/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.14 2004/10/10 17:19:42 ponchio Added compression and debugged. Revision 1.13 2004/10/09 17:32:25 ponchio Ram buffer option added (last) Revision 1.12 2004/10/09 17:29:04 ponchio Ram buffer option added (again) Revision 1.11 2004/10/09 17:22:57 ponchio Ram buffer option added. Revision 1.10 2004/10/09 16:51:36 ponchio Windows porting small changes. Revision 1.9 2004/10/08 15:12:04 ponchio Working version (maybe) Revision 1.8 2004/10/06 16:40:47 ponchio Fixed degenerate faces. Revision 1.7 2004/10/04 16:49:54 ponchio Daily backup. Preparing for compression. Revision 1.6 2004/10/01 16:54:57 ponchio Daily backup. Revision 1.5 2004/09/30 00:27:42 ponchio Lot of changes. Backup. Revision 1.4 2004/09/21 00:53:23 ponchio Lotsa changes. Revision 1.3 2004/09/17 15:25:09 ponchio First working (hopefully) release. Revision 1.2 2004/09/16 14:25:16 ponchio Backup. (lot of changes). Revision 1.1 2004/08/26 18:03:48 ponchio First draft. ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include using namespace std; #include "crude.h" #include "nexus.h" #include "voronoichain.h" #include "vert_remap.h" #include "decimate.h" #include "nxsbuild.h" using namespace vcg; using namespace nxs; /*void RemapVertices(Crude &crude, VertRemap &vert_remap, VFile &face_remap, vector &patch_verts); void NexusAllocate(Crude &crude, Nexus &nexus, VFile &face_remap, vector &patch_faces, vector &patch_verts); void NexusFill(Crude &crude, Nexus &nexus, VertRemap &vert_remap, VFile &border_remap); void NexusFixBorder(Nexus &nexus, VFile &border_remap);*/ void NexusSplit(Nexus &nexus, VoronoiChain &vchain, unsigned int level, vector &newvert, vector &newface, vector &newbord, Nexus::Update &update, float error); /*float Decimate(unsigned int target_faces, vector &newvert, vector &newface, vector &newbord, vector &vert_remap);*/ void ReverseHistory(vector &history); void TestBorders(Nexus &nexus); void TestPatches(Nexus &nexus); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Decimation decimation = CLUSTER; unsigned int patch_size = 1000; unsigned int patch_threshold = 0xffffffff; unsigned int optimization_steps = 5; bool stop_after_remap = false; unsigned int max_level = 0xffffffff; float scaling = 0.5; unsigned int ram_buffer = 128000000; unsigned int chunk_size = 1024; int option; while((option = getopt(argc, argv, "f:t:l:s:d:ro:b:c:")) != EOF) { switch(option) { case 'f': patch_size = atoi(optarg); if(patch_size == 0 || patch_size > 32000) { cerr << "Invalid number of faces per patch: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 't': patch_threshold = atoi(optarg); if(patch_threshold == 0 || patch_threshold > patch_size) { cerr << "Invalid patch threshold: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'l': max_level = atoi(optarg); if(max_level == 0) { cerr << "Invalid number of levels: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 's': scaling = (float)atof(optarg); if(scaling <= 0 || scaling >= 1) { cerr << "Invalid scaling: " << optarg << endl; cerr << "Must be 0 < scaling < 1" << endl; } break; case 'd': if(!strcmp("quadric", optarg)) decimation = QUADRIC; else if(!strcmp("cluster", optarg)) decimation = CLUSTER; else { cerr << "Unknown decimation method: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'r': stop_after_remap = true; break; case 'o': optimization_steps = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': ram_buffer = atoi(optarg); if(ram_buffer == 0) { cerr << "Invalid ram buffer: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; case 'c': chunk_size = atoi(optarg); if(chunk_size == 0) { cerr << "Invalid chunk size: " << optarg << endl; return -1; } break; default: cerr << "Unknown option: " << (char)option << endl; return -1; } } //Test that there are still 2 arguments if(optind != argc - 2) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options]\n"; cerr << " Options:\n"; cerr << " -f N: use N faces per patch (default 1000, max 32000)\n"; cerr << " -t N: mini faces per patch (default 200)\n"; cerr << " -l N: number of levels\n"; cerr << " -s F: scaling factor (0 < F < 1, default 0.5)\n"; cerr << " -o N: nomber of optimization steps\n"; cerr << " -d : decimation method: quadric, cluster. (default quadric)\n"; cerr << " -b N: ram buffer size (in bytes)\n"; return -1; } Crude crude; if(!crude.Load(argv[optind])) { cerr << "Could not open crude input: " << argv[optind] << endl; return -1; } if(patch_size > crude.vert.Size()/2) { cerr << "Patch size too big: " << patch_size << " * 2 > " << crude.vert.Size() << endl; return -1; } string output = argv[optind+1]; Nexus nexus; nexus.patches.SetRamBufferSize(ram_buffer); if(!nexus.Create(output, NXS_FACES, chunk_size)) { cerr << "Could not create nexus output: " << output << endl; return -1; } if(patch_threshold == 0xffffffff) patch_threshold = patch_size/4; VoronoiChain vchain(patch_size, patch_threshold); // vchain.scaling = scaling; //Now building level 0 of the Nexus VFile face_remap; if(!face_remap.Create(output + ".rmf")) { cerr << "Could not create remap files: " << output << ".frm\n"; return -1; } face_remap.Resize(crude.Faces()); VertRemap vert_remap; if(!vert_remap.Create(output)) { cerr << "Could not create remap files: " << output << ".rmv and .rmb\n"; return -1; } vert_remap.Resize(crude.Vertices()); VFile border_remap; if(!border_remap.Create(output + string(".tmp"))) { cerr << "Could not create temporary border remap file\n"; return -1; } /* BUILDING FIRST LEVEL */ //Remapping faces and vertices using level 0 and 1 of the chain cerr << "Remapping faces.\n"; vector patch_faces; vchain.RemapFaces(crude, face_remap, patch_faces, scaling, optimization_steps); cerr << "Remapping vertices.\n"; vector patch_verts; patch_verts.resize(patch_faces.size(), 0); RemapVertices(crude, vert_remap, face_remap, patch_verts); if(stop_after_remap) return 0; cerr << "Allocating space\n"; //allocate chunks for patches and copy faces (absoklute indexing) into them. NexusAllocate(crude, nexus, face_remap, patch_faces, patch_verts); cerr << "Filling first level\n"; //insert vertices and remap faces, prepare borders NexusFill(crude, nexus, vert_remap, border_remap); // NexusFixBorder(nexus, border_remap); //filling history Nexus::Update update; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.index.size(); i++) update.created.push_back(i); nexus.history.push_back(update); //unify vertices otherwise you may get cracks. nexus.Unify(); nexus.patches.FlushAll(); /* BUILDING OTHER LEVELS */ unsigned int oldoffset = 0; for(unsigned int level = 1; level < max_level; level++) { cerr << "Level: " << level << endl; unsigned int newoffset = nexus.index.size(); vchain.BuildLevel(nexus, oldoffset, scaling, optimization_steps); cerr << "Level built\n"; vector level_history; map >::iterator fragment; for(fragment = vchain.oldfragments.begin(); fragment != vchain.oldfragments.end(); fragment++) { update.created.clear(); update.erased.clear(); cerr << "Join "; set &fcells = (*fragment).second; set::iterator s; for(s = fcells.begin(); s != fcells.end(); s++) { update.erased.push_back(*s); cerr << *s << " "; } cerr << endl; vector newvert; vector newface; vector newbord; nexus.Join((*fragment).second, newvert, newface, newbord); //simplyfy mesh vector vert_remap; float error = Decimate(decimation, (unsigned int)((newface.size()/3) * scaling), newvert, newface, newbord, vert_remap); NexusSplit(nexus, vchain, level, newvert, newface, newbord, update, error); level_history.push_back(update); } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < level_history.size(); i++) nexus.history.push_back(level_history[i]); //if(vchain.levels.back().size() == 1) break; if(vchain.oldfragments.size() == 1) break; vchain.oldfragments = vchain.newfragments; oldoffset = newoffset; } //last level clean history: update.created.clear(); update.erased.clear(); map >::iterator fragment; for(fragment = vchain.newfragments.begin(); fragment != vchain.newfragments.end(); fragment++) { set &fcells = (*fragment).second; set::iterator s; for(s = fcells.begin(); s != fcells.end(); s++) update.erased.push_back(*s); } nexus.history.push_back(update); ReverseHistory(nexus.history); TestBorders(nexus); //Clean up: nexus.Close(); //TODO remove vert_remap, face_remap, border_remap return 0; } void NexusSplit(Nexus &nexus, VoronoiChain &vchain, unsigned int level, vector &newvert, vector &newface, vector &newbord, Nexus::Update &update, float error) { cerr << "Counting nearby cells" << endl; map centroids; map counts; Point3f centroid(0, 0, 0); Box3f box; for(unsigned int f = 0; f < newface.size(); f += 3) { Point3f bari = (newvert[newface[f]] + newvert[newface[f+1]] + newvert[newface[f+2]])/3; centroid += bari; box.Add(bari); unsigned int cell = vchain.Locate(level+1, bari); if(!centroids.count(cell)) centroids[cell] = Point3f(0, 0, 0); if(!counts.count(cell)) counts[cell] = 0; centroids[cell] += bari; counts[cell]++; } centroid /= newface.size()/3; //prune small cells: float min_size = (newface.size()/3) / 20; vector cellremap; VoronoiPartition local; local.SetBox(vchain.levels[level].box); map::iterator r; for(r = centroids.begin(); r != centroids.end(); r++) { unsigned int cell = (*r).first; if(counts[cell] < min_size) continue; Point3f seed = (*r).second/counts[cell]; Point3f orig = vchain.levels[level+1][cell].p; // seed = (seed + orig*2)/3; seed = orig; local.push_back(seed); cellremap.push_back(cell); } local.Init(); //if != -1 remap global index to cell index (first arg) map > vert_remap; map vert_count; //simply collects faces map > face_remap; map face_count; for(unsigned int f = 0; f < newface.size(); f += 3) { Point3f bari = (newvert[newface[f]] + newvert[newface[f+1]] + newvert[newface[f+2]])/3; // unsigned int cell = vchain.Locate(level+1, bari); unsigned int cell = cellremap[local.Locate(bari)]; vector &f_remap = face_remap[cell]; f_remap.push_back(newface[f]); f_remap.push_back(newface[f+1]); f_remap.push_back(newface[f+2]); face_count[cell]++; if(!vert_remap.count(cell)) { vert_remap[cell].resize(newvert.size(), -1); vert_count[cell] = 0; } vector &v_remap = vert_remap[cell]; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if(v_remap[newface[f+i]] == -1) v_remap[newface[f+i]] = vert_count[cell]++; } //TODO prune small count cells and assure no big ones. //lets count borders map bord_count; map::iterator c; for(c = vert_count.begin(); c != vert_count.end(); c++) { unsigned int cell = (*c).first; unsigned int &count = bord_count[cell]; count = 0; vector &v_remap = vert_remap[cell]; //external borders for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newbord.size(); i++) { Link link = newbord[i]; if(v_remap[link.start_vert] == -1) continue; count++; } //process internal borders; //TODO higly inefficient!!! map::iterator t; for(t = vert_count.begin(); t != vert_count.end(); t++) { if(cell == (*t).first) continue; vector &vremapclose = vert_remap[(*t).first]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newvert.size(); i++) { if(v_remap[i] != -1 && vremapclose[i] != -1) { count++; } } } } map cells2patches; //lets allocate space for(c = vert_count.begin(); c != vert_count.end(); c++) { unsigned int cell = (*c).first; //TODO detect best parameter below. unsigned int patch_idx = nexus.AddPatch(vert_count[cell], face_count[cell], 6 * bord_count[cell]); //why double border space? because at next level //we will need to add those borders... cells2patches[cell] = patch_idx; vchain.newfragments[cell].insert(patch_idx); update.created.push_back(patch_idx); } //fill it now. for(c = vert_count.begin(); c != vert_count.end(); c++) { unsigned int cell = (*c).first; unsigned int patch_idx = cells2patches[cell]; //vertices first vector &v_remap = vert_remap[cell]; vector verts; verts.resize(vert_count[cell]); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newvert.size(); i++) { if(v_remap[i] != -1) verts[v_remap[i]] = newvert[i]; } //faces now vector &f_remap = face_remap[cell]; vector faces; faces.resize(face_count[cell]*3); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < f_remap.size(); i++) { assert(v_remap[f_remap[i]] != -1); faces[i] = v_remap[f_remap[i]]; } //borders last vector bords; //process external borders //for every esternal link we must update external patches! for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newbord.size(); i++) { Link link = newbord[i]; assert(!link.IsNull()); if(v_remap[link.start_vert] == -1) continue; link.start_vert = v_remap[link.start_vert]; bords.push_back(link); Border rborder = nexus.GetBorder(link.end_patch); unsigned int pos = rborder.Size(); if(nexus.borders.ResizeBorder(link.end_patch, pos+1)) { rborder = nexus.GetBorder(link.end_patch); } assert(rborder.Size() < rborder.Available()); assert(rborder.Available() > pos); Link newlink; newlink.start_vert = link.end_vert; newlink.end_vert = link.start_vert; newlink.end_patch = patch_idx; rborder[pos] = newlink; } //process internal borders; //TODO higly inefficient!!! map::iterator t; for(t = vert_count.begin(); t != vert_count.end(); t++) { unsigned int rcell = (*t).first; if(cell == rcell) continue; assert(cells2patches.count(rcell)); unsigned int rpatch = cells2patches[rcell]; assert(rpatch < nexus.index.size()); vector &vremapclose = vert_remap[rcell]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newvert.size(); i++) { if(v_remap[i] != -1 && vremapclose[i] != -1) { Link link; link.end_patch = rpatch; link.start_vert = v_remap[i]; link.end_vert = vremapclose[i]; bords.push_back(link); } } } Nexus::PatchInfo &entry = nexus.index[patch_idx]; entry.error = error; Patch patch = nexus.GetPatch(patch_idx); memcpy(patch.FaceBegin(), &faces[0], faces.size() * sizeof(unsigned short)); memcpy(patch.VertBegin(), &verts[0], verts.size() * sizeof(Point3f)); for(unsigned int v = 0; v < verts.size(); v++) { entry.sphere.Add(verts[v]); nexus.sphere.Add(verts[v]); } Border border = nexus.GetBorder(patch_idx); assert(border.Available() >= bords.size()); if(nexus.borders.ResizeBorder(patch_idx, bords.size())) { border = nexus.GetBorder(patch_idx); } memcpy(&(border[0]), &(bords[0]), bords.size() * sizeof(Link)); // TestBorders(nexus); } } void ReverseHistory(vector &history) { reverse(history.begin(), history.end()); vector::iterator i; for(i = history.begin(); i != history.end(); i++) swap((*i).erased, (*i).created); } void TestPatches(Nexus &nexus) { cerr << "TESTING PATCHES!!!!" << endl; for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nexus.index.size(); p++) { Patch &patch = nexus.GetPatch(p); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < patch.nf; i++) for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) if(patch.Face(i)[k] >= patch.nv) { cerr << "Totface: " << patch.nf << endl; cerr << "Totvert: " << patch.nv << endl; cerr << "Face: " << i << endl; cerr << "Val: " << patch.Face(i)[k] << endl; exit(0); } } } void TestBorders(Nexus &nexus) { //check border correctnes nexus.borders.Flush(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.index.size(); i++) { Border border = nexus.GetBorder(i); for(unsigned int k = 0; k < border.Size(); k++) { Link &link = border[k]; if(link.IsNull()) continue; if(link.end_patch >= nexus.index.size()) { cerr << "Patch: " << i << endl; cerr << "Bsize: " << border.Size() << endl; cerr << "Bava: " << border.Available() << endl; cerr << "K: " << k << endl; cerr << "end: " << link.end_patch << endl; } assert(link.end_patch < nexus.index.size()); } } }