Include header cleaning and reordering.

This commit is contained in:
Paolo Cignoni 2013-11-25 10:01:24 +00:00
parent d4eb599a66
commit 84c80a1972
8 changed files with 2080 additions and 2069 deletions

View File

@ -1,46 +1,64 @@
* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004-2012 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
#include <vector>
#include <vcg/complex/allocate.h>
// sample extract functor
void v_extract(const src_mesh_t & wm, const src_face_t & f, int k, const dst_mesh_t & vm, dst_vertex_t & v)
v.P() = f.cP (k);
v.N() = f.cWN(k);
v.C() = f.cWC(k);
v.T() = f.cWT(k);
v.P() = f.cP (k);
v.N() = f.cWN(k);
v.C() = f.cWC(k);
v.T() = f.cWT(k);
// sample compare functor
bool v_compare(const dst_mesh_t & vm, const dst_vertex_t & u, const dst_vertex_t & v)
(u.cN() == v.cN())
&& (u.cC() == v.cC())
&& (u.cT() == v.cT())
(u.cN() == v.cN())
&& (u.cC() == v.cC())
&& (u.cT() == v.cT())
// sample copy functor
void v_copy(const dst_mesh_t & vm, const dst_vertex_t & u, dst_vertex_t & v)
v.P() = u.cP();
v.N() = u.cN();
v.C() = u.cC();
v.T() = u.cT();
v.P() = u.cP();
v.N() = u.cN();
v.C() = u.cC();
v.T() = u.cT();
// create seams
@ -56,310 +74,310 @@ namespace tri
class AttributeSeam
typedef AttributeSeam ThisType;
enum ASMask
NORMAL_PER_WEDGE = (1 << 2),
NORMAL_PER_FACE = (1 << 3),
COLOR_PER_VERTEX = (1 << 4),
COLOR_PER_WEDGE = (1 << 5),
COLOR_PER_FACE = (1 << 6),
template <typename src_trimesh_t, typename dst_trimesh_t>
struct ASExtract
const unsigned int mask;
ASExtract(unsigned int vmask = 0) : mask(vmask)
void operator () (const src_trimesh_t & sm, const typename src_trimesh_t::FaceType & f, int k, const dst_trimesh_t & dm, typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType & v) const
const unsigned int m = this->mask;
const typename src_trimesh_t::VertexType & u = *(f.cV(k));
if ((m & AttributeSeam::POSITION_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.P() = f.cP (k);
if ((m & AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.N() = u.cN ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_WEDGE) != 0) v.N() = f.cWN(k);
if ((m & AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_FACE) != 0) v.N() = f.cN ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.C() = u.cC ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_WEDGE) != 0) v.C() = f.cWC(k);
if ((m & AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_FACE) != 0) v.C() = f.cC ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.T() = u.cT ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_WEDGE) != 0) v.T() = f.cWT(k);
template <typename dst_trimesh_t>
struct ASCompare
const unsigned int mask;
ASCompare(unsigned int vmask = 0) : mask(vmask)
bool operator () (const dst_trimesh_t & sm, const typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType & u, const typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType & v) const
const unsigned int m = this->mask;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::POSITION_PER_VERTEX)) != 0)
if (u.cP() != v.cP()) return false;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_VERTEX | AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_WEDGE | AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_FACE)) != 0)
if (u.cN() != v.cN()) return false;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_VERTEX | AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_WEDGE | AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_FACE)) != 0)
if (u.cC() != v.cC()) return false;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_VERTEX | AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_WEDGE)) != 0)
if (u.cT() != v.cT()) return false;
return true;
// in-place version
template <typename src_trimesh_t, typename extract_wedge_attribs_t, typename compare_vertex_attribs_t>
static inline bool SplitVertex(src_trimesh_t & src, extract_wedge_attribs_t v_extract, compare_vertex_attribs_t & v_compare)
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::VertexType src_vertex_t;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::VertexIterator src_vertex_i;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::FaceType src_face_t;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::FaceIterator src_face_i;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::VertContainer src_vertex_container_t;
typedef vcg::tri::Allocator<src_trimesh_t> src_mesh_allocator_t;
typedef typename src_mesh_allocator_t :: template PointerUpdater<typename src_trimesh_t::VertexPointer> src_pointer_updater_t;
if (( <= 0) || (src.fn <= 0))
return true;
src_pointer_updater_t pt_upd;
src_vertex_i vi = src_mesh_allocator_t::AddVertices(src, 1, pt_upd);
src_vertex_t * vtx = &(*vi);
src_vertex_t * vtxbase = &(src.vert[0]);
const size_t vertex_count = src.vert.size();
const size_t vertex_pool_size = vertex_count;
std::vector<int> vloc;
vloc.resize(vertex_count, -2);
int vcount = int(src.vert.size());
int idx = 0;
for (src_face_i it=src.face.begin(); it!=src.face.end(); ++it)
src_face_t & f = (*it);
if (f.IsD()) continue;
for (int k=0; k<3; ++k)
idx = (f.cV(k) - vtxbase);
v_extract(src, f, k, src, *vtx);
if (vloc[idx] == -2)
vloc[idx] = -1;
int vidx = idx;
if (v_compare(src, src.vert[vidx], *vtx)) break;
vidx = vloc[vidx];
} while (vidx >= 0);
if (vidx < 0)
vloc[idx] = vcount;
vi = src_mesh_allocator_t::AddVertices(src, 1, pt_upd);
idx = vcount;
idx = vidx;
f.V(k) = &(src.vert[idx]);
src_mesh_allocator_t::DeleteVertex(src, *vtx);
return true;
// out-of-place version
template <typename src_trimesh_t, typename dst_trimesh_t, typename extract_wedge_attribs_t, typename compare_vertex_attribs_t, typename copy_vertex_t>
static inline bool SplitVertex(const src_trimesh_t & src, dst_trimesh_t & dst, extract_wedge_attribs_t & v_extract, compare_vertex_attribs_t & v_compare, copy_vertex_t & v_copy)
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::VertexType src_vertex_t;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::FaceType src_face_t;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::ConstFaceIterator src_face_ci;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::VertContainer dst_vertex_container_t;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType dst_vertex_t;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexIterator dst_vertex_i;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::FaceType dst_face_t;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::FaceIterator dst_face_i;
typedef vcg::tri::Allocator<dst_trimesh_t> dst_mesh_allocator_t;
/* GCC gets in troubles and need some hints ("template") to parse the following line */
typedef typename dst_mesh_allocator_t :: template PointerUpdater<typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexPointer> dst_pointer_updater_t;
if (reinterpret_cast<const void *>(&src) == reinterpret_cast<const void *>(&dst))
return false;
if (( <= 0) || (src.fn <= 0))
return true;
const size_t vertex_count = src.vert.size();
const size_t vertex_pool_size = vertex_count;
const src_vertex_t * vtxbase = &(src.vert[0]);
std::vector<int> vloc;
vloc.resize(vertex_count, -2);
dst_vertex_i vv;
dst_pointer_updater_t pt_upd;
pt_upd.preventUpdateFlag = true;
dst_mesh_allocator_t::AddVertices(dst, 1 + int(vertex_count), pt_upd);
dst_vertex_t * vtx = &(dst.vert[0]);
dst_face_i fbase = dst_mesh_allocator_t::AddFaces(dst, src.fn);
dst_face_i fi = fbase;
int vcount = int(dst.vert.size());
int idx = 0;
for (src_face_ci it=src.face.begin(); it!=src.face.end(); ++it)
const src_face_t & wf = (*it);
if (wf.IsD()) continue;
dst_face_t & vf = (*fi);
for (int k=0; k<3; ++k)
idx = (wf.cV(k) - vtxbase);
v_extract(src, wf, k, dst, *vtx);
if (vloc[idx] == -2)
vloc[idx] = -1;
v_copy(dst, *vtx, dst.vert[idx]);
int vidx = idx;
if (v_compare(dst, dst.vert[vidx], *vtx)) break;
vidx = vloc[vidx];
} while (vidx >= 0);
if (vidx < 0)
vloc[idx] = vcount;
vv = dst_mesh_allocator_t::AddVertices(dst, 1, pt_upd);
v_copy(dst, *vtx, *vv);
idx = vcount;
idx = vidx;
vf.V(k) = reinterpret_cast<dst_vertex_t *>(idx);
std::vector<int> tmp;
dst_vertex_t * vstart = &(dst.vert[0]);
for (dst_face_i it=fbase; it!=dst.face.end(); ++it)
dst_face_t & vf = (*it);
typedef AttributeSeam ThisType;
enum ASMask
NORMAL_PER_WEDGE = (1 << 2),
NORMAL_PER_FACE = (1 << 3),
COLOR_PER_VERTEX = (1 << 4),
COLOR_PER_WEDGE = (1 << 5),
COLOR_PER_FACE = (1 << 6),
template <typename src_trimesh_t, typename dst_trimesh_t>
struct ASExtract
const unsigned int mask;
ASExtract(unsigned int vmask = 0) : mask(vmask)
void operator () (const src_trimesh_t & sm, const typename src_trimesh_t::FaceType & f, int k, const dst_trimesh_t & dm, typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType & v) const
const unsigned int m = this->mask;
const typename src_trimesh_t::VertexType & u = *(f.cV(k));
if ((m & AttributeSeam::POSITION_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.P() = f.cP (k);
if ((m & AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.N() = u.cN ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_WEDGE) != 0) v.N() = f.cWN(k);
if ((m & AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_FACE) != 0) v.N() = f.cN ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.C() = u.cC ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_WEDGE) != 0) v.C() = f.cWC(k);
if ((m & AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_FACE) != 0) v.C() = f.cC ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.T() = u.cT ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_WEDGE) != 0) v.T() = f.cWT(k);
template <typename dst_trimesh_t>
struct ASCompare
const unsigned int mask;
ASCompare(unsigned int vmask = 0) : mask(vmask)
bool operator () (const dst_trimesh_t & sm, const typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType & u, const typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType & v) const
const unsigned int m = this->mask;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::POSITION_PER_VERTEX)) != 0)
if (u.cP() != v.cP()) return false;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_VERTEX | AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_WEDGE | AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_FACE)) != 0)
if (u.cN() != v.cN()) return false;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_VERTEX | AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_WEDGE | AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_FACE)) != 0)
if (u.cC() != v.cC()) return false;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_VERTEX | AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_WEDGE)) != 0)
if (u.cT() != v.cT()) return false;
return true;
// in-place version
template <typename src_trimesh_t, typename extract_wedge_attribs_t, typename compare_vertex_attribs_t>
static inline bool SplitVertex(src_trimesh_t & src, extract_wedge_attribs_t v_extract, compare_vertex_attribs_t & v_compare)
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::VertexType src_vertex_t;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::VertexIterator src_vertex_i;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::FaceType src_face_t;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::FaceIterator src_face_i;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::VertContainer src_vertex_container_t;
typedef vcg::tri::Allocator<src_trimesh_t> src_mesh_allocator_t;
typedef typename src_mesh_allocator_t :: template PointerUpdater<typename src_trimesh_t::VertexPointer> src_pointer_updater_t;
if (( <= 0) || (src.fn <= 0))
return true;
src_pointer_updater_t pt_upd;
src_vertex_i vi = src_mesh_allocator_t::AddVertices(src, 1, pt_upd);
src_vertex_t * vtx = &(*vi);
src_vertex_t * vtxbase = &(src.vert[0]);
const size_t vertex_count = src.vert.size();
const size_t vertex_pool_size = vertex_count;
std::vector<int> vloc;
vloc.resize(vertex_count, -2);
int vcount = int(src.vert.size());
int idx = 0;
for (src_face_i it=src.face.begin(); it!=src.face.end(); ++it)
src_face_t & f = (*it);
if (f.IsD()) continue;
for (int k=0; k<3; ++k)
idx = (f.cV(k) - vtxbase);
v_extract(src, f, k, src, *vtx);
if (vloc[idx] == -2)
vloc[idx] = -1;
int vidx = idx;
if (v_compare(src, src.vert[vidx], *vtx)) break;
vidx = vloc[vidx];
} while (vidx >= 0);
if (vidx < 0)
vloc[idx] = vcount;
vi = src_mesh_allocator_t::AddVertices(src, 1, pt_upd);
idx = vcount;
idx = vidx;
f.V(k) = &(src.vert[idx]);
src_mesh_allocator_t::DeleteVertex(src, *vtx);
return true;
// out-of-place version
template <typename src_trimesh_t, typename dst_trimesh_t, typename extract_wedge_attribs_t, typename compare_vertex_attribs_t, typename copy_vertex_t>
static inline bool SplitVertex(const src_trimesh_t & src, dst_trimesh_t & dst, extract_wedge_attribs_t & v_extract, compare_vertex_attribs_t & v_compare, copy_vertex_t & v_copy)
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::VertexType src_vertex_t;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::FaceType src_face_t;
typedef typename src_trimesh_t::ConstFaceIterator src_face_ci;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::VertContainer dst_vertex_container_t;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType dst_vertex_t;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexIterator dst_vertex_i;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::FaceType dst_face_t;
typedef typename dst_trimesh_t::FaceIterator dst_face_i;
typedef vcg::tri::Allocator<dst_trimesh_t> dst_mesh_allocator_t;
/* GCC gets in troubles and need some hints ("template") to parse the following line */
typedef typename dst_mesh_allocator_t :: template PointerUpdater<typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexPointer> dst_pointer_updater_t;
if (reinterpret_cast<const void *>(&src) == reinterpret_cast<const void *>(&dst))
return false;
if (( <= 0) || (src.fn <= 0))
return true;
const size_t vertex_count = src.vert.size();
const size_t vertex_pool_size = vertex_count;
const src_vertex_t * vtxbase = &(src.vert[0]);
std::vector<int> vloc;
vloc.resize(vertex_count, -2);
dst_vertex_i vv;
dst_pointer_updater_t pt_upd;
pt_upd.preventUpdateFlag = true;
dst_mesh_allocator_t::AddVertices(dst, 1 + int(vertex_count), pt_upd);
dst_vertex_t * vtx = &(dst.vert[0]);
dst_face_i fbase = dst_mesh_allocator_t::AddFaces(dst, src.fn);
dst_face_i fi = fbase;
int vcount = int(dst.vert.size());
int idx = 0;
for (src_face_ci it=src.face.begin(); it!=src.face.end(); ++it)
const src_face_t & wf = (*it);
if (wf.IsD()) continue;
dst_face_t & vf = (*fi);
for (int k=0; k<3; ++k)
idx = (wf.cV(k) - vtxbase);
v_extract(src, wf, k, dst, *vtx);
if (vloc[idx] == -2)
vloc[idx] = -1;
v_copy(dst, *vtx, dst.vert[idx]);
int vidx = idx;
if (v_compare(dst, dst.vert[vidx], *vtx)) break;
vidx = vloc[vidx];
} while (vidx >= 0);
if (vidx < 0)
vloc[idx] = vcount;
vv = dst_mesh_allocator_t::AddVertices(dst, 1, pt_upd);
v_copy(dst, *vtx, *vv);
idx = vcount;
idx = vidx;
vf.V(k) = reinterpret_cast<dst_vertex_t *>(idx);
std::vector<int> tmp;
dst_vertex_t * vstart = &(dst.vert[0]);
for (dst_face_i it=fbase; it!=dst.face.end(); ++it)
dst_face_t & vf = (*it);
vf.V(0) = vstart + reinterpret_cast<const int>(vf.V(0));
vf.V(1) = vstart + reinterpret_cast<const int>(vf.V(1));
vf.V(2) = vstart + reinterpret_cast<const int>(vf.V(2));
dst_mesh_allocator_t::DeleteVertex(dst, *vtx);
return true;
vf.V(0) = vstart + reinterpret_cast<const int>(vf.V(0));
vf.V(1) = vstart + reinterpret_cast<const int>(vf.V(1));
vf.V(2) = vstart + reinterpret_cast<const int>(vf.V(2));
dst_mesh_allocator_t::DeleteVertex(dst, *vtx);
return true;
} // end namespace tri

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/bitquad_support.h>
#include <vcg/complex/allocate.h>
/** BIT-QUAD creation support:
a collection of methods that,
@ -347,11 +346,11 @@ static bool IsTriOnly(const MeshType &m){
/* returns true if mesh is a pure quad-mesh. */
static bool IsQuadOnly(const MeshType &m){
for (ConstFaceIterator fi = m.face.begin(); fi!=m.face.end(); fi++) if (!fi->IsD()) {
int count = 0;
if (fi->IsF(0)) count++;
if (fi->IsF(1)) count++;
if (fi->IsF(2)) count++;
if (count!=1) return false;
int count = 0;
if (fi->IsF(0)) count++;
if (fi->IsF(1)) count++;
if (fi->IsF(2)) count++;
if (count!=1) return false;
return true;
@ -359,11 +358,11 @@ static bool IsQuadOnly(const MeshType &m){
/* returns true if mesh has only tris and quads (no penta etc) */
static bool IsTriQuadOnly(const MeshType &m){
for (ConstFaceIterator fi = m.face.begin(); fi!=m.face.end(); fi++) if (!fi->IsD()) {
int count = 0;
if (fi->IsF(0)) count++;
if (fi->IsF(1)) count++;
if (fi->IsF(2)) count++;
if (count>1) return false;
int count = 0;
if (fi->IsF(0)) count++;
if (fi->IsF(1)) count++;
if (fi->IsF(2)) count++;
if (count>1) return false;
return true;
@ -443,22 +442,22 @@ static void MakePureByRefine(MeshType &m){
VertexType *nv = &*nvi; nvi++;
//*nv = *fi->V0( 0 ); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
nv->ImportData(*(fi->V0( 0 ))); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
nv->ImportData(*(fi->V0( 0 ))); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
nv->P() = ( fi->V(0)->P() + fi->V(1)->P() + fi->V(2)->P() ) /3.0;
FaceType *fa = &*fi;
FaceType *fb = &*nfi; nfi++;
FaceType *fc = &*nfi; nfi++;
fb->ImportData(*fa); CopyTopology(fb,fa);
fc->ImportData(*fa); CopyTopology(fc,fa);
fb->ImportData(*fa); CopyTopology(fb,fa);
fc->ImportData(*fa); CopyTopology(fc,fa);
fa->V(0) = nv;
fb->V(1) = nv;
fc->V(2) = nv;
fb->FFp(2)=fa->FFp(2); fb->FFi(2)=fa->FFi(2);
fc->FFp(0)=fa->FFp(0); fc->FFi(0)=fa->FFi(0);
fc->FFp(0)=fa->FFp(0); fc->FFi(0)=fa->FFi(0);
assert( fa->FFp(1)->FFp(fa->FFi(1)) == fa );
/* */fb->FFp(2)->FFp(fb->FFi(2)) = fb;
@ -517,7 +516,7 @@ static void MakePureByRefine(MeshType &m){
VertexType *nv = &*nvi; nvi++;
// *nv = * fa->V0( ea2 );
nv->ImportData(*(fa->V0( ea2 ) )); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
nv->ImportData(*(fa->V0( ea2 ) )); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
//nv->P() = ( fa->V(ea2)->P() + fa->V(ea0)->P() ) /2.0;
// split faces: add 2 faces (one per side)
@ -526,8 +525,8 @@ static void MakePureByRefine(MeshType &m){
FaceType *fd = &*nfi; nfi++;
fc->ImportData(*fa ); CopyTopology(fc,fa); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
fd->ImportData(*fb ); CopyTopology(fd,fb);// lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
fc->ImportData(*fa ); CopyTopology(fc,fa); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
fd->ImportData(*fb ); CopyTopology(fd,fb);// lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
fa->V(ea2) = fc->V(ea0) =
fb->V(eb2) = fd->V(eb0) = nv ;
@ -621,13 +620,13 @@ static void MakePureByRefine(MeshType &m){
// create new vert in center of faux edge
VertexType *nv = &*nvi; nvi++;
//*nv = * fa->V0( ea2 );
nv->ImportData(*(fa->V0( ea2 ) )); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
nv->ImportData(*(fa->V0( ea2 ) )); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
nv->P() = ( fa->V(ea2)->P() + fa->V(ea0)->P() ) /2.0;
// split face: add 1 face
FaceType *fc = &*nfi; nfi++;
fc->ImportData(*fa);CopyTopology(fc,fa); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
fc->ImportData(*fa);CopyTopology(fc,fa); // lazy: copy everything from the old vertex
fa->V(ea2) = fc->V(ea0) = nv ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <vcg/simplex/face/jumping_pos.h>
#include <vcg/simplex/face/topology.h>
#include <vcg/space/planar_polygon_tessellation.h>
@ -811,8 +809,8 @@ static bool CollapseDiag(FaceType &f, ScalarType interpol, MeshType& m, Pos* aff
pf = t;
} while ((pf!=fb));
pi = fauxb;
pf = fb;
pi = fauxb;
pf = fb;
do {
pf->V(pi) = va;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ class FrontEdge {
bool operator==(const FrontEdge& f) const
return ((v0 == f.v0) && (v1 == f.v1) && (v2 == f.v2) );
return ((v0 == f.v0) && (v1 == f.v1) && (v2 == f.v2) );
template <class MESH> class AdvancingFront {
@ -79,18 +79,18 @@ template <class MESH> class AdvancingFront {
void BuildMesh(CallBackPos call = NULL, int interval = 512)
float finalfacesext = mesh.vert.size() * 2.0f;
if(call) call(0, "Advancing front");
while(1) {
if(call) call(0, "Advancing front");
while(1) {
for(int i = 0; i < interval; i++) {
if(!front.size() && !SeedFace()) return;
float rap = float(mesh.face.size()) / finalfacesext;
int perc = (int) (100.0f * rap);
(*call)(perc,"Adding Faces");
float rap = float(mesh.face.size()) / finalfacesext;
int perc = (int) (100.0f * rap);
(*call)(perc,"Adding Faces");
@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ public:
assert(nb[v0] < 10 && nb[v1] < 10);
ResultIterator touch;
touch.first = FRONT;
touch.second = front.end();
touch.first = FRONT;
touch.second = front.end();
int v2 = Place(current, touch);
if(v2 == -1) {
@ -202,10 +202,10 @@ public:
assert(v2 != v0 && v2 != v1);
if ((touch.first == FRONT) && (touch.second != front.end()) ||
(touch.first == DEADS) && (touch.second != deads.end()))
if ( ( (touch.first == FRONT) && (touch.second != front.end()) ) ||
( (touch.first == DEADS) && (touch.second != deads.end()) ) )
//check for orientation and manifoldness
//touch == current.previous?
@ -307,9 +307,9 @@ public:
else if ((touch.first == FRONT) && (touch.second == front.end()) ||
(touch.first == DEADS) && (touch.second == deads.end()))
else if (((touch.first == FRONT) && (touch.second == front.end())) ||
((touch.first == DEADS) && (touch.second == deads.end())) )
// assert(CheckEdge(v0, v2));
// assert(CheckEdge(v2, v1));
/* adding a new vertex
@ -425,15 +425,15 @@ protected:
void KillEdge(std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator e)
if (e->active)
(*e).active = false;
//std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator res = std::find(front.begin(),front.end(),e);
FrontEdge tmp = *e;
deads.splice(deads.end(), front, e);
std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator newe = std::find(deads.begin(),deads.end(),tmp);
tmp.previous->next = newe;>previous = newe;
(*e).active = false;
//std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator res = std::find(front.begin(),front.end(),e);
FrontEdge tmp = *e;
deads.splice(deads.end(), front, e);
std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator newe = std::find(deads.begin(),deads.end(),tmp);
tmp.previous->next = newe;>previous = newe;
void Erase(std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator e) {
@ -518,27 +518,27 @@ template <class MESH> class AdvancingTest: public AdvancingFront<MESH> {
int vn = this->mesh.vert.size();
for(int i = 0; i < this->mesh.vert.size(); i++)
if((this->mesh.vert[i].P() - point).Norm() < 0.1)
vn = i;
//find the border
for(std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator k = this->front.begin(); k != this->front.end(); k++)
if((*k).v0 == i)
vn = i;
//find the border
for(std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator k = this->front.begin(); k != this->front.end(); k++)
if((*k).v0 == i)
touch.first = AdvancingFront<MESH>::FRONT;
touch.second = k;
touch.second = k;
for(std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator k = this->deads.begin(); k != this->deads.end(); k++)
if((*k).v0 == i)
if((*k).v0 == i)
for(std::list<FrontEdge>::iterator k = this->deads.begin(); k != this->deads.end(); k++)
if((*k).v0 == i)
if((*k).v0 == i)
touch.first = AdvancingFront<MESH>::FRONT;
touch.second = k;
touch.second = k;
if(vn == this->mesh.vert.size()) {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -24,10 +24,6 @@
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/flag.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/selection.h>
#include <set>
namespace vcg {
namespace tri {
/** \ingroup trimesh */
@ -68,7 +64,7 @@ public:
typedef typename ConstMeshRight::FacePointer FacePointerRight;
struct Remap{
std::vector<int> vert,face,edge, hedge;
std::vector<int> vert,face,edge, hedge;
static void ImportVertexAdj(MeshLeft &ml, ConstMeshRight &mr, VertexLeft &vl, VertexRight &vr, Remap &remap ){
@ -316,60 +312,60 @@ static void Mesh(MeshLeft& ml, ConstMeshRight& mr, const bool selected = false,
// phase 3.
// take care of other per mesh data: textures, attributes
// phase 3.
// take care of other per mesh data: textures, attributes
// At the end concatenate the vector with texture names.
// At the end concatenate the vector with texture names.
// Attributes. Copy only those attributes that are present in both meshes
// Two attributes in different meshes are considered the same if they have the same
// name and the same type. This may be deceiving because they could in fact have
// different semantic, but this is up to the developer.
// If the left mesh has attributes that are not in the right mesh, their values for the elements
// of the right mesh will be uninitialized
// Attributes. Copy only those attributes that are present in both meshes
// Two attributes in different meshes are considered the same if they have the same
// name and the same type. This may be deceiving because they could in fact have
// different semantic, but this is up to the developer.
// If the left mesh has attributes that are not in the right mesh, their values for the elements
// of the right mesh will be uninitialized
unsigned int id_r;
typename std::set< PointerToAttribute >::iterator al, ar;
unsigned int id_r;
typename std::set< PointerToAttribute >::iterator al, ar;
// per vertex attributes
for(al = ml.vert_attr.begin(); al != ml.vert_attr.end(); ++al)
ar = mr.vert_attr.find(*al);
if(ar!= mr.vert_attr.end()){
id_r = 0;
if( !(*vi).IsD() && (!selected || (*vi).IsS()))
// per vertex attributes
for(al = ml.vert_attr.begin(); al != ml.vert_attr.end(); ++al)
ar = mr.vert_attr.find(*al);
if(ar!= mr.vert_attr.end()){
id_r = 0;
if( !(*vi).IsD() && (!selected || (*vi).IsS()))
// per edge attributes
for(al = ml.edge_attr.begin(); al != ml.edge_attr.end(); ++al)
ar = mr.edge_attr.find(*al);
if(ar!= mr.edge_attr.end()){
id_r = 0;
if( !(*ei).IsD() && (!selected || (*ei).IsS()))
// per edge attributes
for(al = ml.edge_attr.begin(); al != ml.edge_attr.end(); ++al)
ar = mr.edge_attr.find(*al);
if(ar!= mr.edge_attr.end()){
id_r = 0;
if( !(*ei).IsD() && (!selected || (*ei).IsS()))
// per face attributes
for(al = ml.face_attr.begin(); al != ml.face_attr.end(); ++al)
ar = mr.face_attr.find(*al);
if(ar!= mr.face_attr.end()){
id_r = 0;
if( !(*fi).IsD() && (!selected || (*fi).IsS()))
// per face attributes
for(al = ml.face_attr.begin(); al != ml.face_attr.end(); ++al)
ar = mr.face_attr.find(*al);
if(ar!= mr.face_attr.end()){
id_r = 0;
if( !(*fi).IsD() && (!selected || (*fi).IsS()))
// per mesh attributes
// if both ml and mr have an attribute with the same name, no action is done

View File

@ -21,21 +21,30 @@
* *
#ifndef __VCG_MESH
#ifndef __VCG_MESH_H
#define __VCG_MESH_H
#define __VCG_MESH
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <exception>
#include <stack>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <limits>
#include <set>
#include <vcg/complex/exception.h>
#include <vcg/container/simple_temporary_data.h>
#include <vcg/complex/used_types.h>
#include <vcg/complex/base.h>
#include <vcg/complex/allocate.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/flag.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/selection.h>
#include <vcg/complex/append.h>
#undef __VCG_MESH