/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004-2016 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /** @name Load and Save in Ply format */ //@{ #ifndef __VCGLIB_EXPORT_PLY #define __VCGLIB_EXPORT_PLY //#include<wrap/ply/io_mask.h> #include<wrap/io_trimesh/io_mask.h> #include<wrap/io_trimesh/io_ply.h> #include<wrap/io_trimesh/precision.h> #include<vcg/container/simple_temporary_data.h> #include <stdio.h> namespace vcg { namespace tri { namespace io { template <class SaveMeshType> class ExporterPLY { // Si occupa di convertire da un tipo all'altro. // usata nella saveply per matchare i tipi tra stotype e memtype. // Ad es se in memoria c'e' un int e voglio salvare un float // src sara in effetti un puntatore a int il cui valore deve // essere convertito al tipo di ritorno desiderato (stotype) template <class StoType> static void PlyConv(int mem_type, void *src, StoType &dest) { switch (mem_type){ case ply::T_FLOAT : dest = (StoType) (* ((float *) src)); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE: dest = (StoType) (* ((double *) src)); break; case ply::T_INT : dest = (StoType) (* ((int *) src)); break; case ply::T_SHORT : dest = (StoType) (* ((short *) src)); break; case ply::T_CHAR : dest = (StoType) (* ((char *) src)); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : dest = (StoType) (* ((unsigned char *)src)); break; default : assert(0); } } public: typedef ::vcg::ply::PropDescriptor PropDescriptor ; typedef typename SaveMeshType::ConstVertexPointer VertexPointer; typedef typename SaveMeshType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexType VertexType; typedef typename SaveMeshType::FaceType FaceType; typedef typename SaveMeshType::ConstFacePointer FacePointer; typedef typename SaveMeshType::ConstVertexIterator VertexIterator; typedef typename SaveMeshType::ConstFaceIterator FaceIterator; typedef typename SaveMeshType::ConstEdgeIterator EdgeIterator; typedef typename vcg::Shot<ScalarType>::ScalarType ShotScalarType; static int Save(const SaveMeshType &m, const char * filename, bool binary=true) { PlyInfo pi; return Save(m,filename,binary,pi); } static int Save(const SaveMeshType &m, const char * filename, int savemask, bool binary = true, CallBackPos *cb=0 ) { PlyInfo pi; pi.mask=savemask; return Save(m,filename,binary,pi,cb); } static int Save(const SaveMeshType &m, const char * filename, bool binary, PlyInfo &pi, CallBackPos *cb=0) // V1.0 { FILE * fpout; const char * hbin = "binary_little_endian"; const char * hasc = "ascii"; const char * h; //Coord ScalarType const int DGT = vcg::tri::io::Precision<ScalarType>::digits(); const int DGTS = vcg::tri::io::Precision<ShotScalarType>::digits(); const int DGTVQ = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename VertexType::QualityType>::digits(); const int DGTVR = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename VertexType::RadiusType>::digits(); const int DGTFQ = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename FaceType::QualityType>::digits(); bool saveTexIndexFlag = false; if(binary) h=hbin; else h=hasc; fpout = fopen(filename,"wb"); if(fpout==NULL) { pi.status=::vcg::ply::E_CANTOPEN; return ::vcg::ply::E_CANTOPEN; } fprintf(fpout, "ply\n" "format %s 1.0\n" "comment VCGLIB generated\n" ,h ); if (((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) != 0) || ((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) != 0)) { const char * TFILE = "TextureFile"; for(size_t i=0; i < m.textures.size(); ++i) fprintf(fpout,"comment %s %s\n", TFILE, (const char *)(m.textures[i].c_str()) ); if(m.textures.size()>1 && (HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) || HasPerVertexTexCoord(m))) saveTexIndexFlag = true; } if((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_CAMERA)) { const char* cmtp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<ShotScalarType>::typeName(); fprintf(fpout,"element camera 1\n"); fprintf(fpout,"property %s view_px\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s view_py\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s view_pz\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s x_axisx\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s x_axisy\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s x_axisz\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s y_axisx\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s y_axisy\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s y_axisz\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s z_axisx\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s z_axisy\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s z_axisz\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s focal\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s scalex\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s scaley\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s centerx\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s centery\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property int viewportx\n"); fprintf(fpout,"property int viewporty\n"); fprintf(fpout,"property %s k1\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s k2\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s k3\n",cmtp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s k4\n",cmtp); } const char* vttp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<ScalarType>::typeName(); fprintf(fpout,"element vertex %d\n",m.vn); fprintf(fpout,"property %s x\n",vttp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s y\n",vttp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s z\n",vttp); if( HasPerVertexNormal(m) &&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) ) { fprintf(fpout,"property %s nx\n",vttp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s ny\n",vttp); fprintf(fpout,"property %s nz\n",vttp); } if( HasPerVertexFlags(m) &&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS) ) { fprintf(fpout, "property int flags\n" ); } if( HasPerVertexColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) ) { fprintf(fpout, "property uchar red\n" "property uchar green\n" "property uchar blue\n" "property uchar alpha\n" ); } if( HasPerVertexQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) ) { const char* vqtp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename VertexType::ScalarType>::typeName(); fprintf(fpout,"property %s quality\n",vqtp); } if( tri::HasPerVertexRadius(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTRADIUS) ) { const char* rdtp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename VertexType::RadiusType>::typeName(); fprintf(fpout,"property %s radius\n",rdtp); } if( ( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD ) ) { fprintf(fpout, "property float texture_u\n" "property float texture_v\n" ); } for(size_t i=0;i<pi.VertDescriptorVec.size();i++) fprintf(fpout,"property %s %s\n",pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].stotypename(),pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].propname); fprintf(fpout, "element face %d\n" "property list uchar int vertex_indices\n" ,m.fn ); if(HasPerFaceFlags(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS) ) { fprintf(fpout, "property int flags\n" ); } if( (HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) && pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ) || (HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (!HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m)) && pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ) ) // Note that you can save VT as WT if you really really want it... { fprintf(fpout, "property list uchar float texcoord\n" ); } // The texture index information has to be saved for each face (if necessary) both for PerVert and PerWedg if( saveTexIndexFlag && ( ( HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) ) || ( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) ) || ( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (!HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m)) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) ) ) ) { fprintf(fpout, "property int texnumber\n" ); } if( HasPerFaceColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR) ) { fprintf(fpout, "property uchar red\n" "property uchar green\n" "property uchar blue\n" "property uchar alpha\n" ); } if ( HasPerWedgeColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR) ) { fprintf(fpout, "property list uchar float color\n" ); } if (HasPerFaceNormal(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACENORMAL)) { const char* fntp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename SaveMeshType::ScalarType>::typeName(); fprintf(fpout, "property %s nx\n", fntp); fprintf(fpout, "property %s ny\n", fntp); fprintf(fpout, "property %s nz\n", fntp); } if( HasPerFaceQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) ) { const char* fqtp = vcg::tri::io::Precision<typename SaveMeshType::FaceType::QualityType>::typeName(); fprintf(fpout,"property %s quality\n",fqtp); } for(size_t i=0;i<pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size();i++) fprintf(fpout,"property %s %s\n",pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].stotypename(),pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].propname); // Saving of edges is enabled if requested if( m.en>0 && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_EDGEINDEX) ) fprintf(fpout, "element edge %d\n" "property int vertex1\n" "property int vertex2\n" ,m.en ); fprintf(fpout, "end_header\n" ); // Salvataggio camera if((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_CAMERA)) { if(binary) { ShotScalarType t[17]; t[ 0] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[0]; t[ 1] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[1]; t[ 2] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[2]; t[ 3] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][0]; t[ 4] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][1]; t[ 5] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][2]; t[ 6] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][0]; t[ 7] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][1]; t[ 8] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][2]; t[ 9] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][0]; t[10] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][1]; t[11] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][2]; t[12] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.FocalMm; t[13] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0]; t[14] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1]; t[15] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0]; t[16] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1]; fwrite(t,sizeof(ShotScalarType),17,fpout); fwrite( &m.shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0],sizeof(int),2,fpout ); t[ 0] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[0]; t[ 1] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[1]; t[ 2] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[2]; t[ 3] = (ShotScalarType)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[3]; fwrite(t,sizeof(ShotScalarType),4,fpout); } else { fprintf(fpout,"%.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g %d %d %.*g %.*g %.*g %.*g\n" ,DGTS,-m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[0] ,DGTS,-m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[1] ,DGTS,-m.shot.Extrinsics.Tra()[2] ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][0] ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][1] ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[0][2] ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][0] ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][1] ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[1][2] ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][0] ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][1] ,DGTS,m.shot.Extrinsics.Rot()[2][2] ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.FocalMm ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0] ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1] ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0] ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1] ,m.shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0] ,m.shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[1] ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.k[0] ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.k[1] ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.k[2] ,DGTS,m.shot.Intrinsics.k[3] ); } } int j; std::vector<int> FlagV; VertexPointer vp; VertexIterator vi; SimpleTempData<typename SaveMeshType::VertContainer,int> indices(m.vert); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerVertexAttributeHandle<float > > thfv(pi.VertDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerVertexAttributeHandle<double> > thdv(pi.VertDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerVertexAttributeHandle<int > > thiv(pi.VertDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerVertexAttributeHandle<short > > thsv(pi.VertDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerVertexAttributeHandle<char > > thcv(pi.VertDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerVertexAttributeHandle<unsigned char> > thuv(pi.VertDescriptorVec.size()); for(size_t i=0;i<pi.VertDescriptorVec.size();i++) { if(!pi.VertAttrNameVec.empty() && !pi.VertAttrNameVec[i].empty()) { // trying to use named attribute to retrieve the value to store assert(vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m,pi.VertAttrNameVec[i])); switch (pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].stotype1) { case ply::T_FLOAT : thfv[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerVertexAttribute<float>(m,pi.VertAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : thdv[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerVertexAttribute<double>(m,pi.VertAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_INT : thiv[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerVertexAttribute<int >(m,pi.VertAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_SHORT : thsv[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerVertexAttribute<short >(m,pi.VertAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_CHAR : thcv[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerVertexAttribute<char>(m,pi.VertAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : thuv[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerVertexAttribute<unsigned char>(m,pi.VertAttrNameVec[i]); break; default : assert(0); } } } std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerFaceAttributeHandle<float > > thff(pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerFaceAttributeHandle<double> > thdf(pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerFaceAttributeHandle<int > > thif(pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerFaceAttributeHandle<short > > thsf(pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerFaceAttributeHandle<char > > thcf(pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size()); std::vector<typename SaveMeshType:: template PerFaceAttributeHandle<unsigned char> > thuf(pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size()); for(size_t i=0;i<pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size();i++) { if(!pi.FaceAttrNameVec.empty() && !pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i].empty()) { // trying to use named attribute to retrieve the value to store assert(vcg::tri::HasPerFaceAttribute(m,pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i])); switch (pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].stotype1) { case ply::T_FLOAT : thff[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerFaceAttribute<float>(m,pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : thdf[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerFaceAttribute<double>(m,pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_INT : thif[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerFaceAttribute<int >(m,pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_SHORT : thsf[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerFaceAttribute<short >(m,pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_CHAR : thcf[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerFaceAttribute<char>(m,pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i]); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : thuf[i] = vcg::tri::Allocator<SaveMeshType>::template FindPerFaceAttribute<unsigned char>(m,pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i]); break; default : assert(0); } } } for(j=0,vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi){ vp=&(*vi); indices[vi] = j; //((m.vn+m.fn) != 0) all vertices and faces have been marked as deleted but the are still in the vert/face vectors if(cb && ((j%1000)==0) && ((m.vn+m.fn) != 0) )(*cb)( (100*j)/(m.vn+m.fn), "Saving Vertices"); if( !HasPerVertexFlags(m) || !vp->IsD() ) { if(binary) { ScalarType t; t = ScalarType(vp->P()[0]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); t = ScalarType(vp->P()[1]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); t = ScalarType(vp->P()[2]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); if( HasPerVertexNormal(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) ) { t = ScalarType(vp->N()[0]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); t = ScalarType(vp->N()[1]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); t = ScalarType(vp->N()[2]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); } if( HasPerVertexFlags(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS) ) fwrite(&(vp->Flags()),sizeof(int),1,fpout); if( HasPerVertexColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) ){ auto c = vp->C(); fwrite(&c,sizeof(char),4,fpout); } if( HasPerVertexQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) ){ auto q = vp->Q(); fwrite(&q, sizeof(typename VertexType::QualityType),1,fpout); } if( HasPerVertexRadius(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTRADIUS) ){ auto r = vp->R(); fwrite(&r,sizeof(typename VertexType::RadiusType),1,fpout); } if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) ) { t = ScalarType(vp->T().u()); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); t = ScalarType(vp->T().v()); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); } for(size_t i=0;i<pi.VertDescriptorVec.size();i++) { double td(0); float tf(0);int ti;short ts; char tc; unsigned char tu; if(!pi.VertAttrNameVec.empty() && !pi.VertAttrNameVec[i].empty()) { // trying to use named attribute to retrieve the value to store assert(vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m,pi.VertAttrNameVec[i])); switch (pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].stotype1) { case ply::T_FLOAT : tf=thfv[i][vp]; fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : td=thdv[i][vp]; fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_INT : ti=thiv[i][vp]; fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_SHORT : ts=thsv[i][vp]; fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_CHAR : tc=thcv[i][vp]; fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : tu=thuv[i][vp]; fwrite(&tu,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break; default : assert(0); } } else { switch (pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].stotype1) { case ply::T_FLOAT : PlyConv(pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1, tf ); fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : PlyConv(pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1, td ); fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_INT : PlyConv(pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1, ti ); fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_SHORT : PlyConv(pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1, ts ); fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_CHAR : PlyConv(pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1, tc ); fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : PlyConv(pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1, tu ); fwrite(&tu,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break; default : assert(0); } } } } else // ***** ASCII ***** { fprintf(fpout,"%.*g %.*g %.*g " ,DGT,vp->P()[0],DGT,vp->P()[1],DGT,vp->P()[2]); if( HasPerVertexNormal(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) ) fprintf(fpout,"%.*g %.*g %.*g " ,DGT,ScalarType(vp->N()[0]),DGT,ScalarType(vp->N()[1]),DGT,ScalarType(vp->N()[2])); if( HasPerVertexFlags(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS)) fprintf(fpout,"%d ",vp->Flags()); if( HasPerVertexColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) ) fprintf(fpout,"%d %d %d %d ",vp->C()[0],vp->C()[1],vp->C()[2],vp->C()[3] ); if( HasPerVertexQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) ) fprintf(fpout,"%.*g ",DGTVQ,vp->Q()); if( HasPerVertexRadius(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTRADIUS) ) fprintf(fpout,"%.*g ",DGTVR,vp->R()); if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) ) fprintf(fpout,"%f %f",vp->T().u(),vp->T().v()); for(size_t i=0;i<pi.VertDescriptorVec.size();i++) { float tf(0); double td(0); int ti; if(!pi.VertAttrNameVec.empty() && !pi.VertAttrNameVec[i].empty()) { // trying to use named attribute to retrieve the value to store assert(vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m,pi.VertAttrNameVec[i])); switch (pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].stotype1) { case ply::T_FLOAT : tf=thfv[i][vp]; fprintf(fpout,"%f ",tf); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : td=thdv[i][vp]; fprintf(fpout,"%lf ",td); break; case ply::T_INT : ti=thiv[i][vp]; fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_SHORT : ti=thsv[i][vp]; fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_CHAR : ti=thcv[i][vp]; fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : ti=thuv[i][vp]; fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; default : assert(0); } } else { switch (pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].memtype1) { case ply::T_FLOAT : tf=*( (float *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%f ",tf); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : td=*( (double *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%f ",tf); break; case ply::T_INT : ti=*( (int *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_SHORT : ti=*( (short *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_CHAR : ti=*( (char *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : ti=*( (unsigned char *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; default : assert(0); } } } fprintf(fpout,"\n"); } j++; } } /*vcg::tri::*/ // this assert triggers when the vn != number of vertexes in vert that are not deleted. assert(j==m.vn); unsigned char b3char = 3; unsigned char b9char = 9; unsigned char b6char = 6; FacePointer fp; int vv[3]; FaceIterator fi; int fcnt=0; for(j=0,fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi) { //((m.vn+m.fn) != 0) all vertices and faces have been marked as deleted but the are still in the vert/face vectors if(cb && ((j%1000)==0) && ((m.vn+m.fn) != 0)) (*cb)( 100*(m.vn+j)/(m.vn+m.fn), "Saving Vertices"); fp=&(*fi); if( ! fp->IsD() ) { fcnt++; if(binary) { vv[0]=indices[fp->cV(0)]; vv[1]=indices[fp->cV(1)]; vv[2]=indices[fp->cV(2)]; fwrite(&b3char,sizeof(char),1,fpout); fwrite(vv,sizeof(int),3,fpout); if(HasPerFaceFlags(m)&&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS) ){ auto fl = fp->Flags(); fwrite(&fl,sizeof(int),1,fpout); } if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (!HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m)) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) ) // Note that you can save VT as WT if you really want it... { fwrite(&b6char,sizeof(char),1,fpout); float t[6]; for(int k=0;k<3;++k) { t[k*2+0] = fp->V(k)->T().u(); t[k*2+1] = fp->V(k)->T().v(); } fwrite(t,sizeof(float),6,fpout); } else if( HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) ) { fwrite(&b6char,sizeof(char),1,fpout); float t[6]; for(int k=0;k<3;++k) { t[k*2+0] = fp->WT(k).u(); t[k*2+1] = fp->WT(k).v(); } fwrite(t,sizeof(float),6,fpout); } if(saveTexIndexFlag) { int t = fp->WT(0).n(); fwrite(&t,sizeof(int),1,fpout); } if( HasPerFaceColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR) ) fwrite(&( fp->C() ),sizeof(char),4,fpout); if( HasPerWedgeColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR) ) { fwrite(&b9char,sizeof(char),1,fpout); float t[3]; for(int z=0;z<3;++z) { t[0] = float(fp->WC(z)[0])/255; t[1] = float(fp->WC(z)[1])/255; t[2] = float(fp->WC(z)[2])/255; fwrite( t,sizeof(float),3,fpout); } } if( HasPerFaceNormal(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACENORMAL) ) { ScalarType t; t = ScalarType(fp->N()[0]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); t = ScalarType(fp->N()[1]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); t = ScalarType(fp->N()[2]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(ScalarType),1,fpout); } if( HasPerFaceQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) ) fwrite( &(fp->Q()),sizeof(typename FaceType::ScalarType),1,fpout); for(size_t i=0;i<pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size();i++) { double td(0); float tf(0);int ti;short ts; char tc; unsigned char tu; if(!pi.FaceAttrNameVec.empty() && !pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i].empty()) { // trying to use named attribute to retrieve the value to store assert(vcg::tri::HasPerFaceAttribute(m,pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i])); switch (pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].stotype1) { case ply::T_FLOAT : tf=thff[i][fp]; fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : td=thdf[i][fp]; fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_INT : ti=thif[i][fp]; fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_SHORT : ts=thsf[i][fp]; fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_CHAR : tc=thcf[i][fp]; fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : tu=thuf[i][fp]; fwrite(&tu,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break; default : assert(0); } } else { switch (pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].stotype1){ case ply::T_FLOAT : PlyConv(pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1, tf ); fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : PlyConv(pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1, td ); fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_INT : PlyConv(pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1, ti ); fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_SHORT : PlyConv(pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1, ts ); fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_CHAR : PlyConv(pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1, tc ); fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : PlyConv(pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1, tu ); fwrite(&tu, sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break; default : assert(0); } } } } else // ***** ASCII ***** { fprintf(fpout,"%d " ,fp->VN()); for(int k=0;k<fp->VN();++k) fprintf(fpout,"%d ",indices[fp->cV(k)]); if(HasPerFaceFlags(m)&&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS )) fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->Flags()); if( HasPerVertexTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) ) // you can save VT as WT if you really want it... { fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->VN()*2); for(int k=0;k<fp->VN();++k) fprintf(fpout,"%f %f " ,fp->V(k)->T().u() ,fp->V(k)->T().v() ); } else if( HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) ) { fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->VN()*2); for(int k=0;k<fp->VN();++k) fprintf(fpout,"%f %f " ,fp->WT(k).u() ,fp->WT(k).v() ); } if(saveTexIndexFlag) { fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->WT(0).n()); } if( HasPerFaceColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR) ) { fprintf(fpout, "%u %u %u %u ", fp->C()[0], fp->C()[1], fp->C()[2], fp->C()[3]); } else if( HasPerWedgeColor(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR) ) { fprintf(fpout,"9 "); for(int z=0;z<3;++z) fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g " ,double(fp->WC(z)[0])/255 ,double(fp->WC(z)[1])/255 ,double(fp->WC(z)[2])/255 ); } if (HasPerFaceNormal(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACENORMAL)) fprintf(fpout,"%.*g %.*g %.*g " ,DGT, ScalarType(fp->N()[0]),DGT,ScalarType(fp->N()[1]),DGT,ScalarType(fp->N()[2])); if( HasPerFaceQuality(m) && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) ) fprintf(fpout,"%.*g ",DGTFQ,fp->Q()); for(size_t i=0;i<pi.FaceDescriptorVec.size();i++) { float tf(0); double td(0); int ti; if(!pi.FaceAttrNameVec.empty() && !pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i].empty()) { // trying to use named attribute to retrieve the value to store assert(vcg::tri::HasPerFaceAttribute(m,pi.FaceAttrNameVec[i])); switch (pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].stotype1) { case ply::T_FLOAT : tf=thff[i][fp]; fprintf(fpout,"%f ",tf); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : td=thdf[i][fp]; fprintf(fpout,"%g ",td); break; case ply::T_INT : ti=thif[i][fp]; fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_SHORT : ti=thsf[i][fp]; fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_CHAR : ti=thcf[i][fp]; fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : ti=thuf[i][fp]; fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; default : assert(0); } } else { switch (pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].memtype1) { case ply::T_FLOAT : tf=*( (float *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break; case ply::T_DOUBLE : td=*( (double *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break; case ply::T_INT : ti=*( (int *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_SHORT : ti=*( (short *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_CHAR : ti=*( (char *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; case ply::T_UCHAR : ti=*( (unsigned char *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceDescriptorVec[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break; default : assert(0); } } } fprintf(fpout,"\n"); } } } assert(fcnt==m.fn); int eauxvv[2]; if( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_EDGEINDEX ) { int ecnt=0; for(EdgeIterator ei=m.edge.begin();ei!=m.edge.end();++ei) { if( ! ei->IsD() ) { ++ecnt; if(binary) { eauxvv[0]=indices[ei->cV(0)]; eauxvv[1]=indices[ei->cV(1)]; fwrite(eauxvv,sizeof(int),2,fpout); } else // ***** ASCII ***** fprintf(fpout,"%d %d \n", indices[ei->cV(0)], indices[ei->cV(1)]); } } assert(ecnt==m.en); } int result = 0; if (ferror(fpout)) result = ply::E_STREAMERROR; fclose(fpout); return result; } static const char *ErrorMsg(int error) { static std::vector<std::string> ply_error_msg; if(ply_error_msg.empty()) { ply_error_msg.resize(PlyInfo::E_MAXPLYINFOERRORS ); ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOERROR ]="No errors"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_CANTOPEN ]="Can't open file"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOTHEADER ]="Header not found"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_UNESPECTEDEOF ]="Eof in header"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOFORMAT ]="Format not found"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_SYNTAX ]="Syntax error on header"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_PROPOUTOFELEMENT ]="Property without element"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADTYPENAME ]="Bad type name"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_ELEMNOTFOUND ]="Element not found"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_PROPNOTFOUND ]="Property not found"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADTYPE ]="Bad type on addtoread"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_INCOMPATIBLETYPE ]="Incompatible type"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADCAST ]="Bad cast"; ply_error_msg[ply::E_STREAMERROR ] = "Output Stream Error"; ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_VERTEX ]="No vertex field found"; ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_FACE ]="No face field found"; ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_SHORTFILE ]="Unespected eof"; ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_3VERTINFACE ]="Face with more than 3 vertices"; ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_BAD_VERT_INDEX ]="Bad vertex index in face"; ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_6TCOORD ]="Face with no 6 texture coordinates"; ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_DIFFER_COLORS ]="Number of color differ from vertices"; } if(error>PlyInfo::E_MAXPLYINFOERRORS || error<0) return "Unknown error"; else return ply_error_msg[error].c_str(); }; static int GetExportMaskCapability() { int capability = 0; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOORD ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTRADIUS ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACEINDEX ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY ; // capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACENORMAL ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXMULTI ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGNORMAL ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_CAMERA ; capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_BITPOLYGONAL; return capability; } }; // end class } // end namespace tri } // end namespace io } // end namespace vcg //@} #endif