#include <stdio.h> #include <vector> #include<vcg/math/base.h> #include<vcg/space/point3.h> #include<vcg/space/point4.h> #include<vcg/space/color4.h> #include<vcg/math/matrix44.h> #include <vcg/simplex/vertex/base.h> #include <vcg/simplex/vertex/component.h> #include <vcg/simplex/face/base.h> #include <vcg/simplex/face/component.h> #include <vcg/simplex/face/component_rt.h> #include<vcg/complex/complex.h> #include<vcg/complex/algorithms/create/platonic.h> #include<vcg/complex/algorithms/update/flag.h> #include<vcg/complex/algorithms/update/normal.h> #include<vcg/complex/algorithms/update/color.h> #include<vcg/complex/algorithms/clean.h> #include<wrap/io_trimesh/import_ply.h> #include<wrap/io_trimesh/export_ply.h> using namespace vcg; class MyEdge; class MyFaceC; class MyFace; class MyVertexC : public VertexSimp2<MyVertexC,MyEdge,MyFaceC,vert::Coord3f,vert::Color4b,vert::Qualityf,vert::Normal3f,vert::BitFlags> {}; class MyFaceC : public FaceSimp2< MyVertexC,MyEdge,MyFaceC,face::VertexRef, face::Normal3f,face::BitFlags> {}; class MyMeshC : public tri::TriMesh< std::vector<MyVertexC>, std::vector<MyFaceC> > {}; class MyVertex : public VertexSimp2<MyVertex,MyEdge,MyFace,vert::Coord3f,vert::Normal3f,vert::BitFlags> {}; class MyFace : public FaceSimp2< MyVertex,MyEdge,MyFace,face::VertexRef, face::Normal3f,face::BitFlags> {}; class MyMesh : public tri::TriMesh< std::vector<MyVertex>, std::vector<MyFace> > {}; using namespace std; using namespace tri; /* class MyEdge; class MyFace; class MyEdgeC; class MyFaceC; class MyVertexC:public VertexVCVN<float,MyEdgeC,MyFace>{}; class MyFaceC :public FaceFN<MyVertexC,MyEdgeC,MyFaceC>{}; class MyMeshC: public tri::TriMesh< std::vector<MyVertexC>, std::vector<MyFaceC > >{}; class MyVertex:public VertexVN<float,MyEdge,MyFace>{}; class MyFace :public FaceFN<MyVertex,MyEdge,MyFace>{}; class MyMesh: public tri::TriMesh< std::vector<MyVertex>, std::vector<MyFace > >{}; */ //------------------------------------------------------- int nummeshes; // number of meshes extracted so far MyMesh currentmesh; // current mesh, read from stream and saved one completed MyMeshC currentmeshC; // current mesh, read from stream and saved one completed Matrix44f currtrasf; float angle; // angle treshold for face deletion int singlemap; // single map mode, which map is to be saved. if -1 then all map are saved int frommap; // skip all maps BEFORE this index int tomap; // skip all maps AFTER this index bool savecolor; // if has color, save it on 3dmesh bool hascolor; // true if the current mesh has color bool saveall; // all elements are keeped (even invalids) bool flipfaces; // flip all faces int todump; bool dumpit; bool unpack; bool onlypoints; // store only points bool switchside; // inverse triangulation order (swaping row->cols) // read the current mesh from the stream int readmesh(FILE* fp) { int colnum; int rownum; int trinum; int numtokens; int rit,cit; char linebuf[256]; int ii; float xx,yy,zz; // position float rr,gg,bb; // color float rf; // reflectance MyMesh::FaceIterator fi; MyMesh::VertexIterator vi; MyMeshC::FaceIterator fiC; MyMeshC::VertexIterator viC; // cleaning mesh currentmesh.Clear(); currentmeshC.Clear(); // getting mesh size; fscanf(fp,"%i\n",&colnum); fscanf(fp,"%i\n",&rownum); // initial 4 lines [still don't know what is this :) :)] fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f\n", &xx, &yy, &zz); fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f\n", &xx, &yy, &zz); fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f\n", &xx, &yy, &zz); fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f\n", &xx, &yy, &zz); // now the transformation matrix fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f %f\n", &(currtrasf.ElementAt(0,0)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(0,1)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(0,2)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(0,3))); fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f %f\n", &(currtrasf.ElementAt(1,0)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(1,1)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(1,2)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(1,3))); fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f %f\n", &(currtrasf.ElementAt(2,0)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(2,1)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(2,2)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(2,3))); fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f %f\n", &(currtrasf.ElementAt(3,0)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(3,1)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(3,2)), &(currtrasf.ElementAt(3,3))); // now the real data begins // first line, we should know if the format is // XX YY ZZ RF // or it is // XX YY ZZ RF RR GG BB // read the entire first line and then count the spaces. it's rude but it works :) ii=0; fread(&(linebuf[ii++]),1,1,fp); while(linebuf[ii-1] != '\n') fread(&(linebuf[ii++]),1,1,fp); linebuf[ii-1] = '\0'; // terminate the string numtokens=1; for(ii=0; ii<strlen(linebuf); ii++) { if(linebuf[ii] == ' ') numtokens++; } if(numtokens == 4) hascolor = false; else if(numtokens == 7) hascolor = true; else return -1; // allocate all points printf("\n %i x %i \n", rownum, colnum); printf(" expect V %i F %i",(rownum*colnum),((rownum-1)*(colnum-1)*2)); if(hascolor && savecolor) { viC = Allocator<MyMeshC>::AddVertices(currentmeshC,(rownum*colnum)); } else { vi = Allocator<MyMesh>::AddVertices(currentmesh,(rownum*colnum)); } // parse the first line.... if(hascolor) { printf("\n hascolor "); sscanf(linebuf,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &xx, &yy, &zz, &rf, &rr, &gg, &bb); } else { printf("\n no color "); sscanf(linebuf,"%f %f %f %f", &xx, &yy, &zz, &rf); } //addthefirstpoint if(hascolor && savecolor) { (*viC).P()[0]=xx; (*viC).P()[1]=yy; (*viC).P()[2]=zz; (*viC).Q()=rf; (*viC).C()[0]=rr; (*viC).C()[1]=gg; (*viC).C()[2]=bb; viC++; } else { (*vi).P()[0]=xx; (*vi).P()[1]=yy; (*vi).P()[2]=zz; vi++; } // now for each line until end of mesh (row*col)-1 for(ii=0; ii<((rownum*colnum)-1); ii++) { // read the stream if(hascolor) fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &xx, &yy, &zz, &rf, &rr, &gg, &bb); else fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f %f", &xx, &yy, &zz, &rf); // add the point if(hascolor && savecolor) { (*viC).P()[0]=xx; (*viC).P()[1]=yy; (*viC).P()[2]=zz; (*viC).Q()=rf; (*viC).C()[0]=rr; (*viC).C()[1]=gg; (*viC).C()[2]=bb; viC++; } else { (*vi).P()[0]=xx; (*vi).P()[1]=yy; (*vi).P()[2]=zz; vi++; } } currentmesh.vn = currentmesh.vert.size(); if(! onlypoints) { // now i can triangulate trinum = (rownum-1) * (colnum-1) * 2; if(hascolor && savecolor) { fiC= Allocator<MyMeshC>::AddFaces(currentmeshC,trinum); } else { fi= Allocator<MyMesh>::AddFaces(currentmesh,trinum); } currentmesh.fn = 0; currentmeshC.fn = 0; int v0i,v1i,v2i; for(rit=0; rit<rownum-1; rit++) for(cit=0; cit<colnum-1; cit++) if(hascolor && savecolor) { if(!switchside) { v0i = (rit ) + ((cit ) * rownum); v1i = (rit+1) + ((cit ) * rownum); v2i = (rit ) + ((cit+1) * rownum); } else { v0i = (cit ) + ((rit ) * colnum); v1i = (cit+1) + ((rit ) * colnum); v2i = (cit ) + ((rit+1) * colnum); } // upper tri (*fiC).V(2) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v0i]); (*fiC).V(1) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v1i]); (*fiC).V(0) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v2i]); if(flipfaces) { (*fiC).V(2) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v1i]); (*fiC).V(1) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v0i]); } currentmeshC.fn++; fiC++; if(!switchside) { v0i = (rit+1) + ((cit ) * rownum); v1i = (rit+1) + ((cit+1) * rownum); v2i = (rit ) + ((cit+1) * rownum); } else { v0i = (cit+1) + ((rit ) * colnum); v1i = (cit+1) + ((rit+1) * colnum); v2i = (cit ) + ((rit+1) * colnum); } // lower tri (*fiC).V(2) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v0i]); (*fiC).V(1) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v1i]); (*fiC).V(0) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v2i]); if(flipfaces) { (*fiC).V(2) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v1i]); (*fiC).V(1) = &(currentmeshC.vert[v0i]); } currentmeshC.fn++; fiC++; } else { // upper tri if(!switchside) { v0i = (rit ) + ((cit ) * rownum); v1i = (rit+1) + ((cit ) * rownum); v2i = (rit ) + ((cit+1) * rownum); } else { v0i = (cit ) + ((rit ) * colnum); v1i = (cit+1) + ((rit ) * colnum); v2i = (cit ) + ((rit+1) * colnum); } (*fi).V(2) = &(currentmesh.vert[v0i]); (*fi).V(1) = &(currentmesh.vert[v1i]); (*fi).V(0) = &(currentmesh.vert[v2i]); if(flipfaces) { (*fi).V(2) = &(currentmesh.vert[v1i]); (*fi).V(1) = &(currentmesh.vert[v0i]); } currentmesh.fn++; fi++; // lower tri if(!switchside) { v0i = (rit+1) + ((cit ) * rownum); v1i = (rit+1) + ((cit+1) * rownum); v2i = (rit ) + ((cit+1) * rownum); } else { v0i = (cit+1) + ((rit ) * colnum); v1i = (cit+1) + ((rit+1) * colnum); v2i = (cit ) + ((rit+1) * colnum); } (*fi).V(2) = &(currentmesh.vert[v0i]); (*fi).V(1) = &(currentmesh.vert[v1i]); (*fi).V(0) = &(currentmesh.vert[v2i]); if(flipfaces) { (*fi).V(2) = &(currentmesh.vert[v1i]); (*fi).V(1) = &(currentmesh.vert[v0i]); } currentmesh.fn++; fi++; } if(hascolor && savecolor) printf("\nV: %8i F: %8i \n", currentmeshC.vn, currentmeshC.fn); else printf("\nV: %8i F: %8i \n", currentmesh.vn, currentmesh.fn); } if(! saveall) { printf("deleting unsampled points \n"); // now i delete all points in (0,0,0) that are unsampled points if(hascolor && savecolor) for(viC = currentmeshC.vert.begin(); viC != currentmeshC.vert.end(); viC++) { if((*viC).P() == Point3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) { (*viC).SetD(); currentmeshC.vn--; } } else for(vi = currentmesh.vert.begin(); vi != currentmesh.vert.end(); vi++) { if((*vi).P() == Point3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) { (*vi).SetD(); currentmesh.vn--; } } } if(! onlypoints) { if(! saveall) { printf("deleting invalid faces \n"); // and then i delete all faces with null vertices if(hascolor && savecolor) for(fiC = currentmeshC.face.begin(); fiC != currentmeshC.face.end(); fiC++) { if( ((*fiC).V(0)->IsD()) || ((*fiC).V(1)->IsD()) || ((*fiC).V(2)->IsD()) ) { (*fiC).SetD(); currentmeshC.fn--; } } else for(fi = currentmesh.face.begin(); fi != currentmesh.face.end(); fi++) { if( ((*fi).V(0)->IsD()) || ((*fi).V(1)->IsD()) || ((*fi).V(2)->IsD()) ) { (*fi).SetD(); currentmesh.fn--; } } } if(hascolor && savecolor) printf("V: %8i F: %8i \n", currentmeshC.vn, currentmeshC.fn); else printf("V: %8i F: %8i \n", currentmesh.vn, currentmesh.fn); // eliminate high angle triangles if((angle != 90)&&(!saveall)) { printf(" culling by angle \n"); float limit = cos( angle*3.14159265358979323846/180.0 ); Point3f raggio; if(hascolor && savecolor) { tri::UpdateNormals<MyMeshC>::PerFaceNormalized(currentmeshC); for(fiC = currentmeshC.face.begin(); fiC != currentmeshC.face.end(); fiC++) if(!(*fiC).IsD()) { raggio = -((*fiC).V(0)->P() + (*fiC).V(1)->P() + (*fiC).V(2)->P()) / 3.0; raggio.Normalize(); if(((*fiC).N() * raggio) < limit) { (*fiC).SetD(); currentmeshC.fn--; } } } else { vcg::tri::UpdateNormals<MyMesh>::PerFaceNormalized(currentmesh); for(fi = currentmesh.face.begin(); fi != currentmesh.face.end(); fi++) if(!(*fi).IsD()) { raggio = -((*fi).V(0)->P() + (*fi).V(1)->P() + (*fi).V(2)->P()) / 3.0; raggio.Normalize(); if((raggio * (*fi).N()) < limit) { (*fi).SetD(); currentmesh.fn--; } } } } } currtrasf.transposeInPlace(); // apply tranformation if(hascolor && savecolor) { for(viC = currentmeshC.vert.begin(); viC != currentmeshC.vert.end(); viC++) if(!(*viC).IsD()) { (*viC).P() = currtrasf * (*viC).P(); } } else { for(vi = currentmesh.vert.begin(); vi != currentmesh.vert.end(); vi++) if(!(*vi).IsD()) { (*vi).P() = currtrasf * (*vi).P(); } } if(hascolor && savecolor) { int dup = tri::Clean<MyMeshC>::RemoveDuplicateVertex(currentmeshC); if(! onlypoints) int unref = tri::Clean<MyMeshC>::RemoveUnreferencedVertex(currentmeshC); } else { int dup = tri::Clean<MyMesh>::RemoveDuplicateVertex(currentmesh); if(! onlypoints) int unref = tri::Clean<MyMesh>::RemoveUnreferencedVertex(currentmesh); } return 0; } // save each mesh in a separate file void dounpack(FILE* fp) { FILE* outf; char namef[128]; int rnum; char linebuf[256]; int ii; bool trovato; rnum=1; trovato = false; // search for the first integer while(!trovato) { // read the entire first line and then count the spaces. it's rude but it works :) ii=0; fread(&(linebuf[ii++]),1,1,fp); while(linebuf[ii-1] != '\n') fread(&(linebuf[ii++]),1,1,fp); linebuf[ii-1] = '\0'; // terminate the string //check the string if(strchr(linebuf,' ') == NULL) trovato = true; } while(!feof(fp)) { sprintf(namef,"range%03i.ptx",rnum++); outf = fopen(namef,"w"); // write first integer fprintf(outf,"%s\n",linebuf); // read and write next int ii=0; fread(&(linebuf[ii++]),1,1,fp); while(linebuf[ii-1] != '\n') fread(&(linebuf[ii++]),1,1,fp); linebuf[ii-1] = '\0'; // terminate the string fprintf(outf,"%s\n",linebuf); // search for the next integer while(!trovato) { // read the entire first line and then count the spaces. it's rude but it works :) ii=0; fread(&(linebuf[ii++]),1,1,fp); while(linebuf[ii-1] != '\n') fread(&(linebuf[ii++]),1,1,fp); linebuf[ii-1] = '\0'; // terminate the string //if not an integer then write it, otherwise close and remember for next step if(strchr(linebuf,' ') == NULL) trovato = true; else fprintf(outf,"%s\n",linebuf); } fclose(outf); } } // skip a mesh int skipmesh(FILE* fp) { int colnum; int rownum; int skiplines; char linebuf; if(feof(fp)) return -1; // getting mesh size; fscanf(fp,"%i\n",&colnum); fscanf(fp,"%i\n",&rownum); printf("\n %i x %i \n", rownum, colnum); printf(" expect V %i F %i\n",(rownum*colnum),((rownum-1)*(colnum-1)*2)); if(feof(fp)) return -1; skiplines = (colnum * rownum) + 8; // have to skip (col * row) lines plus 8 lines for the header for(int ii=0; ii<skiplines; ii++) { fread(&linebuf,1,1,fp); while(linebuf != '\n') fread(&linebuf,1,1,fp); } return 0; } void parseparams(int argn, char** argvect) { int pit; for(pit = 2; pit<argn; pit++) { if(argvect[pit][0] != '-') // invalid param { printf("invalid parameter\n"); } else // valid param { if(argvect[pit][1] == 'a') // angle { angle = atof(&(argvect[pit][2])); printf("cutoff angle = %f \n",angle); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 'm') // single map { singlemap = atoi(&(argvect[pit][2])); frommap = 0; tomap = singlemap; printf("single map # %i \n",singlemap); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 'f') // from map { frommap = atoi(&(argvect[pit][2])); singlemap = -1; printf("start from map # %i \n",frommap); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 't') // from map { tomap = atoi(&(argvect[pit][2])); singlemap = -1; printf("end with map # %i \n",tomap); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 'd') // dump to file { todump = atoi(&(argvect[pit][2])); dumpit = true; printf("dumping # %i chars\n",todump); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 'u') // unpack the file in different { unpack = true; printf("UNPACKING \n"); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 'c') // save color if present { savecolor = true; printf("saving color \n"); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 'k') // keep all { saveall = true; printf("keeping all elements \n"); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 'f') // flip all tris { flipfaces = true; printf("keeping all elements \n"); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 'p') // points only, do not triangulate { onlypoints = true; printf("points only, do not triangulate \n"); } if(argvect[pit][1] == 'r') // points only, do not triangulate { switchside = true; printf("swapped triangulation \n"); } } } } void printhelp() { printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("multiple PLY files will be extracted from the PTX \n"); printf("\n"); printf("USAGE: ptx2ply filename.ptx [options]"); printf("\n"); printf("each map contained in the file will be saved in a PLY \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-aAA angle threshold for face elimination, glazing faces with\n"); printf(" angle between normal and viewdirection > AA are removed \n"); printf(" default is no cut. \n"); printf(" beware! this only works for range maps that still need \n"); printf(" to be tranformed in the final reference system \n"); printf(" (in this case the viewpoint is the origin) \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-c save color if present \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-mNN extract just the map NN, skip all the rest of the file \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-fNN extract maps starting FROM index NN \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-tNN extract maps UP TO index NN \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-u unpack the file generating a ptx for each map \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-k keep all elements (no points/tris discarded) \n"); printf(" only useful for debug \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-f flip all faces \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-p store points only \n"); printf("\n"); printf("-r during triangulation, swap rows->columns \n"); printf("\n"); printf("MESH INDICES STARTS FROM 1 \n"); printf("parameters -f and -t can be used together to specify an index\n"); printf("range to be processed. \n"); printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n"); exit(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp; char filename[256]; char modelname[128]; //--------------------------------------------------------------- printf("PTX to PLY conversion\n"); //--------------------------------------------------------------- //-- init params nummeshes = 1; currentmesh.Clear(); angle = 90.0; singlemap = -1; frommap = 0; tomap = 99999; todump = 1024; dumpit = false; unpack = false; savecolor = false; saveall = false; flipfaces = false; onlypoints = false; switchside = false; if(argc < 2) printhelp(); //-- parseparams(argc, argv); strcpy(modelname,argv[1]); modelname[strlen(argv[1])-4] = '\0'; fp = fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(unpack) dounpack(fp); while((!feof(fp)) && (nummeshes <= tomap)) { printf("mesh %3i ",nummeshes); if((nummeshes >= frommap) && (nummeshes <= tomap) && ((singlemap == -1) || (singlemap == nummeshes))) { if(dumpit) { FILE* outf; char cbuf; outf = fopen("dump.txt","w"); for(int dit=0; dit<todump; dit++) { fread(&cbuf,1,1,fp); fwrite(&cbuf,1,1,outf); } fclose(outf); fclose(fp); exit(0); } printf("reading "); readmesh(fp); sprintf(filename,"%s_%03i.ply",modelname,nummeshes); if(!feof(fp)) { if(hascolor && savecolor) { int plyMask=tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR | tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY; tri::io::ExporterPLY<MyMeshC>::Save(currentmeshC,filename, plyMask); } else tri::io::ExporterPLY<MyMesh>::Save(currentmesh,filename); } printf("ok! \n"); } else { printf("skipping "); skipmesh(fp); printf("ok! \n"); } nummeshes++; } fclose(fp); return 0; }