/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef VCG_POISSON_SOLVER #define VCG_POISSON_SOLVER #define EIGEN_YES_I_KNOW_SPARSE_MODULE_IS_NOT_STABLE_YET #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace vcg { namespace tri{ template class PoissonSolver { typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename MeshType::FaceType FaceType; typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType; typedef typename MeshType::CoordType CoordType; typedef typename MeshType:: template PerFaceAttributeHandle PerFaceCoordHandle; ///the mesh itself MeshType &mesh; ///solver data std::map VertexToInd; std::map IndToVertex; ///vertices to fix std::vector to_fix; ///unknown vector Eigen:: DynamicSparseMatrix A; // A Eigen::VectorXd b,x;// x and b //number of variables unsigned int n_vert_vars; ///total system size unsigned int total_size; ///number of fixed variables unsigned int n_fixed_vars; ///if you intend to follow the cross field bool use_direction_field,fix_selected,correct_fixed; ///size of the scalar field ScalarType fieldScale; ///handle per direction field PerFaceCoordHandle Fh0,Fh1; int VertexIndex(VertexType* v) { typename std::map::iterator iteMap=VertexToInd.find(v); assert(iteMap!=VertexToInd.end()); return ((*iteMap).second); } VertexType* IndexVertex(int index) { typename std::map::iterator iteMap=IndToVertex.find(index); assert(iteMap!=IndToVertex.end()); return ((*iteMap).second); } void AddVertexIndex(VertexType* v,int index) { VertexToInd.insert(std::pair(v,index)); IndToVertex.insert(std::pair(index,v)); } ///set the value of A of the system Ax=b void SetValA(int Xindex,int Yindex,ScalarType val) { //int size=(int)S.nrows(); assert(0 <= Xindex && Xindex < int(total_size)); assert(0 <= Yindex && Yindex < int(total_size)); //S.A().addEntryReal(Xindex,Yindex,val); //if (Xindex>=Yindex) A.coeffRef(Xindex,Yindex) +=val; } /*void FindFarestVert(VertexType* &v0,VertexType* &v1) { UpdateBounding::Box(mesh); ScalarType d0=mesh.bbox.Diag(); ScalarType d1=d0; v0=NULL; v1=NULL; for (unsigned int j=0;jIsD()) { ScalarType d_test=(v->P()-mesh.bbox.min).Norm(); if (d_testP()-mesh.bbox.max).Norm(); if (d_test::Box(mesh); tri::UpdateTopology::FaceFace(mesh); tri::UpdateFlags::FaceBorderFromFF(mesh); tri::UpdateFlags::VertexBorderFromFace(mesh); ScalarType dmax=0; v0=NULL; v1=NULL; for (unsigned int i=0;iIsD())continue; if (vt1->IsD())continue; if (!vt0->IsB())continue; if (!vt1->IsB())continue; ScalarType d_test=(vt0->P()-vt1->P()).Norm(); if (d_test>dmax) { dmax=d_test; v0=vt0; v1=vt1; } } assert(v0!=NULL); assert(v1!=NULL); } ///set the value of b of the system Ax=b void SetValB(int Xindex, ScalarType val) { /*S.b()[Xindex] += val;*/ b[Xindex] += val; } ///add the area term, scalefactor is used to sum up ///and normalize on the overlap zones void AddAreaTerm(int index[3][3][2],ScalarType ScaleFactor) { const ScalarType entry=0.5*ScaleFactor; ScalarType val[3][3]= { {0, entry, -entry}, {-entry, 0, entry}, {entry, -entry, 0} }; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { ///add for both u and v int Xindex=index[i][j][0]*2; int Yindex=index[i][j][1]*2; SetValA(Xindex+1,Yindex,-val[i][j]); SetValA(Xindex,Yindex+1,val[i][j]); } } ///set the diagonal of the matrix (which is zero at the beginning) ///as the sum of the other element inverted by sign void SetDiagonal(ScalarType val[3][3]) { for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { ScalarType sum=0; for (int j=0;j<3;j++) sum+=val[i][j]; val[i][i]=-sum; } } ///add this values to the right hand side void AddRHS(ScalarType b[6], int index[3]) { for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { ScalarType valU=b[i*2]; ScalarType valV=b[(i*2)+1]; SetValB((index[i]*2),valU); SetValB((index[i]*2)+1,valV); } } ///add a 3x3 block matrix to the system matrix... ///indexes are specified in the 3x3 matrix of x,y pairs ///indexes must be multiplied by 2 cause u and v void Add33Block(ScalarType val[3][3],int index[3][3][2]) { for (int i=0;i<3;i++) for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { ///add for both u and v int Xindex=index[i][j][0]*2; int Yindex=index[i][j][1]*2; assert(XindexV(0); v[1]=f->V(1); v[2]=f->V(2); ///get the indexes of vertex instance (to consider cuts) ///for the current face int Vindexes[3]; Vindexes[0]=VertexIndex(f->V(0)); Vindexes[1]=VertexIndex(f->V(1)); Vindexes[2]=VertexIndex(f->V(2)); ///initialize the indexes for the block for (int x=0;x<3;x++) for (int y=0;y<3;y++) { index[x][y][0]=Vindexes[x]; index[x][y][1]=Vindexes[y]; } ///initialize edges CoordType e[3]; for (int k=0;k<3;k++) e[k]=v[(k+2)%3]->P()-v[(k+1)%3]->P(); ///then consider area but also considering scale factor dur to overlaps ScalarType areaT=((f->P(1)-f->P(0))^(f->P(2)-f->P(0))).Norm()/2.0; for (int x=0;x<3;x++) for (int y=0;y<3;y++) if (x!=y) { ScalarType num=(e[x]*e[y]); val[x][y] =num/(4.0*areaT); } ///set the matrix as diagonal SetDiagonal(val); } ///return the RHS for a given face void perElementRHS(FaceType *f, ScalarType b[6], ScalarType vector_field_scale=1) { /// then set the rhs CoordType scaled_Kreal; CoordType scaled_Kimag; CoordType fNorm=f->N(); fNorm.Normalize(); CoordType p[3]; p[0]=f->P0(0); p[1]=f->P0(1); p[2]=f->P0(2); CoordType neg_t[3]; neg_t[0] = fNorm ^ (p[2] - p[1]); neg_t[1] = fNorm ^ (p[0] - p[2]); neg_t[2] = fNorm ^ (p[1] - p[0]); CoordType K1,K2; /*MyMesh::PerFaceCoordHandle Fh = tri::Allocator::AddPerVertexAttribute (m,std::string("Irradiance")); bool CrossDir0 = tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(mesh,"CrossDir0"); bool CrossDir1 = tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(mesh,"CrossDir1"); assert(CrossDir0); assert(CrossDir1);*/ //K1=f->Q3(); K1=Fh0[f]; K1.Normalize(); //K2=fNorm^K1; K2=Fh1[f]; K2.Normalize(); scaled_Kreal = K1*(vector_field_scale);///2); scaled_Kimag = K2*(vector_field_scale);///2); b[0] = scaled_Kreal * neg_t[0]; b[1] = scaled_Kimag * neg_t[0]; b[2] = scaled_Kreal * neg_t[1]; b[3] = scaled_Kimag * neg_t[1]; b[4] = scaled_Kreal * neg_t[2]; b[5] = scaled_Kimag * neg_t[2]; ////fine codice mio } ///return the LHS and RHS for a given face void PerElementSystemReal(FaceType *f, ScalarType val[3][3], int index[3][3][2], ScalarType b[6], ScalarType vector_field_scale=1.0) { perElementLHS(f,val,index); if (use_direction_field) perElementRHS(f,b,vector_field_scale); } void FixPointLSquares() { ScalarType penalization=1000; int offset_row=n_vert_vars; assert(to_fix.size()>0); for (size_t i=0;iIsD()); int index=VertexIndex(v); //v->vertex_index[0]; int indexvert=index*2; int indexRow=(offset_row+i)*2; SetValA(indexRow,indexRow,penalization); SetValA(indexRow+1,indexRow+1,penalization); ///add values to the B vector ScalarType U=v->T().U()*penalization; ScalarType V=v->T().V()*penalization; SetValB(indexRow,U); SetValB(indexRow+1,V); /*///set upper right part SetValA(indexvert,indexCol,penalization); SetValA(indexvert+1,indexCol+1,penalization);*/ SetValA(indexvert,indexvert,penalization); SetValA(indexvert+1,indexvert+1,penalization); SetValA(indexRow,indexRow,penalization); SetValA(indexRow+1,indexRow+1,penalization); SetValA(indexvert,indexRow,-penalization); SetValA(indexvert+1,indexRow+1,-penalization); SetValA(indexRow,indexvert,-penalization); SetValA(indexRow+1,indexvert+1,-penalization); //SetValA(indexCol+1,indexCol+1,-1); } } //build the laplacian matrix cyclyng over all rangemaps //and over all faces void BuildLaplacianMatrix(double vfscale=1) { ///then for each face for (unsigned int j=0;jIsD()) continue; int var_idx[3];//vertex variable indices for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { VertexType *v=f->V(k); var_idx[k] = VertexIndex(v); } ScalarType val[3][3]; int index[3][3][2]; ScalarType b[6]; PerElementSystemReal(f, val,index, b, vfscale); //Add the element to the matrix Add33Block(val,index); /////add area term.. to test if needed /*if (!use_direction_field) AddAreaTerm(index,1.0);//f->area);*/ /*ScalarType area=((f->P(1)-f->P(0))^(f->P(2)-f->P(0))).Norm(); if (!use_direction_field) AddAreaTerm(index,area);*/ //ScalarType area=((f->P(1)-f->P(0))^(f->P(2)-f->P(0))).Norm(); if (!use_direction_field) AddAreaTerm(index,1); ///add right hand side if (use_direction_field) AddRHS(b,var_idx); } } void FindSizes() { // tag vertices and compute numbers of equations to determine the number of rows in the matrix //TagVertices_Constrained(n_vert_vars, n_transition_eqs, n_align_sharp_eqs); n_vert_vars=mesh.vn; ///initialize matrix size total_size = (n_fixed_vars + n_vert_vars)*2;///must be multiplied by 2 becasue of u and v } void AllocateSystem() { //--- Allocates the data for Ax=b A=Eigen::DynamicSparseMatrix(total_size, total_size); // A b = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(total_size); // x and b } ///intitialize the whole matrix void InitMatrix() { FindSizes(); AllocateSystem(); } bool Solve() { //A.finalize(); //Eigen::SparseMatrix As=Eigen::SparseMatrix(A); //As.finalize(); // //SparseLDLT,Taucs> ldlt_of_A(As); //if(!ldlt_of_A.succeeded()) //{ // printf("Decomposition Failed \n"); // return false; //} ///*printf("\n");*/ //ldlt_of_A.solveInPlace(b); //return true; A.finalize(); Eigen::SparseMatrix As=Eigen::SparseMatrix(A); As.finalize(); Eigen::SimplicialCholesky > solver(As); x = solver.solve(b); return (solver.info()==Eigen::Success); } void InitIndex() { for (size_t i=0;i::VertexClearV(mesh); //set fixed to V for (size_t i=0;iSetV(); Box2 bbox; if (normalize) { for (size_t i=0;i(U,V)); } } //for each vertex for (size_t i=0;i p; if (!v->IsV()) p=Point2(U,V); else p=v->T().P(); //p/=fieldScale; if (normalize) { p-=bbox.min; p*=1/bbox.Diag(); } v->T().P()=p; } ///then copy to faces for (size_t i=0;iV(j); Point2 p=v->T().P(); f->WT(j).P()=p; } } } public: ///return true if is possible to bool IsFeaseable() { tri::UpdateTopology::FaceFace(mesh); int NNmanifoldE=tri::Clean::CountNonManifoldEdgeFF(mesh); if (NNmanifoldE!=0)return false; /*int NNmanifoldV=tri::Clean::CountNonManifoldVertexFF(mesh); if (NNmanifoldV!=0)return false;*/ int G=tri::Clean::MeshGenus(mesh); int numholes=tri::Clean::CountHoles(mesh); if (numholes==0) return false; return (G==0); } ///set the border as fixed void SetBorderAsFixed() { for (size_t i=0;iIsD())continue; if(v->IsB())to_fix.push_back(v); } std::sort(to_fix.begin(),to_fix.end()); typename std::vector::iterator new_end=std::unique(to_fix.begin(),to_fix.end()); int dist=distance(to_fix.begin(),new_end); to_fix.resize(dist); } ///set selected vertices as fixed void SetSelectedAsFixed() { for (int i=0;iIsD())continue; if(v->IsS())to_fix.push_back(v); } std::sort(to_fix.begin(),to_fix.end()); typename std::vector::iterator new_end=std::unique(to_fix.begin(),to_fix.end()); int dist=distance(to_fix.begin(),new_end); to_fix.resize(dist); } /*///fix default vertices no need if already border on other vertices are fixed ///you need at least 2 fixed for solving without field , ///while only 1 if you conforms to a given cross field void FixDefaultVertices() { ///in this case there are already vertices fixed, so no need to fix by default assert(to_fix.size()==0); ///then fix only one vertex if (use_direction_field) { for (size_t i=0;i(0,0); to_fix.push_back(&mesh.vert[i]); return; } } ///then fix 2 vertices else { VertexType *v0; VertexType *v1; FindFarestVert(v0,v1); if (v0==v1) { tri::io::ExporterPLY::Save(mesh,"./parametrized.ply"); assert(0); } v0->T().P()=Point2(0,0); v1->T().P()=Point2(1,0); to_fix.push_back(v0); to_fix.push_back(v1); return; } }*/ ///fix default vertices no need if already border on other vertices are fixed ///you need at least 2 fixed for solving without field , ///while only 1 if you conforms to a given cross field void FixDefaultVertices() { ///in this case there are already vertices fixed, so no need to fix by default assert(to_fix.size()==0); ///then fix only one vertex if (use_direction_field) { for (size_t i=0;i(0,0); to_fix.push_back(&mesh.vert[i]); return; } } ///then fix 2 vertices else { VertexType *v0; VertexType *v1; FindFarthestVert(v0,v1); if (v0==v1) { // tri::io::ExporterPLY::Save(mesh,"./parametrized.ply"); assert(0); } v0->T().P()=Point2(0,0); v1->T().P()=Point2(1,0); to_fix.push_back(v0); to_fix.push_back(v1); return; } } ///intialize parameters and setup fixed vertices vector void Init(bool _use_direction_field=false, bool _correct_fixed=true, ScalarType _fieldScale=1.0) { use_direction_field=_use_direction_field; //query if an attribute is present or not if (use_direction_field) { bool CrossDir0 = tri::HasPerFaceAttribute(mesh,"CrossDir0"); bool CrossDir1 = tri::HasPerFaceAttribute(mesh,"CrossDir1"); assert(CrossDir0); assert(CrossDir1); Fh0= tri::Allocator :: template GetPerFaceAttribute(mesh,std::string("CrossDir0")); Fh1= tri::Allocator :: template GetPerFaceAttribute(mesh,std::string("CrossDir1")); } correct_fixed=_correct_fixed; fieldScale=_fieldScale; to_fix.clear(); } ///solve the system, it return false if the matrix is singular bool SolvePoisson(bool _write_messages=false, ScalarType fieldScale=1.0, bool solve_global_fold=true) { int t0,t1,t2,t3; ///Initializing Matrix if (_write_messages) { printf("\n INITIALIZING THE MATRIX \n"); t0=clock(); } ///set vertex indexes InitIndex(); /*///find vertex to fix std::vector to_fix; FindFixedVertices(to_fix); n_fixed_vars=to_fix.size();*/ if (use_direction_field) { assert(to_fix.size()>0); } else { assert(to_fix.size()>1); } n_fixed_vars=to_fix.size(); ///initialize the matrix ALLOCATING SPACE InitMatrix(); if (use_direction_field) { bool CrossDir0 = tri::HasPerFaceAttribute(mesh,"CrossDir0"); bool CrossDir1 = tri::HasPerFaceAttribute(mesh,"CrossDir1"); assert(CrossDir0); assert(CrossDir1); } ///build the laplacian system BuildLaplacianMatrix(fieldScale); ////add the lagrange multiplier FixPointLSquares(); if (_write_messages) { t1=clock(); printf("\n time:%d \n",t1-t0); printf("\n SOLVING \n"); } //int n_vars=(n_vert_vars)*2; //int integer_constr_size=(n_transition_vars+n_fixed_vars+n_bary_transition_vars)*2; //X=std::vector< double >(n_vars+n_fixed_vars*2); bool done=Solve(); if (!done) return false; if (_write_messages) { t2=clock(); printf("\n time:%d \n",t2-t1); printf("\n ASSIGNING COORDS \n"); } MapCoords(false,fieldScale); if (_write_messages) { t3=clock(); printf("\n time:%d \n",t3-t2); } ///then check if majority of faces are folded if (!solve_global_fold) return true; if (tri::Distortion::GloballyUnFolded(mesh)) { tri::UV_Utils::GloballyMirrorX(mesh); bool isUnfolded = tri::Distortion::GloballyUnFolded(mesh); assert( ! isUnfolded); } return true; } PoissonSolver(MeshType &_mesh):mesh(_mesh) { assert(mesh.vert.size()>3); assert(mesh.face.size()>1); } }; // end class } //End Namespace Tri } // End Namespace vcg #endif