Added doxygen documentation

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Paolo Cignoni 2008-03-14 16:54:34 +00:00
parent 4725bc5aec
commit b768cce86c
1 changed files with 141 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.6 2008/03/02 16:44:18 benedetti
moved ActiveCoordinateFrame to its own files
Revision 1.5 2008/02/22 20:04:02 benedetti
many user interface improvements, cleaned up a little
@ -45,53 +48,178 @@ first version
namespace vcg {
@brief The CoordinateFrame class.
This class can draw the standard icon for a 3D coordinate frame.
class CoordinateFrame
// functions:
// functions:
@brief The constructor.
Initialize the CoordinateFrame data.
@param size the distance from the origin to the endpoint of the arrows.
CoordinateFrame(float size);
@brief The destructor.
The destructor.
virtual ~CoordinateFrame() {}
virtual void Render(QGLWidget*);
@brief Render the coordinate frame.
@param glw the GL widget.
virtual void Render(QGLWidget* glw);
// data
/// The color used for the ticks, the ticks values and the head of the arrows.
Color4b basecolor;
/// The color of the X axis and label.
Color4b xcolor;
/// The color of the Y axis and label.
Color4b ycolor;
/// The color of the Z axis and label.
Color4b zcolor;
/// The distance from the origin to the endpoint of the arrows.
float size;
/// The width of the lines.
float linewidth;
/// The font used for the labels and the ticks values.
QFont font;
/// The flag that enables axes rendering.
bool drawaxis;
/// The flag that enables lablels rendering.
bool drawlabels;
/// The flag that enables ticks values rendering.
bool drawvalues;
// functions:
// functions:
void drawTickedLine(const Point3d &, const Point3d &, float, float,float);
float calcSlope(const Point3d &, const Point3d &, float, int , double *, double *, GLint *);
float niceRound(float);
@brief The MovableCoordinateFrame class.
This class extends the coordinate frame with the ability of being programmatically rototranslated.
class MovableCoordinateFrame: public CoordinateFrame
@brief The constructor.
Initialize the MovableCoordinateFrame data.
@param size the distance from the origin to the endpoint of the arrows.
@brief The destructor.
The destructor.
virtual ~MovableCoordinateFrame(){}
virtual void Render(QGLWidget*);
virtual void Reset(bool ,bool);
virtual void SetPosition(const Point3f);
virtual void SetRotation(const Quaternionf);
@brief Render the movable coordinate frame in its position.
@param glw the GL widget.
virtual void Render(QGLWidget* glw);
@brief Reset the position and/or the rotation of the coordinate frame.
@param reset_position set to true to reset the position.
@param reset_alignment set to true to reset the rotation.
virtual void Reset(bool reset_position,bool reset_alignment);
@brief Set the position of the coordinate frame.
@param new_position the new position of the coordinate frame.
virtual void SetPosition(const Point3f new_position);
@brief Set the rotation of the coordinate frame.
@param new_rotation the new rotation of the coordinate frame.
virtual void SetRotation(const Quaternionf rotation);
@brief Get the position of the coordinate frame.
@return the position of the coordinate frame.
virtual Point3f GetPosition();
@brief Get the rotation of the coordinate frame.
@return the rotation of the coordinate frame.
virtual Quaternionf GetRotation();
virtual void GetTransform(Matrix44f &);
virtual void Rot(float,const Point3f);
virtual void AlignWith(const Point3f, const Point3f, const char, const char);
@brief Computes the transformation matrix relative to the current rototranslation.
@param m is set to the transformation matrix.
virtual void GetTransform(Matrix44f &m);
@brief Rotates the coordinate frame wrt itself.
@param angle the angle of the rotation, in degrees.
@param axis the axis of the rotation.
virtual void Rot(float angle,const Point3f axis);
@brief Align the coordinate frame to one or two directions.
If the primary direction of alignment is null this function does nothing, otherwise two rotations are performed: the first rotation aligns the axis named axis_1 to the primary direction of alignment, the second rotation never moves axis_1 away from the primary direction.
If the secondary direction of alignment is not null and is not parallel to the primary direction the axis named axis_2 is rotated as much as possible to be aligned to secondary direction.
If the secondary direction of alignment is null the axis named axis_2 is rotated as much as possible to be realigned to its old direction, if this is impossible the remaining axis is used.
@param primary the primary direction of alignment.
@param secondary the secondary direction of alignment.
@param axis_1 the name of the axis to align to the primary direction, must be a char choosen from 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'
@param axis_2 the name of the axis to align to the secondary direction, must be different from axis_1 and must be a char choosen from 'X', 'Y', 'Z' and ' '; if the char is ' ' the axis is choosen automatically.
virtual void AlignWith(const Point3f primary, const Point3f secondary, const char axis_1, const char axis_2);
// data:
Point3f position;
Quaternionf rotation;
// functions:
virtual void Move(const Similarityf);
void RotateToAlign(const Point3f, const Point3f);