VCGLib                                         o o     
   Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   
                                                                  _   O  _   
   Copyright(C) 2005-2006                                           \/)\/    
   Visual Computing Lab                    /\/|      
   ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      
   Metro 4.07 2007/05/11 
   All rights reserved.                                                      
2007/05/11 Release 4.07
Added support for obj files.
Now the Distance comparison can be done exploiting also a (slow) octree. 
Removed bug on the display of the area of the mesh.

2005/10/03 Release 4.06
Changed the core for distance computation. 
Current version uses the lib flexible search structures. 
Now the comparison can be done exploiting a static uniform grid, 
a hashed grid or a hierarchy of AA box. 

2005/04/04 Release 4.05
Added saving of Error Histogram

2005/01/26 Release 4.04
Gcc compiling issues
Moved to the library core the code for computing min distance froma a point to a mesh using a uniform grid.
Slightly faster.

2005/01/03 Release 4.03
Better ply compatibility, and improved error reporting

2004/11/29 Release 4.02
removed bug in printing Hausdorf distance,
removed bug in command line parsing,
upgraded import mesh library to support off format