/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2005 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.1 2005/09/27 15:09:38 cignoni First Version ****************************************************************************/ ///** Returns the closest posistion of a point p and its distance //@param p a 3d point //@param max_dist maximum distance not to search beyond. //@param dist_funct (templated type) a functor object used to calculate distance from a grid object to the point p. //@param dist the returned closest distance //@param res the returned closest point //@return The closest element //*/ ///* // A DISTFUNCT object must implement an operator () with signature: // bool operator () (const ObjType& obj, const CoordType & p, ScalarType & min_dist, CoordType & res); //*/ #ifndef __VCGLIB_GRID_CLOSEST #define __VCGLIB_GRID_CLOSEST namespace vcg{ template typename SPATIAL_INDEX::ObjPtr GetClosest( const typename SPATIAL_INDEX::CoordType & p, const typename SPATIAL_INDEX::ScalarType & max_dist, DISTFUNCTOR & dist_funct, typename SPATIAL_INDEX::ScalarType & dist, typename SPATIAL_INDEX:: CoordType & res, TMARKER tm, SPATIAL_INDEX &Si) { typedef SPATIAL_INDEX::ObjPtr ObjPtr; typedef SPATIAL_INDEX SpatialIndex; typedef SPATIAL_INDEX::CoordType CoordType; typedef SPATIAL_INDEX::ScalarType ScalarType; // Initialize min_dist with max_dist to exploit early rejection test. dist = max_dist; ScalarType dx = ( (p[0]-Si.bbox.min[0])/Si.voxel[0] ); ScalarType dy = ( (p[1]-Si.bbox.min[1])/Si.voxel[1] ); ScalarType dz = ( (p[2]-Si.bbox.min[2])/Si.voxel[2] ); int ix = int( dx ); int iy = int( dy ); int iz = int( dz ); if (ix<0) ix=0; if (iy<0) iy=0; if (iz<0) iz=0; if (ix>=Si.siz[0]-1) ix=Si.siz[0]-1; if (iy>=Si.siz[1]-1) iy=Si.siz[1]-1; if (iz>=Si.siz[2]-1) iz=Si.siz[2]-1; if (!Si.bbox.IsIn(p)){ assert (0);///the grid has to be extended until the point } double voxel_min=Si.voxel[0]; if (voxel_min0.5) radius=(1.0-radius); radius*=Si.voxel[0]; ScalarType tmp=dy-ScalarType(iy); if (tmp>0.5) tmp=1.0-tmp; tmp*=Si.voxel[1]; if (radius>tmp) radius=tmp; tmp=dz-ScalarType(iz); if (tmp>0.5) tmp=1.0-tmp; tmp*=Si.voxel[2]; if (radius>tmp) radius=tmp; CoordType t_res; //ScalarType min_dist=1e10; ObjPtr winner=NULL; tm.UnMarkAll(); SpatialIndex::CellIterator first,last; SpatialIndex::CellIterator l; if ((ix>=0) && (iy>=0) && (iz>=0) && (ixElem()->IsD() && l->Elem()->Dist(p,min_dist,t_res)) { //if (!l->Elem()->IsD() && dist_funct(*(l->Elem()), p, min_dist, t_res)) { // <-- NEW: use of distance functor if (dist_funct((**l), p,dist, t_res)) // <-- NEW: use of distance functor { winner=elem; res=t_res; } tm.Mark(elem); } } }; //return winner; // the portion of the grid that have already been checked. Point3i done_min, done_max; // the new box that we want to traverse: todo is a superset of done. Point3i todo_min=Point3i(ix,iy,iz), todo_max=Point3i(ix,iy,iz); // we should traverse only (todo - done). while (dist>radius) { done_min=todo_min; done_max=todo_max; todo_min[0]--; if (todo_min[0]<0) todo_min[0]=0; todo_min[1]--; if (todo_min[1]<0) todo_min[1]=0; todo_min[2]--; if (todo_min[2]<0) todo_min[2]=0; todo_max[0]++; if (todo_max[0]>=Si.siz[0]-1) todo_max[0]=Si.siz[0]-1; todo_max[1]++; if (todo_max[1]>=Si.siz[1]-1) todo_max[1]=Si.siz[1]-1; todo_max[2]++; if (todo_max[2]>=Si.siz[2]-1) todo_max[2]=Si.siz[2]-1; radius+=voxel_min; for (ix=todo_min[0]; ix<=todo_max[0]; ix++) for (iy=todo_min[1]; iy<=todo_max[1]; iy++) for (iz=todo_min[2]; iz<=todo_max[2]; iz++) if(ixdone_max[0] || // this test is to avoid to re-process already analyzed cells. iydone_max[1] || izdone_max[2] ) { Si.Grid( ix, iy, iz, first, last ); for(l=first;l!=last;++l) { if (!(**l).IsD()) { ObjPtr elem=&(**l); if( ! tm.IsMarked(elem)) { //if (!l->Elem()->IsD() && l->Elem()->Dist(p,min_dist,t_res)) { if (dist_funct((**l), p, dist, t_res)) { winner=elem; res=t_res; }; tm.Mark(elem); } } }; } }; return winner; }; }//end namespace vcg #endif