/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCG_HISTOGRAM #define __VCG_HISTOGRAM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace vcg { template class Distribution { private: std::vector vec; bool dirty; double valSum; double sqrdValSum; double avg; double sqrdAvg; double rms; double min_v; double max_v; public: Distribution() { Clear(); } void Clear() { vec.clear(); dirty=true; min_v = std::numeric_limits::max(); max_v = -std::numeric_limits::max(); } void Add(const ScalarType v) { vec.push_back(v); dirty=true; if(vmax_v) max_v=v; } ScalarType Min() const { return min_v; } ScalarType Max() const { return max_v; } ScalarType Cnt() const { return ScalarType(vec.size()); } ScalarType Sum(){ DirtyCheck(); return valSum; } ScalarType Avg(){ DirtyCheck(); return avg;} //! Returns the Root Mean Square of the data. ScalarType RMS(){ DirtyCheck(); return rms;} //! \brief Returns the variance of the data. /// the average of the squares less the square of the average. ScalarType Variance(){ DirtyCheck(); return sqrdAvg - avg*avg ;} //! Returns the standard deviation of the data. ScalarType StandardDeviation(){ DirtyCheck(); return sqrt( Variance() );} void DirtyCheck() { if(!dirty) return; std::sort(vec.begin(),vec.end()); valSum=0; sqrdValSum=0; typename std::vector::iterator vi; for(vi=vec.begin();vi!=vec.end();++vi) { valSum += double(*vi); sqrdValSum += double(*vi)*double(*vi); } avg = valSum/double(vec.size()); sqrdAvg = sqrdValSum/double(vec.size()); rms = math::Sqrt(sqrdAvg); dirty=false; } ScalarType Percentile(ScalarType perc) { assert(!vec.empty()); assert(perc>=0 && perc<=1); DirtyCheck(); int index = vec.size() *perc -1; if(index< 0 ) index = 0; return vec[index]; } }; /** * Histogram. * * This class implements a single-value histogram. */ template class Histogram { // public data members protected: std::vector H; //! Counters for bins. std::vector R; //! Range for bins. ScalarType minv; //! Minimum value. ScalarType maxv; //! Maximum value. ScalarType minElem; //! Minimum value. ScalarType maxElem; //! Maximum value. int n; //! Number of vaild intervals stored between minv and maxv. /// incrementally updated values ScalarType cnt; //! Number of accumulated samples. ScalarType sum; //! Average. ScalarType rms; //! Root mean square. /** * Returns the index of the bin which contains a given value. */ int BinIndex(ScalarType val) ; // public methods public: /** * Set the histogram values. * * This method is used to correctly initialize the bins of the histogram. * n is the number of valid intervals between minv and maxv. * for a more robust working, the Histogram class stores also the two out of range intervals (-inf, minv] and [maxv, +inf) * Each bin is left closed (eg it contains the value * The \a gamma parameter is applied to modify the distribution of the ranges of the bins. Default uniform distibution. * */ void SetRange(ScalarType _minv, ScalarType _maxv, int _n,ScalarType gamma=1.0 ); ScalarType MinV() {return minv;} //! Minimum value of the range where the histogram is defined. ScalarType MaxV() {return maxv;} //! Maximum value of the range where the histogram is defined. ScalarType Sum() {return sum;} //! Total sum of inserted values. ScalarType Cnt() {return cnt;} ScalarType MinElem() {return minElem;} //! Minimum element that has been added to the histogram. It could be < or > than MinV;. ScalarType MaxElem() {return maxElem;} //! Maximum element that has been added to the histogram. It could be < or > than MinV;.. /** * Add a new value to the histogram. * * The statistics related to the histogram data (average, RMS, etc.) are * also updated. */ void Add(ScalarType v, ScalarType increment=ScalarType(1.0)); ScalarType MaxCount() const; //! Max number of elements among all buckets (including the two infinity bounded buckets) ScalarType MaxCountInRange() const; //! Max number of elements among all buckets between MinV and MaxV. int BinNum() const {return n;} ScalarType BinCount(ScalarType v); ScalarType BinCountInd(int index) {return H[index];} ScalarType BinCount(ScalarType v, ScalarType width); ScalarType BinLowerBound(int index) {return R[index];} ScalarType BinUpperBound(int index) {return R[index+1];} ScalarType RangeCount(ScalarType rangeMin, ScalarType rangeMax); ScalarType BinWidth(ScalarType v); /** * Returns the value corresponding to a given percentile of the data. * * The percentile range between 0 and 1. */ ScalarType Percentile(ScalarType frac) const; //! Returns the average of the data. ScalarType Avg(){ return sum/cnt;} //! Returns the Root Mean Square of the data. ScalarType RMS(){ return sqrt(rms/double(cnt));} //! Returns the variance of the data. ScalarType Variance(){ return fabs(rms/cnt-Avg()*Avg());} //! Returns the standard deviation of the data. ScalarType StandardDeviation(){ return sqrt(Variance());} //! Dump the histogram to a file. void FileWrite(const std::string &filename); //! Reset histogram data. void Clear(); }; template void Histogram::Clear() { H.clear(); R.clear(); cnt=0; sum=0; rms=0; n=0; minv=0; maxv=1; minElem = std::numeric_limits::max(); maxElem = -std::numeric_limits::max(); } /* Note that the histogram holds valid bins plus two semi-infinite bins. R[0] = -inf R[1] = minv R[n+1] = maxv R[n+2] = +inf Eg. SetRange(0, 10, 5) asks for 5 intervals covering the 0..10 range H[0] H[1] H[2] H[3] H[4] H[5] H[6] -inf 0 2 4 6 8 10 +inf R[0] R[1] R[2] R[3] R[4] R[5] R[6] R[7] */ template void Histogram::SetRange(ScalarType _minv, ScalarType _maxv, int _n, ScalarType gamma) { // reset data Clear(); minv=_minv;maxv=_maxv;n=_n; H.resize(n+2); fill(H.begin(),H.end(),0); R.resize(n+3); R[0] = - std::numeric_limits< ScalarType >::max(); R[n+2] = std::numeric_limits< ScalarType >::max(); double delta=(maxv-minv); if(gamma==1) { for(int i=0; i<=n; ++i) R[i+1] = minv + delta*ScalarType(i)/n; } else { for(int i=0; i<=n; ++i) R[i+1] = minv + delta*pow(ScalarType(i)/n,gamma); } } template int Histogram::BinIndex(ScalarType val) { // lower_bound returns the furthermost iterator i in [first, last) such that, for every iterator j in [first, i), *j < value. // E.g. An iterator pointing to the first element "not less than" val, or end() if every element is less than val. typename std::vector::iterator it = lower_bound(R.begin(),R.end(),val); assert(it!=R.begin()); assert(it!=R.end()); assert((*it)>=val); int pos = it-R.begin(); assert(pos >=1); pos -= 1; assert (R[pos] < val); assert ( val <= R[pos+1] ); return pos; } /* H[0] H[1] H[2] H[3] H[4] H[5] H[6] -inf 0 2 4 6 8 10 +inf R[0] R[1] R[2] R[3] R[4] R[5] R[6] R[7] asking for 3.14 lower bound will return an iterator pointing to R[3]==4; and will increase H[2] asking for 4 lower bound will return an iterator pointing to R[3]==4; and will increase H[2] */ template void Histogram::Add(ScalarType v, ScalarType increment) { int pos=BinIndex(v); if(vmaxElem) maxElem=v; assert((pos>=0)&&(pos<=n+1)); H[pos]+=increment; cnt+=increment; sum+=v*increment; rms += (v*v)*increment; } template ScalarType Histogram::BinCount(ScalarType v) { return H[BinIndex(v)]; } template ScalarType Histogram::BinCount(ScalarType v, ScalarType width) { return RangeCount(v-width/2.0,v+width/2.0); } template ScalarType Histogram::RangeCount(ScalarType rangeMin, ScalarType rangeMax) { int firstBin=BinIndex(rangeMin); int lastBin=BinIndex (rangeMax); ScalarType sum=0; for(int i=firstBin; i<=lastBin;++i) sum+=H[i]; return sum; } template ScalarType Histogram::BinWidth(ScalarType v) { int pos=BinIndex(v); return R[pos+1]-R[pos]; } template void Histogram::FileWrite(const std::string &filename) { FILE *fp; fp=fopen(filename.c_str(),"w"); for(unsigned int i=0; i ScalarType Histogram::MaxCount() const { return *(std::max_element(H.begin(),H.end())); } template ScalarType Histogram::MaxCountInRange() const { return *(std::max_element(H.begin()+1,H.end()-1)); } // Return the scalar value such that there are samples <= . // E.g. Percentile(0.0) will return R[1] e.g. min value // E.g. Percentile(1.0) will return R[n+1] e.g max value template ScalarType Histogram::Percentile(ScalarType frac) const { if(H.size()==0 && R.size()==0) return 0; // check percentile range assert(frac >= 0 && frac <= 1); ScalarType sum=0,partsum=0; size_t i; // useless summation just to be sure for(i=0;i=sum) break; } assert(i Histogramd ; typedef Histogram Histogramf ; } // end namespace (vcg) #endif /* __VCG_HISTOGRAM */