/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.6 2006/10/09 10:07:07 giec Optimized version of "EAR HOLE FILLING", the Ear is selected according to its dihedral angle. Revision 1.5 2006/10/06 15:28:14 giec first working implementationof "EAR HOLE FILLING". Revision 1.4 2006/10/02 12:06:40 giec BugFix Revision 1.3 2006/09/27 15:33:32 giec It close one simple hole . . . Revision 1.2 2006/09/27 09:29:53 giec Frist working release whit a few bugs. It almost fills the hole ... Revision 1.1 2006/09/25 09:17:44 cignoni First Non working Version ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCG_TRI_UPDATE_HOLE #define __VCG_TRI_UPDATE_HOLE /* Questa Classe serve per gestire la non duplicazione degli edge durante la chiusura di un buco. */ namespace vcg { namespace tri { template class SimpleEdge { public: typename MESH::VertexType v[2]; SimpleEdge() {} SimpleEdge(typename MESH::VertexType v0, typename MESH::VertexType v1) { if(v0.P().X() != v1.P().X() && v0.P().Y() != v1.P().Y() && v0.P().Z() != v1.P().Z()) {v[0]=v1; v[1]=v0;} else {v[0]=v0; v[1]=v1;} } SimpleEdge(face::Pos &ep) { //*this=SimpleEdge(*ep.VFlip(), *ep.v); MESH::VertexType v0 ,v1; v0 = *ep.VFlip(); v1 = *ep.v; if(v0.P().X() != v1.P().X() && v0.P().Y() != v1.P().Y() && v0.P().Z() != v1.P().Z()) {v[0]=v1; v[1]=v0;} else {v[0]=v0; v[1]=v1;} } bool operator < (const SimpleEdge & e) const { v[0] = e.v[0]; v[1]=e.v[1]; } bool operator != (const SimpleEdge & e) { if(v[0].P().X() != e.v[0].P().X() && v[0].P().Y() != e.v[0].P().Y() && v[0].P().Z() != e.v[0].P().Z()) return true; else return false; } }; template class HoleInfo { public: HoleInfo(){} HoleInfo(face::Pos const &pHole, int const pHoleSize, vcg::Box3 &pHoleBB) { p=pHole; size=pHoleSize; bb=pHoleBB; } HoleInfo(face::Pos const &pHole, int const pHoleSize, vcg::Box3 &pHoleBB, int FI) { p=pHole; size=pHoleSize; bb=pHoleBB; faceindex = FI; } typename face::Pos p; int size; vcg::Box3 bb; int faceindex; void Refresh(MESH &m) { p.f = (MESH::FacePointer)(faceindex + &(*(m.face.begin()))); } bool operator < (const HoleInfo & hh) const {return size < hh.size;} bool operator > (const HoleInfo & hh) const {return size > hh.size;} bool operator == (const HoleInfo & hh) const {return size == hh.size;} bool operator != (const HoleInfo & hh) const {return size != hh.size;} bool operator >= (const HoleInfo & hh) const {return size >= hh.size;} bool operator <= (const HoleInfo & hh) const {return size <= hh.size;} typename MESH::ScalarType Perimeter() { MESH::ScalarType sum=0; face::Pos ip = p; do { sum+=Distance(ip.v->cP(),ip.VFlip()->cP()); ip.NextB(); } while (ip != p); return sum; } int CollectEdges(std::vector< SimpleEdge > &EV) { assert(p.IsBorder()); EV.clear(); int tsz=0; face::Pos ip=p; face::Pos tp; do { // Stesso codice della nextb do { ip.NextE(); EV.push_back(SimpleEdge(ip)); // l'edge che sto scorrendo tp=ip; tp.FlipV();tp.FlipE(); EV.push_back(SimpleEdge(tp)); // l'edge della faccia su cui sono e opposto al vertice su cui ruoto tp.FlipF(); tp.FlipE(); EV.push_back(SimpleEdge(tp)); // gli altri due edge della faccia opposta a questa tp.FlipE(); EV.push_back(SimpleEdge(tp)); } while(!ip.f->IsB(ip.z)); ip.FlipV(); ++tsz; } while (ip != p); assert(tsz==size); return EV.size(); } }; template void FindHole(MESH &m, face::Pos ep, HoleInfo &h) { if(!ep.IsBorder()) return; int holesize = 0; Box3 hbox; if(ep.v->IsR()) hbox.Add(ep.v->cP()); face::Pos init; init = ep; do { ep.NextB(); ep.f->SetV(); if(ep.v->IsR()) hbox.Add(ep.v->cP()); ++holesize; } while (ep != init); h=HoleInfo(ep,holesize,hbox); } template void FindHole(MESH &m, STL_CONTAINER_HOLES & H) { MESH::FaceIterator pf; int holesize; for (pf=m.face.begin(); pf!=m.face.end(); ++pf) if( !(*pf).IsD() && (*pf).IsW() ) (*pf).ClearS(); face::Pos ep; for (pf=m.face.begin(); pf!=m.face.end(); ++pf) { if( !(*pf).IsD() && !(*pf).IsS() && (*pf).IsR() ) { for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) if( (*pf).IsB(j) && !(*pf).IsS() && (*pf).IsR() ) { (*pf).SetS(); ep.Set(&*pf, j, (*pf).V(j)); holesize = 0; Box3 hbox; if(ep.v->IsR()) hbox.Add(ep.v->cP()); face::Pos init; init = ep; do { ep.NextB(); ep.f->SetS(); if(ep.v->IsR()) hbox.Add(ep.v->cP()); ++holesize; } while (ep != init); H.push_back(HoleInfo(ep,holesize,hbox)); break; } } } }; /* Un ear e' identificato da due hedge pos. i vertici dell'ear sono e0.FlipV().v e0.v e1.v Vale che e1== e0.NextB(); e che e1.FlipV() == e0; Situazioni ear non manifold, e degeneri (buco triangolare) T XXXXXXXXXXXXX A /XXXXX B en/XXXXX /XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /XXXXXX /XXXXXX XXXXXXep==en XXX ep\ /en XXXX /e1 XXXX XXXXXX ----/| XX ------ ----/| XX ------ ----/|XXX XXXXXX| /e1 XX XXXXXX| /e1 XX XXXXXX| o/e0 XX XXXXXX| /XXXXXX XXXXXX| /XXXXXX XXXXXX| /XXXXXX XXX e0|o/XXXXXXX XXX e0|o/XXXXXXX XXX ep| /XXXXXXX XXX \|/XXXXXXXX XXX \|/XXXXXXXX XXX \|/XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX */ template class TrivialEar { public: face::Pos e0; face::Pos e1; typename MSH_TYPE::ScalarType quality; TrivialEar(){} TrivialEar(const face::Pos & ep) { e0=ep; assert(e0.IsBorder()); e1=e0; e1.NextB(); ComputeQuality(); } // Nota: minori invertiti inline bool operator < ( const TrivialEar & c ) const { return quality > c.quality; } inline bool operator > ( const TrivialEar & c ) const { return quality < c.quality; } inline bool operator == ( const TrivialEar & c ) const { return quality == c.quality; } inline bool operator != ( const TrivialEar & c ) const { return quality != c.quality; } inline bool operator >= ( const TrivialEar & c ) const { return quality <= c.quality; } inline bool operator <= ( const TrivialEar & c ) const { return quality >= c.quality; } bool IsNull(){return e0.IsNull() || e1.IsNull();} void SetNull(){e0.SetNull();e1.SetNull();} void ComputeQuality() { //comute quality by max(dihedral ancgle) Point3f n1 = (e0.v->N() + e1.v->N() + e0.VFlip()->N() ) / 3; face::Pos tmp = e1; tmp.FlipE();tmp.FlipV(); Point3f n2= ( e1.VFlip()->N()+ e1.v->N()+ tmp.v->N())/3; MSH_TYPE::ScalarType qt; qt = Angle(n1,n2); quality = qt * -1000; };//dovrebbe bool IsUpToDate() {return (e0.IsBorder() && e1.IsBorder());}; bool Degen() { face::Pos ep=e0; ep.FlipV(); ep.NextB(); ep.FlipV(); // he precedente a e0 face::Pos en=e1; en.NextB(); // he successivo a e1 // caso ear degenere per buco triangolare if(ep==en) return true;//provo a togliere sto controllo // Caso ear non manifold a if(ep.v==en.v) return true; // Caso ear non manifold b if(ep.VFlip()==e1.v) return true; return false; } bool Close(TrivialEar &ne0, TrivialEar &ne1, typename MSH_TYPE::FaceType * f) { // simple topological check if(e0.f==e1.f) { printf("Avoided bad ear"); return false; } //usato per generare una delle due nuove orecchie. face::Pos ep=e0; ep.FlipV(); ep.NextB(); ep.FlipV(); // he precedente a e0 face::Pos en=e1; en.NextB(); // he successivo a e1 (*f).V(0) = e0.VFlip(); (*f).V(1) = e0.v; (*f).V(2) = e1.v; (*f).FFp(0) = e0.f; (*f).FFi(0) = e0.z; (*f).FFp(1) = e1.f; (*f).FFi(1) = e1.z; (*f).FFp(2) = f; (*f).FFi(2) = 2; e0.f->FFp(e0.z)=f; e0.f->FFi(e0.z)=0; e1.f->FFp(e1.z)=f; e1.f->FFi(e1.z)=1; // caso ear degenere per buco triangolare if(ep==en) { printf("Closing the last triangle"); f->FFp(2)=en.f; f->FFi(2)=en.z; en.f->FFp(en.z)=f; en.f->FFi(en.z)=2; ne0.SetNull(); ne1.SetNull(); } // Caso ear non manifold a else if(ep.v==en.v) { printf("Ear Non manif A\n"); face::Pos enold=en; en.NextB(); f->FFp(2)=enold.f; f->FFi(2)=enold.z; enold.f->FFp(enold.z)=f; enold.f->FFi(enold.z)=2; ne0=TrivialEar(ep); ne1=TrivialEar(en); } // Caso ear non manifold b else if(ep.VFlip()==e1.v) { printf("Ear Non manif B\n"); face::Pos epold=ep; ep.FlipV(); ep.NextB(); ep.FlipV(); f->FFp(2)=epold.f; f->FFi(2)=epold.z; epold.f->FFp(epold.z)=f; epold.f->FFi(epold.z)=2; ne0=TrivialEar(ep); ne1=TrivialEar(en); } else // caso standard // Now compute the new ears; { ne0=TrivialEar(ep); ne1=TrivialEar(face::Pos(f,2,e1.v)); } return true; } }; template class LeipaEar { public: face::Pos e0; face::Pos e1; typename MSH_TYPE::ScalarType dihedral; typename MSH_TYPE::ScalarType area; LeipaEar(){} LeipaEar(const face::Pos & ep) { e0=ep; assert(e0.IsBorder()); e1=e0; e1.NextB(); ComputeQuality(); } // Nota: minori invertiti inline bool operator < ( const LeipaEar & c ) const { if(dihedral < c.dihedral)return true; else return ((dihedral == c.dihedral) && (area < c.area)); } inline bool operator > ( const LeipaEar & c ) const { if(dihedral > c.dihedral)return true; else return ((dihedral == c.dihedral) && (area > c.area)); } inline bool operator == ( const LeipaEar & c ) const { return ((dihedral == c.dihedral) && (area == c.area)); } inline bool operator != ( const LeipaEar & c ) const { return ((dihedral != c.dihedral)&& (area != c.area)); } bool IsNull(){return e0.IsNull() || e1.IsNull();} void SetNull(){e0.SetNull();e1.SetNull();} void ComputeQuality() { //comute quality by (dihedral ancgle, area) Point3f n1 = (e0.v->N() + e1.v->N() + e0.VFlip()->N() ) / 3; face::Pos tmp = e1; tmp.FlipE();tmp.FlipV(); Point3f n2=(e1.VFlip()->N() + e1.v->N() + tmp.v->N() ) / 3; MSH_TYPE::ScalarType qt; qt = Angle(n1,n2); dihedral = qt * -1000; MSH_TYPE::ScalarType ar; ar = ( (e0.VFlip()->P() - e0.v->P()) ^ ( e1.v->P() - e0.v->P()) ).Norm() ; area = (ar)*1000; };//dovrebbe bool IsUpToDate() {return (e0.IsBorder() && e1.IsBorder());}; bool Degen() { face::Pos ep=e0; ep.FlipV(); ep.NextB(); ep.FlipV(); // he precedente a e0 face::Pos en=e1; en.NextB(); // he successivo a e1 // caso ear degenere per buco triangolare if(ep==en) return true;//provo a togliere sto controllo // Caso ear non manifold a if(ep.v==en.v) return true; // Caso ear non manifold b if(ep.VFlip()==e1.v) return true; return false; } bool Close(LeipaEar &ne0, LeipaEar &ne1, typename MSH_TYPE::FaceType * f) { // simple topological check if(e0.f==e1.f) { printf("Avoided bad ear"); return false; } //usato per generare una delle due nuove orecchie. face::Pos ep=e0; ep.FlipV(); ep.NextB(); ep.FlipV(); // he precedente a e0 face::Pos en=e1; en.NextB(); // he successivo a e1 (*f).V(0) = e0.VFlip(); (*f).V(1) = e0.v; (*f).V(2) = e1.v; (*f).FFp(0) = e0.f; (*f).FFi(0) = e0.z; (*f).FFp(1) = e1.f; (*f).FFi(1) = e1.z; (*f).FFp(2) = f; (*f).FFi(2) = 2; e0.f->FFp(e0.z)=f; e0.f->FFi(e0.z)=0; e1.f->FFp(e1.z)=f; e1.f->FFi(e1.z)=1; // caso ear degenere per buco triangolare if(ep==en) { printf("Closing the last triangle"); f->FFp(2)=en.f; f->FFi(2)=en.z; en.f->FFp(en.z)=f; en.f->FFi(en.z)=2; ne0.SetNull(); ne1.SetNull(); } // Caso ear non manifold a else if(ep.v==en.v) { printf("Ear Non manif A\n"); face::Pos enold=en; en.NextB(); f->FFp(2)=enold.f; f->FFi(2)=enold.z; enold.f->FFp(enold.z)=f; enold.f->FFi(enold.z)=2; ne0=LeipaEar(ep); ne1=LeipaEar(en); } // Caso ear non manifold b else if(ep.VFlip()==e1.v) { printf("Ear Non manif B\n"); face::Pos epold=ep; ep.FlipV(); ep.NextB(); ep.FlipV(); f->FFp(2)=epold.f; f->FFi(2)=epold.z; epold.f->FFp(epold.z)=f; epold.f->FFi(epold.z)=2; ne0=LeipaEar(ep); ne1=LeipaEar(en); } else // caso standard // Now compute the new ears; { ne0=LeipaEar(ep); ne1=LeipaEar(face::Pos(f,2,e1.v)); } return true; } }; // Funzione principale per chiudier un buco in maniera topologicamente corretta. // Gestisce situazioni non manifold ragionevoli // (tutte eccetto quelle piu' di 2 facce per 1 edge). // Controlla che non si generino nuove situazioni non manifold chiudendo orecchie // che sottendono un edge che gia'esiste. template tri::HoleInfo getHoleInfo(MESH &m, face::Pos sp, face::Pos fp, int UBIT) { int holesize=0; Box3 hbox; hbox.Add(sp.v->cP()); do { sp.f->SetUserBit(UBIT); hbox.Add(sp.v->cP()); ++holesize; sp.NextB(); assert(sp.IsBorder()); }while(sp != fp); int tmp = ((int)(sp.f - &(*(m.face.begin())))); return tri::HoleInfo(sp,holesize,hbox, tmp ); } template void refreshHole(MESH &m, VECTOR_EAR &ve, face::Pos &fp, std::vector &vv) { face::Pos ff = fp; do{ ve.push_back(EAR(fp)); vv.push_back(*fp.v); fp.NextB();//semmai da provare a sostituire il codice della NextB(); assert(fp.IsBorder()); }while(fp!=ff); } template void fillHoleEar(MESH &m, tri::HoleInfo &h ,int UBIT) { //Aggiungo le facce e aggiorno il puntatore alla faccia! std::vector app; app.push_back( &h.p.f ); MESH::FaceIterator f = tri::Allocator::AddFaces(m, h.size-2, app); h.Refresh(m); assert(h.p.IsBorder());//test fondamentale altrimenti qualcosa s'e' rotto! std::vector vv; //vettore di vertici std::vector H; //vettore di orecchie H.reserve(h.size); //prendo le informazioni sul buco refreshHole >(m,H,h.p,vv); bool fitted = false; int cnt=h.size; MESH::FaceIterator tmp; make_heap(H.begin(), H.end()); while( cnt > 2 && !H.empty() ) //finche' il buco non e' chiuso o non ci sono piu' orecchie da analizzare { pop_heap(H.begin(), H.end()); EAR en0,en1; MESH::FaceIterator Fadd = f; if(H.back().IsUpToDate()) { if(H.back().Degen()){ // Nota che nel caso di ear degeneri si DEVE permettere la creazione di un edge che gia'esiste printf("\n -> Evitata orecchia brutta!"); } else { if(H.back().Close(en0,en1,&*f)) { if(!en0.IsNull()){ H.push_back(en0); push_heap( H.begin(), H.end()); } if(!en1.IsNull()){ H.push_back(en1); push_heap( H.begin(), H.end()); } --cnt; f->SetUserBit(UBIT); ++f; fitted = true; } } if(cnt == 3 && !fitted) {//ultimo buco o unico buco if(H.back().Close(en0,en1,&*f)) { --cnt; tmp = f; ++f; } } }//is update() fitted = false; //non ho messo il triangolo quindi tolgo l'orecchio e continuo H.pop_back(); }//fine del while principale while(f!=m.face.end()) { (*f).SetD(); ++f; m.fn--; } } template void holeFillingEar(MESH &m, int sizeHole,bool Selected = false) { MESH::FaceIterator fi; std::vector > vinfo; int UBIT = fi->LastBitFlag(); for(fi = m.face.begin(); fi!=m.face.end(); ++fi) { if(!(*fi).IsD()) { if(Selected && !(*fi).IsS()) { //se devo considerare solo i triangoli selezionati e //quello che sto considerando non lo e' lo marchio e vado avanti (*fi).SetUserBit(UBIT); } else { if( !(*fi).IsUserBit(UBIT) ) { (*fi).SetUserBit(UBIT); for(int j =0; j<3 ; ++j) { if( (*fi).IsB(j) ) {//Trovato una faccia di bordo non ancora visitata. face::Pos sp(&*fi, j, (*fi).V(j)); // if(!(*fi).IsR())return; tri::HoleInfo HI = getHoleInfo(m,sp,sp, UBIT); //ho recuperato l'inofrmazione su tutto il buco vinfo.push_back(HI); } }//for sugli edge del triangolo }//se e' gia stato visitato }//S & !S }//!IsD() }//for principale!!! std::vector >::iterator ith; tri::HoleInfo app; for(ith = vinfo.begin(); ith!= vinfo.end(); ++ith) { app=(tri::HoleInfo)*ith; if(app.size < sizeHole){ //app.Refresh(m);//non so se serve fillHoleEar(m, app,UBIT); } } for(fi = m.face.begin(); fi!=m.face.end(); ++fi) { if(!(*fi).IsD()) (*fi).ClearUserBit(UBIT); } } /* Trivial Ear con preferred Normal */ template class TrivialEarN : public TrivialEar { public: TrivialEarN(){} TrivialEarN(const face::Pos & ep) { e0=ep; assert(e0.IsBorder()); e1=e0; e1.NextB(); ComputeQuality(); } static typename MSH_TYPE::VertexType &PreferredNormal() { static MSH_TYPE::VertexType nn; return nn; } void ComputeQuality(){ Point3d nn= -Normal( e0.VFlip()->P(), e0.v->P(), e1.v->P()); quality = Distance(e0.VFlip()->P(),e1.v->P()); if(nn*PreferredNormal() < -0.1) quality*=1000000; }; }; /* 2d Triangulation Code */ class Triangulate2D { static double Area(const vector &contour) { int n = contour.size(); double A=0.0f; for(int p=n-1,q=0; q= 0.0f) && (bCROSScp >= 0.0f) && (cCROSSap >= 0.0f)); }; static bool Snip(const vector &contour,int u,int v,int w,int n,int *V) { int p; double Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Px, Py; const double epsilon =1e-2; Ax = contour[V[u]].X(); Ay = contour[V[u]].Y(); Bx = contour[V[v]].X(); By = contour[V[v]].Y(); Cx = contour[V[w]].X(); Cy = contour[V[w]].Y(); if ( epsilon> (((Bx-Ax)*(Cy-Ay)) - ((By-Ay)*(Cx-Ax))) ) return false; for (p=0;p &contour,vector &result) { /* allocate and initialize list of Vertices in polygon */ int n = contour.size(); double area=Area(contour); if ( n < 3 ) return false; int *V = new int[n]; /* we want a counter-clockwise polygon in V */ if ( 0.0f < area ) for (int v=0; v2; ) { count--; /* if we loop, it is probably a non-simple polygon */ if( count<0) { CurrBest*=1.3; count = 2*nv; if(CurrBest > sqrt(area)*2) return false; } /* three consecutive vertices in current polygon, */ int u = v ; if (nv <= u) u = 0; /* previous */ v = u+1; if (nv <= v) v = 0; /* new v */ int w = v+1; if (nv <= w) w = 0; /* next */ if(Distance(contour[u],contour[w]) < CurrBest) if ( Snip(contour,u,v,w,nv,V) ) { int a,b,c,s,t; /* true names of the vertices */ a = V[u]; b = V[v]; c = V[w]; /* output Triangle */ result.push_back( a ); result.push_back( b ); result.push_back( c ); m++; /* remove v from remaining polygon */ for(s=v,t=v+1;t