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* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
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* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
#include <limits>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <vcg/space/color4.h>
#include <vcg/math/histogram.h>
#include <vcg/complex/trimesh/stat.h>
#include <vcg/math/perlin_noise.h>
#include <vcg/math/random_generator.h>
#include <vcg/complex/trimesh/clean.h>
namespace vcg {
namespace tri {
/// \ingroup trimesh
/// \headerfile color.h vcg/complex/trimesh/update/color.h
/// \brief Generation of per-vertex and per-face colors according to various strategy.
This class is used to compute per face or per vertex color with respect to for example Border (UpdateColor::VertexBorderFlag), Selection (UpdateColor::FaceSelected), Quality .
template <class UpdateMeshType>
class UpdateColor
typedef UpdateMeshType MeshType;
typedef typename UpdateMeshType::VertexType VertexType;
typedef typename UpdateMeshType::VertexPointer VertexPointer;
typedef typename UpdateMeshType::VertexIterator VertexIterator;
typedef typename UpdateMeshType::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename UpdateMeshType::FacePointer FacePointer;
typedef typename UpdateMeshType::FaceIterator FaceIterator;
class ColorAvgInfo
unsigned int r;
unsigned int g;
unsigned int b;
unsigned int a;
int cnt;
static void VertexFromFace( UpdateMeshType &m)
ColorAvgInfo csi;
csi.r=0; csi.g=0; csi.b=0; csi.cnt=0;
SimpleTempData<typename UpdateMeshType::VertContainer, ColorAvgInfo> TD(m.vert,csi);
FaceIterator fi;
for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
VertexIterator vi;
if(!(*vi).IsD() && TD[*vi].cnt>0 )
(*vi).C()[0] = TD[*vi].r / TD[*vi].cnt;
(*vi).C()[1] = TD[*vi].g / TD[*vi].cnt;
(*vi).C()[2] = TD[*vi].b / TD[*vi].cnt;
(*vi).C()[3] = TD[*vi].a / TD[*vi].cnt;
static void FaceFromVertex( UpdateMeshType &m)
FaceIterator fi;
for(fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi) if(!(*fi).IsD())
Color4f avg = (Color4f::Construct((*fi).V(0)->C()) +
Color4f::Construct((*fi).V(1)->C()) +
Color4f::Construct((*fi).V(2)->C()) )/ 3.0;
/// \brief Color the vertexes of the mesh that are on the border
It uses the information in the Vertex flags, and not any topology.
So it just require that you have correctly computed the flags;
- vcg::tri::UpdateTopology<Mesh>::FaceFace(;
- vcg::tri::UpdateFlags<Mesh>::FaceBorderFromFF(;
- vcg::tri::UpdateFlags<Mesh>::VertexBorderFromFace (;
- vcg::tri::UpdateColor<Mesh>::VertexBorderFlag(;
static void VertexBorderFlag( UpdateMeshType &m, Color4b BorderColor=Color4b::Blue, Color4b InternalColor=Color4b::White, Color4b MixColor=Color4b::Cyan)
Color4b BaseColor = Color4b::Green;
typename UpdateMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
for(fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi) if(!(*fi).IsD())
for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
if( (*fi).V(j)->C() == BaseColor) (*fi).V(j)->C() = BorderColor;
if( (*fi).V(j)->C() == InternalColor) (*fi).V(j)->C() = MixColor;
if( (*fi).V1(j)->C() == BaseColor) (*fi).V1(j)->C() = BorderColor;
if( (*fi).V1(j)->C() == InternalColor) (*fi).V1(j)->C() = MixColor;
} else
if( (*fi).V(j)->C() == BaseColor) (*fi).V(j)->C() = InternalColor;
if( (*fi).V(j)->C() == BorderColor) (*fi).V(j)->C() = MixColor;
if( (*fi).V1(j)->C() == BaseColor) (*fi).V1(j)->C() = InternalColor;
if( (*fi).V1(j)->C() == BorderColor) (*fi).V1(j)->C() = MixColor;
/// This function colores the face of a mesh randomly.
/// The faux bit is used to color polygonal faces uniformly
static void FaceRandomConnectedComponent( UpdateMeshType &m)
std::vector< std::pair<int, typename UpdateMeshType::FacePointer> > CCV;
int ScatterSize= min (100,tri::Clean<UpdateMeshType>::ConnectedComponents(m, CCV)); // number of random color to be used. Never use too many.
ConnectedIterator<MeshType> ci;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<CCV.size();++i)
Color4b BaseColor = Color4b::Scatter(ScatterSize, i%ScatterSize,.4f,.7f);
std::vector<typename MeshType::FacePointer> FPV;
/// This function colores the face of a mesh randomly.
/// The faux bit is used to color polygonal faces uniformly
static void MultiFaceRandom( UpdateMeshType &m)
FaceIterator fi;
Color4b BaseColor = Color4b::Black;
int id_num=0;
if((*fi).C() == BaseColor) (*fi).C() = Color4b::Scatter(50, id_num%50,.4f,.7f);
for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
(*fi).FFp(j)->C()= (*fi).C();
static void FaceBF( UpdateMeshType &m, Color4b vn=Color4b::White, Color4b vb=Color4b::Blue,
Color4b vc=Color4b::Red, Color4b vs=Color4b::LightBlue)
typename UpdateMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
(*fi).C() = vn;
(*fi).C() = vs;
for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
(*fi).C() = vb;
(*fi).C() = vb;
(*fi).C() = vc;
(*fi).C() = vc;
static int FaceSelected(UpdateMeshType &m, Color4b vs=Color4b::LightBlue)
int cnt=0;
typename UpdateMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
if((*fi).IsS()) { (*fi).C() = vs; ++cnt; }
else (*fi).C() = Color4b::White;
return cnt;
static void FaceColorStrip(UpdateMeshType &m, std::vector<FacePointer> &TStripF)
vcg::Color4b cc[7]={
vcg::Color4b::White ,
vcg::Color4b::Red ,
vcg::Color4b::Green ,
vcg::Color4b::Blue ,
vcg::Color4b::Cyan ,
vcg::Color4b::Yellow ,
int cnt=0;
typename std::vector<FacePointer>::iterator fi;
if(*fi) (**fi).C().ColorRamp(0,16,cnt);
else cnt=(cnt+1)%16;
// if(*fi) (**fi).C()=cc[cnt];
// else cnt=(cnt+1)%7;
static int VertexSelected(UpdateMeshType &m, Color4b vs=Color4b::LightBlue)
int cnt=0;
typename UpdateMeshType::VertexIterator vi;
if((*vi).IsS()) {(*vi).C() = vs; ++cnt; }
else (*vi).C() = Color4b::White;
return cnt;
static void VertexConstant(UpdateMeshType &m, Color4b c=Color4b::White)
typename UpdateMeshType::VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) if(!(*vi).IsD())
static void FaceConstant(UpdateMeshType &m, Color4b c=Color4b::White)
typename UpdateMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
static void VertexBorderManifoldFlag(UpdateMeshType &m, Color4b vn=Color4b::White, Color4b vb=Color4b::Blue, Color4b vc=Color4b::Red)
typename UpdateMeshType::VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) if(!(*vi).IsD())
typename UpdateMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
static void FaceQualityGray(UpdateMeshType &m, float minq, float maxq)
typename UpdateMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
for(fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi) if(!(*fi).IsD())
(*fi).C().SetGrayShade( ((*fi).Q()-minq)/(maxq-minq));
static void FaceQualityGray(UpdateMeshType &m)
std::pair<float,float> minmax = Stat<UpdateMeshType>::ComputePerFaceQualityMinMax(m);
static void FaceQualityRamp(UpdateMeshType &m,bool selected=false)
// step 1: find the range
typename UpdateMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
float minq=std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
for(fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi) if(!(*fi).IsD())
if(!selected || (*fi).IsS())
static void FaceQualityRamp(UpdateMeshType &m, float minq, float maxq,bool selected=false)
typename UpdateMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
for(fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi) if(!(*fi).IsD())
if(!selected || (*fi).IsS())
static void VertexQualityRamp(UpdateMeshType &m, float minq, float maxq)
typename UpdateMeshType::VertexIterator vi;
static void VertexQualityRamp(UpdateMeshType &m)
std::pair<float,float> minmax = Stat<UpdateMeshType>::ComputePerVertexQualityMinMax(m);
static void VertexQualityGray(UpdateMeshType &m, const float minq, const float maxq)
typename UpdateMeshType::VertexIterator vi;
(*vi).C().SetGrayShade( ((*vi).Q()-minq)/(maxq-minq));
static void VertexQualityGray(UpdateMeshType &m)
std::pair<float,float> minmax = Stat<UpdateMeshType>::ComputePerVertexQualityMinMax( m);
//Fill the mesh with the selected color.
static int Filling(UpdateMeshType &m, Color4b c, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C() = c;
return counter;
//Reduces the mesh to two colors according to a threshold.
static int Thresholding(UpdateMeshType &m, float threshold, Color4b c1 = Color4<unsigned char>::Black, Color4b c2 = Color4<unsigned char>::White, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
float value = ComputeLightness((*vi).C());
if(value<=threshold) (*vi).C() = c1;
else (*vi).C() = c2;
return counter;
//Computes the lightness value for a specified color. lightness = 0.5*(Max(R,G,B)+Min(R,G,B))
static float ComputeLightness(Color4b c)
float min_rgb = (float)math::Min(c[0],c[1],c[2]);
float max_rgb = (float)math::Max(c[0],c[1],c[2]);
return (max_rgb + min_rgb)/2;
//Apply the brightness filter, with the given amount, to the mesh.
static int Brighting(UpdateMeshType &m, float amount, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C() = Color4b(
return counter;
//Apply Contrast filter to the mesh with the given contrast factor.
static int Contrast(UpdateMeshType &m, float factor, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C() = ColorMul((*vi).C(),factor);
return counter;
//Performs contrast operations on color, i.e expands or compress the histogram around
//the midpoint value. NewValue = (OldValue - 128) ◊ factor + 128
static Color4b ColorMul(Color4b c, float factor)
return Color4b( ValueMul(c[0], factor), ValueMul(c[1], factor), ValueMul(c[2], factor), 1);
static int ValueMul(int value, float factor)
return math::Clamp<int>((int)((value - 128)*factor + 128), 0, 255);
//Apply Brightness and Contrast filter to the mesh, with the given contrast factor and brightness amount.
static int BrightnessContrast(UpdateMeshType &m, float brightness, float contrast, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C() = ColorBrightnessContrast((*vi).C(),brightness,contrast);
return counter;
//Performs contrast and brightness operations on color, i.e NewValue = (OldValue - 128) ◊ contrast + 128 + amount
//The result is clamped just one time after all computations; this get a more accurate result.
// The formula used here is the one of GIMP.
static Color4b ColorBrightnessContrast(Color4b c, float brightness, float contrast)
return Color4b( ValueBrightnessContrast(c[0], brightness, contrast),
ValueBrightnessContrast(c[1], brightness, contrast),
ValueBrightnessContrast(c[2], brightness, contrast), 1 );
static int ValueBrightnessContrast(unsigned char ivalue, float brightness, float contrast)
float value = float(ivalue)/255.0f;
if (brightness < 0.0) value = value * ( 1.0 + brightness);
else value = value + ((1.0 - value) * brightness);
value = (value - 0.5) * (tan ((contrast + 1) * M_PI/4) ) + 0.5;
return math::Clamp<int>(255.0*value, 0, 255);
//Invert the colors of the mesh.
static int Invert(UpdateMeshType &m, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C() = ColorInvert((*vi).C());
return counter;
//Invert the rgb component of the color
static Color4b ColorInvert(Color4b c)
return Color4b( ValueInvert(c[0]), ValueInvert(c[1]), ValueInvert(c[2]), 1);
static int ValueInvert(int value)
return 255-value;
//Apply the gamma correction filter, with the given gamma exponet, to the mesh.
static int Gamma(UpdateMeshType &m, float gamma, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C() = ColorPow((*vi).C(), 1/gamma);
return counter;
//computes the standard gamma transformation on a given color, according to NewVal = OldVal^(1/gamma)
static Color4b ColorPow(Color4b c, float exponent)
return vcg::Color4b(
math::Clamp((int)( ValuePow(float(c[0])/255, exponent)*255), 0, 255),
math::Clamp((int)( ValuePow(float(c[1])/255, exponent)*255), 0, 255),
math::Clamp((int)( ValuePow(float(c[2])/255, exponent)*255), 0, 255),
static float ValuePow(float value, float exponent)
return powf(value, exponent);
//useful bit masks for RGB channels, used for Levels filter.
//Adjusts color levels of the mesh. Filter can be applied to all RGB channels or to each channel separately.
//in_min, gamma and in_max are respectively the black point, the gray point and the white point.
//out_min and out_max are the output level for black and white respectively.
static int Levels(UpdateMeshType &m, float gamma, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max, unsigned char rgbMask, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C() = ColorLevels((*vi).C(), gamma, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max, rgbMask);
return counter;
//Performs levels transformation on each channel set to 1 in the rgbMask.
static Color4b ColorLevels(Color4b c, float gamma, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max, unsigned char rgbMask)
unsigned char r = c[0], g = c[1], b = c[2];
if(rgbMask & RED_CHANNEL) r = ValueLevels(c[0], gamma, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max);
if(rgbMask & GREEN_CHANNEL) g = ValueLevels(c[1], gamma, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max);
if(rgbMask & BLUE_CHANNEL) b = ValueLevels(c[2], gamma, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max);
return Color4b(r, g, b, 255);
//Transform on levels
static int ValueLevels(int value, float gamma, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
float fvalue = value/255.0f;
// normalize
fvalue = math::Clamp<float>(fvalue - in_min, 0.0f, 1.0f) / math::Clamp<float>(in_max - in_min, 1.0f/255.0f, 1.0f);
// transform gamma
fvalue = powf(fvalue,1/gamma);
// rescale range
fvalue = fvalue * (out_max - out_min) + out_min;
//back in interval [0,255] and clamp
return math::Clamp<int>((int)(fvalue * 255), 0, 255);
//Colors the mesh. Color is blended to the mesh with the given intensity.
static int Colourisation(UpdateMeshType &m, Color4b c, float intensity, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C() = ColorApplyDiff((*vi).C(), c, intensity);
return counter;
//Perform colourisation operation. For each channel C: newC = origC + intensity * (newC - origC)
static Color4b ColorApplyDiff(Color4b old_color, Color4b new_color, float intensity)
return Color4b( ValueApplyDiff(old_color[0],new_color[0],intensity), ValueApplyDiff(old_color[1],new_color[1],intensity), ValueApplyDiff(old_color[2], new_color[2],intensity), 255);
static int ValueApplyDiff(int old_value, int new_value, float intensity)
return math::Clamp<int>((int)(old_value + intensity * (new_value - old_value)), 0, 255);
//An useful ENUM to hold all desaturation methods.
enum DesaturationMethods {M_LIGHTNESS = 0, M_LUMINOSITY = 1, M_AVERAGE = 2};
//Desaturates the mesh according the selected method. Method belongs to DesaturationMethods's ENUM.
static int Desaturation(UpdateMeshType &m, int method, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C() = ColorDesaturate((*vi).C(), method);
return counter;
//Desature the color. Ausiliary functions to calculate lightness/luminosity/average.
static Color4b ColorDesaturate(Color4b c, int method)
int val = (int)ComputeLightness(c);
return Color4b( val, val, val, 255);
case M_AVERAGE:{
int val = (int)ComputeAvgLightness(c);
return Color4b( val, val, val, 255);
int val = (int)ComputeLuminosity(c);
return Color4b( val, val, val, 255);
default: assert(0);
//ausiliary function to compute average lightness. value = (R+G+B)/3
static float ComputeAvgLightness(Color4b c)
return float(c[0]+c[1]+c[2])/3.0f;
//ausiliary function to compute luminosity. value = 0.21*R+0.71*G+0.7*B
static float ComputeLuminosity(Color4b c)
return float(0.2126f*c[0]+0.7152f*c[1]+0.0722f*c[2]);
//Equalize the histogram of colors. It can equalize any combination of rgb channels or
//it can work on lightness.
static int Equalize(UpdateMeshType &m, unsigned int rgbMask, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
//declares , resets and set up 4 histograms, for Red, Green, Blue and Lightness
Histogramf Hl, Hr, Hg, Hb;
Hl.Clear(); Hr.Clear(); Hg.Clear(); Hb.Clear();
Hl.SetRange(0, 255, 255); Hr.SetRange(0, 255, 255); Hg.SetRange(0, 255, 255); Hb.SetRange(0, 255, 255);
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
//Scan the mesh to build the histograms
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, put it in the histograms
float v = ComputeLightness((*vi).C())+0.5; //compute and round lightness value
Hl.Add(v); Hr.Add((float)(*vi).C()[0]); Hg.Add((float)(*vi).C()[1]); Hb.Add((float)(*vi).C()[2]);
//for each histogram, compute the cumulative distribution function, and build a lookup table
int cdf_l[256], cdf_r[256], cdf_g[256], cdf_b[256];
cdf_l[0] = Hl.BinCount(0); cdf_r[0] = Hr.BinCount(0); cdf_g[0] = Hg.BinCount(0); cdf_b[0] = Hb.BinCount(0);
for(int i=1; i<256; i++){
cdf_l[i] = Hl.BinCount(float(i)) + cdf_l[i-1];
cdf_r[i] = Hr.BinCount(float(i)) + cdf_r[i-1];
cdf_g[i] = Hg.BinCount(float(i)) + cdf_g[i-1];
cdf_b[i] = Hb.BinCount(float(i)) + cdf_b[i-1];
//this loop aaplies the transformation to colors
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
(*vi).C()=ColorEqualize((*vi).C(), cdf_l, cdf_r, cdf_g, cdf_b, rgbMask);
return counter;
//Applies equalization to the components of the color according to rgbmask
static Color4b ColorEqualize(Color4b c, int cdf_l[256], int cdf_r[256], int cdf_g[256], int cdf_b[256], unsigned int rgbMask)
unsigned char r = c[0], g = c[1], b = c[2];
if(rgbMask == NO_CHANNELS) //in this case, equalization is done on lightness
int v = ValueEqualize(cdf_l[(int)(ComputeLightness(c)+0.5f)], cdf_l[0], cdf_l[255]);
return Color4b(v, v, v, 255); //return the equalized gray color
if(rgbMask & RED_CHANNEL) r = ValueEqualize(cdf_r[c[0]], cdf_r[0], cdf_r[255]); //Equalizes red
if(rgbMask & GREEN_CHANNEL) g = ValueEqualize(cdf_g[c[1]], cdf_g[0], cdf_g[255]); //Equalizes green
if(rgbMask & BLUE_CHANNEL) b = ValueEqualize(cdf_b[c[2]], cdf_b[0], cdf_b[255]); //Equalizes blue
return Color4b(r, g, b, 255); //return the equalized color
//Compute the equalized value
static int ValueEqualize(int cdfValue, int cdfMin, int cdfMax)
return int(float((cdfValue - cdfMin)/float(cdfMax - cdfMin)) * 255.0f);
//applies the white balance filter. It may works with an auto regulation of white, or based on a user
//color that is supposed to be white.
static int WhiteBalance(UpdateMeshType &m, bool automatic, Color4b userColor, const bool ProcessSelected=false)
Color4b unbalancedWhite;
float lightness = 0;
int counter=0;
VertexIterator vi;
if(!automatic) unbalancedWhite = userColor; //no auto regolation required, user has provided a color.
else //else, we need to scan the mesh and pick its lighter color...
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected...
//the lighter color is selected with an incremental approach...
float v = ComputeLightness((*vi).C());
if( v > lightness){
lightness = v; //save lightness
unbalancedWhite = (*vi).C(); //save the color
//in this loop the transformation is applied to the mesh
for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) //scan all the vertex...
if(!(*vi).IsD()) //if it has not been deleted...
if(!ProcessSelected || (*vi).IsS()) //if this vertex has been selected, do transormation
return counter;
//Balnce the white of the color, applying a correction factor based on the unbalancedWhite color.
static Color4b ColorWhiteBalance(Color4b c, Color4b unbalancedWhite)
//sanity check to avoid division by zero...
if(unbalancedWhite[0]==0) unbalancedWhite[0]=1;
if(unbalancedWhite[1]==0) unbalancedWhite[1]=1;
if(unbalancedWhite[2]==0) unbalancedWhite[2]=1;
return Color4b(
math::Clamp<int>((int)(c[0]*(255.0f/unbalancedWhite[0])), 0, 255),
math::Clamp<int>((int)(c[1]*(255.0f/unbalancedWhite[1])), 0, 255),
math::Clamp<int>((int)(c[2]*(255.0f/unbalancedWhite[2])), 0, 255),
static void PerlinColor(MeshType& m, Box3f bbox, float freq, Point3i channelOffsets)
typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
Point3<ScalarType> p;
for(VertexIterator vi = m.vert.begin(); vi!=m.vert.end(); ++vi)
p = bbox.GlobalToLocal(m.Tr * (*vi).P()); //actual vertex position scaled to bbox
(*vi).C() = Color4b( int(255*math::Perlin::Noise(channelOffsets[0]+p[0]*freq,channelOffsets[0]+p[1]*freq,channelOffsets[0]+p[2]*freq)),
255 );
static void ColorNoise(MeshType& m, int noiseBits)
if(noiseBits>8) noiseBits = 8;
if(noiseBits<1) return;
math::SubtractiveRingRNG randomGen = math::SubtractiveRingRNG(time(NULL));
for(VertexIterator vi = m.vert.begin(); vi!=m.vert.end(); ++vi)
(*vi).C()[0] = math::Clamp<int>((*vi).C()[0] + randomGen.generate(int(2*pow(2.0f,noiseBits))) - int(pow(2.0f,noiseBits)),0,255);
(*vi).C()[1] = math::Clamp<int>((*vi).C()[1] + randomGen.generate(int(2*pow(2.0f,noiseBits))) - int(pow(2.0f,noiseBits)),0,255);
(*vi).C()[2] = math::Clamp<int>((*vi).C()[2] + randomGen.generate(int(2*pow(2.0f,noiseBits))) - int(pow(2.0f,noiseBits)),0,255);
}// end namespace
}// end namespace
Reference in New Issue