/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.12 2004/10/04 16:49:54 ponchio Daily backup. Preparing for compression. Revision 1.11 2004/10/01 16:00:12 ponchio Added include Revision 1.10 2004/09/30 23:56:33 ponchio Backup (added strips and normals) Revision 1.9 2004/07/20 14:04:32 ponchio Improved efficience in operator[] Revision 1.8 2004/07/15 14:32:49 ponchio Debug. Revision 1.7 2004/07/05 15:49:39 ponchio Windows (DevCpp, mingw) port. Revision 1.6 2004/07/04 15:23:48 ponchio Debug Revision 1.5 2004/07/02 17:41:37 ponchio Debug. Revision 1.4 2004/07/02 13:02:39 ponchio Added GetRegion, Read and Write Revision 1.3 2004/07/01 21:36:54 ponchio *** empty log message *** Revision 1.2 2004/06/25 16:47:13 ponchio Various debug Revision 1.1 2004/06/24 14:32:45 ponchio Moved from wrap/nexus Revision 1.3 2004/06/22 15:32:09 ponchio Tested Revision 1.2 2004/06/22 10:27:16 ponchio *** empty log message *** Revision 1.1 2004/06/22 00:39:56 ponchio Created ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef VFILE_H #define VFILE_H #include "file.h" #include #include #include #include /**Vector structure on file with simulated mmapping. * a priority queue of buffers is used * TODO: port to over 4Gb usable space * some mechanism to report errors? * use an Iterator? */ namespace nxs { template class VFile: public File { public: struct Buffer { unsigned int key; unsigned int size; //in number of elements T *data; }; protected: unsigned int n_elements; std::list buffers; typedef typename std::list::iterator list_iterator; std::map index; //TODO move to hash_map Buffer *last_buffer; unsigned int chunk_size; //default buffer size (expressed in number of T) unsigned int queue_size; public: class iterator { public: iterator(unsigned int p = 0, VFile *b = 0): n(p), buffer(b) {} T &operator*() { return (*buffer)[n]; } void operator++() { n++; } bool operator!=(const iterator &i) { return i.n != n; } private: unsigned int n; VFile *buffer; }; VFile(): last_buffer(NULL) {} ~VFile() { Close(); } bool Create(const std::string &filename, unsigned int _chunk_size = 4096/sizeof(T), unsigned int _queue_size = 1000) { assert(_chunk_size > 0); n_elements = 0; last_buffer = NULL; chunk_size = _chunk_size; queue_size = _queue_size; return File::Create(filename); } bool Load(const std:: string &filename, unsigned int _chunk_size = 4096/sizeof(T), unsigned int _queue_size = 1000) { assert(_chunk_size > 0); last_buffer = NULL; chunk_size = _chunk_size; queue_size = _queue_size; if(!File::Load(filename)) return false; n_elements = size/sizeof(T); return true; } void Close() { Flush(); } void Flush() { list_iterator i; for(i = buffers.begin(); i != buffers.end(); i++) FlushBuffer(*i); buffers.clear(); index.clear(); last_buffer = NULL; } void FlushBuffer(Buffer buffer) { SetPosition(buffer.key * chunk_size * sizeof(T)); WriteBuffer((char *)(buffer.data), buffer.size * sizeof(T)); delete []buffer.data; } void Resize(unsigned int elem) { Flush(); File::Redim(elem * sizeof(T)); n_elements = elem; } /** Remember that T is a valid pointer only until next call of * getElement or setElement */ T &operator[](unsigned int n) { assert(n < n_elements); unsigned int chunk = n/chunk_size; unsigned int offset = n - chunk*chunk_size; assert(offset < chunk_size * sizeof(T)); if(last_buffer && last_buffer->key == chunk) return *(last_buffer->data + offset); if(index.count(chunk)) { last_buffer = &*index[chunk]; return *((*(index[chunk])).data + offset); } if(buffers.size() > queue_size) { Buffer &buffer= buffers.back(); assert(buffer.key != chunk); FlushBuffer(buffer); index.erase(buffer.key); buffers.pop_back(); } Buffer buffer; buffer.key = chunk; buffer.size = chunk_size; if(buffer.size + chunk * chunk_size > n_elements) buffer.size = n_elements - chunk * chunk_size; buffer.data = new T[buffer.size]; buffers.push_front(buffer); index[buffer.key] = buffers.begin(); last_buffer = &*buffers.begin(); SetPosition(chunk * chunk_size * sizeof(T)); ReadBuffer((char *)(buffer.data), buffer.size * sizeof(T)); return *(buffer.data + offset); } /** you can get a region instead of an element but: 1)region must be Chunk aligned. 2)you get impredictable results if regions overlap or mix with operator[] */ T *GetRegion(unsigned int start, unsigned int size, bool flush = true) { assert(start + size <= n_elements); assert((size % chunk_size) == 0); assert((start % chunk_size) == 0); if(size == 0) return NULL; unsigned int chunk = start/chunk_size; if(index.count(chunk)) return ((*(index[chunk])).data); while(flush && buffers.size() > queue_size) { Buffer &buffer= buffers.back(); FlushBuffer(buffer); index.erase(buffer.key); buffers.pop_back(); } Buffer buffer; buffer.key = chunk; buffer.size = size; buffer.data = new T[buffer.size]; buffers.push_front(buffer); index[chunk] = buffers.begin(); SetPosition(chunk * chunk_size * sizeof(T)); ReadBuffer((char *)(buffer.data), buffer.size * sizeof(T)); return buffer.data; } void PushBack(const T &t) { Resize(n_elements+1); operator[](n_elements-1) = t; } unsigned int Size() { return n_elements; } unsigned int ChunkSize() { return chunk_size; } unsigned int QueueSize() { return queue_size; } iterator Begin() { return iterator(0, this); } iterator End() { return iterator(Size(), this); } }; }//namespace #endif