/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "fragment.h" #include "decimate.h" using namespace pt; using namespace nxs; using namespace vcg; using namespace std; class FragOutQueue: public msgqueue { public: FragOutQueue(ipstream &cli): client(cli) {} void msghandler(message &msg) { if(msg.id != MSG_USER) { defhandler(msg); return; } Fragment &fragment = *(Fragment *)(msg.param); // pout.putf("Sending: %d\n", fragment.id); outmemory outm; outm.open(); fragment.Write(&outm); pt::string a = outm.get_strdata(); try { client.write((const char *)a, length(a)); client.flush(); pout.putf("Sent fragment id: %d\n", fragment.id); } catch (estream *e) { perr.putf("Error: %s\n", pconst(e->get_message())); delete e; posturgent(MSG_QUIT); } delete (Fragment *)(msg.param); } ipstream &client; }; class FragInQueue: public msgqueue { public: FragInQueue(FragOutQueue &o): out(o) {} void msghandler(message &msg) { if(msg.id != MSG_USER) { if(msg.id == MSG_QUIT) out.posturgent(MSG_QUIT); defhandler(msg); return; } Fragment &fragin = *(Fragment *)(msg.param); // pout.putf("Processing: %d\n", fragin.id); vector newvert; vector newface; vector newbord; Join(fragin, newvert, newface, newbord); float error = Decimate(QUADRIC, (unsigned int)((newface.size()/3) * 0.5), newvert, newface, newbord); message *outmsg = new message(MSG_USER); outmsg->param = (int)(new Fragment); Fragment &fragout = *(Fragment *)(outmsg->param); fragout.error = error; fragout.id = fragin.id; fragout.seeds = fragin.seeds; fragout.seeds_id = fragin.seeds_id; Split(fragout, newvert, newface, newbord); out.post(outmsg); delete (Fragment *)(msg.param); } FragOutQueue &out; }; class Reader: public thread { public: Reader(ipstream &cli, FragInQueue &que): thread(false), client(cli), queue(que) {} ~Reader() {waitfor(); } void execute() { while(1) { if(get_signaled()) return; message *msg = new message(MSG_USER); msg->param = (int)(new Fragment); Fragment &fragment = *(Fragment *)(msg->param); if(!fragment.Read(&client)) { pout.putf("Could not read!\n"); queue.posturgent(MSG_QUIT); return; } queue.post(msg); // pout.putf("Incoming: %d\n", fragment.id); } } void cleanup() {} ipstream &client; FragInQueue &queue; }; class Worker: public thread { public: Worker(FragInQueue &que): thread(false), queue(que) {} ~Worker() { waitfor(); } void execute() { queue.run(); } void cleanup() {} FragInQueue &queue; }; class Writer: public thread { public: Writer(FragOutQueue &que): thread(false), queue(que) {} ~Writer() {waitfor(); } void execute() { queue.run(); } void cleanup() {} FragOutQueue &queue; }; void servermain(ipstmserver& svr) { ipstream client; while(true) { // serve() will wait for a connection request and will prepare // the supplied ipstream object for talking to the peer. svr.serve(client); perr.putf("Serving clients!\n"); if (client.get_active()) { try { pout.putf("Incoming connection\n"); FragOutQueue out(client); FragInQueue in(out); Reader reader(client, in); Worker worker(in); Writer writer(out); reader.start(); worker.start(); writer.start(); reader.waitfor(); worker.waitfor(); writer.waitfor(); client.flush(); client.close(); } catch(estream* e) { perr.putf("Error: %s\n", pconst(e->get_message())); delete e; } } perr.putf("Restarting\n"); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ipstmserver svr; int port = 10102; if(argc == 2) { port = atoi(argv[1]); if(port < 1024) { perr.putf("Error: invalid port: %s\n", argv[1]); return -1; } } try { // bind to all local addresses on port 8085 svr.bindall(port); pout.putf("Ready to answer queries on port %d\n", port); // enter an infinite loop of serving requests servermain(svr); } catch(estream* e) { perr.putf("FATAL: %s\n", pconst(e->get_message())); delete e; } return 0; }