/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include //#include #include "nxsalgo.h" #include "vfile.h" #include "nexus.h" #include "watch.h" using namespace std; using namespace nxs; using namespace vcg; #include "tristripper/tri_stripper.h" using namespace triangle_stripper; void nxs::ComputeNormals(Nexus &nexus) { assert(nexus.signature & NXS_NORMALS_SHORT || nexus.signature & NXS_NORMALS_FLOAT); //setting borders readonly: assert(!nexus.borders.IsReadOnly()); nexus.borders.SetReadOnly(true); bool use_short = (nexus.signature & NXS_NORMALS_SHORT) != 0; //TODO use a temporary file to store border normals unsigned int tmpb_offset = 0; vector tmpb_start; VFile tmpb; if(!tmpb.Create("tmpb.tmp")) { cerr << "Could not create temporary border file\n"; exit(0); } //TODO optimize! it is not necessary to read all the borders. for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nexus.size(); p++) { Border &border = nexus.GetBorder(p); tmpb_start.push_back(tmpb_offset); tmpb_offset += border.Size(); } Point3f zero(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); tmpb.Resize(tmpb_offset); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tmpb.Size(); i++) tmpb[i] = zero; tmpb.Flush(); map levels; nexus.history.BuildLevels(levels); //first step normals in the same patch. cerr << "First Step\n"; Report report(nexus.size(), 5); vector normals; for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nexus.size(); p++) { unsigned int current_level = levels[p]; report.Step(p); Patch &patch = nexus.GetPatch(p); normals.clear(); normals.resize(patch.nv, Point3f(0, 0, 0)); if(nexus.signature & NXS_FACES) for(unsigned int i = 0; i < patch.nf; i++) { unsigned short *f = patch.Face(i); Point3f &v0 = patch.Vert(f[0]); Point3f &v1 = patch.Vert(f[1]); Point3f &v2 = patch.Vert(f[2]); Point3f norm = (v1 - v0) ^ (v2 - v0); normals[f[0]] += norm; normals[f[1]] += norm; normals[f[2]] += norm; } if(nexus.signature & NXS_STRIP) for(int i = 0; i < patch.nf - 2; i++) { unsigned short *f = patch.FaceBegin() + i; Point3f &v0 = patch.Vert(f[0]); Point3f &v1 = patch.Vert(f[1]); Point3f &v2 = patch.Vert(f[2]); Point3f norm = (v1 - v0) ^ (v2 - v0); if(i%2) norm = -norm; normals[f[0]] += norm; normals[f[1]] += norm; normals[f[2]] += norm; } if(use_short) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < patch.nv; i++) { Point3f &norm = normals[i]; norm.Normalize(); short *n = patch.Norm16(i); for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) n[k] = (short)(norm[k] * 32766); n[3] = 0; } } else { memcpy(patch.Norm16Begin(), &*normals.begin(), normals.size() * sizeof(Point3f)); } Border &border = nexus.GetBorder(p); map > bnorm; map bcopy; unsigned int poff = tmpb_start[p]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < border.Size(); i++) { Link &link = border[i]; if(link.IsNull()) continue; //this should never happen now. Point3f pt = normals[link.start_vert]; if(levels[link.end_patch] == current_level) { bnorm[link.end_patch][link.end_vert] = pt; tmpb[poff + i] += pt; } else if(levels[link.end_patch] > current_level) { bcopy[i] = link; } } map >::iterator k; for(k = bnorm.begin(); k != bnorm.end(); k++) { unsigned int patch = (*k).first; Border &rborder = nexus.GetBorder(patch); unsigned int offset = tmpb_start[patch]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rborder.Size(); i++) { Link &link = rborder[i]; //assert(!link.IsNull()); //TODO not accurate if(link.end_patch != p) continue; if((*k).second.count(link.start_vert)) tmpb[offset + i] += (*k).second[link.start_vert]; } } //Uncomment this only when links are ok! map::iterator j; for(j = bcopy.begin(); j != bcopy.end(); j++) { unsigned int b = (*j).first; Link link = (*j).second; Border &rborder = nexus.GetBorder(link.end_patch, false); unsigned int offset = tmpb_start[link.end_patch]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rborder.Size(); i++) { Link &rlink = rborder[i]; if(rlink.end_patch == p && rlink.start_vert == link.end_vert) { assert(rlink.end_vert == link.start_vert); tmpb[poff + b] = tmpb[offset + i]; } } } /* set close; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < border.Size(); i++) { Link &link = border[i]; if(link.IsNull()) continue; unsigned int off = tmpb_start[p]; Point3f p = tmpb.read(off + i); p += normals[link.start_vert]; tmpb.write(off + i, p); // tmpb[off + i] += normals[link.start_vert]; close.insert(link.end_patch); } set::iterator k; for(k = close.begin(); k != close.end(); k++) { Border &remote = nexus.GetBorder(*k); unsigned int off = tmpb_start[*k]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < remote.Size(); i++) { Link &link = remote[i]; if(link.IsNull()) continue; if(link.end_patch != p) continue; Point3f p = tmpb.read(off + i); p += normals[link.end_vert]; tmpb.write(off + i, p); // tmpb[off + i] += normals[link.end_vert]; } }*/ } //Second step unify normals across borders cerr << "Second step\n"; report.Init(nexus.size()); for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nexus.size(); p++) { report.Step(p); Patch &patch = nexus.GetPatch(p); Border &border = nexus.GetBorder(p); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < border.Size(); i++) { Link &link = border[i]; if(link.IsNull()) continue; unsigned int off = tmpb_start[p]; // Point3f &n = tmpb[off + i]; Point3f n = tmpb[off + i]; if(n == Point3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)) continue; n.Normalize(); if(use_short) { n *= 32766; short *np = patch.Norm16(link.start_vert); np[0] = (short)n[0]; np[1] = (short)n[1]; np[2] = (short)n[2]; np[3] = 0; } else { patch.Norm32(link.start_vert) = n; } } } tmpb.Close(); tmpb.Delete(); //TODO remove temporary file. nexus.borders.SetReadOnly(false); } void nxs::ComputeTriStrip(unsigned short nfaces, unsigned short *faces, vector &strip) { vector index; index.resize(nfaces*3); for(int i = 0; i < nfaces*3; i++) { index[i] = faces[i]; } int cache_size = 0; tri_stripper stripper(index); stripper.SetCacheSize(cache_size); // = 0 will disable the cache optimizer stripper.SetMinStripSize(0); tri_stripper::primitives_vector primitives; stripper.Strip(&primitives); if(primitives.back().m_Indices.size() < 3) { primitives.pop_back(); } //TODO spostare questo dentro il ciclo che rimonta le strip. if(primitives.back().m_Type == tri_stripper::PT_Triangles) { tri_stripper::primitives p; p = primitives.back(); primitives.pop_back(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < p.m_Indices.size(); i += 3) { tri_stripper::primitives s; s.m_Type = tri_stripper::PT_Triangle_Strip; s.m_Indices.push_back(p.m_Indices[i]); s.m_Indices.push_back(p.m_Indices[i+1]); s.m_Indices.push_back(p.m_Indices[i+2]); primitives.push_back(s); } } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < primitives.size(); i++) { tri_stripper::primitives &primitive = primitives[i]; assert(primitive.m_Indices.size() != 0); int len = primitive.m_Indices.size(); for(int l = 0; l < len; l++) strip.push_back(primitive.m_Indices[l]); if(i < primitives.size()-1) { //not the last primitive. strip.push_back(primitive.m_Indices[len-1]); //TODO optimize this! if((len%2) == 1) //do not change orientation.... strip.push_back(primitive.m_Indices[len-1]); strip.push_back(primitives[i+1].m_Indices[0]); } } } void nxs::Reorder(unsigned int signature, Patch &patch) { vector remap; remap.resize(patch.nv, 0xffff); int nf = patch.nf; if(signature & NXS_FACES) nf *= 3; //building remap unsigned short *f = patch.FaceBegin(); unsigned int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < nf; i++) { assert(f[i] < remap.size()); if(remap[f[i]] == 0xffff) { remap[f[i]] = count++; } } //test no unreferenced vertices for(int i = 0; i < patch.nv; i++) if(remap[i] == 0xffff) remap[i] = i; //converting faces for(int i = 0; i < nf; i++) f[i] = remap[f[i]]; vector vert; vert.resize(patch.nv); memcpy(&*vert.begin(), patch.VertBegin(), patch.nv * sizeof(Point3f)); for(int i = 0; i < patch.nv; i++) patch.Vert(remap[i]) = vert[i]; } //TODO actually use threshold void nxs::Unify(Nexus &nexus, float threshold) { //TODO what if colors or normals or strips? unsigned int duplicated = 0; unsigned int degenerate = 0; for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nexus.size(); p++) { Entry &entry = nexus[p]; Patch &patch = nexus.GetPatch(p); unsigned int vcount = 0; map vertices; vector remap; remap.resize(patch.nv); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < patch.nv; i++) { Point3f &point = patch.Vert(i); if(!vertices.count(point)) vertices[point] = vcount++; else duplicated++; remap[i] = vertices[point]; } assert(vertices.size() <= patch.nv); if(vertices.size() == patch.nv) //no need to unify continue; vector newvert; newvert.resize(vertices.size()); map::iterator k; for(k = vertices.begin(); k != vertices.end(); k++) { newvert[(*k).second] = (*k).first; } vector newface; //check no degenerate faces get created. for(unsigned int f = 0; f < entry.nface; f++) { unsigned short *face = patch.Face(f); if(face[0] != face[1] && face[1] != face[2] && face[0] != face[2] && newvert[remap[face[0]]] != newvert[remap[face[1]]] && newvert[remap[face[0]]] != newvert[remap[face[2]]] && newvert[remap[face[1]]] != newvert[remap[face[2]]]) { newface.push_back(remap[face[0]]); newface.push_back(remap[face[1]]); newface.push_back(remap[face[2]]); } else { degenerate++; } } //rewrite patch now. entry.nvert = newvert.size(); entry.nface = newface.size()/3; patch.Init(nexus.signature, entry.nvert, entry.nface); memcpy(patch.VertBegin(), &(newvert[0]), entry.nvert*sizeof(Point3f)); memcpy(patch.FaceBegin(), &(newface[0]), entry.nface*3*sizeof(short)); //testiamo il tutto... TODO remove this of course for(unsigned int i =0; i < patch.nf; i++) { for(int k =0 ; k < 3; k++) if(patch.Face(i)[k] >= patch.nv) { cerr <<" Unify has problems\n"; exit(0); } } //fix patch borders now set close; //bordering pathes Border &border = nexus.GetBorder(p); for(unsigned int b = 0; b < border.Size(); b++) { if(border[b].IsNull()) continue; close.insert(border[b].end_patch); border[b].start_vert = remap[border[b].start_vert]; } set::iterator c; for(c = close.begin(); c != close.end(); c++) { Border &bord = nexus.GetBorder(*c); for(unsigned int b = 0; b < bord.Size(); b++) { if(bord[b].IsNull()) continue; if(bord[b].end_patch == p) { bord[b].end_vert = remap[bord[b].end_vert]; } } } } //better to compact directly borders than setting them null. //finally: there may be duplicated borders for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nexus.size(); p++) { Border &border = nexus.GetBorder(p); set links; for(unsigned int b = 0; b < border.Size(); b++) { Link &link = border[b]; assert(!link.IsNull()); //if(border[b].IsNull()) continue; links.insert(link); } int count = 0; for(set::iterator k = links.begin(); k != links.end(); k++) border[count++] = *k; nexus.borders[p].used = links.size(); } nexus.totvert -= duplicated; if(duplicated) cerr << "Found " << duplicated << " duplicated vertices" << endl; if(degenerate) cerr << "Found " << degenerate << " degenerate face while unmifying\n"; }