/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** Acknowlegments Portions of this file were based on the original code of the Ply library of Greg Turk and on the work of Claudio Rocchini ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.5 2005/11/26 00:12:25 cignoni added prototype of interpret_texture_name Revision 1.4 2005/11/12 07:07:47 cignoni Changed Offset types to remove warnings Revision 1.3 2005/01/03 10:35:59 cignoni Improved the compatibility for ply format for faces having the list size (e.g. number of vertexes of a face) as a char instead of a uchar. Added a couple of new face descriptors, corrected a bug in error reporting function (and restructured) and translated a few comments. Thanks to Patrick Min for the careful bug reporting Revision 1.2 2004/04/27 13:29:19 turini *** empty log message *** Revision 1.1 2004/03/03 15:00:51 cignoni Initial commit ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCG_PLYLIB #define __VCG_PLYLIB #include #include #include #include namespace vcg { namespace ply { // Data types supported by the ply format enum PlyTypes { T_NOTYPE, T_CHAR, T_SHORT, T_INT, T_UCHAR, T_USHORT, T_UINT, T_FLOAT, T_DOUBLE, T_MAXTYPE }; // Error codes reported by GetError enum PlyError { E_NOERROR, // 0 // Errors of open(..) E_CANTOPEN, // 1 E_NOTHEADER, // 2 E_UNESPECTEDEOF, // 3 E_NOFORMAT, // 4 E_SYNTAX, // 5 E_PROPOUTOFELEMENT, // 6 E_BADTYPENAME, // 7 // Errors of addtoread(..) E_ELEMNOTFOUND, // 8 E_PROPNOTFOUND, // 9 E_BADTYPE, // 10 E_INCOMPATIBLETYPE, // 11 E_BADCAST, // 12 E_MAXPLYERRORS }; // file formats supported by the ply format enum PlyFormat { F_UNSPECIFIED, F_ASCII, F_BINLITTLE, F_BINBIG }; #ifdef USE_ZLIB typedef void * GZFILE; #else typedef FILE * GZFILE; #endif // Messaggio di errore //extern const char * ply_error_msg[]; // TIPO FILE // Descrittore esterno di propieta' class PropDescriptor { public: const char * elemname; // Nome dell'elemento const char * propname; // Nome della propieta' int stotype1; // Tipo dell'elemento su file (se lista tipo degli elementi della lista) int memtype1; // Tipo dell'elemento in memoria (se lista tipo degli elementi della lista) size_t offset1; // Offset del valore in memoria int islist; // 1 se lista, 0 altrimenti int alloclist; // 1 se alloca lista, 0 se preallocata int stotype2; // Tipo del numero di elementi della lista su file int memtype2; // Tipo del numero di elementi della lista in memoria size_t offset2; // Offset valore memoria int format; // duplicazione del formato size_t stotypesize() const; // per sapere quanto e'grande un dato descrittore sul file size_t memtypesize() const; // per sapere quanto e'grande un dato descrittore in memoria const char *memtypename() const; const char *stotypename() const; }; // Reading Callback (used to copy a data prop) typedef bool (* readelemcb) ( GZFILE fp, void * mem, PropDescriptor * p ); class PlyProperty { public: inline PlyProperty() { tipo = 0; islist = 0; tipoindex = 0; bestored = 0; } inline PlyProperty( const char * na, int ti, int isl, int t2 ) { assert(na); assert(ti>0); assert(ti0 || (t2==0 && isl==0) ); assert(t2=0); name = std::string(na); number = nu; } inline void SetName( const char * na ) { name = std::string(na); } inline void SetNumbert( int nu ) { assert(nu>0); number = nu; } void AddProp( const char * na, int ti, int isl, int t2 ); int AddToRead( const char * propname, int stotype1, int memtype1, size_t offset1, int islist, int alloclist, int stotype2, int memtype2, size_t offset2 ); // Vedi struttura PropDescriptor PlyProperty * FindProp( const char * name ); std::string name; // Nome dell'elemento int number; // Numero di elementi di questo tipo std::vector props; // Vettore dinamico delle property }; class PlyFile { private: void compile( PlyElement * e ); void compile( PlyProperty * p ); public: // Modi di apertura enum { MODE_READ, MODE_WRITE }; PlyFile(); ~PlyFile(); // Apre un file ply int Open( const char * filename, int mode ); // Chiude un file e disalloca la memoria void Destroy(); // Ritorna il codice dell'ultimo errore inline int GetError() const { return error; } // Definizione di lettura (Vedi struttura PropDescriptor) int AddToRead( const char * elemname, const char * propname, int stotype1, int memtype1, size_t offset1, int islist, int alloclist, int stotype2, int memtype2, size_t offset2 ); // Come sopra ma con descrittore inline int AddToRead( const PropDescriptor & p ) { return AddToRead(p.elemname,p.propname,p.stotype1, p.memtype1,p.offset1,p.islist,p.alloclist,p.stotype2, p.memtype2,p.offset2 ); } // Ritorna il numero di oggetti di un tipo di elemento const char * ElemName( int i ); int ElemNumber( int i ) const; // Setta il tipo di elemento corrente per effetture // la lettura inline void SetCurElement( int i ) { if(i<0 || i>=int(elements.size())) cure = 0; else { cure = &(elements[i]); compile(cure); } } // Lettura du un elemento int Read( void * mem ); std::vector elements; // Vettore degli elementi std::vector comments; // Vettore dei commenti static const char * typenames[9]; static const char * newtypenames[9]; inline const char * GetHeader() const { return header; } protected: GZFILE gzfp; float version; // Versione del file int error; // Errore corrente (vedi enum) int format; // Formato del file (vedi enum ) char header[4096]; // Testo dell'header PlyElement * cure; // Elemento da leggere // Callback di lettura: vale ReadBin o ReadAcii int (* ReadCB)( GZFILE fp, const PlyProperty * r, void * mem, int fmt ); int OpenRead( const char * filename ); int OpenWrite( const char * filename ); PlyElement * AddElement( const char * name, int number ); int FindType( const char * name ) const; PlyElement * FindElement( const char * name ); }; void interpret_texture_name(const char*a, const char*fn, char*output); } // end namespace ply } // end namespace vcg #endif