/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCGLIB_ZONOHEDRON #define __VCGLIB_ZONOHEDRON #include #include typedef unsigned int uint; namespace vcg { namespace tri { /** \addtogroup trimesh */ //@{ /** A class to build a Zonohedron. Given a set of input vectors, a zonohedron is defined as the convex hull of all the points which can be costructed by summing together any subset of input vectors. The surface closing this solid is composed only of flat parallelograms, (which have the input vectors as sides). It is always point-symmetric. Mesh created by this class are pure-quad meshes (triangular bit-quad), (when coplanar vectors are fed, then planar groups of quads can be seen as forming planar faces with more than 4 vertices). USAGE: 1) Instantiate a Zonohedron. 2) Add input vectors at will to it, with addVector(s) 3) When you are done, call createMesh. */ template class Zonohedron{ public: typedef Point3 Vec3; Zonohedron(){} void addVector(Scalar x, Scalar y, Scalar z); void addVector(Vec3 v); void addVectors(const std::vector< Vec3 > ); const std::vector< Vec3 >& vectors() const { return vec; } template void createMesh( MeshType& output ); private: /* classes for internal use */ /****************************/ typedef int VecIndex; // a number in [0..n) /* the signature of a vertex (a 0 or 1 per input vector) */ struct Signature { std::vector< bool > v; Signature(){} Signature(int n){ v.resize(n,false); } bool operator == (const Signature & b) const { return (b.v == v); } bool operator < (const Signature & b) const { return (b.v < v); } Signature& set(VecIndex i, bool value){ v[i] = value; return *this; } Signature& set(VecIndex i, bool valueI, VecIndex j, bool valueJ){ v[i] = valueI; v[j] = valueJ; return *this; } }; struct Face { int vert[4]; // index to vertex array }; /* precomputed cross products for all pairs of vectors */ std::vector< Vec3 > precomputedCross; void precompteAllCrosses(){ precomputedCross.resize(n*n); for (int i=0; i0) return v; else if (v.X()<0) return -v; else if (v.Y()>0) return v; else if (v.Y()<0) return -v; else if (v.Z()>0) return v; return -v; } static Vec3 altVec(int i) { return Vec3(1, i, i*i); } static Scalar tripleProduct( const Vec3 &a, const Vec3 &b, const Vec3 & c){ return ( a ^ b ) * c; } // returns signof: (i x j) * k bool signOf_IxJoK(VecIndex i, VecIndex j, VecIndex k){ const float EPSILON_SQUARED = 1e-12; bool invert = false; // sort i,j,k if (i=0) != invert ); // XOR } int n; // number of input vectors std::vector vec; // input vectors int vertCount; std::vector _face; typedef std::map< Signature, int > VertexMap; VertexMap vertexMap; // given a vertex signature, returns index of vert (newly created or not) VecIndex vertexIndex(const Signature &s){ typename VertexMap::iterator i; //Vec3 pos = s; //toPos(s); i = vertexMap.find( s ); if (i!= vertexMap.end() ) return i->second; else { int newVertex = vertCount++; //vertexMap.insert(s) vertexMap[s] = newVertex; return newVertex; } } // given two index of vectors, returns face Face& face(VecIndex i, VecIndex j){ assert(i!=j); assert( i*n + j < (int) _face.size() ); return _face[i*n + j]; } Vec3 toPos(const Signature &s) const{ Vec3 res(0,0,0); for (int i=0; i void Zonohedron::addVectors(std::vector< Zonohedron::Vec3 > input){ for (uint i=0; i void Zonohedron::addVector(Scalar x, Scalar y, Scalar z) { addVector( Vec3(x,y,z) ); } template void Zonohedron::addVector(Zonohedron::Vec3 v){ vec.push_back(v); } template template void Zonohedron::createMesh(MeshType &m){ typedef MeshType Mesh; typedef typename Mesh::VertexPointer MeshVertexPointer; typedef typename Mesh::VertexIterator MeshVertexIterator; typedef typename Mesh::FaceIterator MeshFaceIterator; typedef typename Mesh::FaceType MeshFace; createInternalMesh(); m.Clear(); Allocator::AddVertices(m,vertexMap.size()); Allocator::AddFaces(m,n*(n-1) * 2); // assign vertex positions MeshVertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin(); for (typename VertexMap::iterator i=vertexMap.begin(); i!=vertexMap.end(); i++){ (vi + i->second )->P() = toPos( i->first ); } // assegn FV connectivity MeshFaceIterator fi=m.face.begin(); for (int i=0; iV(w) = &* (vi + f.vert[(w+k*2)%4] ); } if (tri::HasPerFaceNormal(m)) { fi->N() = cross(i,j).normalized(); } if (tri::HasPerFaceFlags(m)) { fi->SetF(2); // quad diagonals are faux } fi++; } } } } //@} } // End Namespace TriMesh } // End Namespace vcg #endif // __VCGLIB_ZONOHEDRON