/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include namespace vcg { /** \addtogroup math */ /* @{ */ /*! * This class represent a generic m×n matrix. The class is templated over the scalar type field. * @param TYPE (Templete Parameter) Specifies the ScalarType field. */ template class Matrix { public: typedef TYPE ScalarType; /*! * Default constructor * All the elements are initialized to zero. * \param m the number of matrix rows * \param n the number of matrix columns */ Matrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) { _rows = m; _columns = n; _data = new ScalarType[m*n]; memset(_data, 0, m*n*sizeof(ScalarType)); }; /*! * Constructor * The matrix elements are initialized with the values of the elements in \i values. * \param m the number of matrix rows * \param n the number of matrix columns * \param values the values of the matrix elements */ Matrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, TYPE *values) { _rows = m; _columns = n; _data = new ScalarType[m*n]; unsigned int i; for (i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] = values[i]; }; /*! * Copy constructor * The matrix elements are initialized with the value of the corresponding element in \i m * \param m the matrix to be copied */ Matrix(const Matrix &m) { _rows = m._rows; _columns = m._columns; _data = new ScalarType[_rows*_columns]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] = m._data[i]; }; /*! * Default destructor */ ~Matrix() { delete []_data; }; /*! * Number of columns */ inline unsigned int ColumnsNumber() const { return _columns; }; /*! * Number of rows */ inline unsigned int RowsNumber() const { return _rows; }; /*! * Equality operator. * \param m * \return true iff the matrices have same size and its elements have same values. */ bool operator==(const Matrix &m) const { if (_rows==m._rows && _columns==m._columns) { bool result = true; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns && result; i++) result = (_data[i]==m._data[i]); return result; } return false; }; /*! * Inequality operator * \param m * \return true iff the matrices have different size or if their elements have different values. */ bool operator!=(const Matrix &m) const { if (_rows==m._rows && _columns==m._columns) { bool result = false; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns && !result; i++) result = (_data[i]!=m._data[i]); return result; } return true; }; /*! * Return the element stored in the i-th rows at the j-th column * \param i the row index * \param j the column index * \return the element */ inline TYPE ElementAt(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) { assert(i>=0 && i<_rows); assert(j>=0 && j<_columns); return _data[i*_columns+j]; }; /*! * Calculate and return the matrix determinant (Laplace) * \return the matrix determinant */ TYPE Determinant() const { assert(_rows == _columns); switch (_rows) { case 2: { return _data[0]*_data[3]-_data[1]*_data[2]; break; }; case 3: { return _data[0]*(_data[4]*_data[8]-_data[5]*_data[7]) - _data[1]*(_data[3]*_data[8]-_data[5]*_data[6]) + _data[2]*(_data[3]*_data[7]-_data[4]*_data[6]) ; break; }; default: { // da migliorare: si puo' cercare la riga/colonna con maggior numero di zeri ScalarType det = 0; for (unsigned int j=0; j<_columns; j++) if (_data[j]!=0) det += _data[j]*this->Cofactor(0, j); return det; } }; }; /*! * Return the cofactor Ai,j of the ai,j element * \return ... */ TYPE Cofactor(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const { assert(_rows == _columns); assert(_rows>2); TYPE *values = new TYPE[(_rows-1)*(_columns-1)]; unsigned int u, v, p, q, s, t; for (u=0, p=0, s=0, t=0; u<_rows; u++, t+=_rows) { if (i==u) continue; for (v=0, q=0; v<_columns; v++) { if (j==v) continue; values[s+q] = _data[t+v]; q++; } p++; s+=(_rows-1); } Matrix temp(_rows-1, _columns-1, values); return (pow(-1, i+j)*temp.Determinant()); }; /*! * Subscript operator: * \param i the index of the row * \return a reference to the i-th matrix row */ inline TYPE* operator[](const unsigned int i) { assert(i>=0 && i<_rows); return _data + i*_columns; }; /*! * Const subscript operator * \param i the index of the row * \return a reference to the i-th matrix row */ inline const TYPE* operator[](const unsigned int i) const { assert(i>=0 && i<_rows); return _data + i*_columns; }; /*! * Get the j-th column on the matrix. * \param j the column index. * \return the reference to the column elements. */ TYPE* GetColumn(const unsigned int j) { assert(j>=0 && j<_columns); ScalarType *v = new ScalarType[_columns]; unsigned int i, p; for (i=0, p=j; i<_rows; i++, p+=_columns) v[i] = _data[p]; return v; }; /*! * Get the i-th row on the matrix. * \param i the column index. * \return the reference to the row elements. */ TYPE* GetRow(const unsigned int i) { assert(i>=0 && i<_rows); ScalarType *v = new ScalarType[_rows]; unsigned int j, p; for (j=0, p=i*_columns; j<_columns; j++, p++) v[j] = _data[p]; return v; }; /*! * Assignment operator * \param m ... */ Matrix& operator=(const Matrix &m) { if (this != &m) { assert(_rows == m._rows); assert(_columns == m._columns); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] = m._data[i]; } return *this; }; /*! * Adds a matrix m to this matrix. * \param m reference to matrix to add to this * \return the matrix sum. */ Matrix& operator+=(const Matrix &m) { assert(_rows == m._rows); assert(_columns == m._columns); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] += m._data[i]; return *this; }; /*! * Subtracts a matrix m to this matrix. * \param m reference to matrix to subtract * \return the matrix difference. */ Matrix& operator-=(const Matrix &m) { assert(_rows == m._rows); assert(_columns == m._columns); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] -= m._data[i]; return *this; }; /*! * (Modifier) Add to each element of this matrix the scalar constant k. * \param k the scalar constant * \return the modified matrix */ Matrix& operator+=(const TYPE k) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] += k; return *this; }; /*! * (Modifier) Subtract from each element of this matrix the scalar constant k. * \param k the scalar constant * \return the modified matrix */ Matrix& operator-=(const TYPE k) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] -= k; return *this; }; /*! * (Modifier) Multiplies each element of this matrix by the scalar constant k. * \param k the scalar constant * \return the modified matrix */ Matrix& operator*=(const TYPE k) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] *= k; return *this; }; /*! * (Modifier) Divides each element of this matrix by the scalar constant k. * \param k the scalar constant * \return the modified matrix */ Matrix& operator/=(const TYPE k) { assert(k!=0); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] /= k; return *this; }; /*! * Matrix multiplication: calculates the cross product. * \param reference to the matrix to multiply by * \return the matrix product */ Matrix operator*(const Matrix &m) { assert(_columns == m._rows); Matrix result(_rows, m._columns); unsigned int i, j, k, p, q, r; for (i=0, p=0, r=0; i operator*(const vcg::Point3 &p) { assert(_columns==3 && _rows==3); vcg::Point3 result; result[0] = _data[0]*p[0]+_data[1]*p[1]+_data[2]*p[2]; result[1] = _data[3]*p[0]+_data[4]*p[1]+_data[5]*p[2]; result[2] = _data[6]*p[0]+_data[7]*p[1]+_data[8]*p[2]; return result; }; /*! * Scalar sum. * \param k * \return the resultant matrix */ Matrix operator+(const TYPE k) { Matrix result(_rows, _columns); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) result._data[i] = _data[i]+k; return result; }; /*! * Scalar difference. * \param k * \return the resultant matrix */ Matrix operator-(const TYPE k) { Matrix result(_rows, _columns); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) result._data[i] = _data[i]-k; return result; }; /*! * Negate all matrix elements * \return the modified matrix */ Matrix operator-() const { Matrix result(_rows, _columns, _data); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_columns*_rows; i++) result._data[i] = -1*_data[i]; return result; }; /*! * Scalar multiplication. * \param k value to multiply every member by * \return the resultant matrix */ Matrix operator*(const TYPE k) { Matrix result(_rows, _columns); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) result._data[i] = _data[i]*k; return result; }; /*! * Scalar division. * \param k value to divide every member by * \return the resultant matrix */ Matrix operator/(const TYPE k) { Matrix result(_rows, _columns); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) result._data[i] = _data[i]/k; return result; }; /*! * Set all the matrix elements to zero. */ void SetZero() { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_rows*_columns; i++) _data[i] = ScalarType(0.0); }; /*! * Set the values of j-th column to v[j] * \param j the column index * \param v ... */ void SetColumn(const unsigned int j, TYPE* v) { assert(j>=0 && j<_columns); unsigned int i, p; for (i=0, p=0; i<_rows; i++, p+=_columns) _data[p] = v[i]; }; /*! * Set the elements of the i-th row to v[j] * \param i the row index * \param v ... */ void SetRow(const unsigned int i, TYPE* v) { assert(i>=0 && i<_rows); unsigned int j, p; for (j=0, p=i*_rows; j<_columns; j++, p++) _data[p] = v[j]; }; /*! * Set the diagonal elements vi,i to v[i] * \param v */ void SetDiagonal(TYPE *v) { assert(_rows == _columns); for (unsigned int i=0, p=0; i<_rows; i++, p+=_rows) _data[p+i] = v[i]; }; /*! * Resize the current matrix. * \param m the number of matrix rows. * \param n the number of matrix columns. */ void Resize(const unsigned int m, const unsigned int n) { assert(m>=2); assert(n>=2); _rows = m; _columns = n; delete []_data; _data = new ScalarType[m*n]; for (unsigned int i=0; i