/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.28 2008/09/09 11:13:27 dellepiane new functions to handle distortion: should not affect previous stuff. tested but still error prone... Revision 1.28 2006/12/21 00:13:27 cignoni Corrected a syntax error detected only by gcc. Corrected the order of initialization in the constructor to match the declaration order Revision 1.27 2006/12/18 16:02:55 matteodelle minor eroor correction on variable names Revision 1.26 2006/12/18 09:46:38 callieri camera+shot revamp: changed field names to something with more sense, cleaning of various functions, correction of minor bugs/incongruences, removal of the infamous reference in shot. Revision 1.25 2005/12/12 16:52:55 callieri Added Unproject, from 2D local space + Zdepth to 3D camera space. Added ViewportToLocal, inverse of LocalToViewport Revision 1.24 2005/12/01 01:03:37 cignoni Removed excess ';' from end of template functions, for gcc compiling Revision 1.23 2005/10/12 16:43:32 ponchio Added IsOrtho... Revision 1.22 2005/07/11 13:12:34 cignoni small gcc-related compiling issues (typenames,ending cr, initialization order) Revision 1.21 2005/07/01 10:55:42 cignoni Removed default values from the implementation of SetCavalieri and SetIsometric Revision 1.20 2005/06/29 14:59:03 spinelli aggiunto: - l' enum dei tipi PERSPECTIVE, ORTHO, ISOMETRIC, CAVALIERI - inline void SetCavalieri(...) - inline void SetIsometric(...) - modificato - void SetOrtho( .. ) Revision 1.19 2005/02/22 10:57:58 tommyfranken Corrected declaration and some syntax errors in GetFrustum Revision 1.18 2005/02/21 18:11:07 ganovelli GetFrustum moved from gl/camera to math/camera.h Revision 1.17 2005/02/15 14:55:52 tommyfranken added principal point Revision 1.16 2005/01/18 16:40:50 ricciodimare *** empty log message *** Revision 1.15 2005/01/18 15:14:22 ponchio Far and end are reserved. Revision 1.14 2005/01/14 15:28:33 ponchio vcg/Point.h -> vcg/point.h (again!) Revision 1.13 2005/01/05 13:25:29 ganovelli aggiunte conversione di coordinate Revision 1.12 2004/12/16 11:22:30 ricciodimare *** empty log message *** Revision 1.11 2004/12/16 11:21:03 ricciodimare *** empty log message *** Revision 1.10 2004/12/15 18:45:50 tommyfranken *** empty log message *** <<<<<<< camera.h ======= Revision 1.8 2004/11/23 10:15:38 cignoni removed comment in comment gcc warning Revision 1.7 2004/11/03 09:40:53 ganovelli Point?.h to point?.h Revision 1.6 2004/11/03 09:32:50 ganovelli SetPerspective and SetFrustum added (same parameters as in opengl) >>>>>>> 1.8 Revision 1.4 2004/10/07 14:39:57 fasano Remove glew.h include Revision 1.3 2004/10/07 14:22:38 ganovelli y axis reverse in projecting (!) Revision 1.2 2004/10/05 19:04:25 ganovelli version 5-10-2004 in progress Revision 1.1 2004/09/15 22:58:05 ganovelli re-creation Revision 1.2 2004/09/06 21:41:30 ganovelli *** empty log message *** Revision 1.1 2004/09/03 13:01:51 ganovelli creation ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCGLIB_CAMERA #define __VCGLIB_CAMERA // VCG #include #include #include namespace vcg{ enum { PERSPECTIVE = 0, ORTHO = 1, ISOMETRIC = 2, CAVALIERI = 3 }; template class Camera { public: typedef S ScalarType; Camera(): FocalMm(0.f), ViewportPx(vcg::Point2(0,0)), PixelSizeMm(vcg::Point2(0.0,0.0)), CenterPx(vcg::Point2(0.0,0.0)), DistorCenterPx(vcg::Point2(0.0,0.0)), cameraType(0) { k[0] = k[1] = k[2] = k[3] = 0; } //------ camera intrinsics ScalarType FocalMm; /// Focal Distance: the distance between focal center and image plane. Expressed in mm Point2 ViewportPx; /// Dimension of the Image Plane (in pixels) Point2 PixelSizeMm; /// Dimension in mm of a single pixel Point2 CenterPx; /// Position of the projection of the focal center on the image plane. Expressed in pixels Point2 DistorCenterPx; /// Position of the radial distortion center on the image plane in pixels S k[4]; /// 1st & 2nd order radial lens distortion coefficient (only the first 2 terms are used) //------------------------ int cameraType; /// Type of camera: PERSPECTIVE,ORTHO,ISOMETRIC,CAVALIERI void SetOrtho(S dist) { cameraType = ORTHO; ViewportPx = ( ((ViewportPx[0] * PixelSizeMm[0]) * (ViewportPx[1] * PixelSizeMm[1])) / FocalMm ) * dist; }; bool IsOrtho() const { return ( cameraType == ORTHO ); } //--- Set-up methods /// set the camera specifying the perspecive view inline void SetPerspective(S AngleDeg, S AspectRatio, S Focal, vcg::Point2 Viewport); /// set the camera specifying the cavalieri view inline void SetCavalieri(S sx, S dx, S bt, S tp, S Focal, vcg::Point2 Viewport); /// set the camera specifying the isometric view inline void SetIsometric(S sx, S dx, S bt, S tp, S Focal, vcg::Point2 Viewport); /// set the camera specifying the frustum view inline void SetFrustum(S dx, S sx, S bt, S tp, S Focal, vcg::Point2 Viewport); //------------------ /// returns the frustum inline void GetFrustum(S & sx, S & dx, S & bt, S & tp, S & nr); //--- Space transformation methods /// project a point from 3d CAMERA space to the camera local plane inline vcg::Point2 Project(const vcg::Point3 & p) const; /// unproject a point from the camera local plane (plus depth) to 3d CAMERA space inline vcg::Point3 UnProject(const vcg::Point2 & p, const S & d) const; /// transforms local plane coords to vieport (pixel) coords inline vcg::Point2 LocalToViewportPx(const vcg::Point2 & p) const; /// transforms vieport (pixel) coords to local plane coords inline vcg::Point2 ViewportPxToLocal(const vcg::Point2 & p) const; /// transforms vieport (pixel) coords to [-1 1] coords inline vcg::Point2 ViewportPxTo_neg1_1(const vcg::Point2 & p) const; /// transforms local plane coords to [0 1] coords inline vcg::Point2 LocalTo_0_1(const vcg::Point2 & p) const; /// transforms local plane coords to [-1 1] coords inline vcg::Point2 LocalTo_neg1_1(const vcg::Point2 & p) const; /// transforms an undistorted 2D camera plane point in a distorted 2D camera plane point vcg::Point2 UndistortedToDistorted(vcg::Point2 u) const; /// transforms a distorted 2D camera plane point in an undistorted 2D camera plane point vcg::Point2 DistortedToUndistorted(vcg::Point2 d) const; //-------------------------------- }; /// project a point from 3d CAMERA space to the camera's plane] template vcg::Point2 Camera::Project(const vcg::Point3 & p) const { vcg::Point2 q = Point2(p[0],p[1]); vcg::Point2 d = Point2(p[0],p[1]); if(!IsOrtho()) { q[0] *= FocalMm/p.Z(); q[1] *= FocalMm/p.Z(); if(k[0]!=0) { vcg::Point2 d; d=UndistortedToDistorted(q); q=d; } } return q; } /// unproject a point from the camera 2d plane [-1,-1]x[1,1] (plus depth) to 3d CAMERA space template vcg::Point3 Camera::UnProject(const vcg::Point2 & p, const S & d) const { vcg::Point3 np = Point3(p[0], p[1], d); if(!IsOrtho()) { if(k[0]!=0) { vcg::Point2 d = Point2(p[0], p[1]); vcg::Point2 u=DistortedToUndistorted(d); np[0]=u[0]; np[1]=u[1]; } np[0] /= FocalMm/d; np[1] /= FocalMm/d; } return np; } /// transforms local plane coords to vieport (pixel) coords template vcg::Point2 Camera::LocalToViewportPx(const vcg::Point2 & p) const { vcg::Point2 np; np[0] = (p[0] / PixelSizeMm.X()) + CenterPx.X(); np[1] = (p[1] / PixelSizeMm.Y()) + CenterPx.Y(); return np; } /// transforms vieport (pixel) coords to local plane coords template vcg::Point2 Camera::ViewportPxToLocal(const vcg::Point2 & p) const { vcg::Point2 ps; ps[0] = (p[0]-CenterPx.X()) * PixelSizeMm.X(); ps[1] = (p[1]-CenterPx.Y()) * PixelSizeMm.Y(); return ps; } /// transforms vieport (pixel) coords to [-1 1] coords template vcg::Point2 Camera::ViewportPxTo_neg1_1(const vcg::Point2 & p) const { vcg::Point2 ps; ps[0] = 2.0f * ((p[0]-CenterPx.X()) * PixelSizeMm.X())/ ( PixelSizeMm.X() * (S)ViewportPx[0] ); ps[1] = 2.0f * ((p[1]-CenterPx.Y()) * PixelSizeMm.Y())/ ( PixelSizeMm.Y() * (S)ViewportPx[1] ); return ps; } /// transforms local plane coords to [0-1] coords template vcg::Point2 Camera::LocalTo_0_1(const vcg::Point2 & p) const { vcg::Point2 ps; ps[0] = ( p[0]/PixelSizeMm.X() + CenterPx.X() ) / (S)ViewportPx[0]; ps[1] = ( p[1]/PixelSizeMm.Y() + CenterPx.Y() ) / (S)ViewportPx[1]; return ps; } /// transforms local plane coords to [-1 1] coords template vcg::Point2 Camera::LocalTo_neg1_1(const vcg::Point2 & p) const { vcg::Point2 ps; ps[0] = 2.0f * p[0] / ( PixelSizeMm.X() * (S)ViewportPx[0] ); ps[1] = 2.0f * p[1] / ( PixelSizeMm.Y() * (S)ViewportPx[1] ); return ps; } /// transforms an undistorted 2D camera plane point in a distorted 2D camera plane point template vcg::Point2 Camera::UndistortedToDistorted(vcg::Point2 u) const { vcg::Point2 dis; vcg::Point2 dc=ViewportPxTo_neg1_1(DistorCenterPx); const Scalar SQRT3 = Scalar(1.732050807568877293527446341505872366943); const Scalar CBRT = Scalar(0.33333333333333333333333); Scalar Ru,Rd,lambda,c,d,Q,R,D,S,T,sinT,cosT; if(((u[0]-dc[0])==0 && (u[1]-dc[1])==0) || k[0] == 0) { dis[0] = u[0]; dis[1] = u[1]; return dis; } Ru = hypot ((u[0]-dc[0]), (u[1]-dc[1])); /* SQRT(Xu*Xu+Yu*Yu) */ c = 1 / k[0]; d = -c * Ru; Q = c / 3; R = -d / 2; if (R<0) D = pow(Q,3) + sqrt(-R); else D = pow(Q,3) + sqrt(R); if (D >= 0) /* one real root */ { D = sqrt(D); S = pow((R + D),CBRT); if (R>=D) T = pow((R - D),CBRT); else T = - pow(abs(R - D),CBRT); Rd = S + T; if (Rd < 0) Rd = sqrt(-1 / (3 * k[0])); } else /* three real roots */ { D = sqrt(-D); S = pow((hypot (R, D)),CBRT); T = atan2 (D, R) / 3; //SinCos(T, sinT, cosT); sinT=sin(T); cosT=cos(T); /* the larger positive root is 2*S*cos(T) */ /* the smaller positive root is -S*cos(T) + SQRT(3)*S*sin(T) */ /* the negative root is -S*cos(T) - SQRT(3)*S*sin(T) */ Rd = -S * cosT + SQRT3 * S * sinT; /* use the smaller positive root */ } lambda = Rd / Ru; dis[0] = u[0] * lambda; dis[1] = u[1] * lambda; return dis; } /// transforms a distorted 2D camera plane point in an undistorted 2D camera plane point template vcg::Point2 Camera::DistortedToUndistorted(vcg::Point2 d) const { vcg::Point2 u; vcg::Point2 dc=ViewportPxTo_neg1_1(DistorCenterPx); S r=sqrt(pow((d[0]-dc[0]),2)+pow((d[1]-dc[1]),2)); u[0]=d[0]*(1-k[0]*r*r); u[1]=d[1]*(1-k[0]*r*r); return u; } //--- basic camera setup (GL-like) /// set the camera specifying the perspective view template void Camera::SetPerspective( S AngleDeg, S AspectRatio, S Focal, vcg::Point2 Viewport) { cameraType = PERSPECTIVE; S halfsize[2]; halfsize[1] = tan(math::ToRad(AngleDeg/2.0f)) * Focal; halfsize[0] = halfsize[1]*AspectRatio; SetFrustum(-halfsize[0],halfsize[0],-halfsize[1],halfsize[1],Focal,Viewport); } /// set the camera specifying the frustum view template void Camera::SetFrustum( S sx, S dx, S bt, S tp, S Focal, vcg::Point2 Viewport) { S vp[2]; vp[0] = dx-sx; vp[1] = tp-bt; ViewportPx[0] = Viewport[0]; if(vp[1] != -1) ViewportPx[1] = Viewport[1]; // the user specified the viewport else ViewportPx[1] = ViewportPx[0]; // default viewport PixelSizeMm[0] = vp[0] / (S)Viewport[0]; PixelSizeMm[1] = vp[1] / (S)Viewport[1]; CenterPx[0] = -sx/vp[0] * (S)Viewport[0]; CenterPx[1] = -bt/vp[1] * (S)Viewport[1]; FocalMm =Focal; } //--- special cameras setup /// set the camera specifying the cavalieri view template void Camera::SetCavalieri(S sx, S dx, S bt, S tp, S Focal, vcg::Point2 Viewport) { cameraType = CAVALIERI; SetFrustum(sx, dx, bt, tp, Focal,Viewport); } /// set the camera specifying the isometric view template void Camera::SetIsometric(S sx, S dx, S bt, S tp, S Focal, vcg::Point2 Viewport) { cameraType = ISOMETRIC; SetFrustum(sx, dx, bt, tp, Focal,Viewport); } /// returns the frustum template void Camera:: GetFrustum( S & sx, S & dx, S & bt, S & tp, S & nr) { dx = CenterPx.X()* PixelSizeMm.X(); //scaled center sx = -( (S)ViewportPx.X() - CenterPx.X() ) * PixelSizeMm.X(); bt = -CenterPx.Y()* PixelSizeMm.Y(); tp = ( (S)ViewportPx.Y() - CenterPx.Y() ) * PixelSizeMm.Y(); nr = FocalMm; } } #endif