/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.3 2004/12/01 03:32:46 ponchio Level 2 (debug). Revision 1.2 2004/12/01 03:24:32 ponchio Level 2. Revision 1.1 2004/12/01 01:15:03 ponchio Level 0. Revision 1.26 2004/11/30 22:49:39 ponchio Level 0. ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include "nxstypes.h" #include "crude.h" #include "remapping.h" #include "decimate.h" #include "watch.h" using namespace std; using namespace vcg; using namespace nxs; /*struct PIndex { int64 offset; unsigned int lenght; }; class FaceIndex: public std::vector {};*/ void usage() { cerr << "Usage: voronoinxs [options]\n" " Options:\n" " -f N: use N faces per patch (default 1000, max 32000)\n" " -t N: mini faces per patch (default 200)\n" " -l N: number of levels\n" " -s F: scaling factor (0 < F < 1, default 0.5)\n" " -o N: number of optimization steps\n" " -d : decimation method: quadric, cluster. (default quadric)\n" " -b N: ram buffer size (in bytes)\n" " -p N: which fase perform:\n" " 0) Remap faces\n" " 1) Sort faces\n" " 2) Build patches\n" " 3) Build borders\n" " 4) Build levels\n\n" " If you use the step option, all other parameters MUST stay the same\n\n"; } void FirstStep(const string &crudefile, const string &output, unsigned int patch_size, unsigned int patch_threshold, float scaling, unsigned int optimization_steps) { Crude crude; if(!crude.Load(crudefile, true)) { cerr << "Could not open crude input: " << crudefile << endl; exit(0); } if(patch_size > crude.vert.Size()/2) { cerr << "Patch size too big: " << patch_size << " * 2 > " << crude.vert.Size() << endl; exit(0); } if(patch_threshold == 0xffffffff) patch_threshold = patch_size/4; VChain vchain; VFile face_remap; if(!face_remap.Create(output + ".rfm")) { cerr << "Could not create remap files: " << output << ".rmf\n"; exit(0); } face_remap.Resize(crude.Faces()); VFile baricenters; if(!baricenters.Create(output + ".bvr")) { cerr << "Could not create temporary baricenters file\n"; exit(0); } baricenters.Resize(crude.Faces()); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < crude.Faces(); i++) { baricenters[i] = crude.GetBari(i); } BlockIndex face_index; Remap(vchain, baricenters, face_remap, face_index, patch_size, patch_threshold, 65000, scaling, optimization_steps); if(!vchain.Save(output + ".vchain")) { cerr << "Could not save file: " << output << ".vchain\n"; exit(0); } if(!face_index.Save(output + ".rfi")) { cerr << "Could not save file: " << output << ".rmi\n"; exit(0); } baricenters.Delete(); } void SecondStep(const string &crudefile, const string &output) { Crude crude; if(!crude.Load(crudefile, true)) { cerr << "Could not open crude input: " << crudefile << endl; exit(0); } VFile face_remap; if(!face_remap.Load(output + ".rfm", true)) { cerr << "Could not load: " << output << ".rmf\n;"; exit(0); } assert(face_remap.Size() == crude.Faces()); VFile sorted; if(!sorted.Create(output + ".faces")) { cerr << "Could not create sorted faces\n"; exit(0); } sorted.Resize(face_remap.Size()); BlockIndex face_index; if(!face_index.Load(output + ".rfi")) { cerr << "Could not load index\n"; exit(0); } // cerr << "Face index size: " << face_index.size() << endl; //Sorting now. vector done; done.resize(face_index.size(), 0); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < face_remap.Size(); i++) { unsigned int patch = face_remap[i]; assert(patch < face_index.size()); assert(patch >= 0); int64 offset = face_index[patch].offset + done[patch]++; sorted[offset] = crude.GetFace(i); } #ifndef NDEBUG for(int i = 0; i < done.size(); i++) assert(done[i] == face_index[i].size); #endif /*#ifndef NDEBUG //test: for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sorted.Size(); i++) { Crude::Face face = sorted[i]; assert(face[0] < crude.Vertices()); assert(face[1] < crude.Vertices()); assert(face[2] < crude.Vertices()); } #endif*/ //once sorted crude.Close(); sorted.Close(); /* TODO fix this (after debug!) WARNING what if multiple files? if(0 != unlink((crudefile + ".crf").c_str())) { cerr << "Could not remove " << crudefile << ".crf\n"; exit(0); } if(0 != rename((output + ".faces").c_str(), (crudefile + ".crf").c_str())) { cerr << "Could not rename to: " << crudefile + ".crf\n"; exit(0); } face_remap.Close(); */ //TODO remove the file... (after finishing debug!) // face_remap.Delete(); } void ThirdStep(const string &crudefile, const string &output, unsigned int chunk_size) { cerr << "Third step!\n"; Crude crude; if(!crude.Load(crudefile, true)) { cerr << "Could not open crude input: " << crudefile << endl; exit(0); } VFile sorted; if(!sorted.Load(crudefile + ".faces", true)) { cerr << "Could not load sorted faces\n"; exit(0); } BlockIndex face_index; if(!face_index.Load(output + ".rfi")) { cerr << "Could not load index\n"; exit(0); } VFile vert_remap; if(!vert_remap.Create(output + ".rvm")) { cerr << "Could not create: " << output << ".rvm\n"; exit(0); } BlockIndex vert_index; Nexus nexus; //TODO here i really need no ram_buffer..... nexus.patches.SetRamBufferSize(0); if(!nexus.Create(output, NXS_FACES, chunk_size)) { cerr << "Could not create nexus output: " << output << endl; getchar(); exit(0); } Report report(face_index.size()); for(unsigned int patch = 0; patch < face_index.size(); patch++) { report.Step(patch); unsigned int vcount = 0; unsigned int fcount = 0; map vremap; vector vertices; vector faces; int64 &offset = face_index[patch].offset; unsigned int size = face_index[patch].size; for(unsigned int i = offset; i < offset + size; i++) { //TODO fix this after debug // Crude::Face face = crude.GetFace(i); Crude::Face face = sorted[i]; if(face[0] == face[1] || face[1] == face[2] || face[0] == face[2]) continue; //degenerate for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { assert(face[j] < crude.Vertices()); if(!vremap.count(face[j])) { Point3f &v = crude.vert[face[j]]; vertices.push_back(v); vremap[face[j]] = vcount++; } faces.push_back(vremap[face[j]]); fcount++; } } assert(vcount == vertices.size()); assert(fcount == faces.size()); if(vcount > 65000) { cerr << "Too many vertices in this patch: " << vcount << endl; exit(0); } if(fcount > 65000) { cerr << "Too many faces in this patch: " << fcount << endl; exit(0); } unsigned int patch_idx = nexus.AddPatch(vertices.size(), faces.size()/3, 0); //no borders! Patch &patch = nexus.GetPatch(patch_idx); memcpy(patch.FaceBegin(), &*faces.begin(), fcount * sizeof(short)); memcpy(patch.VertBegin(), &*vertices.begin(), vcount * sizeof(Point3f)); for(int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) nexus.index[patch_idx].sphere.Add(vertices[i]); //saving vert_remap int64 vroffset = vert_remap.Size(); vert_index.push_back(BlockEntry(vroffset, vcount)); vert_remap.Resize(vroffset + vcount); map::iterator r; for(r = vremap.begin(); r != vremap.end(); r++) { assert((*r).second < vcount); assert(vroffset + (*r).second < vert_remap.Size()); vert_remap[vroffset + (*r).second] = (*r).first; } } //we can now update bounding sphere. for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.index.size(); i++) nexus.sphere.Add(nexus.index[i].sphere); Nexus::Update update; for(unsigned int i = 1; i < nexus.index.size(); i++) { update.created.push_back(i); } nexus.history.push_back(update); update.created.clear(); update.created.push_back(0); for(unsigned int i = 1; i < nexus.index.size(); i++) { update.erased.push_back(i); } nexus.history.push_back(update); if(!vert_index.Save(output + ".rvi")) { cerr << "Could not save: " << output << ".rvi\n"; exit(0); } } void FourthStep(const string &crudefile, const string &output, unsigned int ram_buffer) { Nexus nexus; nexus.patches.SetRamBufferSize(ram_buffer); if(!nexus.Load(output)) { cerr << "Could not load nexus " << output << endl; exit(0); } //TODO Clear borders in case of failure! VFile vert_remap; if(!vert_remap.Load(crudefile + ".rvm", true)) { cerr << "Could not load: " << crudefile << ".rvm\n"; exit(0); } BlockIndex vert_index; if(!vert_index.Load(output + ".rvi")) { cerr << "Could not load index\n"; exit(0); } Report report(nexus.index.size()); for(int start = 0; start < nexus.index.size(); start++) { report.Step(start); Nexus::PatchInfo &s_entry = nexus.index[start]; vector links; map vremap; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vert_index[start].size; i++) { unsigned int global = vert_remap[vert_index[start].offset + i]; vremap[global] = i; } for(int end = 0; end < nexus.index.size(); end++) { if(start == end) continue; Nexus::PatchInfo &e_entry = nexus.index[end]; float dist = Distance(s_entry.sphere, e_entry.sphere); if(dist > 0.1) continue; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vert_index[end].size; i++) { unsigned int global = vert_remap[vert_index[end].offset + i]; if(vremap.count(global)) { Link link; link.start_vert = vremap[global]; link.end_vert = i; link.end_patch = end; links.push_back(link); } } } //TODO Horribili visu (interfaccia di cacca!) nexus.borders.ResizeBorder(start, 3 * links.size()); nexus.borders.borders[start].border_used = links.size(); Border border = nexus.GetBorder(start); memcpy(&(border[0]), &*links.begin(), links.size() * sizeof(Link)); } } void FifthStep() { } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Parameters: */ unsigned int patch_size = 1000; //step 0 unsigned int patch_threshold = 0xffffffff; //Step 0 float scaling = 0.5; //step 0, 4 unsigned int optimization_steps = 5; //step 0, 4 Decimation decimation = CLUSTER; //step 4 unsigned int max_level = 0xffffffff; //step 4 unsigned int ram_buffer = 128000000; //step 2, 3, 4 unsigned int chunk_size = 1024; //step 2, 3, 4 int step = -1; //means all of them. int option; while((option = getopt(argc, argv, "f:t:l:s:d:o:b:c:p:")) != EOF) { switch(option) { case 'f': patch_size = atoi(optarg); if(patch_size == 0 || patch_size > 32000) { cerr << "Invalid number of faces per patch: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 't': patch_threshold = atoi(optarg); if(patch_threshold == 0 || patch_threshold > patch_size) { cerr << "Invalid patch threshold: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'l': max_level = atoi(optarg); if(max_level == 0) { cerr << "Invalid number of levels: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 's': scaling = (float)atof(optarg); if(scaling <= 0 || scaling >= 1) { cerr << "Invalid scaling: " << optarg << endl; cerr << "Must be 0 < scaling < 1" << endl; } break; case 'd': if(!strcmp("quadric", optarg)) decimation = QUADRIC; else if(!strcmp("cluster", optarg)) decimation = CLUSTER; else { cerr << "Unknown decimation method: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'o': optimization_steps = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': step = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': ram_buffer = atoi(optarg); if(ram_buffer == 0) { cerr << "Invalid ram buffer: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'c': chunk_size = atoi(optarg); if(chunk_size == 0) { cerr << "Invalid chunk size: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; default: cerr << "Unknown option: " << (char)option << endl; return -1; } } if(optind != argc -2) { usage(); return -1; } string crudefile = argv[optind]; string output = argv[optind+1]; if(step < 0 || step == 0) FirstStep(crudefile, output, patch_size, patch_threshold, scaling, optimization_steps); if(step < 0 || step == 1) SecondStep(crudefile, output); if(step < 0 || step == 2) ThirdStep(crudefile, output, chunk_size); if(step < 0 || step == 3) FourthStep(crudefile, output, ram_buffer); return 0; }