/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004-2016 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCGLIB__SAMPLING #define __VCGLIB__SAMPLING #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace vcg { struct SamplingFlags{ enum{ HIST = 0x0001, VERTEX_SAMPLING = 0x0002, EDGE_SAMPLING = 0x0004, FACE_SAMPLING = 0x0008, MONTECARLO_SAMPLING = 0x0010, SUBDIVISION_SAMPLING = 0x0020, SIMILAR_SAMPLING = 0x0040, NO_SAMPLING = 0x0070, SAVE_ERROR = 0x0100, INCLUDE_UNREFERENCED_VERTICES = 0x0200, USE_STATIC_GRID = 0x0400, USE_HASH_GRID = 0x0800, USE_AABB_TREE = 0x1000, USE_OCTREE = 0x2000 }; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template class Sampling { public: private: typedef typename MetroMesh::CoordType CoordType; typedef typename MetroMesh::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename MetroMesh::VertexType VertexType; typedef typename MetroMesh::VertexPointer VertexPointer; typedef typename MetroMesh::VertexIterator VertexIterator; typedef typename MetroMesh::FaceIterator FaceIterator; typedef typename MetroMesh::FaceType FaceType; typedef typename MetroMesh::FaceContainer FaceContainer; typedef GridStaticPtr MetroMeshGrid; typedef SpatialHashTable MetroMeshHash; typedef AABBBinaryTreeIndex MetroMeshAABB; typedef Octree MetroMeshOctree; typedef Point3 Point3x; // data structures MetroMesh &S1; MetroMesh &S2; MetroMeshGrid gS2; MetroMeshHash hS2; MetroMeshAABB tS2; MetroMeshOctree oS2; unsigned int n_samples_per_face ; float n_samples_edge_to_face_ratio ; float bbox_factor ; float inflate_percentage ; unsigned int min_size ; int n_hist_bins ; int print_every_n_elements ; int referredBit ; // parameters double dist_upper_bound; double n_samples_per_area_unit; unsigned long n_samples_target; int Flags; // results Histogram hist; unsigned long n_total_samples; unsigned long n_total_area_samples; unsigned long n_total_edge_samples; unsigned long n_total_vertex_samples; double max_dist; double mean_dist; double RMS_dist; double volume; double area_S1; // globals int n_samples; // private methods inline double ComputeMeshArea(MetroMesh & mesh); float AddSample(const Point3x &p); inline void AddRandomSample(FaceIterator &T); inline void SampleEdge(const Point3x & v0, const Point3x & v1, int n_samples_per_edge); void VertexSampling(); void EdgeSampling(); void FaceSubdiv(const Point3x & v0, const Point3x &v1, const Point3x & v2, int maxdepth); void SimilarTriangles(const Point3x &v0, const Point3x &v1, const Point3x &v2, int n_samples_per_edge); void MontecarloFaceSampling(); void SubdivFaceSampling(); void SimilarFaceSampling(); public : // public methods Sampling(MetroMesh &_s1, MetroMesh &_s2); ~Sampling(); void Hausdorff(); double GetArea() {return area_S1;} double GetDistMax() {return max_dist;} double GetDistMean() {return mean_dist;} double GetDistRMS() {return RMS_dist;} double GetDistVolume() {return volume;} unsigned long GetNSamples() {return n_total_samples;} unsigned long GetNAreaSamples() {return n_total_area_samples;} unsigned long GetNEdgeSamples() {return n_total_edge_samples;} unsigned long GetNVertexSamples() {return n_total_vertex_samples;} double GetNSamplesPerAreaUnit() {return n_samples_per_area_unit;} unsigned long GetNSamplesTarget() {return n_samples_target;} Histogram &GetHist() {return hist;} void SetFlags(int flags) {Flags = flags;} void ClearFlag(int flag) {Flags &= (flag ^ -1);} void SetParam(double _n_samp) {n_samples_target = _n_samp;} void SetSamplesTarget(unsigned long _n_samp); void SetSamplesPerAreaUnit(double _n_samp); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructor template Sampling::Sampling(MetroMesh &_s1, MetroMesh &_s2):S1(_s1),S2(_s2) { Flags = 0; area_S1 = ComputeMeshArea(_s1); // set default numbers n_samples_per_face = 10; n_samples_edge_to_face_ratio = 0.1f; bbox_factor = 0.1f; inflate_percentage = 0.02f; min_size = 125; /* 125 = 5^3 */ n_hist_bins = 256; print_every_n_elements = S1.fn/100; if(print_every_n_elements <= 1) print_every_n_elements = 2; referredBit = VertexType::NewBitFlag(); // store the unreferred vertices FaceIterator fi; VertexIterator vi; int i; for(fi = _s1.face.begin(); fi!= _s1.face.end(); ++fi) for(i=0;i<3;++i) (*fi).V(i)->SetUserBit(referredBit); } template Sampling::~Sampling() { VertexType::DeleteBitFlag(referredBit); } // set sampling parameters template void Sampling::SetSamplesTarget(unsigned long _n_samp) { n_samples_target = _n_samp; n_samples_per_area_unit = n_samples_target / (double)area_S1; } template void Sampling::SetSamplesPerAreaUnit(double _n_samp) { n_samples_per_area_unit = _n_samp; n_samples_target = (unsigned long)((double) n_samples_per_area_unit * area_S1); } // auxiliary functions template inline double Sampling::ComputeMeshArea(MetroMesh & mesh) { FaceIterator face; double area = 0.0; for(face=mesh.face.begin(); face != mesh.face.end(); face++) if(!(*face).IsD()) area += DoubleArea(*face); return area/2.0; } template float Sampling::AddSample(const Point3x &p ) { FaceType *f=0; Point3x normf, bestq, ip; ScalarType dist; dist = dist_upper_bound; // compute distance between p_i and the mesh S2 if(Flags & SamplingFlags::USE_AABB_TREE) f=tri::GetClosestFaceEP(S2, tS2, p, dist_upper_bound, dist, normf, bestq, ip); if(Flags & SamplingFlags::USE_HASH_GRID) f=tri::GetClosestFaceEP(S2, hS2, p, dist_upper_bound, dist, normf, bestq, ip); if(Flags & SamplingFlags::USE_STATIC_GRID) f=tri::GetClosestFaceEP(S2, gS2, p, dist_upper_bound, dist, normf, bestq, ip); if (Flags & SamplingFlags::USE_OCTREE) f=tri::GetClosestFaceEP(S2, oS2, p, dist_upper_bound, dist, normf, bestq, ip); // update distance measures if(dist == dist_upper_bound) return -1.0; if(dist > max_dist) max_dist = dist; // L_inf mean_dist += dist; // L_1 RMS_dist += dist*dist; // L_2 n_total_samples++; if(Flags & SamplingFlags::HIST) hist.Add((float)fabs(dist)); return (float)dist; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- Vertex Sampling --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void Sampling::VertexSampling() { // Vertex sampling. int cnt = 0; float error; printf("Vertex sampling\n"); VertexIterator vi; typename std::vector::iterator vif; for(vi=S1.vert.begin();vi!=S1.vert.end();++vi) if( (*vi).IsUserBit(referredBit) || // it is referred ((Flags&SamplingFlags::INCLUDE_UNREFERENCED_VERTICES) != 0) ) //include also unreferred { error = AddSample((*vi).cP()); n_total_vertex_samples++; // save vertex quality if(Flags & SamplingFlags::SAVE_ERROR) (*vi).Q() = error; // print progress information if(!(++cnt % print_every_n_elements)) printf("Sampling vertices %d%%\r", (100 * cnt/S1.vn)); } printf(" \r"); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- Edge Sampling ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void Sampling::SampleEdge(const Point3x & v0, const Point3x & v1, int n_samples_per_edge) { // uniform sampling of the segment v0v1. Point3x e((v1-v0)/(double)(n_samples_per_edge+1)); int i; for(i=1; i <= n_samples_per_edge; i++) { AddSample(v0 + e*i); n_total_edge_samples++; } } template void Sampling::EdgeSampling() { // Edge sampling. typedef std::pair pvv; std::vector< pvv > Edges; printf("Edge sampling\n"); // compute edge list. FaceIterator fi; for(fi=S1.face.begin(); fi != S1.face.end(); fi++) for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) { Edges.push_back(std::make_pair((*fi).V0(i),(*fi).V1(i))); if(Edges.back().first > Edges.back().second) std::swap(Edges.back().first, Edges.back().second); } sort(Edges.begin(), Edges.end()); typename std::vector< pvv>::iterator edgeend = unique(Edges.begin(), Edges.end()); Edges.resize(edgeend-Edges.begin()); // sample edges. typename std::vector::iterator ei; double n_samples_per_length_unit; double n_samples_decimal = 0.0; int cnt=0; if(Flags & SamplingFlags::FACE_SAMPLING) n_samples_per_length_unit = sqrt((double)n_samples_per_area_unit); else n_samples_per_length_unit = n_samples_per_area_unit; for(ei=Edges.begin(); ei!=Edges.end(); ++ei) { n_samples_decimal += Distance((*ei).first->cP(),(*ei).second->cP()) * n_samples_per_length_unit; n_samples = (int) n_samples_decimal; SampleEdge((*ei).first->cP(), (*ei).second->cP(), (int) n_samples); n_samples_decimal -= (double) n_samples; // print progress information if(!(++cnt % print_every_n_elements)) printf("Sampling edge %lu%%\r", (100 * cnt/Edges.size())); } printf(" \r"); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- Face Sampling ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Montecarlo sampling. template inline void Sampling::AddRandomSample(FaceIterator &T) { // random sampling over the input face. double rnd_1, rnd_2; // vertices of the face T. Point3x p0(T->V(0)->cP()); Point3x p1(T->V(1)->cP()); Point3x p2(T->V(2)->cP()); // calculate two edges of T. Point3x v1(p1 - p0); Point3x v2(p2 - p0); // choose two random numbers. rnd_1 = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; rnd_2 = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; if(rnd_1 + rnd_2 > 1.0) { rnd_1 = 1.0 - rnd_1; rnd_2 = 1.0 - rnd_2; } // add a random point on the face T. AddSample (p0 + (v1 * rnd_1 + v2 * rnd_2)); n_total_area_samples++; } template void Sampling::MontecarloFaceSampling() { // Montecarlo sampling. double n_samples_decimal = 0.0; FaceIterator fi; srand(clock()); // printf("Montecarlo face sampling\n"); for(fi=S1.face.begin(); fi != S1.face.end(); fi++) if(!(*fi).IsD()) { // compute # samples in the current face. n_samples_decimal += 0.5*DoubleArea(*fi) * n_samples_per_area_unit; n_samples = (int) n_samples_decimal; // for every sample p_i in T... for(int i=0; i < n_samples; i++) AddRandomSample(fi); n_samples_decimal -= (double) n_samples; // print progress information // if(!(++cnt % print_every_n_elements)) // printf("Sampling face %d%%\r", (100 * cnt/S1.fn)); } // printf(" \r"); } // Subdivision sampling. template void Sampling::FaceSubdiv(const Point3x & v0, const Point3x & v1, const Point3x & v2, int maxdepth) { // recursive face subdivision. if(maxdepth == 0) { // ground case. AddSample((v0+v1+v2)/3.0f); n_total_area_samples++; n_samples++; return; } // compute the longest edge. double maxd01 = SquaredDistance(v0,v1); double maxd12 = SquaredDistance(v1,v2); double maxd20 = SquaredDistance(v2,v0); int res; if(maxd01 > maxd12) if(maxd01 > maxd20) res = 0; else res = 2; else if(maxd12 > maxd20) res = 1; else res = 2; // break the input triangle along the median to the the longest edge. Point3x pp; switch(res) { case 0 : pp = (v0+v1)/2; FaceSubdiv(v0,pp,v2,maxdepth-1); FaceSubdiv(pp,v1,v2,maxdepth-1); break; case 1 : pp = (v1+v2)/2; FaceSubdiv(v0,v1,pp,maxdepth-1); FaceSubdiv(v0,pp,v2,maxdepth-1); break; case 2 : pp = (v2+v0)/2; FaceSubdiv(v0,v1,pp,maxdepth-1); FaceSubdiv(pp,v1,v2,maxdepth-1); break; } } template void Sampling::SubdivFaceSampling() { // Subdivision sampling. int cnt = 0, maxdepth; double n_samples_decimal = 0.0; typename MetroMesh::FaceIterator fi; printf("Subdivision face sampling\n"); for(fi=S1.face.begin(); fi != S1.face.end(); fi++) { // compute # samples in the current face. n_samples_decimal += 0.5*DoubleArea(*fi) * n_samples_per_area_unit; n_samples = (int) n_samples_decimal; if(n_samples) { // face sampling. maxdepth = ((int)(log((double)n_samples)/log(2.0))); n_samples = 0; FaceSubdiv((*fi).V(0)->cP(), (*fi).V(1)->cP(), (*fi).V(2)->cP(), maxdepth); } n_samples_decimal -= (double) n_samples; // print progress information if(!(++cnt % print_every_n_elements)) printf("Sampling face %d%%\r", (100 * cnt/S1.fn)); } printf(" \r"); } // Similar Triangles sampling. template void Sampling::SimilarTriangles(const Point3x & v0, const Point3x & v1, const Point3x & v2, int n_samples_per_edge) { Point3x V1((v1-v0)/(double)(n_samples_per_edge-1)); Point3x V2((v2-v0)/(double)(n_samples_per_edge-1)); int i, j; // face sampling. for(i=1; i < n_samples_per_edge-1; i++) for(j=1; j < n_samples_per_edge-1-i; j++) { AddSample( v0 + (V1*(double)i + V2*(double)j) ); n_total_area_samples++; n_samples++; } } template void Sampling::SimilarFaceSampling() { // Similar Triangles sampling. int cnt = 0, n_samples_per_edge; double n_samples_decimal = 0.0; FaceIterator fi; printf("Similar Triangles face sampling\n"); for(fi=S1.face.begin(); fi != S1.face.end(); fi++) { // compute # samples in the current face. n_samples_decimal += 0.5*DoubleArea(*fi) * n_samples_per_area_unit; n_samples = (int) n_samples_decimal; if(n_samples) { // face sampling. n_samples_per_edge = (int)((sqrt(1.0+8.0*(double)n_samples) +5.0)/2.0); n_samples = 0; SimilarTriangles((*fi).V(0)->cP(), (*fi).V(1)->cP(), (*fi).V(2)->cP(), n_samples_per_edge); } n_samples_decimal -= (double) n_samples; // print progress information if(!(++cnt % print_every_n_elements)) printf("Sampling face %d%%\r", (100 * cnt/S1.fn)); } printf(" \r"); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- Distance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void Sampling::Hausdorff() { Box3< ScalarType> bbox; // set grid meshes. if(Flags & SamplingFlags::USE_HASH_GRID) hS2.Set(S2.face.begin(),S2.face.end()); if(Flags & SamplingFlags::USE_AABB_TREE) tS2.Set(S2.face.begin(),S2.face.end()); if(Flags & SamplingFlags::USE_STATIC_GRID) gS2.Set(S2.face.begin(),S2.face.end()); if(Flags & SamplingFlags::USE_OCTREE) oS2.Set(S2.face.begin(),S2.face.end()); // set bounding box bbox = S2.bbox; dist_upper_bound = /*bbox_factor * */bbox.Diag(); if(Flags & SamplingFlags::HIST) hist.SetRange(0.0, dist_upper_bound/100.0, n_hist_bins); // initialize sampling statistics. n_total_area_samples = n_total_edge_samples = n_total_vertex_samples = n_total_samples = n_samples = 0; max_dist = -HUGE_VAL; mean_dist = RMS_dist = 0; // Vertex sampling. if(Flags & SamplingFlags::VERTEX_SAMPLING) VertexSampling(); // Edge sampling. if(n_samples_target > n_total_samples) { n_samples_target -= (int) n_total_samples; n_samples_per_area_unit = n_samples_target / area_S1; if(Flags & SamplingFlags::EDGE_SAMPLING) { EdgeSampling(); if(n_samples_target > n_total_samples) n_samples_target -= (int) n_total_samples; else n_samples_target=0; } // Face sampling. if((Flags & SamplingFlags::FACE_SAMPLING) && (n_samples_target > 0)) { n_samples_per_area_unit = n_samples_target / area_S1; if(Flags & SamplingFlags::MONTECARLO_SAMPLING) MontecarloFaceSampling(); if(Flags & SamplingFlags::SUBDIVISION_SAMPLING) SubdivFaceSampling(); if(Flags & SamplingFlags::SIMILAR_SAMPLING) SimilarFaceSampling(); } } // compute vertex colour if(Flags & SamplingFlags::SAVE_ERROR) vcg::tri::UpdateColor::PerVertexQualityRamp(S1); // compute statistics n_samples_per_area_unit = (double) n_total_samples / area_S1; volume = mean_dist / n_samples_per_area_unit / 2.0; mean_dist /= n_total_samples; RMS_dist = sqrt(RMS_dist / n_total_samples); } } #endif