This commit is contained in:
ganovelli 2004-07-15 09:52:07 +00:00
parent aa4cdc3701
commit b6e059a47b
1 changed files with 284 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
struct FAIL{
static VOL(){static int vol=0; return vol++;}
static LKF(){static int lkf=0; return lkf++;}
static LKE(){static int lke=0; return lke++;}
static LKV(){static int lkv=0; return lkv++;}
static OFD(){static int ofd=0; return ofd++;}
static BOR(){static int bor=0; return bor++;}
namespace vcg{
namespace tri{
/** \addtogroup trimesh */
/// This Class is specialization of LocalModification for the edge collapse
/// It wraps the atomic operation EdgeCollapse to be used in a optimizatin routine.
/// Note that it has knowledge of the heap of the class LocalOptimization because
/// it is responsible of updating it after a collapse has been performed
template<class TRI_MESH_TYPE>
class TriEdgeCollapse: public LocalOptimization<TRI_MESH_TYPE>::LocModType
/// The tetrahedral mesh type
typedef typename TRI_MESH_TYPE TriMeshType;
/// The tetrahedron type
typedef typename TriMeshType::FaceType FaceType;
/// The vertex type
typedef typename FaceType::VertexType VertexType;
/// The coordinate type
typedef typename FaceType::VertexType::CoordType CoordType;
/// The scalar type
typedef typename TriMeshType::VertexType::ScalarType ScalarType;
/////the base type class
//typedef typename vcg::tri::LocalModification LocalMod;
/// The HEdgePos type
typedef vcg::face::Pos<FaceType> PosType;
/// The HEdgePos Loop type
// typedef PosLoop<FaceType> PosLType;
/// definition of the heap element
typedef typename LocalOptimization<TRI_MESH_TYPE>::HeapElem HeapElem;
///the new point that substitute the edge
Point3<ScalarType> _NewPoint;
///the pointer to edge collapser method
EdgeCollapse<TriMeshType> _EC;
///mark for up_dating
static int& _Imark(){ static int im=0; return im;}
///the pos of collapse
PosType pos;
///pointer to vertex that remain
VertexType *vrem;
/// priority in the heap
ScalarType _priority;
/// Default Constructor
///Constructor with postype
TriEdgeCollapse(PosType p,int mark)
_Imark() = mark;
_priority = _AspectRatioMedia(p);
///Return the aspect Ratio media of the tetrahedrons
///that share the adge to collapse
ScalarType _AspectRatioMedia(PosType p)
/* PosLType posl=PosLType(p.T(),p.F(),p.E(),p.V());
int num=0;
ScalarType ratio_media=0.f;
return (ratio_media);*/
///Modify pos and alfa to obtain the collapse that minimize the error
ScalarType _VolumePreservingError(PosType &pos,CoordType &new_point,int nsteps)
//VertexType *ve0=(pos.T()->V(Tetra::VofE(pos.E(),0)));
//VertexType *ve1=(pos.T()->V(Tetra::VofE(pos.E(),1)));
//vrem =ve0;
//bool ext_v0=ve0->IsB();
//bool ext_v1=ve1->IsB();
//ScalarType best_error=0.f;
// if ((ext_v0)&&(!ext_v1))
// new_point=ve0->P();
// else
// if ((!ext_v0)&&(ext_v1))
// new_point=ve1->P();
// else
// if ((!ext_v0)&&(!ext_v1))
// new_point=(ve0->P()+ve1->P())/2.f;
// else
// if ((ext_v0)&&(ext_v1))//both are external vertex
// {
// ScalarType step=1.f/(nsteps-1);
// ScalarType Vol_Original=_EC.VolumeOriginal();
// for (int i=0;i<nsteps;i++)
// {
// best_error=1000000.f;
// ScalarType alfatemp=step*((double)i);
// CoordType newPTemp=(ve0->P()*alfatemp) +(ve1->P()*(1.f-alfatemp));
// //the error is the absolute value of difference of volumes
// ScalarType error=fabs(Vol_Original-_EC.VolumeSimulateCollapse(pos,newPTemp));
// if(error<best_error)
// {
// new_point=newPTemp;
// best_error=error;
// }
// }
// }
// return (best_error);
ScalarType ComputePriority()
return (_priority = 0);
ScalarType ComputeError()
return 0;
int Execute()
return -_EC.DoCollapse(pos,_NewPoint);
// _EC.FindSets(pos);
// return -_EC.DoCollapse(pos,_NewPoint);
void UpdateHeap(LocalOptimization<TRI_MESH_TYPE>::HeapType & h_ret)
vcg::face::VFIterator<FaceType> VFi(pos.V(1)->VFp(),pos.V(1)->VFi());
while (!VFi.End())
for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
PosType p;
h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new TriEdgeCollapse<TriMeshType>(p,_Imark())));
//// update the mark of the vertices
VFi.f->V(VFi.z)->IMark() = _Imark();
VFi.f->V( (VFi.z+1) % 3 )->IMark() = _Imark();
ModifierType IsOfType(){ return TriEdgeCollapseOp;}
bool IsFeasible(){
return (!pos.V(0)->IsS() // bruttino qui...non toccare i vertici selezionati (pro-ponchio)
&& _EC.LinkConditions(pos));
bool IsUpToDate(){
VertexType *v0=pos.V(0);
VertexType *v1=pos.V(1);
if(! (( (!v0->IsD()) && (!v1->IsD())) &&
_Imark()>=v0->IMark() &&
return false;
return true;
virtual ScalarType Priority(){
// return _priority;
virtual void Init(TriMeshType&m,LocalOptimization<TRI_MESH_TYPE>::HeapType&h_ret){
TriMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
int j;
for(fi = m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end();++fi)
for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
PosType p=PosType(&*fi,j,(*fi).V(j));
h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new TriEdgeCollapse<TriMeshType>(p,m.IMark())));
}//end namespace tri
}//end namespace vcg
/// return the type of operation
//virtual ModifierType IsOfType() = 0 ;
///// return true if the data have not changed since it was created
//virtual bool IsUpToDate() = 0 ;
///// return true if no constraint disallow this operation to be performed (ex: change of topology in edge collapses)
//virtual bool IsFeasible() = 0;
///// Compute the priority to be used in the heap
//virtual ScalarType ComputePriority()=0;
///// Return the priority to be used in the heap (implement static priority)
//virtual ScalarType Priority()=0;
///// Compute the error caused by this modification (can be the same as priority)
//virtual ScalarType ComputeError()=0;
///// Perform the operation and return the variation in the number of simplicies (>0 is refinement, <0 is simplification)
//virtual int Execute()=0;
///// perform initialization
//virtual void Init(MESH_TYPE&m,HeapType&)=0;
///// Update the heap as a consequence of this operation
//virtual void UpdateHeap(HeapType&)=0;