/**************************************************************************** * MeshLab o o * * An extendible mesh processor o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2005, 2009 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "qgetopt.h" #include using namespace std; GetOpt::GetOpt(int argc, char *argv[] ) { appname = argv[0]; for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) args.push_back(argv[i]); } GetOpt::GetOpt(const QStringList &a): args(a) { appname = a[0]; args = a; args.pop_front(); } //add an option without a value void GetOpt::addSwitch(char s, const QString &name, const QString &description, bool *b ) { Option option; assert(!findOption(s, option)); assert(!findArg(name, option)); option.type = Option::SWITCH; option.o = s; option.name = name; option.description = description; option.boolean_value = b; options.push_back(option); } //add a valued option (v will be left untouched if the option is not given) void GetOpt::addOption(char s, const QString &name, const QString &description, QVariant *v ) { Option option(Option::OPTION, s, name, description); option.value = v; assert(!findOption(s, option)); //TODO make this check systematic assert(!findArg(name, option)); options.push_back(option); } //add an argument void GetOpt::addArgument(const QString &name, const QString &description, QVariant *v) { Option option; option.value = v; addArgument(name, description, option); } void GetOpt::addArgument(const QString &name, const QString &description, QString *v) { Option option; option.string_value = v; addArgument(name, description, option); } void GetOpt::addArgument(const QString &name, const QString &description, double *v) { Option option; option.double_value = v; addArgument(name, description, option); } void GetOpt::addArgument(const QString &name, const QString &description, int *v) { Option option; option.int_value = v; addArgument(name, description, option); } void GetOpt::addArgument(const QString &name, const QString &description, bool *v) { Option option; option.boolean_value = v; addArgument(name, description, option); } void GetOpt::addArgument(const QString &name, const QString &description, Option option) { assert(!findArg(name, option)); option.type = Option::ARGUMENT; option.name = name; option.description = description; options.push_back(option); } void GetOpt::addOption(char s, const QString &longname, const QString &description, QString *v) { Option option(Option::OPTION, s, longname, description); option.string_value = v; options.push_back(option); } void GetOpt::addOption(char s, const QString &longname, const QString &description, double *v) { Option option(Option::OPTION, s, longname, description); option.double_value = v; options.push_back(option); } void GetOpt::addOption(char s, const QString &longname, const QString &description, int *v) { Option option(Option::OPTION, s, longname, description); option.int_value = v; options.push_back(option); } void GetOpt::addOption(char s, const QString &longname, const QString &description, bool *v) { Option option(Option::OPTION, s, longname, description); option.boolean_value = v; options.push_back(option); } //add an optional agrument void GetOpt::addOptionalArgument(const QString &name, const QString &description, QVariant *v) { Option option; assert(!findArg(name, option)); option.type = Option::OPTIONAL; option.name = name; option.description = description; option.value = v; options.push_back(option); } //return application name QString &GetOpt::applicationName() { return appname; } //return usage string QString GetOpt::usage() { QString u = "Usage: " + appname; //arguments bool has_optionals = false; bool has_options = false; for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { if(options[i].type == Option::OPTION) has_options = true; if(options[i].type == Option::OPTIONAL) has_optionals = true; if(options[i].type != Option::ARGUMENT) continue; u += " <" + options[i].name + ">"; } //optional arguments if(has_optionals) { u += " ["; for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { if(options[i].type != Option::OPTIONAL) continue; u += "<" + options[i].name + ">"; } u += "]"; } if(has_options) { u += " [-"; for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { if(options[i].type != Option::OPTION) continue; u += options[i].o; } u += "]"; } u += "\n\n"; //compute maxlen: int maxlen = 0; for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { Option &o = options[i]; int len = o.name.size() + 2; switch(o.type) { case Option::ARGUMENT: case Option::OPTIONAL: break; case Option::SWITCH: len += 5; break; case Option::OPTION: len += 16; break; default: break; } if(len > maxlen) maxlen = len; } //print options and arguments in the given order for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { Option &o = options[i]; QString line = ""; switch(o.type) { case Option::ARGUMENT: case Option::OPTIONAL: line += o.name; break; case Option::SWITCH: line += "-" + QString(o.o) + " --" + o.name; break; case Option::OPTION: line += "-" + QString(o.o) + " --" + o.name + " "; break; default: break; } QString blank = ""; blank.resize(maxlen - line.size()); blank.fill(' '); line += blank + formatDesc(o.description, maxlen) + "\n"; u += line; } return u; } void GetOpt::parse() { QString error; if(!parse(error)) { cerr << qPrintable(error) << endl << endl << qPrintable(usage()) << endl << endl; exit(0); } } bool GetOpt::parse(QString &error) { for(int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { QString arg = args[i]; if(args[i] == "-h" || args[i] == "--help") { cout << qPrintable(usage()) << endl << qPrintable(help) << endl; exit(0); } //long option if(arg.startsWith( QString::fromLatin1( "--" ) ) ) { arg = arg.mid( 2 ); if(arg.isEmpty()) { error = "'--' feature not supported, yet"; return false; } Option o; if(!findArg(arg, o)) { error = "Unknown option: '" + arg + "'"; return false; } if(o.type == Option::SWITCH) { *(o.boolean_value) = true; } else { //OPTION i++; if(args.size() <= i) { error = "Missing value for option: " + arg; return false; } arg = args[i]; if(i == args.size() || arg[0] == '-') { error = "Missing argument after option '" + arg + "'"; return false; } if(!parseOption(o, arg)) return false; } //option } else if( arg[0] == '-' ) { if(arg.size() != 2) { error = "Invalid option: " + arg; return false; } Option o; if(!findOption(arg[1].toLatin1(), o)) { error = "Unknown option: '" + arg + "'"; return false; } if(o.type == Option::SWITCH) { *(o.boolean_value) = true; } else { //OPTION i++; if(args.size() <= i) { error = "Missing value for option: " + arg; return false; } arg = args[i]; if(i == args.size()) { error = "Missing argument after option '" + arg + "'"; return false; } QVariant v(arg); if(!v.canConvert(o.value->type()) || !v.convert(o.value->type())) { error = "Error while parsing option " + o.name + ": cannot convert " + arg + " to: " + o.value->typeName(); return false; } *(o.value) = v; } //argument } else { arguments.push_back(arg); } } //test arguments for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { Option &o = options[i]; if(o.type != Option::ARGUMENT) continue; if(arguments.isEmpty()) { error = "Too few arguments, could not parse argument '" + o.name + "'"; return false; } if(!parseOption(o, arguments.front())) return false; arguments.pop_front(); } //test arguments for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { Option &o = options[i]; if(o.type != Option::OPTIONAL) continue; if(arguments.isEmpty()) break; if(!parseOption(o, arguments.front())) return false; arguments.pop_front(); } //test arguments for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { Option &o = options[i]; if(o.type != Option::ARGUMENT) continue; if(arguments.isEmpty()) break; if(!parseOption(o, arguments.front())) return false; arguments.pop_front(); } if(!arguments.isEmpty() && !unlimitedArgs) { error = "Too many arguments"; return false; } return true; } bool GetOpt::findOption(char c, Option &option) { for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { Option &o = options[i]; if(o.type != Option::OPTION && o.type != Option::SWITCH) continue; if(o.o == c) { option = o; return true; } } return false; } bool GetOpt::findArg(const QString &name, Option &option) { for(int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { Option &o = options[i]; if(o.name == name) { option = o; return true; } } return false; } QString GetOpt::formatDesc(QString desc, int len) { QString output; //search for last space before 79 - len characters while(!desc.isEmpty()) { int pos = desc.lastIndexOf(" ", 79 - len); if(pos == -1) { output += desc; break; } output += desc.left(pos) + "\n"; QString blank; blank.resize(len); blank.fill(' '); output += blank; desc = desc.mid(pos+1); } return output; } bool GetOpt::parseOption(GetOpt::Option &o, const QString &arg) { QVariant::Type type; if(o.value) type = o.value->type(); if(o.string_value) type = QVariant::String; if(o.double_value) type = QVariant::Double; if(o.int_value) type = QVariant::Int; if(o.boolean_value) type = QVariant::Bool; QVariant v(arg); if(!v.canConvert(type) || !v.convert(type)) { cerr << "Error while parsing option " << qPrintable(o.name) << ": cannot convert " << qPrintable(arg) << " to: " << qPrintable(v.typeName()) << endl; return false; } if(o.value) *(o.value) = v; if(o.string_value) *(o.string_value) = v.toString(); if(o.double_value) *(o.double_value) = v.toDouble(); if(o.int_value) *(o.int_value) = v.toInt(); if(o.boolean_value) *(o.boolean_value) = v.toBool(); return true; }