/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCG_DECIMATION_COLLAPSE #define __VCG_DECIMATION_COLLAPSE #include #include #include #include struct FAIL{ static int VOL(){static int vol=0; return vol++;} static int LKF(){static int lkf=0; return lkf++;} static int LKE(){static int lke=0; return lke++;} static int LKV(){static int lkv=0; return lkv++;} static int OFD(){static int ofd=0; return ofd++;} static int BOR(){static int bor=0; return bor++;} }; namespace vcg{ namespace tetra{ /** \addtogroup tetramesh */ /*@{*/ /// This Class is specialization of LocalModification for the edge collapse /// It wraps the atomic operation EdgeCollapse to be used in a optimizatin routine. /// Note that it has knowledge of the heap of the class LocalOptimization because /// it is responsible of updating it after a collapse has been performed template class TetraEdgeCollapse: public LocalOptimization::LocModType { /// The tetrahedral mesh type //typedef typename TETRA_MESH_TYPE TETRA_MESH_TYPE; /// The tetrahedron type typedef typename TETRA_MESH_TYPE::TetraType TetraType; /// The vertex type typedef typename TetraType::VertexType VertexType; /// The coordinate type typedef typename TetraType::VertexType::CoordType CoordType; /// The scalar type typedef typename TETRA_MESH_TYPE::VertexType::ScalarType ScalarType; /////the base type class //typedef typename vcg::tri::LocalModification LocalMod; /// The HEdgePos type typedef Pos PosType; /// The HEdgePos Loop type typedef PosLoop PosLType; /// definition of the heap element typedef typename LocalOptimization::HeapElem HeapElem; private: ///the new point that substitute the edge Point3 _NewPoint; ///the pointer to edge collapser method vcg::tetra::EdgeCollapse _EC; ///mark for up_dating static int& _Imark(){ static int im=0; return im;} ///the pos of collapse PosType pos; ///pointer to vertex that remain VertexType *vrem; /// priority in the heap ScalarType _priority; public: /// Default Constructor TetraEdgeCollapse() {} ///Constructor with postype TetraEdgeCollapse(PosType p,int mark) { _Imark() = mark; pos=p; _priority = _AspectRatioMedia(p); } ~TetraEdgeCollapse() {} private: ///Return the aspect Ratio media of the tetrahedrons ///that share the adge to collapse ScalarType _AspectRatioMedia(PosType p) { PosLType posl=PosLType(p.T(),p.F(),p.E(),p.V()); posl.Reset(); int num=0; ScalarType ratio_media=0.f; while(!posl.LoopEnd()) { ratio_media+=posl.T()->AspectRatio(); posl.NextT(); num++; } ratio_media=ratio_media/num; return (ratio_media); } ///Modify pos and alfa to obtain the collapse that minimize the error ScalarType _VolumePreservingError(PosType &pos,CoordType &new_point,int nsteps) { VertexType *ve0=(pos.T()->V(Tetra::VofE(pos.E(),0))); VertexType *ve1=(pos.T()->V(Tetra::VofE(pos.E(),1))); bool ext_v0=ve0->IsB(); bool ext_v1=ve1->IsB(); ScalarType best_error=0.f; if ((ext_v0)&&(!ext_v1)) new_point=ve0->P(); else if ((!ext_v0)&&(ext_v1)) new_point=ve1->P(); else if ((!ext_v0)&&(!ext_v1)) {/*CoordType g; g.SetZero(); g+=ve0->cP(); g+=ve1->cP(); g/=2;*/ new_point=(ve0->cP()+ve1->cP())/2.f; } else if ((ext_v0)&&(ext_v1))//both are external vertex { ScalarType step=1.f/(nsteps-1); ScalarType Vol_Original=_EC.VolumeOriginal(); for (int i=0;icP()*alfatemp; //g+=ve1->cP()*(1-alfatemp); //CoordType newPTemp=g; CoordType newPTemp=(ve0->cP()*alfatemp) +(ve1->cP()*(1.f-alfatemp)); //the error is the absolute value of difference of volumes ScalarType error=fabs(Vol_Original-_EC.VolumeSimulateCollapse(pos,newPTemp)); if(error %i %f\n", pos.()-&m.vert[0], pos.VFlip()-&m.vert[0],_priority); return buf; } ScalarType ComputePriority() { return (_priority = _AspectRatioMedia(this->pos)); } ScalarType ComputeError() { vrem=(pos.T()->V(Tetra::VofE(pos.E(),0))); return (_VolumePreservingError(pos,_NewPoint,5));// magic number....parametrize! } void Execute(TETRA_MESH_TYPE &tm) { // _EC.FindSets(pos); assert(!vrem->IsD()); int del=_EC.DoCollapse(pos,_NewPoint); tm.tn-=del; tm.vn-=1; } void UpdateHeap(typename LocalOptimization::HeapType & h_ret) { assert(!vrem->IsD()); _Imark()++; VTIterator VTi(vrem->VTb(),vrem->VTi()); while (!VTi.End()) { VTi.Vt()->ComputeVolume(); for (int j=0;j<6;j++) { vcg::tetra::Pos p=Pos(VTi.Vt(),Tetra::FofE(j,0),j,Tetra::VofE(j,0)); assert(!p.T()->V(p.V())->IsD()); assert(!p.T()->IsD()); h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new TetraEdgeCollapse(p,_Imark()))); std::push_heap(h_ret.begin(),h_ret.end()); // update the mark of the vertices VTi.Vt()->V(Tetra::VofE(j,0))->IMark() = _Imark(); } ++VTi; } } /// return the type of operation ModifierType IsOfType(){ return TetraEdgeCollapseOp;} bool IsFeasible(){ vcg::tetra::EdgeCollapse::Reset(); _EC.FindSets(pos); ComputeError(); return(_EC.CheckPreconditions(pos,_NewPoint)); } bool IsUpToDate(){ if (!pos.T()->IsD()) { VertexType *v0=pos.T()->V(Tetra::VofE(pos.E(),0)); VertexType *v1=pos.T()->V(Tetra::VofE(pos.E(),1)); assert(!v0->IsD()); assert(!v1->IsD()); if(! (( (!v0->IsD()) && (!v1->IsD())) && _Imark()>=v0->IMark() && _Imark()>=v1->IMark())) { FAIL::OFD(); return false; } else return true; } else return false; } virtual ScalarType Priority() const { return _priority; } /// perform initialization static void Init(TETRA_MESH_TYPE &m,typename LocalOptimization::HeapType& h_ret){ h_ret.clear(); typename TETRA_MESH_TYPE::TetraIterator ti; for(ti = m.tetra.begin(); ti != m.tetra.end();++ti) if(!(*ti).IsD()){ (*ti).ComputeVolume(); for (int j=0;j<6;j++) { PosType p=PosType(&*ti,Tetra::FofE(j,0),j,Tetra::VofE(j,0)); assert(!p.T()->V(p.V())->IsD()); assert(!p.T()->IsD()); h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new TetraEdgeCollapse(p,m.IMark))); } } } }; }//end namespace tetra }//end namespace vcg #endif