/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004-2016 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCG_EDGE_POS #define __VCG_EDGE_POS namespace vcg { namespace edge { // Needed Prototypes (pos is include before topology) template bool IsEdgeBorder(EDGETYPE const & e, const int j ); template bool IsEdgeManifold(EDGETYPE const & e, const int j ); /* Vertex_Edge: run over the fan of a vertex (no order is specified) */ /** Class VertexStar @param EDGETYPE Specifies the type of the faces */ template class VertexStar { public: /// Pointer to an edge EDGETYPE *e; /// Local index of the vertex int z; /// Default Constructor VertexStar() : e(0), z(0) {} /// Constructor which associates the EdgePos elementet with a face and its edge VertexStar(EDGETYPE * const ep, int const zp) { e=ep; z=zp; } /// Function to jump on the next face of the list of vertex z void NextF() { EDGETYPE * t = e; e = (EDGETYPE *)t->VEp(z); z = t->VEi(z); } }; /* */ /** Class Pos. This structure is equivalent to a half-edge. @param MFTYPE (Template-Parameter) Specifies the type of the edges */ template class Pos { public: typedef typename EDGETYPE::VertexType VertexType; typedef Pos< EDGETYPE> POSTYPE; /// Pointer to the edge EDGETYPE *e; /// Pointer to the vertex VertexType *v; /// Default constructor Pos(){} /// Constructor which associates the half-edge elementet with a face, its edge and its vertex Pos(EDGETYPE * ep, int zp) {e=ep;v=ep->V(zp);} Pos(EDGETYPE * ep, VertexType *vp){e=ep;v=vp;} // Official Access functions functions VertexType *& V(){ return v; } EDGETYPE *& E(){ return e; } int VInd(){ return (e->V(0)==v)?0:1; } /// Operator to compare two edge pos inline bool operator == ( POSTYPE const & p ) const { return (e==p.e &&v==p.v); } /// Operator to compare two edge pos inline bool operator != ( POSTYPE const & p ) const { return (e!=p.e || v!=p.v); } /// Operator to order half-edge; it's compare at the first the face pointers, then the index of the edge and finally the vertex pointers inline bool operator <= ( POSTYPE const & p) const { return (e!=p.e)?(eV(0)==v)?e->V(1):e->V(0); } /// Changes edge maintaining the vertex void FlipE() { assert( (e->V(0)==v) ||(e->V(1)==v)); e = (e->V(0)==v)?e->EEp(0):e->EEp(1); } // return the vertex that it should have if we make FlipV; VertexType *VFlip() { return (e->V(0)==v)?e->V(1):e->V(0); } // Trova il prossimo half-edge di bordo (nhe) // tale che // --nhe.f adiacente per vertice a he.f // --nhe.v adiacente per edge di bordo a he.v // l'idea e' che se he e' un half edge di bordo // si puo scorrere tutto un bordo facendo // // hei=he; // do // hei.Nextb() // while(hei!=he); /// Checks if the half-edge is of border bool IsBorder() { return edge::IsEdgeBorder(*e,VInd()); } bool IsManifold() { return edge::IsEdgeManifold(*e,VInd()); } /** Function to inizialize an half-edge. @param fp Puntatore alla faccia @param zp Indice dell'edge @param vp Puntatore al vertice */ void Set(EDGETYPE * const ep, VertexType * const vp) { e=ep;v=vp; } }; /** Class VEIterator. This class is used as an iterator over the VE adjacency. It allow to easily traverse all the edges around a given vertex v; The edges are traversed in no particular order. No Manifoldness requirement. typical example: VertexPointer v; vcg::edge::VEIterator vei(v); for (;!vei.End();++vei) vei.E()->ClearV(); // Alternative vcg::edge::VEIterator vei(f, 1); while (!vei.End()){ vei.E()->ClearV(); ++vei; } See also the JumpingPos in jumping_pos.h for an iterator that loops around the faces of a vertex using FF topology and without requiring the VF topology. */ template class VEIterator { public: /// The vertex type typedef typename EdgeType::VertexType VertexType; /// The Base face type typedef EdgeType VFIEdgeType; /// The vector type typedef typename VertexType::CoordType CoordType; /// The scalar type typedef typename VertexType::ScalarType ScalarType; /// Pointer to the face of the half-edge EdgeType *e; /// Index of the vertex int z; /// Default constructor VEIterator(){} /// Constructor which associates the half-edge elementet with a face and its vertex VEIterator(EdgeType * _e, const int & _z){e = _e; z = _z;} /// Constructor which takes a pointer to vertex VEIterator(const VertexType * _v){ e = _v->cVEp(); z = _v->cVEi(); assert(z>=0 && "VE adjacency not initialized"); } VFIEdgeType * &E() { return e;} int & I() { return z;} // Access to the vertex. Having a VEIterator vfi, it corresponds to // vfi.V() = vfi.I()->V(vfi.I()) inline VertexType *V() const { return e->V(z);} inline VertexType * const & V0() const { return e->V0(z);} inline VertexType * const & V1() const { return e->V1(z);} bool End() const {return e==0;} VFIEdgeType *operator++() { EdgeType* t = e; e = e->VEp(z); z = t->VEi(z); return e; } }; } // end namespace } // end namespace #endif