/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.22 2005/02/20 00:43:24 ponchio Less memory x extraction. (removed frags) Revision 1.21 2005/02/19 17:14:02 ponchio History quick by default. Revision 1.20 2005/02/19 10:45:04 ponchio Patch generalized and small fixes. Revision 1.19 2005/02/18 13:04:13 ponchio Added patch reordering. Revision 1.18 2005/02/08 12:43:03 ponchio Added copyright ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include //WARNING WARNING this must be included AFTER mesh includes.... #include #include #include "nxsalgo.h" #include "nexus.h" #include "watch.h" using namespace nxs; using namespace vcg; using namespace std; using namespace tri; class CFace; class CVertex: public VertexVCf {}; class CFace: public Face{}; class CMesh: public tri::TriMesh, vector > {}; string getSuffix(Signature &signature) { string suff; if(signature.compr) suff += "Z"; if(signature.face == Signature::STRIPS) suff += "S"; if(signature.vcolor) suff += "C"; if(signature.vnorm) suff += "N"; if(signature.vtext) suff += "T"; if(signature.vdata) suff += "D"; return suff; } void printInfo(Nexus &nexus, bool verbose, bool dump_history); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string input; string output; string plysource; bool info = false; bool verbose = false; bool dump_history = false; unsigned int ram_size = 128000000; unsigned int chunk_size = 0; bool add = false; bool add_strips = false; bool add_colors = false; unsigned char add_normals = 0; bool add_textures = false; bool add_data = false; bool remove = false; bool remove_strips = false; bool remove_colors = false; bool remove_normals = false; bool remove_textures = false; bool remove_data = false; bool compress = false; bool uncompress = false; bool zsort = false; float qvertex = 0; float qnormal = 0; float qcolor = 0; float qtexture = 0; float cone_threshold = 0; int option; while((option = getopt(argc, argv, "ilho:a:r:zxsv:n:k:t:b:c:V:")) != EOF) { switch(option) { case 'i': info = true; break; case 'l': verbose = true; break; case 'h': dump_history = true; break; case 'o': output = optarg; break; case 'p': plysource = optarg; break; case 'a': { if(strstr(optarg, "strips")) { add_strips = true; add = true; } if(strstr(optarg, "colors")) { add_colors = true; add = true; } if(strstr(optarg, "normals")) { add_normals = Encodings::SHORT4; add = true; } if(strstr(optarg, "normalf")) { add_normals = Encodings::FLOAT3; add = true; } if(strstr(optarg, "textures")) { add_textures = true; add = true; } if(strstr(optarg, "data")) { add_data = true; add = true; } if(add == false) { cerr << "Invalid -a argument: " << optarg << "\n" << "Valid options are: strips, colors, normals, textures, data\n"; return -1; } break; } case 'r': { if(strstr(optarg, "strips")) { cerr << "Strips removing not supported!\n"; return -1; } if(strstr(optarg, "colors")) { remove_colors = true; remove = true; } if(strstr(optarg, "normals")) { remove_normals = true; remove = true; } if(strstr(optarg, "textures")) { remove_textures = true; remove = true; } if(strstr(optarg, "data")) { remove_data = true; remove = true; } if(remove == false) { cerr << "Invalid -a argument: " << optarg << "\n" << "Valid options are: strip, colors, normals, normalf, " << "textures, data\n"; return -1; } break; } case 'z': compress = true; break; case 'x': uncompress = true; break; case 's': zsort = true; break; case 'V': cone_threshold = atof(optarg); break; case 'v': qvertex = (float)atof(optarg); if(qvertex == 0) { cerr << "Invalid value for quantization: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'n': qnormal = (float)atof(optarg); if(qnormal == 0) { cerr << "Invalid value for quantization: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'k': qcolor = (float)atof(optarg); if(qcolor == 0) { cerr << "Invalid value for quantization: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 't': qtexture = (float)atof(optarg); if(qtexture == 0) { cerr << "Invalid value for quantization: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'b': ram_size = atoi(optarg); if(ram_size == 0) { cerr << "Invalid ram_size: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'c': chunk_size = atoi(optarg); if(chunk_size == 0) { cerr << "Invalid chunk_size: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; default: cerr << "Unknown option: " << (char)option << endl; return -1; } } if(optind != argc - 1) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options]\n" << " -i : display some info about nexus file\n" << " -l : list nodes\n" << " -h : list history\n" << " -o : output filename (default is adding 00 to nexus)\n" << " -a : Add [colors|normals|normalf|strips|textures|data|borders]\n" << " -r : As add...\n" << " -p : Ply source for colors or textures or data\n" << " -z : compress\n" << " -x : uncompress\n" << " -s : sort using zcurve\n" << " -v: Vertex quantization (float is the 0 level amount)\n" << " -n: Normal quantization\n" << " -c: Color quantization\n" << " -t: Texture quantization\n" << " -V: Normal cone threshold [0, 1] (0.95 default)\n\n" << " This option will not create a new nexus file\n"; return -1; } input = argv[optind]; //Sanity test of options... if(compress && uncompress) { cerr << "x and z are obviously exclusive :P\n"; return -1; } if(add_normals && compress) { cerr << "Its not possible to add normals and compress in the same step\n" << "Because normals requires 2 passes to be calculated\n\n"; return -1; } bool compute_cones = false; if(!add && !remove && !compress && !uncompress && !zsort && !qvertex && !qcolor && !qnormal && !qtexture && cone_threshold != 0) compute_cones = true; Nexus nexus; if(!nexus.Load(input, true)) { cerr << "Could not open nexus file: " << input << "\n"; return -1; } nexus.MaxRam() = ram_size / nexus.chunk_size; //Sanity tests if(remove_strips && !(nexus.signature.face != Signature::STRIPS)) { cerr << "Nexus file does not have strips\n"; return -1; } if(remove_colors && !nexus.signature.vcolor) { cerr << "Nexus file does not have colors\n"; return -1; } if(remove_normals && !nexus.signature.vnorm) { cerr << "Nexus file does not have normals\n"; return -1; } if(remove_textures && !nexus.signature.vtext) { cerr << "Nexus file does not have textures\n"; return -1; } if(remove_data && !nexus.signature.vdata) { cerr << "Nexus file does not have data\n"; return -1; } if(add_strips && (nexus.signature.face == Signature::STRIPS)) { cerr << "Nexus file already has strips\n"; return -1; } if(add_colors && nexus.signature.vcolor) { cerr << "Nexus file already has colors\n"; return -1; } if(add_normals && nexus.signature.vnorm) { cerr << "Nexus file already has normals\n"; return -1; } if(add_textures && nexus.signature.vtext) { cerr << "Nexus file already has textures\n"; return -1; } if(add_data && nexus.signature.vdata) { cerr << "Nexus file already has data\n"; return -1; } if(nexus.IsCompressed() && compress) { cerr << "File already compressed.\n"; return -1; } if(!nexus.IsCompressed() && uncompress) { cerr << "File not compressed.\n"; return -1; } if(info) { cout << "Nexus file: " << input << "\n"; printInfo(nexus, verbose, dump_history); } //determine if we must proceed: if(!add && !remove && !compress && !uncompress && !zsort && qvertex == 0 && qnormal == 0 && qcolor == 0 && qtexture == 0 && cone_threshold == 0) { nexus.Close(); return 0; } if(compute_cones) {//just recalculate normal cones cerr << "Unimplemented at the moment...\n"; /*vector cones; // ComputeCones(Nexus &nexus, float cone_threshold); nexus.Close(); nexus.Load(intput, false); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.size(); i++) { nexus[i].cone = cones[i]; }*/ nexus.Close(); return 0; } CMesh mesh; GridStaticPtr grid; if(add_colors) { if(!plysource.size()) { cerr << "No plysource specified when adding color (-p option)\n"; return -1; } if(!tri::io::ImporterPLY::Open(mesh, plysource.c_str())) { cerr << "Could not load ply: " << plysource << endl; return -1; } //calcoliamo il box: Box3f box; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.vert.size(); i++) box.Add(mesh.vert[i].P()); grid.SetBBox(box); grid.Set(mesh.face); } Signature signature = nexus.signature; if(add_strips) signature.face = Signature::STRIPS; if(add_normals) signature.vnorm = add_normals; if(add_colors) signature.vcolor = Encodings::BYTE4; if(remove_normals) signature.vnorm = 0; if(remove_colors) signature.vcolor = 0; if(compress) signature.compr = Signature::LZO; if(uncompress) signature.compr = 0; if(!output.size()) output = input + getSuffix(signature); if(output == input) { cerr << "Output and input files are the same.\n" << "Use option -o \n" << "You do not want to overwrite your data. Trust me.\n"; return -1; } cout << "Writing to nexus: " << output << endl; Nexus out; if(!chunk_size) chunk_size = nexus.chunk_size; if(!out.Create(output, signature, chunk_size)) { cerr << "Could not open output: " << output << endl; return -1; } //TODO fix this broken interface (you should not care abou chunk_size out.MaxRam() = ram_size / out.chunk_size; //TODO set rambuffer low (or even direct access!) vector forward; vector backward; if(zsort) ZSort(nexus, forward, backward); //Fixing history assert(nexus.history.IsQuick()); unsigned int hsize; char *buffer = nexus.history.Save(hsize); out.history.Load(hsize, buffer); if(zsort) { assert(0); //TODO FIX THIS... /* if(out.history.IsQuick()) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < out.history.n_frags(); i++) out.history.frags[i] = backward[out.history.frags[i]]; } else { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < out.history.updates.size(); i++) { History::Update &update = out.history.updates[i]; for(unsigned int k = 0; k < update.created.size(); k++) update.created[k] = backward[update.created[k]]; for(unsigned int k = 0; k < update.erased.size(); k++) update.erased[k] = backward[update.erased[k]]; } }*/ } Report report(nexus.size()); cout << "Copying and allocating...\n"; for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nexus.size(); p++) { unsigned int patch = p; report.Step(patch); if(zsort) patch = forward[patch]; Entry &src_entry = nexus[patch]; Patch &src_patch = nexus.GetPatch(patch); Border &src_border = nexus.GetBorder(patch); vector strip; if(add_strips) { ComputeTriStrip(src_patch.nf, src_patch.FaceBegin(), strip); assert(strip.size() < 32767); out.AddPatch(src_entry.nvert, strip.size(), src_border.Available()); if(verbose) { cerr << "tri: " << src_patch.nf << " strip: " << strip.size() << " ratio: " << (float)strip.size()/(float)src_patch.nf << endl; } } else out.AddPatch(src_entry.nvert, src_entry.nface, src_border.Available()); Entry &dst_entry = out[p]; Patch &dst_patch = out.GetPatch(p); //copy vertices: assert(out.signature.vert == Signature::POINT3F); assert(out.signature.vert = nexus.signature.vert); memcpy(dst_patch.Vert3fBegin(), src_patch.Vert3fBegin(), src_patch.nv * sizeof(Point3f)); if(qvertex && !add_normals) { float *ptr = (float *)dst_patch.Vert3fBegin(); for(int i = 0; i < dst_patch.nv*3; i++) ptr[i] = qvertex * (int)(ptr[i]/qvertex); } //now faces. if(add_strips) { assert(out.signature.face == Signature::STRIPS); memcpy(dst_patch.FaceBegin(), &*strip.begin(), strip.size() * sizeof(short)); } else { assert(nexus.signature.face == out.signature.face); if(nexus.signature.face == Signature::STRIPS) { memcpy(dst_patch.FaceBegin(), src_patch.FaceBegin(), src_patch.nf * sizeof(unsigned short)); } else if(nexus.signature.face == Signature::TRIANGLES) { memcpy(dst_patch.FaceBegin(), src_patch.FaceBegin(), src_patch.nf * sizeof(unsigned short) * 3); } else { assert(0); } } if(nexus.signature.vcolor) { if(nexus.signature.vcolor == out.signature.vcolor) { memcpy(dst_patch.VColorBegin(), src_patch.VColorBegin(), Patch::encodings[out.signature.vcolor].size(dst_patch.nv)); } else { assert(0); } } if(nexus.signature.vnorm) { if(nexus.signature.vnorm == out.signature.vnorm) { memcpy(dst_patch.VNormBegin(), src_patch.VNormBegin(), Patch::encodings[out.signature.vnorm].size(dst_patch.nv)); } else { assert(0); } } //copying entry information; dst_entry.sphere = src_entry.sphere; dst_entry.error = src_entry.error; dst_entry.cone = src_entry.cone; out.borders.ResizeBorder(p, src_border.Size()); Border &dst_border = out.GetBorder(p); memcpy(dst_border.Start(), src_border.Start(), src_border.Size() * sizeof(Link)); //TODO test this if(zsort) for(unsigned i = 0; i < dst_border.Size(); i++) dst_border[i].end_patch = backward[dst_border[i].end_patch]; } report.Finish(); //TODO this is ok only if we have faces still! if(add_normals) { cout << "Computing normals" << endl; ComputeNormals(out); } if(add_colors) { //source of color: cerr << "Unsupported color\n"; return -1; } if(qvertex && add_normals) { report.Init(nexus.size()); cout << "Quantizing vertices\n"; for(unsigned int patch = 0; patch < nexus.size(); patch++) { report.Step(patch); Patch src_patch = nexus.GetPatch(patch); float *ptr = (float *)src_patch.Vert3fBegin(); for(int i = 0; i < src_patch.nv*3; i++) ptr[i] = qvertex * (int)(ptr[i]/qvertex); } report.Finish(); } out.sphere = nexus.sphere; out.Close(); nexus.Close(); return 0; } void printInfo(Nexus &nexus, bool verbose, bool dump_history) { //perform locality statistics double meandist = 0; vcg::Sphere3f last = nexus[0].sphere; for(unsigned int i = 1; i < nexus.size(); i++) { vcg::Sphere3f &sphere = nexus[i].sphere; double dist = vcg::Distance(last.Center(), sphere.Center()); meandist += dist; last = sphere; } meandist /= nexus.size() -1; cout << "\n\tCompressed: " << nexus.IsCompressed() << "\n\tStripped: " << (int)(nexus.signature.face == Signature::STRIPS) << "\n\tColor : " << (int)(nexus.signature.vcolor !=0) << "\n\tNormal : " << (int)((nexus.signature.vnorm) !=0) << "\n\tTexture : " << (int)((nexus.signature.vtext) !=0) << "\n\tData : " << (int)((nexus.signature.vdata) !=0) << "\n\n\tVertices: " << nexus.totvert << "\tFaces: " << nexus.totface << "\tPatches: " << nexus.size() << "\n\tSphere: " << nexus.sphere.Center()[0] << " " << nexus.sphere.Center()[1] << " " << nexus.sphere.Center()[2] << " R: " << nexus.sphere.Radius() << "\n\tAverage distance: " << meandist << "\n\tChunk size " << nexus.chunk_size << endl; if(dump_history) { if(nexus.history.IsQuick()) { cout << "Quick format\n"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.history.n_nodes(); i++) { cout << "Node: " << i << " out: "; History::History::Node node = nexus.history.nodes[i]; for(History::Node::iterator l = node.out_begin(); l != node.out_end(); l++) { cout << "."; History::Link &link = *l; for(History::Link::iterator p = link.begin(); p != link.end(); p++) { cout << p << " "; } } cout << " in: "; for(History::Node::iterator j = node.in_begin(); j != node.in_end(); j++) { cout << "."; History::Link &link = *j; for(History::Link::iterator p = link.begin(); p != link.end(); p++) { cout << p << " "; } } cout << endl; } } else { cout << "Update format\n"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.history.updates.size(); i++) { History::Update &update = nexus.history.updates[i]; cout << "Created: "; for(unsigned int k = 0; k < update.created.size(); k++) { cout << update.created[k] << " "; } cout << "\nErased: "; for(unsigned int k = 0; k < update.erased.size(); k++) { cout << update.erased[k] << " "; } cout << "\n\n"; } } } if(verbose) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.size(); i++) { Entry &entry = nexus[i]; cout << i << " -> nv: " << entry.nvert << " nf: " << entry.nface << " error: " << entry.error << " disk_size: " << entry.disk_size << " start: " << entry.patch_start << endl; } cout << endl; } }