Fixed degenerate faces.

This commit is contained in:
Federico Ponchio 2004-10-08 09:32:31 +00:00
parent 2e262c2e7d
commit 81a8af621a
1 changed files with 0 additions and 238 deletions

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@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
#include <iostream>
#include "nexus.h"
#include "pvoronoi.h"
#include "pchain.h"
#include "pintersect.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace nxs;
using namespace vcg;
//prima tiriamo dentro il pchain. partizioni da 0 a n.
//prendiamo la partizione 1 e per ogni cell prendiamo tutte le cells
//che ci appartengono, facciamo il join, le semplifichiamo,
//e le risplittiamo secondo la partition 2.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(argc != 2) {
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <file>\n";
return 0;
Nexus nexus;
if(!nexus.Load(argv[1])) {
cerr << "Could not load nexus.\n";
return -1;
//write other level to other nexus (TEST)
Nexus test;
if(!test.Create("uffa")) {
cerr << "Could not create testing nexus\n";
return -1;
PChain<VoronoiPartition> pchain;
if(!pchain.Load(argv[1])) {
cerr << "Could not load partition chain: " << argv[1] << endl;
return -1;
PIntersect<VoronoiPartition> pbase(&pchain.levels[0],
if(!pbase.Load(argv[1])) {
cerr << "Could not load partition intersect\n";
return -1;
//First thing we insert all of base cells into history
map<IPair, ICell>::iterator i;
for(i = pbase.pairs.begin(); i != pbase.pairs.end(); i++) {
//ICell &cell = (*i).second;
// cerr << "Cell: " << cell.index << " -> " << cell.count << endl;
//insert cell.index into history.
unsigned int cell_offset = pbase.cells.size();
for(unsigned int level = 1; level < pchain.levels.size() -1; level++) {
map<unsigned int, vector<unsigned int> > fragments;
map<IPair, ICell>::iterator i;
for(i = pbase.pairs.begin(); i != pbase.pairs.end(); i++) {
IPair p = (*i).first;
ICell c = (*i).second;
PIntersect<VoronoiPartition> height;
height.Init(&pchain.levels[level], &pchain.levels[level+1], cell_offset);
vector<Point3f> newvert;
vector<unsigned int> newface;
vector<Link> newbord;
//now join fragment
map<unsigned int, vector<unsigned int> >::iterator k;
for(k = fragments.begin(); k != fragments.end(); k++) {
cerr << "Joining: ";
vector<unsigned int> &fcells = (*k).second;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fcells.size(); i++)
cerr << " " << fcells[i] << endl;
cerr << endl;
nexus.Join((*k).second, newvert, newface, newbord);
/* unsigned int patch_idx = test.AddPatch(newvert.size(),
Patch patch = test.GetPatch(patch_idx);
for(unsigned int v = 0; v < newface.size(); v++)
patch.FaceBegin()[v] = (unsigned short)newface[v];
memcpy(patch.VertBegin(), &newvert[0], newvert.size() * sizeof(Point3f));
Nexus::Entry &entry = test.index[patch_idx];
for(int v = 0; v < newvert.size(); v++) {
//if != -1 remap global index to cell index
map<unsigned int, vector<int> > vert_remap;
map<unsigned int, unsigned int> vert_count;
//simply collects faces
map<unsigned int, vector<int> > face_remap;
map<unsigned int, unsigned int> face_count;
for(unsigned int f = 0; f < newface.size(); f += 3) {
Point3f bari = (newvert[newface[f]] +
newvert[newface[f+1]] +
unsigned int cell = height.Locate(bari);
vector<int> &f_remap = face_remap[cell];
if(!vert_remap.count(cell)) {
vert_remap[cell].resize(newvert.size(), -1);
vert_count[cell] = 0;
vector<int> &v_remap = vert_remap[cell];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(v_remap[newface[f+i]] == -1)
v_remap[newface[f+i]] = vert_count[cell]++;
//TODO prune small count cells
//for every new cell
map<unsigned int, unsigned int >::iterator c;
for(c = vert_count.begin(); c != vert_count.end(); c++) {
unsigned int cell = (*c).first;
cerr << "Processing cell: " << cell << endl;
vector<unsigned short> faces;
vector<Point3f> verts;
vector<Link> bords;
vector<int> &v_remap = vert_remap[cell];
vector<int> &f_remap = face_remap[cell];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newvert.size(); i++) {
if(v_remap[i] != -1)
verts[v_remap[i]] = newvert[i];
// verts.push_back(newvert[v_remap[i]]);
assert(verts.size() == vert_count[cell]);
assert(f_remap.size()/3 == face_count[cell]);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < f_remap.size(); i++) {
if(v_remap[f_remap[i]] == -1) {
cerr << "i: " << i << " f_remap[i]: " << f_remap[i] << endl;
assert(v_remap[f_remap[i]] != -1);
faces[i] = v_remap[f_remap[i]];
//process external borders
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newbord.size(); i++) {
Link link = newbord[i];
if(v_remap[link.start_vert] == -1) continue;
link.start_vert = v_remap[link.start_vert];
//process internal borders;
//TODO higly inefficient!!!
map<unsigned int, unsigned int >::iterator t;
for(t = vert_count.begin(); t != vert_count.end(); t++) {
if(cell == (*t).first) continue;
vector<int> &vremapclose = vert_remap[(*t).first];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newvert.size(); i++) {
if(v_remap[i] != -1 && vremapclose[i] != -1) {
Link link;
link.end_patch = (*t).first;
link.start_vert = v_remap[i];
link.end_vert = vremapclose[i];
//create new nexus patch
unsigned int patch_idx = nexus.AddPatch(verts.size(),
Nexus::Entry &entry = nexus.index[patch_idx];
Patch patch = nexus.GetPatch(patch_idx);
memcpy(patch.FaceBegin(), &faces[0],
faces.size() * sizeof(unsigned short));
memcpy(patch.VertBegin(), &verts[0], verts.size() * sizeof(Point3f));
for(int v = 0; v < verts.size(); v++) {
Border border = nexus.GetBorder(patch_idx);
memcpy(&border[0], &bords[0], bords.size());
//fix external borders?
cell_offset += vert_remap.size();
//and last move height -> pbase;
pbase = height;
//break in the first cycle.
return 0;