moved Redetail sampler class from meshlab to here.

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Paolo Cignoni 2016-02-02 15:09:54 +00:00
parent 9412d27833
commit cc388bebfe
1 changed files with 106 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -331,6 +331,112 @@ public:
/* This sampler is used to transfer the detail of a mesh onto another one.
* It keep internally the spatial indexing structure used to find the closest point
template <class MeshType>
class RedetailSampler
typedef typename MeshType::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
typedef typename MeshType::CoordType CoordType;
typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef GridStaticPtr<FaceType, ScalarType > MetroMeshGrid;
typedef GridStaticPtr<VertexType, ScalarType > VertexMeshGrid;
RedetailSampler():m(0) {}
MeshType *m; /// the source mesh for which we search the closest points (e.g. the mesh from which we take colors etc).
CallBackPos *cb;
int sampleNum; // the expected number of samples. Used only for the callback
int sampleCnt;
MetroMeshGrid unifGridFace;
VertexMeshGrid unifGridVert;
bool useVertexSampling;
// Parameters
typedef tri::FaceTmark<MeshType> MarkerFace;
MarkerFace markerFunctor;
bool coordFlag;
bool colorFlag;
bool normalFlag;
bool qualityFlag;
bool selectionFlag;
bool storeDistanceAsQualityFlag;
float dist_upper_bound;
void init(MeshType *_m, CallBackPos *_cb=0, int targetSz=0)
if(m->fn==0) useVertexSampling = true;
else useVertexSampling = false;
if(useVertexSampling) unifGridVert.Set(m->vert.begin(),m->vert.end());
else unifGridFace.Set(m->face.begin(),m->face.end());
// sampleNum and sampleCnt are used only for the progress callback.
sampleNum = targetSz;
sampleCnt = 0;
// this function is called for each vertex of the target mesh.
// and retrieve the closest point on the source mesh.
void AddVert(VertexType &p)
// the results
CoordType closestPt, normf, bestq, ip;
ScalarType dist = dist_upper_bound;
const CoordType &startPt= p.cP();
// compute distance between startPt and the mesh S2
VertexType *nearestV=0;
nearestV = tri::GetClosestVertex<MeshType,VertexMeshGrid>(*m,unifGridVert,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist); //(PDistFunct,markerFunctor,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist,closestPt);
if(cb) cb(sampleCnt++*100/sampleNum,"Resampling Vertex attributes");
if(storeDistanceAsQualityFlag) p.Q() = dist;
if(dist == dist_upper_bound) return ;
if(coordFlag) p.P()=nearestV->P();
if(colorFlag) p.C() = nearestV->C();
if(normalFlag) p.N() = nearestV->N();
if(qualityFlag) p.Q()= nearestV->Q();
if(selectionFlag) if(nearestV->IsS()) p.SetS();
FaceType *nearestF=0;
vcg::face::PointDistanceBaseFunctor<ScalarType> PDistFunct;
if(cb) cb(sampleCnt++*100/sampleNum,"Resampling Vertex attributes");
nearestF = unifGridFace.GetClosest(PDistFunct,markerFunctor,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist,closestPt);
if(dist == dist_upper_bound) return ;
CoordType interp;
InterpolationParameters(*nearestF,(*nearestF).cN(),closestPt, interp);
if(coordFlag) p.P()=closestPt;
if(colorFlag) p.C().lerp(nearestF->V(0)->C(),nearestF->V(1)->C(),nearestF->V(2)->C(),interp);
if(normalFlag) p.N() = nearestF->V(0)->N()*interp[0] + nearestF->V(1)->N()*interp[1] + nearestF->V(2)->N()*interp[2];
if(qualityFlag) p.Q()= nearestF->V(0)->Q()*interp[0] + nearestF->V(1)->Q()*interp[1] + nearestF->V(2)->Q()*interp[2];
if(selectionFlag) if(nearestF->IsS()) p.SetS();
}; // end class RedetailSampler
\brief Main Class of the Sampling framework.