/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.6 2007/02/02 04:11:00 tarini added parameter theta (from conformal to equiareal) to AreaPresTextureOptimizer. Improved feature lists (comments). Revision 1.5 2007/02/02 01:39:58 tarini added three general-utility global functions for texture coordinates: SmoothTextureCoords, IsFoldFree, MarkFolds (see descriptions) Revision 1.4 2007/02/02 01:23:47 tarini added a few general comments on AreaPreserving optimizer, recapping optimizer features. Revision 1.3 2007/02/02 01:18:15 tarini First version: general virtual class for texture optimizers. A subclass for area preservation. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCGLIB__TEXTCOOORD_OPTIMIZATION #define __VCGLIB__TEXTCOOORD_OPTIMIZATION #include /* SINGLE PATCH TEXTURE OPTIMIZATIONS A set of classes to perform optimizations of disk->disk parametrization. Requires texture coords to be defined per vertex (replicate seams). */ namespace vcg { namespace tri { /* Base class for all Texture Optimizers*/ template class TextureOptimizer{ protected: MESH_TYPE &m; SimpleTempData isFixed; public: /* Tpyes */ typedef MESH_TYPE MeshType; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::VertexIterator VertexIterator; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::FaceIterator FaceIterator; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType VertexType; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType FaceType; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType ScalarType; /* Access functions */ const MeshType & Mesh() const {return m;} MeshType & Mesh() {return m;} /* Constructior */ TextureOptimizer(MeshType &_m):m(_m),isFixed(_m.vert){ assert(m.HasPerVertexTexture()); } // initializes on current geometry virtual void TargetCurrentGeometry()=0; // performs an interation. Returns largest movement. virtual ScalarType Iterate()=0; // performs an iteration (faster, but it does not tell how close it is to stopping) virtual void IterateBlind()=0; // performs iteration virtual ScalarType IterateN(int step){ for (int i=0; iIterateBlind(); } if (step>1) return this->Iterate(); else return 0; } // performs iterations until convergence. bool IterateUntilConvergence(ScalarType threshold=0.0001, int maxite=5000){ int i; while (Iterate()>threshold) { if (i++>maxite) return false; } return true; } // desctuctor: free temporary field ~TextureOptimizer(){ isFixed.Stop(); }; // set the current border as fixed (forced to stay in position during text optimization) void SetBorderAsFixed(){ isFixed.Start(); for (VertexIterator v=m.vert.begin(); v!=m.vert.end(); v++) { isFixed[v]=(v->IsB())?1:0; } } // everything moves, no vertex must fixed during texture optimization) void SetNothingAsFixed(){ isFixed.Start(); for (VertexIterator v=m.vert.begin(); v!=m.vert.end(); v++) { isFixed[v]=0; } } // fix a given vertex void FixVertex(const VertexType *v, bool fix=true){ isFixed[v]=(fix)?1:0; } }; /* AREA PRESERVING TEXTURE OPTIMIZATION as in: Degener, P., Meseth, J., Klein, R. "An adaptable surface parameterization method." Proc. of the 12th International Meshing oundtable, 201–213 [2003]. Features: :) - Balances angle and area distortions (best results!). :) - Can choose how to balance area and angle preservation (see SetTheta) theta=0 -> pure conformal (use MIPS instead!) theta=3 -> good balance between area and angle preservation theta>3 -> care more about area than about angles :( - Slowest method. :( - Requires a fixed boundary, else expands forever in texture space (unless theta=0). :( - Diverges in presence of flipped faces (unless theta=0). :( - Requires a speed parameter to be set. Speed too large => when close, bounces back and forth around minimum, w/o getting any closer. Lower speed => longer convercence times */ template class AreaPreservingTextureOptimizer:public TextureOptimizer{ public: /* Types */ typedef MESH_TYPE MeshType; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::VertexIterator VertexIterator; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::FaceIterator FaceIterator; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType VertexType; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType FaceType; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType ScalarType; private: typedef TextureOptimizer Super; // superclass (commodity) // extra data per face: [0..3] -> cotangents. [4] -> area*2 SimpleTempData > data; SimpleTempData > sum; ScalarType totArea; ScalarType speed; int theta; public: // constructor and destructor AreaPreservingTextureOptimizer(MeshType &_m):Super(_m),data(_m.face),sum(_m.vert){ speed=0.001; theta=3; } ~AreaPreservingTextureOptimizer(){ data.Stop(); sum.Stop(); Super::isFixed.Stop(); } void SetSpeed(ScalarType _speed){ speed=_speed; } ScalarType GetSpeed(){ return speed; } // sets the parameter theta: // good parameters are in 1..3 // 0 = converge to pure conformal, ignore area preservation // 3 = good balance between area and conformal // >3 = area more important, angle preservation less important void SetTheta(int _theta){ theta=_theta; } int GetTheta(){ return theta; } void IterateBlind(){ /* todo: do as iterate, but without */ Iterate(); } ScalarType Iterate(){ ScalarType max; // max displacement #define v0 (f->V0(i)->T().P()) #define v1 (f->V1(i)->T().P()) #define v2 (f->V2(i)->T().P()) for (VertexIterator v=Super::m.vert.begin(); v!=Super::m.vert.end(); v++) { sum[v].SetZero(); } ScalarType tot_proj_area=0; for (FaceIterator f=Super::m.face.begin(); f!=Super::m.face.end(); f++) { int i=0; double area2 = ((v1-v0) ^ (v2-v0)); tot_proj_area+=area2; } double scale= 1.0; //tot_proj_area / tot_area ; for (FaceIterator f=Super::m.face.begin(); f!=Super::m.face.end(); f++) { int i=0; ScalarType area2 = ((v1-v0) ^ (v2-v0)); for (i=0; i<3; i++){ ScalarType a = (v1-v0).Norm(), b = ((v1-v0) * (v2-v0))/a, c = area2 / a, m0= data[f][i] / area2, m1= data[f][(i+1)%3] / area2, m2= data[f][(i+2)%3] / area2, mx= (b-a)/area2, my= c/area2, // 1.0/a mA= data[f][3]/area2 * scale, e = m0*((b-a)*(b-a)+c*c) + m1*(b*b+c*c) + m2*a*a, // as obvious M1= mA + 1.0/mA, M2= mA - 1.0/mA, px= e*my, py=-e*mx, qx= m1*b+ m2*a, qy= m1*c, /* linear weightings dx= (OMEGA) * (my * M2) + (1-OMEGA) * ( px - 2.0*qx), dy= (OMEGA) * (-mx * M2) + (1-OMEGA) * ( py - 2.0*qy),*/ // exponential weighting // 2d gradient dx=// M1 //*M1 // ^ theta-1 pow(M1,theta-1) *(px*(M1+ theta*M2) - 2.0*qx*M1), dy=// M1 //*M1 // ^ theta-1 pow(M1,theta-1) *(py*(M1+ theta*M2) - 2.0*qy*M1), gy= dy/c, gx= (dx - gy*b) / a; // 3d gradient sum[f->V(i)]+= ( (v1-v0) * gx + (v2-v0) * gy ) * data[f][3]; } } max=0; // max displacement speed=0.001; for (VertexIterator v=Super::m.vert.begin(); v!=Super::m.vert.end(); v++) if ( !Super::isFixed[v] ) //if (!v->IsB()) { ScalarType n=sum[v].Norm(); if ( n > 1 ) { sum[v]/=n; n=1.0;} if ( n*speed<=0.1 ); { v->T().P()-=(sum[v] * speed ) /** scale*/; if (maxV(1)->P() - f->V(0)->P() )^(f->V(2)->P() - f->V(0)->P() )).Norm(); totArea+=area2; //if ( Super::isFixed[f->V1(0)] ) for (int i=0; i<3; i++){ data[f][i]=( (f->V1(i)->P() - f->V0(i)->P() )*(f->V2(i)->P() - f->V0(i)->P() ) )/area2; data[f][3]=area2; } } } }; /* texture coords general utility functions */ /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ // returns false if any fold is present (faster than MarkFolds) template bool IsFoldFree(MESH_TYPE &m){ assert(m.HasPerVertexTexture()); typedef typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType::TextureType::PointType PointType; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType::TextureType::PointType::ScalarType ScalarType; ScalarType lastsign=0; for (typename MESH_TYPE::FaceIterator f=m.face.begin(); f!=m.face.end(); f++){ ScalarType sign=((f->V(1)->T().P()-f->V(0)->T().P()) ^ (f->V(2)->T().P()-f->V(0)->T().P())); if (sign!=0) { if (sign*lastsign<0) return false; lastsign=sign; } } return true; } // detects and marks folded faces, by setting their quality to 0 (or 1 otherwise) // returns number of folded faces template int MarkFolds(MESH_TYPE &m){ assert(m.HasPerVertexTexture()); assert(m.HasPerFaceQuality()); typedef typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType::TextureType::PointType PointType; typedef typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType::TextureType::PointType::ScalarType ScalarType; SimpleTempData sign(m.face); sign.Start(0); // first pass, determine predominant sign int npos=0, nneg=0; ScalarType lastsign=0; for (typename MESH_TYPE::FaceIterator f=m.face.begin(); f!=m.face.end(); f++){ ScalarType fsign=((f->V(1)->T().P()-f->V(0)->T().P()) ^ (f->V(2)->T().P()-f->V(0)->T().P())); if (fsign<0) { sign[f]=-1; nneg++; } if (fsign>0) { sign[f]=+1; npos++; } } // second pass, detect folded faces int res=0; short gsign= (nneg>npos)?-1:+1; for (typename MESH_TYPE::FaceIterator f=m.face.begin(); f!=m.face.end(); f++){ if (sign[f]*gsign<0){ res++; f->Q()=0; } else f->Q()=1; } sign.Stop(); return res; } // Smooths texture coords. // (can be useful to remove folds, // e.g. these created when obtaining tecture coordinates after projections) template void SmoothTextureCoords(MESH_TYPE &m){ assert(m.HasPerVertexTexture()); typedef typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType::TextureType::PointType PointType; SimpleTempData div(m.vert); SimpleTempData sum(m.vert); div.Start(); sum.Start(); for (typename MESH_TYPE::VertexIterator v=m.vert.begin(); v!=m.vert.end(); v++) { sum[v].SetZero(); div[v]=0; } for (typename MESH_TYPE::FaceIterator f=m.face.begin(); f!=m.face.end(); f++){ div[f->V(0)] +=2; sum[f->V(0)] += f->V(2)->T().P(); sum[f->V(0)] += f->V(1)->T().P(); div[f->V(1)] +=2; sum[f->V(1)] += f->V(0)->T().P(); sum[f->V(1)] += f->V(2)->T().P(); div[f->V(2)] +=2; sum[f->V(2)] += f->V(1)->T().P(); sum[f->V(2)] += f->V(0)->T().P(); } for (typename MESH_TYPE::VertexIterator v=m.vert.begin(); v!=m.vert.end(); v++) // if (!v->IsB()) { if (v->div>0) { v->T().P() = sum[v]/div[v]; } } div.Stop(); sum.Stop(); } } } // End namespace vcg::tri #endif // __VCGLIB__TEXTCOOORD_OPTIMIZATION