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Paolo Cignoni 2009-08-02 21:43:13 +00:00
parent fa287ce0ab
commit b507e2e8f7
1 changed files with 87 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -1,20 +1,44 @@
* MeshLab o o *
* A versatile mesh processing toolbox o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2007 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
#include <vcg/math/gen_normal.h>
#include <vcg/math/random_generator.h>
//#include <vcg/math/point_matching.h>
#include <vcg/space/index/grid_static_ptr.h>
#include <vcg/complex/trimesh/closest.h>
#include <vcg/complex/trimesh/point_sampling.h>
//#include <meshlabplugins/edit_pickpoints/pickedPoints.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace vcg;
* \brief This class provides a strategy to estimate the overlap percentage of two range maps/point clouds.
* \author Francesco Tonarelli
template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
@ -31,6 +55,7 @@ template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
typedef tri::VertTmark<MeshType> MarkerVertex;
/** Private simple class needed to perform sampling of pointers to vertexes. */
class VertexPointerSampler
@ -41,26 +66,28 @@ template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
~VertexPointerSampler(){ if(m) delete m; }
vector<VertexType*> sampleVec;
void AddVert(VertexType &p){ sampleVec.push_back(&p); }
void AddVert(VertexType &p){ sampleVec.push_back(&p); } //this function is the only we really need
void AddFace(const FaceType &f, const CoordType &p){}
void AddTextureSample(const FaceType &, const CoordType &, const Point2i &){}
/** \brief Public class to hold parameters. Used to avoid endless list of parameters inside functions.
* \author Francesco Tonarelli
class Parameters
int samples; //number of samples
int bestScore; //used to paint mMove: paint only if is a best score
float consensusDist; //consensus distance
float consensusNormalsAngle; //holds the the consensus angle for normals, in gradients.
float threshold; //consensus % to win consensus;
bool normalEqualization; //to use normal equalization in consensus
bool paint; //to paint mMov according to consensus
void (*log)(int level, const char * f, ... ); //pointer to log function
int samples; ///< Number of samples.
int bestScore; ///< Score to overcome to paint \c mMov . Used inside loop to paint only the best result.
float consensusDist; ///< Consensus distance.
float consensusNormalsAngle; ///< Holds the the consensus angle for normals, in gradients.
float threshold; ///< Consensus percentage requested to win consensus.
bool normalEqualization; ///< Allows to use normal equalization sampling in consensus
bool paint; ///< Allows painting of \c mMov according to consensus.
void (*log)(int level, const char * f, ... ); ///< Pointer to a log function.
/** Constructor with default values. */
samples = 2500;
@ -74,21 +101,30 @@ template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
MeshType* mFix, *mMov;
MeshType* mFix; /** Pointer to mesh \c mFix. */
MeshType* mMov; /** Pointer to mesh \c mMov. */
vector<vector<int> >* normBuckets; //structure to hold normals bucketing. Needed for normal equalized sampling during consensus
MeshGrid* gridFix; //variable to manage uniform grid
MarkerVertex markerFunctorFix; //variable to manage uniform grid
/** Default constructor. */
OverlapEstimation() : normBuckets(NULL), gridFix(NULL){}
/** Default destructor. Deallocates structures. */
if(normBuckets) delete normBuckets;
if(gridFix) delete gridFix;
/** Set the fix mesh \c mFix. */
void SetFix(MeshType& m){ mFix = &m; }
/** Set the move mesh \c mMov. */
void SetMove(MeshType& m){ mMov = &m; }
/** Paint \c mMov according to the overlap estimation result. Works only if \c Compute() or \c Check() have
* been previously called with \c Parameters.paint=true .<br>Legend: \arg \e red: points overlaps correctly.
* \arg \e blue: points are too far to overlap. \arg \e yellow: points are close, but normals mismatch.
void Paint()
for(VertexIterator vi=mMov->vert.begin(); vi!=mMov->vert.end(); vi++){
@ -100,6 +136,10 @@ template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
/** Initializes structures.
* @param param A reference to a \c Parameter class containing all the desidered options to estimate overlap.
* \return \c true if everything goes right.
bool Init(Parameters& param){
//builds the uniform grid with mFix vertices
gridFix = new MeshGrid();
@ -115,13 +155,20 @@ template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
return true;
/** Compute the overlap estimation between \c mFix and \c mMov.
* @param param A reference to a \c Parameter class containing all the desidered options to estimate overlap.
* \return The percentage of overlap in the range \c [0..1] .
float Compute(Parameters& param)
return Check(param)/float(param.samples);
//compute the randomized consensus beetween m1 e m2 (without taking in account any additional transformation)
//IMPORTANT: per vertex normals of m1 and m2 MUST BE PROVIDED JET NORMALIZED!!!
/** Compute the overlap estimation between \c mFix and \c mMov.
* @param param A reference to a \c Parameter class containing all the desidered options to estimate overlap.
* \return The number of points that overlap correctly. This number is in the range \c [0..param.samples] .
//IMPORTANT: per vertex normals of mMov and mFix MUST BE PROVIDED YET NORMALIZED!!!
int Check(Parameters& param)
//pointer to a function to compute distance beetween points
@ -182,9 +229,7 @@ template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
//apply colors if consensus is the best ever found.
//NOTE: we got to do this here becouse we need a handle to sampler. This is becouse vertex have been shuffled
//and so colors have been stored not in order in the buffer!
//Paint the mesh only if required and if consensus is the best ever found. Colors have been stores as numbers into quality attribute
if(consensus>=param.bestScore && consensus>=cons_succ) Paint();
@ -193,21 +238,25 @@ template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
/** Fill the vector \c vert with \c sampleNum pointers to vertexes sampled uniformly from mesh \c m .
* @param m Source mesh.
* @param vert Destination vector.
* @param sampleNum Requested number of vertexes.
void SampleVertUniform(MESH_TYPE& m, vector<typename MESH_TYPE::VertexPointer>& vert, int sampleNum)
VertexPointerSampler sampler;
tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType, VertexPointerSampler>::VertexUniform(m, sampler, sampleNum);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<sampler.sampleVec.size(); i++) vert.push_back(sampler.sampleVec[i]);
/** Buckets normals of the vertexes contained in \c vert .
* \return A vector of vectors containing indexes to \c vert .
vector<vector<int> >* BucketVertexNormal(typename MESH_TYPE::VertContainer& vert, int bucketDim = 30)
static vector<Point3f> NV;
if(NV.size()==0) GenNormal<float>::Uniform(bucketDim,NV);
// Bucket vector dove, per ogni normale metto gli indici
// dei vertici ad essa corrispondenti
vector<vector<int> >* BKT = new vector<vector<int> >(NV.size()); //NV size is greater then bucketDim, so don't change this!
int ind;
@ -218,7 +267,10 @@ template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
return BKT;
/** Samples the \c vert vector in a normal equalized way.
* \return \c SampleNum pointers to vertexes sampled in a normal equalized way. Pointers are stored in
* the \c vert (i.e it is an \c in/out parameter).
bool SampleVertNormalEqualized(vector<typename MESH_TYPE::VertexPointer>& vert, int SampleNum)
@ -244,16 +296,21 @@ template<class MESH_TYPE> class OverlapEstimation
return true;
/** Function to retrieve a static random number generator object.
* \return A \c SubtractiveRingRNG object.
static math::SubtractiveRingRNG &LocRnd(){
static math::SubtractiveRingRNG myrnd(time(NULL));
return myrnd;
/** Gets a random number in the interval \c [0..n] . Number is
* produced by a \c SubtractiveRingRNG object initialized once for all.
* \return A random number in the interval \c [0..n] .
static int LocRnd(int n){
return LocRnd().generate(n);
/** Put \c mFix into a grid. */
inline void SetupGrid()