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Paolo Cignoni 2007-06-07 15:34:11 +00:00
parent 9105a551cd
commit f25f034dcb
1 changed files with 41 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -26,27 +26,38 @@
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.3 2007/06/06 15:38:57 turini
Use the barycenter function from triangle3.h instead of
the one in face\base.h.
Revision 1.2 2007/06/06 14:26:51 pietroni
compiling error resolved
#include <vcg/space/ray3.h>
#include <vcg/space/box3.h>
#include <vcg/space/triangle3.h>
#ifndef VCG_INSIDE
#define VCG_INSIDE
///this static funtion is used to see if one point is inside
///a triangular mesh or not... First parameter is a spatial indexing
///structure (eg. a grid) used to perform research operation,
///initialized with faces of the triangular mesh of type TriMeshType
/// This static funtion is used to see if one point is inside a triangular mesh or not...
/// First parameter is a spatial indexing structure (eg. a grid) used to perform research operation, initialized with faces of the triangular mesh of type TriMeshType
namespace vcg {
namespace trimesh {
template <class FaceSpatialIndexing,class TriMeshType>
class Inside{
class Inside
@ -55,59 +66,43 @@ namespace vcg {
//return true if the point is inside the mesh
static bool Is_Inside(TriMeshType &m,
FaceSpatialIndexing &_g_mesh,
const CoordType &test)
/// Return true if the point is inside the mesh.
static bool Is_Inside( TriMeshType & m, FaceSpatialIndexing & _g_mesh, const CoordType & test )
typedef typename TriMeshType::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::CoordType CoordType;
const ScalarType EPSILON=0.000001;
///first test if the element is inside the bb of the mesh
if (!m.bbox.IsIn(test))
return false;
const ScalarType EPSILON = 0.000001;
/// First test if the element is inside the bounding box of the mesh.
if( !( m.bbox.IsIn(test) ) ) return false;
ScalarType dist;
CoordType Norm,ip,nearest;
FaceType *f=vcg::trimesh::GetClosestFace<TriMeshType,FaceSpatialIndexing>(m,_g_mesh,test,m.bbox.Diag(),dist,nearest,Norm,ip);
//any face in the mesh
//if the point is on the face is considered inside
if ((test-nearest).Norm()<=EPSILON)
return true;
///if the point is in surface of a face then is ok
if ((ip.V(0)>EPSILON)&&(ip.V(1)>EPSILON)&&(ip.V(2)>EPSILON))
CoordType Norm, ip, nearest;
FaceType *f = vcg::trimesh::GetClosestFace< TriMeshType, FaceSpatialIndexing >( m, _g_mesh, test, m.bbox.Diag(), dist, nearest, Norm, ip );
assert( f != NULL ); /// Check if there is any face in the mesh
/// If the point is on the face is considered inside.
if( ( test - nearest ).Norm() <= EPSILON ) return true;
/// Check if the closest point is inside a face
if( ( ip.V(0) > EPSILON ) && ( ip.V(1) > EPSILON ) && ( ip.V(2) > EPSILON ) )
if ((f->N()*(test-nearest))<0)///in this case normal direction is enought
return true;
return false;
/// Check if the test point is inside the mesh using the normal direction
vcg::Point3f debugn = f->N();
if( ( f->N() * ( test - nearest ) ) < 0 ) return true;
else return false;
///in this case we are not sure because
///hit an edge or a vertex then we use a ray that
///go until the barycenter of found face,
///then see normal value again
/// In this case we are not sure because hit an edge or a vertex.
/// So we use a ray that go until the barycenter of found face, then see normal value again
CoordType bary = vcg::Barycenter< FaceType >(*f);
vcg::Ray3<ScalarType> r;
r.Set(test,(bary-test));///set origin and direction
FaceType *f1=vcg::trimesh::DoRay<TriMeshType,FaceSpatialIndexing>(m,_g_mesh,r,m.bbox.Diag(),dist);
if (f1==NULL)
if ((f1->N()*(test-bary))<0)///in this case normal direction is enought
return true;
return false;
/// Set ray : origin and direction
vcg::Ray3<ScalarType> r; r.Set( test, ( bary - test ) ); r.Normalize();
FaceType *f1 = vcg::trimesh::DoRay< TriMeshType, FaceSpatialIndexing >( m, _g_mesh, r, m.bbox.Diag(), dist );
assert( f1 != NULL );
/// In this case normal direction is enough.
if( ( f1->N() * ( test - bary ) ) < 0 ) return true;
else return false;