/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004-2016 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef QT_OPENGL_LIB #include #else #include #endif #include "trackball.h" #include #include #include using namespace vcg; Transform::Transform() { track.SetIdentity(); radius=1.0f; center=Point3f(0,0,0); } Trackball::Trackball(): current_button(0), current_mode(NULL), inactive_mode(NULL), dragging(false), last_time(0), spinnable(true), spinning(false), history_size(10), fixedTimestepMode(false) { setDefaultMapping (); } Trackball::~Trackball() { ClearModes(); delete inactive_mode; } void Trackball::ClearModes() { // Note: people ofter maps different keys to the same modes. // so we should avoid double deletion of these double referenced modes. std::set goodModes; std::map::iterator it; for(it = modes.begin(); it != modes.end(); it++) if ((*it).second) goodModes.insert( (*it).second); std::set::iterator its; for(its = goodModes.begin(); its != goodModes.end(); its++) delete *its; modes.clear(); } void Trackball::setDefaultMapping () { idle_and_keys_mode = NULL; inactive_mode = new InactiveMode (); ClearModes(); modes[0] = NULL; modes[BUTTON_MIDDLE | KEY_ALT] = modes[BUTTON_LEFT] = new SphereMode (); modes[BUTTON_LEFT | KEY_CTRL] = new PanMode (); modes[BUTTON_MIDDLE] = new PanMode (); modes[WHEEL] = modes[BUTTON_LEFT | KEY_SHIFT] = new ScaleMode (); modes[BUTTON_LEFT | KEY_ALT] = new ZMode (); } void Trackball::SetIdentity() { track.SetIdentity(); Reset(); } void Trackball::SetPosition(const Point3f &c, int /* millisec */) { center = c; } void Trackball::GetView() { camera.GetView(); } // the drawing code has been moved to the trackmodes void Trackball::DrawPostApply() { if(current_mode !=NULL){ current_mode->Draw(this); }else{ if (inactive_mode != NULL) inactive_mode->Draw(this); } } void Trackball::Apply () { glTranslate (center); glMultMatrix (track.Matrix()); glTranslate (-center); } void Trackball::ApplyInverse() { glTranslate(center); glMultMatrix(track.InverseMatrix()); glTranslate(-center); } // T(c) S R T(t) T(-c) => S R T(S^(-1) R^(-1)(c) + t - c) Matrix44f Trackball::Matrix() const{ #ifndef VCG_USE_EIGEN Matrix44f r; track.rot.ToMatrix(r); Matrix44f sr = Matrix44f().SetScale(track.sca, track.sca, track.sca) * r; Matrix44f s_inv = Matrix44f().SetScale(1/track.sca, 1/track.sca, 1/track.sca); Matrix44f t = Matrix44f().SetTranslate(s_inv*r.transpose()*center + track.tra - center); return Matrix44f(sr*t); #else Eigen::Quaternionf rot(track.rot); Eigen::Translation3f tr( (1/track.sca) * (rot.inverse() * center) + track.tra - center ); return ( Eigen::Scaling3f(track.sca) * (rot * tr) ).matrix(); #endif } Matrix44f Trackball::InverseMatrix() const{ return Inverse(Matrix()); } void Trackball::Scale(const float s) { track.sca*=s; } void Trackball::Translate(Point3f tr) { Quaternionf irot = track.rot; irot.Invert(); track.tra = last_track.tra + irot.Rotate(tr)/track.sca; } /***************************************************************/ // DrawCircle () e DrawPlane() have been moved to trackutils.h // the drawing code has been moved to the trackmodes /* void Trackball::DrawCircle() { int nside=DH.CircleStep; const double pi2=3.14159265*2.0; glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for(double i=0;i::iterator i; for(i = modes.begin(); i != modes.end(); i++){ TrackMode * mode=(*i).second; if(mode!=NULL) mode->Reset(); } if (inactive_mode != NULL) inactive_mode->Reset(); } //interface void Trackball::MouseDown(int button) { undo_track = track; current_button |= button; SetCurrentAction(); Hits.clear(); } void Trackball::MouseDown(int x, int y, int button) { undo_track = track; current_button |= button; SetCurrentAction(); last_point = Point3f((float)x, (float)y, 0); Hits.clear(); } void Trackball::MouseMove(int x, int y) { if(current_mode == NULL) return; if(last_point[2] == -1) { //changed mode in the middle of moving last_point = Point3f((float)x, (float)y, 0); return; } undo_track = track; current_mode->Apply(this, Point3f(float(x), float(y), 0)); } bool Trackball::IsAnimating(unsigned int msec){ bool res; if(idle_and_keys_mode == NULL) res=false; else res=idle_and_keys_mode->IsAnimating(this); if (!fixedTimestepMode) { if (msec==0) msec = clock()*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (!res) { last_time = msec; } } return res; } void Trackball::Sync(unsigned int msec) { if (!fixedTimestepMode) Animate(msec); } void Trackball::Animate(unsigned int msec){ unsigned int delta; if (fixedTimestepMode) delta=msec; else { if (msec==0) msec = clock()*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; delta = msec -last_time; last_time = msec; } if(idle_and_keys_mode == NULL) return; idle_and_keys_mode->Animate(delta,this); } void Trackball::MouseUp(int /* x */, int /* y */, int button) { undo_track = track; ButtonUp(vcg::Trackball::Button(button)); //current_button &= (~button); //SetCurrentAction(); } // it assumes that a notch of 1.0 is a single step of the wheel void Trackball::MouseWheel(float notch) { undo_track = track; int buttons = current_button; current_button = WHEEL | (buttons&(KEY_SHIFT|KEY_CTRL|KEY_ALT)); SetCurrentAction(); if (current_mode == NULL) { //ScaleMode scalemode; //scalemode.Apply (this, notch); } else { current_mode->Apply(this, notch); } current_button = buttons; SetCurrentAction(); } void Trackball::MouseWheel(float notch, int button) { undo_track = track; current_button |= button; SetCurrentAction(); if (current_mode == NULL) { ScaleMode scalemode; scalemode.Apply (this, notch); } else { current_mode->Apply (this, notch); } current_button &= (~button); SetCurrentAction (); } void Trackball::ButtonDown(Trackball::Button button, unsigned int msec) { Sync(msec); bool old_sticky=false, new_sticky=false; assert (modes.count (0)); Button b=Button(current_button & MODIFIER_MASK); if ( ( modes.count (b) ) && ( modes[b] != NULL ) ) old_sticky = modes[b]->isSticky(); current_button |= button; b=Button(current_button & MODIFIER_MASK); if ( ( modes.count (b) ) && ( modes[b] != NULL ) ) new_sticky = modes[b]->isSticky(); if ( !old_sticky && !new_sticky) SetCurrentAction(); } void Trackball::ButtonUp(Trackball::Button button) { bool old_sticky=false, new_sticky=false; assert (modes.count (0)); Button b=Button(current_button & MODIFIER_MASK); if ( ( modes.count (b) ) && ( modes[b] != NULL ) ) old_sticky = modes[b]->isSticky(); current_button &= (~button); b=Button(current_button & MODIFIER_MASK); if ( ( modes.count (b) ) && ( modes[b] != NULL ) ) new_sticky = modes[b]->isSticky(); if ( !old_sticky && !new_sticky) SetCurrentAction(); } void Trackball::Undo(){ track = undo_track; if(current_mode != NULL) current_mode->Undo(); } //spinning interface void Trackball::SetSpinnable(bool /* on*/ ){} bool Trackball::IsSpinnable() { return spinnable; } void Trackball::SetSpinning(Quaternionf &/* spin*/){} void Trackball::StopSpinning(){} bool Trackball::IsSpinning() { return spinning; } //navigation interface: void Trackball::Back(){} void Trackball::Forward(){} void Trackball::Home(){} void Trackball::HistorySize(int /* length */){} void Trackball::SetCurrentAction () { //I use strict matching. assert (modes.count (0)); if (!modes.count (current_button & MODIFIER_MASK)) { current_mode = NULL; } else { current_mode = modes[current_button & MODIFIER_MASK]; if(current_mode != NULL) current_mode->SetAction(); } last_point = Point3f (0, 0, -1); last_track = track; } ////return center of trackball in Window coordinates. //Point3f Trackball::ScreenOrigin() { // return camera.Project(ModelOrigin()); //} //return center of trackball in Model coordinates //Point3f Trackball::ModelOrigin() { // return center; //} //Matrix44f Trackball::ScreenToModel() { // return camera.inverse; //} // //Similarityf Trackball::ModelToLocal() { // Similarityf m = local * last_track; // return m; //}