/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** History $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.16 2008/02/22 17:40:27 ponchio Fixed determinantt problem and quaternion problem. Revision 1.15 2008/02/21 11:34:08 ponchio refixed bug in FromMatrix Revision 1.14 2008/02/21 10:57:59 ponchio fixed bug in FromMatrix Revision 1.13 2008/02/21 10:30:18 benedetti corrected bug in FromMatrix Revision 1.12 2007/02/05 14:17:48 corsini add new ctor (build similarity from euler angles) Revision 1.11 2004/12/15 18:45:50 tommyfranken *** empty log message *** Revision 1.10 2004/10/07 13:55:47 ganovelli templated on the kind of class used to implement rotation (default is QUternion but it can be Matrix44 as well) Revision 1.9 2004/06/04 13:35:07 cignoni added InverseMatrix, Revision 1.8 2004/05/07 10:09:13 cignoni missing final newline Revision 1.7 2004/05/04 23:23:45 cignoni unified to the gl stlyle matix*vector. removed vector*matrix operator Revision 1.6 2004/03/25 14:57:49 ponchio Microerror. ($LOG$ -> $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.16 2008/02/22 17:40:27 ponchio Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Fixed determinantt problem and quaternion problem. Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.15 2008/02/21 11:34:08 ponchio Microerror. ($LOG$ -> refixed bug in FromMatrix Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.14 2008/02/21 10:57:59 ponchio Microerror. ($LOG$ -> fixed bug in FromMatrix Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.13 2008/02/21 10:30:18 benedetti Microerror. ($LOG$ -> corrected bug in FromMatrix Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.12 2007/02/05 14:17:48 corsini Microerror. ($LOG$ -> add new ctor (build similarity from euler angles) Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.11 2004/12/15 18:45:50 tommyfranken Microerror. ($LOG$ -> *** empty log message *** Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.10 2004/10/07 13:55:47 ganovelli Microerror. ($LOG$ -> templated on the kind of class used to implement rotation Microerror. ($LOG$ -> (default is QUternion but it can be Matrix44 as well) Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.9 2004/06/04 13:35:07 cignoni Microerror. ($LOG$ -> added InverseMatrix, Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.8 2004/05/07 10:09:13 cignoni Microerror. ($LOG$ -> missing final newline Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Microerror. ($LOG$ -> Revision 1.7 2004/05/04 23:23:45 cignoni Microerror. ($LOG$ -> unified to the gl stlyle matix*vector. removed vector*matrix operator Microerror. ($LOG$ -> ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef SIMILARITY_H #define SIMILARITY_H #include #include namespace vcg { template > class Similarity { public: Similarity() {} Similarity(const RotationType &q) { SetRotate(q); } Similarity(const Point3 &p) { SetTranslate(p); } Similarity(S s) { SetScale(s); } Similarity(S alpha, S beta, S gamma) { rot.FromEulerAngles(alpha, beta, gamma); tra = Point3(0, 0, 0); sca = 1; } Similarity operator*(const Similarity &affine) const; Similarity &operator*=(const Similarity &affine); //Point3 operator*(const Point3 &p) const; Similarity &SetIdentity(); Similarity &SetScale(const S s); Similarity &SetTranslate(const Point3 &t); ///use radiants for angle. Similarity &SetRotate(S angle, const Point3 & axis); Similarity &SetRotate(const RotationType &q); Matrix44 Matrix() const; Matrix44 InverseMatrix() const; void FromMatrix(const Matrix44 &m); RotationType rot; Point3 tra; S sca; }; template Similarity &Invert(Similarity &m); template Similarity Inverse(const Similarity &m); template Point3 operator*(const Similarity &m, const Point3 &p); template Similarity Similarity::operator*(const Similarity &a) const { Similarity r; r.rot = rot * a.rot; r.sca = sca * a.sca; r.tra = (rot.Rotate(a.tra)) * sca + tra; return r; } template Similarity &Similarity::operator*=(const Similarity &a) { rot = rot * a.rot; sca = sca * a.sca; tra = (rot.Rotate(a.tra)) * sca + tra; return *this; } template Similarity &Similarity::SetIdentity() { rot.SetIdentity(); tra = Point3(0, 0, 0); sca = 1; return *this; } template Similarity &Similarity::SetScale(const S s) { SetIdentity(); sca = s; return *this; } template Similarity &Similarity::SetTranslate(const Point3 &t) { SetIdentity(); tra = t; return *this; } template Similarity &Similarity::SetRotate(S angle, const Point3 &axis) { SetIdentity(); rot.FromAxis(angle, axis); return *this; } template Similarity &Similarity::SetRotate(const RotationType &q) { SetIdentity(); rot = q; return *this; } template Matrix44 Similarity::Matrix() const { Matrix44 r; rot.ToMatrix(r); Matrix44 s = Matrix44().SetScale(sca, sca, sca); Matrix44 t = Matrix44().SetTranslate(tra[0], tra[1], tra[2]); return Matrix44(s*r*t); // trans * scale * rot; } template Matrix44 Similarity::InverseMatrix() const { return Inverse(Matrix()); } template void Similarity::FromMatrix(const Matrix44 &m) { //Computes a t*s*r decomposition S det = m.Determinant(); assert(det > 0); sca = (S)pow((S)det, (S)(1/3.0)); Matrix44 t = m*Matrix44().SetScale(1/sca, 1/sca, 1/sca); tra[0] = t.ElementAt(0, 3);t[0][3] = 0.0; tra[1] = t.ElementAt(1, 3);t[1][3] = 0.0; tra[2] = t.ElementAt(2, 3);t[2][3] = 0.0; rot.FromMatrix(t); Invert(t); tra = t * tra; tra/= sca; } template Similarity &Invert(Similarity &a) { a.rot.Invert(); a.sca = 1/a.sca; a.tra = a.rot.Rotate(-a.tra)*a.sca; return a; } template Similarity Inverse(const Similarity &m) { Similarity a = m; return Invert(a); } template Similarity Interpolate(const Similarity &a, const Similarity &b, const S t) { Similarity r; r.rot = interpolate(a.rot, b.rot, t); r.tra = t * a.tra + (1-t) * b.tra; r.sca = t * a.sca + (1-t) * b.sca; return r; } template Point3 operator*(const Similarity &m, const Point3 &p) { Matrix44 t; m.rot.ToMatrix(t); Point3 r = t*p; r *= m.sca; r += m.tra; return r; } //typedef Similarity Similarityf; //typedef SimilaritySimilarityd; class Similarityf:public Similarity{}; class Similarityd:public Similarity{}; } //namespace #endif