//****************** Gestione cache ***************** const int MAXBPATH = 256; static bool GetDirFromPath( const char * path, char * dir, char * name ) { strcpy(dir,path); char * p; p = strrchr(dir,'\\'); if(p==0) p=strrchr(dir,'/'); if(p==0) { dir[0] = 0; strcpy(name,path); } else { strcpy(name,p+1); *p = 0; } return true; } static bool CheckCacheDirectory( const char * dir ) { if( pb_access(dir,0)!=0 ) { if( pb_mkdir(dir)==-1 ) return false; } return true; } bool CheckCacheTime( const char * fname, const char * cname ) { if( pb_access(fname,4)==-1 ) return false; if( pb_access(cname,4)==-1 ) return false; int h,r; struct pb_stat st; time_t ft,bt; h = pb_open(fname,_O_BINARY|_O_RDONLY); if(h==0) return false; r = _fstat(h,&st); pb_close(h); if(r==-1) return false; ft = st.st_mtime; h = pb_open(cname,_O_BINARY|_O_RDONLY); if(h==0) return false; r = _fstat(h,&st); //_read(h,&box,sizeof(box)); pb_close(h); if(r==-1) return false; bt = st.st_mtime; if( difftime(bt,ft)>=0 ) return true; else return false; } // restituisce true se il file con la cache del bbox della mesh e' piu' recente del file ply // se fname2 != 0, allora deve essere piu recente anche di fname2. static bool CheckBBoxCache( const char * fname, Box3d & box, char *fname2=0 ) { char d[MAXBPATH]; char n[MAXBPATH]; char h[8]; // Estrazione dati if( ! GetDirFromPath(fname,d,n) ) return false; // Controllo esistenza directory delle cache if(d[0]!=0) strcat(d,"\\"); strcat(d,cachedir); if( !CheckCacheDirectory(d) ) return false; // Controllo esistenza e data file cache strcat(d,"\\"); strcat(d,n); strcat(d,bboxcacheext); if( CheckCacheTime(fname,d) && (fname2==0 || CheckCacheTime(fname2,d)) ) { // Lettura bbox e controllo FILE * fp = fopen(d,"rb"); if(fp==0) return false; if( fread(h,1,8,fp)!=8 ) { fclose(fp); return false; } if( fread(&box,sizeof(Box3d),1,fp)!=1 ) { fclose(fp); return false; } fclose(fp); if( strncmp(h,bboxheader,8) ) return false; else return true; } else return false; } bool GetCacheName( const char * fname, const char * ext_name, char * cname ) { static char n[MAXBPATH]; // Estrazione dati if( ! GetDirFromPath(fname,cname,n) ) return false; // Controllo esistenza directory delle cache if(cname[0]!=0) strcat(cname,"\\"); strcat(cname,cachedir); if( !CheckCacheDirectory(cname) ) return false; strcat(cname,"\\"); strcat(cname,n); strcat(cname,ext_name); return true; } static bool SaveBBoxCache( const char * fname, const Box3d & box ) { char d[MAXBPATH]; if( !GetCacheName(fname,bboxcacheext,d) ) return false; // Lettura bbox e controllo FILE * fp = fopen(d,"wb"); if(fp==0) return false; if( fwrite(bboxheader,1,8,fp)!=8 ) { fclose(fp); return false; } if( fwrite(&box,sizeof(Box3d),1,fp)!=1 ) { fclose(fp); return false; } fclose(fp); return true; } struct PlyPoint3d { double x; double y; double z; }; // Calcola il bbox di un file ply bool ScanBBox( const char * fname, Box3d & box, bool use_cache ) { if(use_cache) { if( CheckBBoxCache(fname,box) ) return true; } static const PropDescriptor pv[3]= { {"vertex","x",T_FLOAT,T_DOUBLE,offsetof(PlyPoint3d,x),0,0,0,0,0}, {"vertex","y",T_FLOAT,T_DOUBLE,offsetof(PlyPoint3d,y),0,0,0,0,0}, {"vertex","z",T_FLOAT,T_DOUBLE,offsetof(PlyPoint3d,z),0,0,0,0,0}, }; PlyFile pf; if( pf.Open(fname,PlyFile::MODE_READ)==-1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: File %s not found\n",fname); return false; } if( pf.AddToRead(pv[0])==-1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Read error\n"); return false; } if( pf.AddToRead(pv[1])==-1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Read error\n"); return false; } if( pf.AddToRead(pv[2])==-1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Read error\n"); return false; } box.SetNull(); char dummyspace[1024]; // sperando basti... for(int i=0;iia+5) { if ( ( (a[ia+1]=='t') || (a[ia+1]=='T') ) && ( (a[ia+2]=='h') || (a[ia+2]=='H') ) && ( (a[ia+3]=='i') || (a[ia+3]=='I') ) && ( (a[ia+4]=='s') || (a[ia+4]=='S') ) && ( a[ia+5]=='>' ) ) { // substitute "" with filename: // 1) remove path from filename int lastbar=0; int ifn=0; while (fn[ifn]!=0) { if ((fn[ifn]=='/') || (fn[ifn]=='\\')) lastbar=ifn+1; ifn++;} ifn=lastbar; char fn2[255]; while (fn[ifn]!=0) { fn2[ifn-lastbar]=fn[ifn]; ifn++;} fn2[ifn-lastbar]=0; // 2) remove ".ply" extention from filename int l=ifn-lastbar; if ((fn2[l-4]=='.') && ((fn2[l-3]=='P') || (fn2[l-3]=='p')) && ((fn2[l-2]=='L') || (fn2[l-2]=='l')) && ((fn2[l-1]=='Y') || (fn2[l-1]=='y')) ) fn2[l-4]=0; // 3) append output[io]=0; sprintf(output,"%s%s",output,fn2); io=strlen(output); ia+=6; //skip the "" continue; }; } } output[io++]=a[ia++]; }; output[io]=0; };