# IMPORTANT # We assume that you have unzipped and compiled somewhere the COMISO solver # put here that path and and the name of the build dir (from which the lib are copied). COMISODIR = ../../../code/lib/CoMISo COMISOBUILDDIR = $$COMISODIR/buildMACOSX TEMPLATE = app TARGET = quadrangulator # This is needed by CoMISo DEFINES += INCLUDE_TEMPLATES INCLUDEPATH += $$COMISODIR/include INCLUDEPATH += $$COMISODIR/Solver INCLUDEPATH += $$COMISODIR/.. # just a shortcut VCGLIBDIR = ../../../vcglib # include of vcg library INCLUDEPATH += $$VCGLIBDIR # CORE HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/miq/core/vertex_indexing.h HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/miq/core/poisson_solver.h HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/miq/quadrangulator.h HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/miq/core/param_stats.h HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/miq/MIQ.h HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/miq/core/seams_initializer.h HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/miq/core/stiffening.h # VCG HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/vcg/complex/algorithms/parametrization/tangent_field_operators.h HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/vcg/complex/algorithms/parametrization/distortion.h HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/io_trimesh/import_field.h HEADERS += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/io_trimesh/export_field.h SOURCES += $$VCGLIBDIR/wrap/ply/plylib.cpp SOURCES += quadrangulator.cpp win32{ # Awful problem with windows.. DEFINES += NOMINMAX } mac{ CONFIG += console # Mac specific Config required to avoid to make application bundles CONFIG -= app_bundle LIBS += -L/opt/local/lib -lamd -lcamd -lccolamd -lcholmod -lcolamd -lcxsparse -lblas -framework accelerate } #Comiso mac{ LIBS += -L $$COMISOBUILDDIR/Build/lib/CoMISo/ -lCoMISo QMAKE_POST_LINK +="install_name_tool -change @executable_path/../lib/CoMISo/libCoMISo.dylib @executable_path/libCoMISo.dylib $$TARGET ; " QMAKE_POST_LINK +="cp -P $$COMISOBUILDDIR/Build/lib/CoMISo/libCoMISo.dylib . ; " }