/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef CYLINDER_CLIP_H #define CYLINDER_CLIP_H #include #include namespace vcg { // Taken a cylinder and a line calculates whether there is an intersection between these. // In output are provided, if they exist, any two points of intersection (p0, p1) // and the parameters t (t0, t1) on the line. // Returns false if the distance of the line from the axis of the cylinder is greater than // the radius of the cylinder or, if the calculation of t parameters - obtained by solving the // quadratic equation - gives a delta less than zero. // To find the intersection of a line p1+td1 with the axis p+td of the cylinder: // (p1-p+td1-d)^2 -r^2=0, becomes At^2+Bt+C=0. // // tmpA = d1 - (/)*d. // tmpB = (p1-p) - (/)*d. // A = . // B = 2*. // C = - r^2. // Input: Cylinder & cyl, Line3 & line. // Output: CoordType & p0,CoordType & p1, T & t0, T &t1. template static bool IntersectionLineCylinder(const Segment3 & cylSeg, T radius, const Line3 & line, Point3 & p0, Point3 & p1, T & t0, T &t1) { T dist; Point3 mClosestPoint0,mClosestPoint1; bool parallel=false; Line3 tmp; tmp.Set(cylSeg.P0(), (cylSeg.P1()-cylSeg.P0()).Normalize()); LineLineDistance(tmp,line,parallel,dist,mClosestPoint0,mClosestPoint1); if(dist>radius) return false; if(parallel) return false; Point3 cyl_origin=tmp.Origin(); Point3 line_origin=line.Origin(); Point3 cyl_direction=tmp.Direction(); Point3 line_direction=line.Direction(); Point3 deltaP=line_origin-cyl_origin; T dotDirCyl=cyl_direction.SquaredNorm(); // T scalar=line_direction.dot(cyl_direction); Point3 tmpA=line_direction-(cyl_direction/dotDirCyl)*scalar; T A=tmpA.SquaredNorm(); T scalar2=deltaP.dot(cyl_direction); Point3 tmpB=(deltaP-(cyl_direction/dotDirCyl)*scalar2); T B=2.0*tmpA.dot(tmpB); T C=tmpB.SquaredNorm()-pow(radius,2); T delta=pow(B,2)-4*A*C; if(delta<0) return false; t0=(-B-sqrt(delta))/(2*A); t1=(-B+sqrt(delta))/(2*A); p0=line.P(t0); p1=line.P(t1); return true; } // Taken a cylinder and a segment calculates the intersection possible using the // IntersectionLineCylinder() and checking the output of this. // Whether the t0 and t1 scalars are between 0 and the length of the segment, then the point // belongs to it and returns true. // In output are given two points of intersection (p0, p1) and the parameters t (t0, t1) on the line. // If p1 belongs to the segment and p0 no, it swaps the points (p0, p1) because operator() in the // MidPointCylinder always takes the first. // Otherwise, it means that there is no point between the extremes of the segment that intersects // the cylinder, in this case it returns false. // // Input: Cylinder & cyl, Segment3 & seg. // Output: CoordType & p0,CoordType & p1, T & t0, T &t1. template static bool IntersectionSegmentCylinder(const Segment3 & cylSeg , T radius, const Segment3 & seg, Point3 & p0, Point3 & p1) { const float eps = 10e-5; Line3 line; line.SetOrigin(seg.P0()); line.SetDirection((seg.P1()-seg.P0()).Normalize()); T t0,t1; if(IntersectionLineCylinder(cylSeg,radius,line,p0,p1,t0,t1)){ bool inters0 = (t0>=0) && (t0<=seg.Length()); bool inters1 = (t1>=0) && (t1<=seg.Length()); if( inters0 && !inters1) p1=p0; // if only one of the line intersections belong to the segment if(!inters0 && inters1) p0=p1; // make both of them the same value. return inters0 || inters1; } return false; } template static bool PointIsInSegment(const Point3 &point, const Segment3 &seg){ const float eps = 10e-5; Line3 line; line.SetOrigin(seg.P0()); line.SetDirection((seg.P1()-seg.P0())); T t=line.Projection(point); // Remembers, two points are different if their distance is >=eps if(t>-eps && t<1+eps) return true; return false; } namespace tri { template class CylinderClipping { public: typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType; typedef typename MeshType::VertexPointer VertexPointer; typedef typename MeshType::VertexIterator VertexIterator; typedef typename MeshType::CoordType CoordType; typedef typename MeshType::FaceType FaceType; typedef typename MeshType::FacePointer FacePointer; typedef typename MeshType::FaceIterator FaceIterator; typedef typename face::Pos PosType; typedef Segment3 Segment3x; typedef Plane3 Plane3x; // This predicate class CylPred { public: CylPred(CoordType &_origin, CoordType &_end, ScalarType _radius, ScalarType _maxDist, ScalarType _minEdgeLen): origin(_origin),end(_end),radius(_radius),maxDist(_maxDist),minEdgeLen(_minEdgeLen){ seg.Set(origin,end); pl0.Init(origin,(end-origin).Normalize()); pl1.Init(end,(end-origin).Normalize()); } void Init() { newPtMap.clear(); } ScalarType radius; CoordType origin,end; ScalarType minEdgeLen; ScalarType maxDist; private: Segment3x seg; Plane3x pl0,pl1; public: // This map store for each edge the new position. // it is intializaed by the predicate itself. // and it is shared with the midpoint functor. std::map< std::pair,CoordType > newPtMap; // Return true if the given edge intersect the cylinder. // Verify if exist a point in an edge that intersects the cylinder. Then calculate // this point and store it for later use. // The cases possible are: // 1. Both extremes have distance greater than or equal to the radius, in this case it // calculates the point of this segment closest to the axis of the cylinder. If this // has distance less than or equal to the radius and is different from the extremes // returns true and this point, otherwise false; // 2. If there is an extreme inside and one outside it returns true because exist the point // of intersection that is calculated using the IntersectionSegmentCylinder(); // 3. Otherwise false. // So a point is inside of the cylinder if its distance from his axis is radius+eps and it is on the circumference if the // distance is in the range [radius-eps??, radius+eps]. // // Input: face::Pos ep, Cylinder cyl, bool operator()(PosType ep) { VertexType *v0 = ep.V(); VertexType *v1 = ep.VFlip(); ScalarType eps = minEdgeLen/100.0f; if(v0>v1) std::swap(v0,v1); CoordType p0=v0->P(); CoordType p1=v1->P(); // CASE 0 - For very short edges --- DO NOTHING if(Distance(p0,p1)< minEdgeLen) return false; Segment3x edgeSeg(p0,p1); CoordType closest0,closest1; // points on the cyl axis ScalarType dist0,dist1,dist2; SegmentPointDistance(this->seg,p0,closest0,dist0); SegmentPointDistance(this->seg,p1,closest1,dist1); // Case 0.5 if(fabs(dist0-radius)radius) && (dist1>radius)) { bool parallel; SegmentSegmentDistance(edgeSeg,this->seg, dist2, parallel, closest0,closest1); if((dist2minEdgeLen) && (Distance(closest0,p1)>minEdgeLen)) { newPtMap[std::make_pair(p0,p1)] = closest0; return true; } } else if(((dist0radius))||((dist0>radius) && (dist1seg, this->radius,edgeSeg,int0,int1)){ if(PointIsInSegment(int0,this->seg) && (Distance(p0,int0)>eps) && (Distance(p1,int0)>eps)) { if(Distance(int0,p0)eps) && (Distance(pt,p1)>eps) ) { newPtMap[std::make_pair(p0,p1)] = pt; return true; } } if(IntersectionPlaneSegment(pl1,edgeSeg,pt)){ if( (Distance(pt,end)eps) && (Distance(pt,p1)>eps) ) { newPtMap[std::make_pair(p0,p1)] = pt; return true; } } return false; // } }; class CylMidPoint : public std::unary_function { private: CylMidPoint() {assert(0);} public: CylMidPoint(CylPred &ep) : newPtMap(&(ep.newPtMap)) { assert(newPtMap); } std::map< std::pair, CoordType > *newPtMap; void operator()(VertexType &nv, PosType ep) { typename std::map< std::pair,CoordType >::iterator mi; VertexType *v0 = ep.V(); VertexType *v1 = ep.VFlip(); assert(newPtMap); if(v0>v1) std::swap(v0,v1); CoordType p0=v0->P(); CoordType p1=v1->P(); mi=newPtMap->find(std::make_pair(v0->P(),v1->P())); assert(mi!=newPtMap->end()); nv.P()=(*mi).second; } Color4 WedgeInterp(Color4 &c0, Color4 &c1) { Color4 cc; return cc.lerp(c0,c1,0.5f); } TexCoord2 WedgeInterp(TexCoord2 &t0, TexCoord2 &t1) { TexCoord2 tmp; assert(t0.n()== t1.n()); tmp.n()=t0.n(); tmp.t()=(t0.t()+t1.t())/2.0; return tmp; } }; static void Apply(MeshType &m, CoordType &origin, CoordType &end, ScalarType radius) { CylPred cylep(origin,end,radius,radius/100.0,m.bbox.Diag()/50.0f); CylMidPoint cylmp(cylep); int i=0; while((tri::RefineE(m, cylmp,cylep))&&(i<50)){ cylep.Init(); printf("Refine %d Vertici: %d, Facce: %d\n",i,m.VN(),m.FN()); i++; } } }; } // end namespace tri } // end namespace vcg #endif // CYLINDER_CLIP_H