/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCG_EDGEMESH_CLOSEST #define __VCG_EDGEMESH_CLOSEST #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace vcg { namespace edgemesh { //**MARKER CLASSES**// template class Tmark { MESH_TYPE *m; public: Tmark(){} void UnMarkAll(){m->UnMarkAll();} bool IsMarked(OBJ_TYPE* obj){return (m->IsMarked(obj));} void Mark(OBJ_TYPE* obj){m->Mark(obj);} void SetMesh(MESH_TYPE *_m) {m=_m;} }; template class EdgeTmark:public Tmark {}; template class VertTmark:public Tmark {}; //**CLOSEST FUNCTION DEFINITION**// template typename MESH::EdgeType * GetClosestEdge( MESH & mesh,GRID & gr,const typename GRID::CoordType & _p, const typename GRID::ScalarType & _maxDist,typename GRID::ScalarType & _minDist, typename GRID::CoordType &_closestPt) { typedef typename GRID::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef Point3 Point3x; typedef EdgeTmark MarkerEdge; MarkerEdge mf; mf.SetMesh(&mesh); vcg::edge::PointDistanceFunctor PDistFunct; _minDist=_maxDist; return (gr.GetClosest(PDistFunct,mf,_p,_maxDist,_minDist,_closestPt)); } template typename MESH::VertexType * GetClosestVertex( MESH & mesh,GRID & gr,const typename GRID::CoordType & _p, const typename GRID::ScalarType & _maxDist,typename GRID::ScalarType & _minDist ) { typedef typename GRID::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef Point3 Point3x; typedef VertTmark MarkerVert; MarkerVert mv; mv.SetMesh(&mesh); typedef vcg::vertex::PointDistanceFunctor VDistFunct; _minDist=_maxDist; Point3x _closestPt; return (gr.GetClosest/**/(VDistFunct(),mv,_p,_maxDist,_minDist,_closestPt)); } template unsigned int GetKClosestEdge(MESH & mesh,GRID & gr, const unsigned int _k, const typename GRID::CoordType & _p, const typename GRID::ScalarType & _maxDist, OBJPTRCONTAINER & _objectPtrs,DISTCONTAINER & _distances, POINTCONTAINER & _points) { typedef typename GRID::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef EdgeTmark MarkerEdge; MarkerEdge mf; mf.SetMesh(&mesh); vcg::face::PointDistanceFunctor FDistFunct; return (gr.GetKClosest /**/ (FDistFunct,mf,_k,_p,_maxDist,_objectPtrs,_distances,_points)); } template unsigned int GetKClosestVertex(MESH & mesh,GRID & gr, const unsigned int _k, const typename GRID::CoordType & _p, const typename GRID::ScalarType & _maxDist, OBJPTRCONTAINER & _objectPtrs,DISTCONTAINER & _distances, POINTCONTAINER & _points) { typedef typename GRID::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef VertTmark MarkerVert; MarkerVert mv; mv.SetMesh(&mesh); typedef vcg::vertex::PointDistanceFunctor VDistFunct; return (gr.GetKClosest/* */ (VDistFunct(),mv,_k,_p,_maxDist,_objectPtrs,_distances,_points)); } template unsigned int GetInSphereVertex(MESH & mesh, GRID & gr, const typename GRID::CoordType & _p, const typename GRID::ScalarType & _r, OBJPTRCONTAINER & _objectPtrs, DISTCONTAINER & _distances, POINTCONTAINER & _points) { typedef typename GRID::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef VertTmark MarkerVert; MarkerVert mv; mv.SetMesh(&mesh); typedef vcg::vertex::PointDistanceFunctor VDistFunct; return (gr.GetInSphere/**/ (VDistFunct(),mv,_p,_r,_objectPtrs,_distances,_points)); } template unsigned int GetInBoxEdge(MESH & mesh, GRID & gr, const vcg::Box3 _bbox, OBJPTRCONTAINER & _objectPtrs) { typedef EdgeTmark EdgeTmark; EdgeTmark mf; mf.SetMesh(&mesh); return(gr.GetInBox/**/(mf,_bbox,_objectPtrs)); } template unsigned int GetInBoxVertex(MESH & mesh, GRID & gr, const vcg::Box3 _bbox, OBJPTRCONTAINER & _objectPtrs) { typedef VertTmark MarkerVert; MarkerVert mv; mv.SetMesh(&mesh); return(gr.GetInBox/**/(mv,_bbox,_objectPtrs)); } } // end namespace edgemesh } // end namespace vcg #endif