/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.34 2008/05/16 10:07:36 ganovelli added Trimesh destructor to purge unremoved PerVertex[PerFace]Attribute Revision 1.33 2008/05/15 16:32:27 ganovelli PerVertexAttribute and PerFaceAttribute added to Trimesh Revision 1.32 2008/04/15 10:34:07 cignoni added HasPerVertexTexCoord ( mesh ) Revision 1.31 2008/02/21 17:27:06 cignoni Added HasPerVertexColor static function Revision 1.30 2008/01/28 14:46:03 cignoni added hasPerWedgeColor and HasPerWedgeNormal Revision 1.29 2008/01/28 08:42:07 cignoni added HasPerFaceNormal and HasPerVertexNormal Revision 1.28 2007/03/12 15:38:03 tarini Texture coord name change! "TCoord" and "Texture" are BAD. "TexCoord" is GOOD. Revision 1.27 2007/02/22 09:18:41 cignoni Added guards on msvc pragmas Revision 1.26 2007/02/14 15:31:41 ganovelli Added HasPerVertexFlag Revision 1.25 2006/11/28 22:35:29 cignoni Added Consistency check in the HasVFAdj static function Revision 1.24 2006/11/07 11:29:23 cignoni Corrected some errors in the reflections Has*** functions Revision 1.23 2006/10/27 11:08:18 ganovelli added override to HasFFAdjacency , HasVFAdjacency for the optional attributes (see also complex/trimesh/allocate.h) Revision 1.22 2006/07/10 14:26:22 cignoni Minor. Added a disambiguating this at the constructor of trimesh Revision 1.21 2006/05/25 04:40:57 cignoni Updated HasPerFaceColor/Quality to the new style with mesh param. Revision 1.20 2006/05/03 21:35:31 cignoni Added new style HasPerFaceColor(m) and HasPerFaceMark(m) Revision 1.19 2005/12/02 00:05:34 cignoni Added HasFlags and a couple of missing include files Revision 1.18 2005/11/26 00:16:03 cignoni added HasPerWedgeTexture taking mesh as input. (needed for optional components) Revision 1.17 2005/11/16 22:35:47 cignoni Added missing includes (color and assert) Added texture name members Revision 1.16 2005/11/15 12:09:17 rita_borgo Changed Volume Routine, before was returning negative values Revision 1.15 2005/10/03 16:00:08 rita_borgo Minor changes Revision 1.14 2005/03/18 16:37:46 fiorin Minor changes Revision 1.13 2005/01/28 17:56:57 pietroni changed HasVFTopology function... control if both vertex and face define the vf topology Revision 1.12 2004/10/28 00:54:34 cignoni Better Doxygen documentation Revision 1.11 2004/10/07 14:25:38 ganovelli added camera and shot Revision 1.10 2004/09/08 15:15:05 ganovelli changes for gcc Revision 1.9 2004/07/15 12:03:50 ganovelli access to imark added Revision 1.8 2004/07/15 11:39:24 ganovelli IsDeleted to IsD Revision 1.7 2004/07/09 10:18:19 ganovelli added access functions to vn and fn Revision 1.6 2004/05/04 02:29:54 ganovelli removed Const from ConstFacePointer and ConstVertexPointer in the arguement function Mark, which are meant to be changed Revision 1.5 2004/03/18 16:00:10 cignoni minor changes Revision 1.4 2004/03/10 00:57:44 cignoni minor changes Revision 1.3 2004/03/07 21:54:56 cignoni some more reflection functions Revision 1.2 2004/03/04 00:08:15 cignoni First working version! Revision 1.1 2004/02/19 13:11:06 cignoni Initial commit ****************************************************************************/ #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning( disable : 4804 ) #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* People should subclass his vertex class from these one... */ #ifndef __VCG_MESH #define __VCG_MESH namespace vcg { namespace tri { /** \addtogroup trimesh */ /*@{*/ /*@{*/ /** Class Mesh. This is class for definition of a mesh. @param VertContainerType (Template Parameter) Specifies the type of the vertices container any the vertex type. @param FaceContainerType (Template Parameter) Specifies the type of the faces container any the face type. */ template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > class TriMesh{ public: typedef TriMesh MeshType; typedef FaceContainerType FaceContainer; typedef VertContainerType VertContainer; typedef typename VertContainer::value_type VertexType; typedef typename FaceContainer::value_type FaceType; typedef typename VertexType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename VertexType::CoordType CoordType; typedef typename VertContainer::iterator VertexIterator; typedef typename FaceContainer::iterator FaceIterator; typedef typename VertContainer::const_iterator ConstVertexIterator; typedef typename FaceContainer::const_iterator ConstFaceIterator; typedef VertexType * VertexPointer; typedef const VertexType * ConstVertexPointer; typedef FaceType * FacePointer; typedef const FaceType * ConstFacePointer; typedef Box3 BoxType; /// Set of vertices VertContainer vert; /// Real number of vertices int vn; /// Set of faces FaceContainer face; /// Real number of faces int fn; /// Bounding box of the mesh Box3 bbox; /// Nomi di textures // std::vector textures; // std::vector normalmaps; class HandlesWrapper{ public: void * _handle; std::string _name; void Resize(const int & sz){((SimpleTempDataBase*)_handle)->Resize(sz);} void Reorder(std::vector & newVertIndex){((SimpleTempDataBase*)_handle)->Reorder(newVertIndex);} const bool operator<(const HandlesWrapper b) const { return(_name.empty()&&b._name.empty())?(_handle < b._handle):( _name < b._name);} }; template class PerVertexAttributeHandle{ public: PerVertexAttributeHandle( void *ah):_handle ( (SimpleTempData *)ah ){} SimpleTempData * _handle; template ATTR_TYPE & operator [](const RefType & i){return (*_handle)[i];} }; template class PerFaceAttributeHandle{ public: PerFaceAttributeHandle(void *ah):_handle ( (SimpleTempData *)ah ){} SimpleTempData * _handle; template ATTR_TYPE & operator [](const RefType & i){return (*_handle)[i];} }; template class PerMeshAttributeHandle{ public: PerMeshAttributeHandle(void *ah):_handle ( (Attribute *)ah ){} Attribute * _handle; ATTR_TYPE & operator ()(){ return *((Attribute *)_handle)->attribute;} }; std::set< HandlesWrapper > vert_attr; std::set< HandlesWrapper > face_attr; std::set< HandlesWrapper > mesh_attr; /// La camera Camera camera; // intrinsic Shot shot; // extrinsic /// Il colore della mesh private: Color4b c; public: inline const Color4b & C() const { return c; } inline Color4b & C() { return c; } /// Default constructor TriMesh():shot(camera) { fn = vn = 0; imark = 0; } /// destructor ~TriMesh() { typename std::set< HandlesWrapper>::iterator i; for( i = vert_attr.begin(); i != vert_attr.end(); ++i) delete ((SimpleTempDataBase*)(*i)._handle); for( i = face_attr.begin(); i != face_attr.end(); ++i) delete ((SimpleTempDataBase*)(*i)._handle); for( i = mesh_attr.begin(); i != mesh_attr.end(); ++i) delete ((AttributeBase*)(*i)._handle); } int Mem(const int & nv, const int & nf) const { typename std::set< HandlesWrapper>::const_iterator i; int size = 0; size += sizeof(TriMesh)+sizeof(VertexType)*nv+sizeof(FaceType)*nf; for( i = vert_attr.begin(); i != vert_attr.end(); ++i) size += ((SimpleTempDataBase*)(*i)._handle)->SizeOf()*nv; for( i = face_attr.begin(); i != face_attr.end(); ++i) size += ((SimpleTempDataBase*)(*i)._handle)->SizeOf()*nf; for( i = mesh_attr.begin(); i != mesh_attr.end(); ++i) size += ((AttributeBase*)(*i)._handle)->SizeOf(); return size; } int MemUsed() const {return Mem(vert.size(),face.size());} inline int MemNeeded() const {return Mem(vn,fn);} /// Function to destroy the mesh void Clear() { vert.clear(); face.clear(); // textures.clear(); // normalmaps.clear(); vn = 0; fn = 0; } /// Reflection functions that speak about vertex and face properties. static bool HasPerVertexNormal() { return VertexType::HasNormal() ; } static bool HasPerVertexColor() { return VertexType::HasColor() ; } static bool HasPerVertexMark() { return VertexType::HasMark() ; } static bool HasPerVertexQuality() { return VertexType::HasQuality(); } static bool HasPerVertexTexCoord(){ return VertexType::HasTexCoord(); } static bool HasPerVertexFlags() { return VertexType::HasFlags(); } static bool HasPerFaceColor() { return FaceType::HasFaceColor() ; } static bool HasPerFaceNormal() { return FaceType::HasFaceNormal() ; } static bool HasPerFaceMark() { return FaceType::HasFaceMark() ; } static bool HasPerFaceQuality() { return FaceType::HasFaceQuality(); } static bool HasPerFaceFlags() { return FaceType::HasFlags(); } static bool HasPerWedgeColor() { return FaceType::HasWedgeColor() ; } static bool HasPerWedgeNormal() { return FaceType::HasWedgeNormal() ; } static bool HasPerWedgeMark() { return FaceType::HasWedgeMark() ; } static bool HasPerWedgeQuality() { return FaceType::HasWedgeQuality(); } static bool HasPerWedgeTexCoord() { return FaceType::HasWedgeTexCoord(); } static bool HasFFTopology() { return FaceType::HasFFAdjacency(); } static bool HasVFTopology() { return ((FaceType::HasVFAdjacency())&&(VertexType::HasVFAdjacency())); } static bool HasTopology() { return HasFFTopology() || HasVFTopology(); } int & SimplexNumber(){ return fn;} int & VertexNumber(){ return vn;} /// Initialize the imark-system of the faces void InitFaceIMark() { FaceIterator f; for(f=face.begin();f!=face.end();++f) if( !(*f).IsD() && (*f).IsR() && (*f).IsW() ) (*f).InitIMark(); } /// Initialize the imark-system of the vertices void InitVertexIMark() { VertexIterator vi; for(vi=vert.begin();vi!=vert.end();++vi) if( !(*vi).IsD() && (*vi).IsRW() ) (*vi).InitIMark(); } /// The incremental mark int imark; /** Access function to the incremental mark. */ inline int & IMark(){return imark;} /** Check if the vertex incremental mark matches the one of the mesh. @param v Vertex pointer */ inline bool IsMarked( ConstVertexPointer v ) const { return v->IMark() == imark; } /** Check if the face incremental mark matches the one of the mesh. @param v Face pointer */ inline bool IsMarked( ConstFacePointer f ) const { return f->IMark() == imark; } /** Set the vertex incremental mark of the vertex to the one of the mesh. @param v Vertex pointer */ inline void Mark( VertexPointer v ) const { v->IMark() = imark; } /** Set the face incremental mark of the vertex to the one of the mesh. @param v Vertex pointer */ inline void Mark( FacePointer f ) const { f->IMark() = imark; } /// Unmark the mesh inline void UnMarkAll() { ++imark; } /// Calcolo del volume di una mesh chiusa ScalarType Volume() { FaceIterator fi; int j,k; ScalarType V = 0; CoordType T,N,B; for(fi = face.begin(); fi!=face.end(); ++fi) { for(j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { /*calcolo tangente, normale e binormale (6 volte)*/ k = (j+1)%3; T = (*fi).P(k) - (*fi).P(j); T.Normalize(); B = ( (*fi).P( k ) - (*fi).P(j) ) ^ ( (*fi).P((k+1)%3) - (*fi).P(j) ) ; B.Normalize(); N = T ^ B; CoordType pj = (*fi).P(j); CoordType pk = (*fi).P(k); V += (pk* T )*(pk*N)*(pk*B); V += (pj*(-T))*(pj*N)*(pj*B); } } return V/6.0; } }; // end class Mesh template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerVertexQuality (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return VertContainerType::value_type::HasQuality();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerVertexColor (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return VertContainerType::value_type::HasColor();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerVertexTexCoord (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return VertContainerType::value_type::HasTexCoord();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerVertexFlags (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return VertContainerType::value_type::HasFlags();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerVertexNormal (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return VertContainerType::value_type::HasNormal();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerWedgeTexCoord (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasWedgeTexCoord();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerWedgeNormal (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasWedgeNormal();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerWedgeColor (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasWedgeColor();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerFaceFlags (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasFlags();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerFaceNormal (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasFaceNormal();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerFaceColor (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasFaceColor();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerFaceMark (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasMark();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasPerFaceQuality (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasFaceQuality();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasFFAdjacency (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) {return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasFFAdjacency();} template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType > bool HasVFAdjacency (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType> & /*m*/) { assert(FaceContainerType::value_type::HasVFAdjacency() == VertContainerType::value_type::HasVFAdjacency()); return FaceContainerType::value_type::HasVFAdjacency(); } template bool HasPerVertexAttribute(const MESH_TYPE &m, std::string name){ typename std::set< typename MESH_TYPE::HandlesWrapper>::const_iterator ai; typename MESH_TYPE::HandlesWrapper h; h._name = name; ai = m.vert_attr.find(h); return (ai!= m.vert_attr.end() ) ; } template bool HasPerFaceAttribute(const MESH_TYPE &m, std::string name){ typename std::set< typename MESH_TYPE::HandlesWrapper>::const_iterator ai; typename MESH_TYPE::HandlesWrapper h; h._name = name; ai = m.face_attr.find(h); return (ai!= m.face_attr.end() ) ; } template bool HasPerMeshAttribute(const MESH_TYPE &m, std::string name){ typename std::set< typename MESH_TYPE::HandlesWrapper>::const_iterator ai; typename MESH_TYPE::HandlesWrapper h; h._name = name; ai = m.mesh_attr.find(h); return (ai!= m.mesh_attr.end() ) ; } /*@}*/ /*@}*/ } // end namespace } // end namespace #endif