#include class NxsClientPool { vector clients; void Push(NxsRequest *request); }; class NxsClient: public pt::ipstream { public: queue requests; void Push(NxsRequest *request); }; ipaddress addr = phostbyname("nb-ponchio.isti.cnr.it"); ipstream client; client.set_ip(addr); client.set_port(testport); try { client.open(); pout.put("Sending a request to the server...\n"); client.write("Hello", 6); client.flush(); // receive the response string rsp = client.line(maxtoken); pout.putf("Received: %s\n", pconst(rsp)); // need to close the socket explicitly to gracefully shutdown // the peer host too. otherwise, ~ipstream() will call cancel() // and leave the peer in a waiting state (not forever though). client.close(); } catch(estream* e) { perr.putf("Error: %s\n", pconst(e->get_message())); delete e; }