# Please do not add here all kind of intermediate files just by extension. # Try whenever possible to match folder and to try to use # building rules that put all the generated files into separate folders # QTCreator user prefs *.user # Directories to ignore debug/ release/ *-debug/ *-release/ /docs/Doxygen/html/ # Intermediate Files *.bc # Visual Studio Project files *.vcxproj *.vcxproj.filters *.suo *.ply wrap/nanoply/nanoply_vcg/nanoply_vcg.sln *.db wrap/nanoply/nanoply_vcg/nanoply_vcg.VC.VC.opendb wrap/nanoply/nanoply_vcg/.vs/nanoply_vcg/v15/ipch/AutoPCH/NANOPLY_VCG-1b6b1a83/MAIN-5f62d91f/MAIN.ipch *.sln