Removed hit point parameter, #included aabbtree base.

This commit is contained in:
Marco Di Benedetto 2005-09-28 19:48:31 +00:00
parent ab147cbfbc
commit c8ff470b30
1 changed files with 27 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.1 2005/09/26 18:33:16 m_di_benedetto
First Commit.
@ -34,7 +37,11 @@ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// stl headers
#include <limits>
// vcg headers
#include <vcg/space/ray3.h>
#include <vcg/space/index/aabb_binary_tree/base.h>
namespace vcg {
@ -49,7 +56,7 @@ public:
typedef typename TreeType::ObjPtr ObjPtr;
template <class OBJRAYISECTFUNCT>
static inline ObjPtr Ray(TreeType & tree, OBJRAYISECTFUNCT & rayIntersection, const CoordType & rayOrigin, const CoordType & rayDirection, ScalarType & t, CoordType & q) {
static inline ObjPtr Ray(TreeType & tree, OBJRAYISECTFUNCT & rayIntersection, const Ray3<ScalarType> & ray, const ScalarType & maxDist, ScalarType & t) {
typedef std::vector<NodeType *> NodePtrVector;
typedef typename NodePtrVector::const_iterator NodePtrVector_ci;
@ -59,12 +66,12 @@ public:
return (0);
ScalarType rayT = std::numeric_limits<ScalarType>::max();
CoordType pRes;
const CoordType & rayDirection = ray.Direction();
ScalarType rayT = maxDist / rayDirection.Norm();
Ray3Ex rayex;
rayex.origin = rayOrigin;
rayex.direction = rayDirection;
rayex.r = ray;
rayex.invDirection[0] = ((ScalarType)1) / rayDirection[0];
rayex.invDirection[1] = ((ScalarType)1) / rayDirection[1];
rayex.invDirection[2] = ((ScalarType)1) / rayDirection[2];
@ -74,14 +81,13 @@ public:
ObjPtr closestObj = 0;
ClassType::DepthFirstRayIsect(pRoot, rayIntersection, rayex, rayT, pRes, closestObj);
ClassType::DepthFirstRayIsect(pRoot, rayIntersection, rayex, rayT, closestObj);
if (closestObj == 0) {
return (0);
t = rayT;
q = pRes;
return (closestObj);
@ -89,8 +95,7 @@ public:
class Ray3Ex {
CoordType origin;
CoordType direction;
Ray3<ScalarType> r;
CoordType invDirection;
unsigned char sign[3];
@ -102,16 +107,17 @@ protected:
ScalarType tmin, tmax;
ScalarType tcmin, tcmax;
const CoordType & origin = ray.r.Origin();
tmin = (bounds[ray.sign[0]][0] - ray.origin[0]) * ray.invDirection[0];
tmax = (bounds[1 - ray.sign[0]][0] - ray.origin[0]) * ray.invDirection[0];
tcmin = (bounds[ray.sign[1]][1] - ray.origin[1]) * ray.invDirection[1];
tcmax = (bounds[1 - ray.sign[1]][1] - ray.origin[1]) * ray.invDirection[1];
tmin = (bounds[ray.sign[0]][0] - origin[0]) * ray.invDirection[0];
tmax = (bounds[1 - ray.sign[0]][0] - origin[0]) * ray.invDirection[0];
tcmin = (bounds[ray.sign[1]][1] - origin[1]) * ray.invDirection[1];
tcmax = (bounds[1 - ray.sign[1]][1] - origin[1]) * ray.invDirection[1];
if ((tmin > tcmax) || (tcmin > tmax)) { return (false); }
if (tcmin > tmin) { tmin = tcmin; }
if (tcmax < tmax) { tmax = tcmax; }
tcmin = (bounds[ray.sign[2]][2] - ray.origin[2]) * ray.invDirection[2];
tcmax = (bounds[1-ray.sign[2]][2] - ray.origin[2]) * ray.invDirection[2];
tcmin = (bounds[ray.sign[2]][2] - origin[2]) * ray.invDirection[2];
tcmax = (bounds[1-ray.sign[2]][2] - origin[2]) * ray.invDirection[2];
if ((tmin > tcmax) || (tcmin > tmax)) { return (false); }
if (tcmin > tmin) { tmin = tcmin; }
//if (tcmax < tmax) { tmax = tcmax; }
@ -120,7 +126,7 @@ protected:
template <class OBJRAYISECTFUNCT>
static inline void DepthFirstRayIsect(const NodeType * node, OBJRAYISECTFUNCT & rayIntersection, const Ray3Ex & ray, ScalarType & rayT, CoordType & res, ObjPtr & closestObj) {
static inline void DepthFirstRayIsect(const NodeType * node, OBJRAYISECTFUNCT & rayIntersection, const Ray3Ex & ray, ScalarType & rayT, ObjPtr & closestObj) {
ScalarType rt;
CoordType pt;
if (!ClassType::IntersectionBoxRay(node->boxCenter, node->boxHalfDims, ray, rt)) {
@ -135,28 +141,26 @@ protected:
ObjPtr cObj = 0;
ScalarType ar;
CoordType ap;
rt = std::numeric_limits<ScalarType>::max();
rt = rayT;
for (typename TreeType::ObjPtrVectorConstIterator si=node->oBegin; si!=node->oEnd; ++si) {
if (rayIntersection(*(*si), ray.origin, ray.direction, ar, ap)) {
if (rayIntersection(*(*si), ray.r, ar)) {
if (ar < rt) {
rt = ar;
pt = ap;
cObj = (*si);
if (rt < rayT) {
rayT = rt;
res = pt;
closestObj = cObj;
else {
if (node->children[0] != 0) {
ClassType::DepthFirstRayIsect(node->children[0], rayIntersection, ray, rayT, res, closestObj);
ClassType::DepthFirstRayIsect(node->children[0], rayIntersection, ray, rayT, closestObj);
if (node->children[1] != 0) {
ClassType::DepthFirstRayIsect(node->children[1], rayIntersection, ray, rayT, res, closestObj);
ClassType::DepthFirstRayIsect(node->children[1], rayIntersection, ray, rayT, closestObj);