdge[2]*=d;
b0 = fEdge[1][1]*(p[2] - f.cP(1)[2]) - fEdge[1][2]*(p[1] - f.cP(1)[1]);
b0 = PSDist(q,f.V(1)->cP(),f.V(2)->cP(),p);
if(dist>b0) { dist = b0; return true; }
else return false;
b1 = fEdge[2][1]*(p[2] - f.cP(2)[2]) - fEdge[2][2]*(p[1] - f.cP(2)[1]);
b1 = PSDist(q,f.V(2)->cP(),f.V(0)->cP(),p);
if(dist>b1) { dist = b1; return true; }
else return false;
b2 = fEdge[0][1]*(p[2] - f.cP(0)[2]) - fEdge[0][2]*(p[1] - f.cP(0)[1]);
b2 = PSDist(q,f.V(0)->cP(),f.V(1)->cP(),p);
if(dist>b2) { dist = b2; return true; }
else return false;
// sono tutti e tre > 0 quindi dovrebbe essere dentro;
// per sicurezza se il piu' piccolo dei tre e' < epsilon (scalato rispetto all'area della faccia
// per renderlo dimension independent.) allora si usa ancora la distanza punto
// segmento che e' piu robusta della punto piano, e si fa dalla parte a cui siamo piu'
// vicini (come prodotto vettore)
// Nota: si potrebbe rendere un pochino piu' veloce sostituendo Area()
// con il prodotto vettore dei due edge in 2d lungo il piano migliore.
if( (b=vcg::math::Min<ScalarType>(b0,vcg::math::Min<ScalarType>(b1,b2))) < EPSILON*DoubleArea(f))
ScalarType bt;
if(b==b0) bt = PSDist(q,f.V(1)->cP(),f.V(2)->cP(),p);
else if(b==b1) bt = PSDist(q,f.V(2)->cP(),f.V(0)->cP(),p);
else if(b==b2) bt = PSDist(q,f.V(0)->cP(),f.V(1)->cP(),p);
//printf("Warning area:%g %g %g %g thr:%g bt:%g\n",Area(), b0,b1,b2,EPSILON*Area(),bt);
if(dist>bt) { dist = bt; return true; }
else return false;
case FaceType::NORMY:
scaleFactor= 1/fPlane.Direction()[1];
fEdge[0]*=d; fEdge[1]*=d;fEdge[2]*=d;
b0 = fEdge[1][2]*(p[0] - f.cP(1)[0]) - fEdge[1][0]*(p[2] - f.cP(1)[2]);
b0 = PSDist(q,f.V(1)->cP(),f.V(2)->cP(),p);
if(dist>b0) { dist = b0; return true; }
else return false;
b1 = fEdge[2][2]*(p[0] - f.cP(2)[0]) - fEdge[2][0]*(p[2] - f.cP(2)[2]);
b1 = PSDist(q,f.V(2)->cP(),f.V(0)->cP(),p);
if(dist>b1) { dist = b1; return true; }
else return false;
b2 = fEdge[0][2]*(p[0] - f.cP(0)[0]) - fEdge[0][0]*(p[2] - f.cP(0)[2]);
b2 = PSDist(q,f.V(0)->cP(),f.V(1)->cP(),p);
if(dist>b2) { dist = b2; return true; }
else return false;
if( (b=vcg::math::Min<ScalarType>(b0,vcg::math::Min<ScalarType>(b1,b2))) < EPSILON*DoubleArea(f))
ScalarType bt;
if(b==b0) bt = PSDist(q,f.V(1)->cP(),f.V(2)->cP(),p);
else if(b==b1) bt = PSDist(q,f.V(2)->cP(),f.V(0)->cP(),p);
else if(b==b2) bt = PSDist(q,f.V(0)->cP(),f.V(1)->cP(),p);
//printf("Warning area:%g %g %g %g thr:%g bt:%g\n",Area(), b0,b1,b2,EPSILON*Area(),bt);
if(dist>bt) { dist = bt; return true; }
else return false;
case FaceType::NORMZ:
scaleFactor= 1/fPlane.Direction()[2];
fEdge[0]*=d; fEdge[1]*=d;fEdge[2]*=d;
b0 = fEdge[1][0]*(p[1] - f.cP(1)[1]) - fEdge[1][1]*(p[0] - f.cP(1)[0]);
b0 = PSDist(q,f.V(1)->cP(),f.V(2)->cP(),p);
if(dist>b0) { dist = b0; return true; }
else return false;
b1 = fEdge[2][0]*(p[1] - f.cP(2)[1]) - fEdge[2][1]*(p[0] - f.cP(2)[0]);
b1 = PSDist(q,f.V(2)->cP(),f.V(0)->cP(),p);
if(dist>b1) { dist = b1; return true; }
else return false;
b2 = fEdge[0][0]*(p[1] - f.cP(0)[1]) - fEdge[0][1]*(p[0] - f.cP(0)[0]);
b2 = PSDist(q,f.V(0)->cP(),f.V(1)->cP(),p);
if(dist>b2) { dist = b2; return true; }
else return false;
if( (b=vcg::math::Min<ScalarType>(b0,vcg::math::Min<ScalarType>(b1,b2))) < EPSILON*DoubleArea(f))
ScalarType bt;
if(b==b0) bt = PSDist(q,f.V(1)->cP(),f.V(2)->cP(),p);
else if(b==b1) bt = PSDist(q,f.V(2)->cP(),f.V(0)->cP(),p);
else if(b==b2) bt = PSDist(q,f.V(0)->cP(),f.V(1)->cP(),p);
//printf("Warning area:%g %g %g %g thr:%g bt:%g\n",Area(), b0,b1,b2,EPSILON*Area(),bt);
if(dist>bt) { dist = bt; return true; }
else return false;
dist = ScalarType(fabs(d));
//dist = Distance(p,q);
return true;
class PointDistanceBaseFunctor {
template <class FACETYPE, class SCALARTYPE>
inline bool operator () (const FACETYPE & f, const Point3<SCALARTYPE> & p, SCALARTYPE & minDist, Point3<SCALARTYPE> & q) {
const Point3<typename FACETYPE::ScalarType> fp = Point3<typename FACETYPE::ScalarType>::Construct(p);
Point3<typename FACETYPE::ScalarType> fq;
typename FACETYPE::ScalarType md = (typename FACETYPE::ScalarType)(minDist);
const bool ret = PointDistanceBase(f, fp, md, fq);
minDist = (SCALARTYPE)(md);
q = Point3<SCALARTYPE>::Construct(fq);
return (ret);
} // end namespace face
} // end namespace vcg
Reference in New Issue