/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2005 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.4 2005/09/30 15:12:16 cignoni Completely rewrote the GridClosest, now it: - works for point out of the grid - expands the box in a distance coherent way - does not re-visit already visited cells - shorter code!! ( still to be tested :) ) Revision 1.3 2005/09/30 13:15:48 pietroni added functions: - GetKClosest - DoRay Revision 1.2 2005/09/28 08:27:11 cignoni Added a control to avoid multiple check of the same cells during radial expansion Still miss some code to properly initialize when point is out of the BBox of the grid. Revision 1.1 2005/09/27 15:09:38 cignoni First Version ****************************************************************************/ ///** Returns the closest posistion of a point _p and its distance //@param _p a 3d point //@param _maxDist maximum distance not to search beyond. //@param _getPointDistance (templated type) a functor object used to calculate distance from a grid object to the point _p. //@param _minDist the returned closest distance //@param _closestPt the returned closest point //@return The closest element //*/ ///* // A DISTFUNCT object must implement an operator () with signature: // bool operator () (const ObjType& obj, const CoordType & _p, ScalarType & min_dist, CoordType & _closestPt); //*/ #ifndef __VCGLIB_GRID_CLOSEST #define __VCGLIB_GRID_CLOSEST #include namespace vcg{ template typename SPATIAL_INDEX::ObjPtr GridClosest(SPATIAL_INDEX &Si, OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR _getPointDistance, OBJMARKER & _marker, const typename SPATIAL_INDEX::CoordType & _p, const typename SPATIAL_INDEX::ScalarType & _maxDist, typename SPATIAL_INDEX::ScalarType & _minDist, typename SPATIAL_INDEX:: CoordType &_closestPt) { typedef typename SPATIAL_INDEX::ObjPtr ObjPtr; typedef typename SPATIAL_INDEX SpatialIndex; typedef typename SPATIAL_INDEX::CoordType CoordType; typedef typename SPATIAL_INDEX::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename SPATIAL_INDEX::Box3x Box3x; // Initialize min_dist with _maxDist to exploit early rejection test. _minDist = _maxDist; ObjPtr winner=NULL; _marker.UnMarkAll(); ScalarType newradius = Si.voxel.Norm(); ScalarType radius; Box3i iboxdone,iboxtodo; CoordType t_res; SPATIAL_INDEX::CellIterator first,last,l; if(Si.bbox.IsInEx(_p)) { Point3i _ip; Si.PToIP(_p,_ip); Si.Grid( _ip[0],_ip[1],_ip[2], first, last ); for(l=first;l!=last;++l) { ObjPtr elem=&(**l); if (_getPointDistance((**l), _p,_minDist, t_res)) // <-- NEW: use of distance functor { winner=elem; _closestPt=t_res; newradius=_minDist; // } _marker.Mark(elem); } iboxdone=Box3i(_ip,_ip); } int ix,iy,iz; Box3i ibox(Point3i(0,0,0),Si.siz-Point3i(1,1,1)); do { radius=newradius; Box3x boxtodo=Box3x(_p,radius); //boxtodo.Intersect(Si.bbox); Si.BoxToIBox(boxtodo, iboxtodo); iboxtodo.Intersect(ibox); if(!boxtodo.IsNull()) { for (ix=iboxtodo.min[0]; ix<=iboxtodo.max[0]; ix++) for (iy=iboxtodo.min[1]; iy<=iboxtodo.max[1]; iy++) for (iz=iboxtodo.min[2]; iz<=iboxtodo.max[2]; iz++) if(ixiboxdone.max[0] || // this test is to avoid to re-process already analyzed cells. iyiboxdone.max[1] || iziboxdone.max[2] ) { Si.Grid( ix, iy, iz, first, last ); for(l=first;l!=last;++l) if (!(**l).IsD()) { ObjPtr elem=&(**l); if( ! _marker.IsMarked(elem)) { if (_getPointDistance((**l), _p, _minDist, t_res)) { winner=elem; _closestPt=t_res; }; _marker.Mark(elem); } } } } if(!winner) newradius=radius+Si.voxel.Norm(); else newradius = _minDist; } while (_minDist>radius); return winner; }; template unsigned int GridGetKClosest(SPATIALINDEXING &_Si,OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR & _getPointDistance, OBJMARKER & _marker, const unsigned int _k, const typename SPATIALINDEXING::CoordType & _p, const typename SPATIALINDEXING::ScalarType & _maxDist,OBJPTRCONTAINER & _objectPtrs, DISTCONTAINER & _distances, POINTCONTAINER & _points) { typedef vcg::ClosestIterator ClosestIteratorType; ClosestIteratorType Cli=ClosestIteratorType(_Si,_getPointDistance); Cli.SetMarker(_marker); Cli.Init(_p,_maxDist); unsigned int i=0; _objectPtrs.clear(); _distances.clear(); _points.clear(); while ((!Cli.End())&&(i<_k)) { _objectPtrs.push_back(&(*Cli)); _distances.push_back(Cli.Dist()); _points.push_back(Cli.NearestPoint()); ++Cli; i++; } return (i); }; template typename SPATIALINDEXING::ObjPtr GridDoRay(SPATIALINDEXING &_Si,OBJRAYISECTFUNCTOR &_rayIntersector, OBJMARKER &_marker, const Ray3 & _ray, const typename SPATIALINDEXING::ScalarType & _maxDist,typename SPATIALINDEXING::ScalarType & _t) { typedef vcg::RayIterator RayIteratorType; RayIteratorType RayIte=RayIteratorType(_Si,_rayIntersector); RayIte.SetMarker(_marker); RayIte.Init(_ray); if (!RayIte.End()) { _t=RayIte.Dist(); return(&(*RayIte)); } return 0; } }//end namespace vcg #endif