#ifndef MIQ_POISSON_SOLVER #define MIQ_POISSON_SOLVER #include #include #include #include #include "auxmath.h" #include "sparsesystemdata.h" #include "vertex_indexing.h" template class PoissonSolver { typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename MeshType::FaceType FaceType; typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType; typedef typename MeshType::CoordType CoordType; //typedef VertexIndexing VertexIndexingType; //typedef typename VertexIndexingType::SeamInfo SeamInfo; typename MeshType::template PerFaceAttributeHandle HandleS_Index; typename MeshType::template PerVertexAttributeHandle Handle_Singular; typename MeshType::template PerFaceAttributeHandle Handle_Stiffness; ///this handle for mesh typename MeshType::template PerMeshAttributeHandle Handle_SystemInfo; ///range map data MeshType &mesh; ///vertex indexing structure //VertexIndexingType &VIndex; ///solver data SparseSystemData S; ///vector of unknowns std::vector< double > X; ////REAL PART ///number of fixed vertex unsigned int n_fixed_vars; ///the number of REAL variables for vertices unsigned int n_vert_vars; ///total number of variables of the system, ///do not consider constraints, but consider integer vars unsigned int num_total_vars; ///the number of scalar variables //unsigned int n_scalar_vars; //////INTEGER PART ///the total number of integer variables unsigned int n_integer_vars; ///CONSTRAINT PART ///number of cuts constraints unsigned int num_cut_constraint; ///total number of constraints equations unsigned int num_constraint_equations; ///total size of the system including constraints unsigned int system_size; ///if you intend to make integer rotation ///and translations bool integer_jumps_bary; ///vector of blocked vertices std::vector Hard_constraints; ///vector of indexes to round std::vector ids_to_round; ///boolean that is true if rounding to integer is needed bool integer_rounding; ///START SYSTEM ACCESS METHODS ///add an entry to the LHS void AddValA(int Xindex, int Yindex, ScalarType val) { int size=(int)S.nrows(); assert(0 <= Xindex && Xindex < size); assert(0 <= Yindex && Yindex < size); S.A().addEntryReal(Xindex,Yindex,val); } ///add a complex entry to the LHS void AddComplexA(int VarXindex, int VarYindex, Cmplx val) { int size=(int)S.nrows()/2; assert(0 <= VarXindex && VarXindex < size); assert(0 <= VarYindex && VarYindex < size); S.A().addEntryCmplx(VarXindex,VarYindex,val); } ///add a velue to the RHS void AddValB(int Xindex, ScalarType val) { int size=(int)S.nrows(); assert(0 <= Xindex && Xindex < size); S.b()[Xindex] += val; } ///add the area term, scalefactor is used to sum up ///and normalize on the overlap zones void AddAreaTerm(int index[3][3][2],ScalarType ScaleFactor) { const ScalarType entry=0.5*ScaleFactor; ScalarType val[3][3]= { {0, entry, -entry}, {-entry, 0, entry}, {entry, -entry, 0} }; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { ///add for both u and v int Xindex=index[i][j][0]*2; int Yindex=index[i][j][1]*2; AddValA(Xindex+1,Yindex,-val[i][j]); AddValA(Xindex,Yindex+1,val[i][j]); } } ///set the diagonal of the matrix (which is zero at the beginning) ///such that the sum of a row or a colums is zero void SetDiagonal(ScalarType val[3][3]) { for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { ScalarType sum=0; for (int j=0;j<3;j++) sum+=val[i][j]; val[i][i]=-sum; } } ///given a vector of scalar values and ///a vector of indexes add such values ///as specified by the indexes void AddRHS(ScalarType b[6], int index[3]) { for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { ScalarType valU=b[i*2]; ScalarType valV=b[(i*2)+1]; AddValB((index[i]*2),valU); AddValB((index[i]*2)+1,valV); } } ///add a 3x3 block matrix to the system matrix... ///indexes are specified in the 3x3 matrix of x,y pairs ///indexes must be multiplied by 2 cause u and v void Add33Block(ScalarType val[3][3],int index[3][3][2]) { for (int i=0;i<3;i++) for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { ///add for both u and v int Xindex=index[i][j][0]*2; int Yindex=index[i][j][1]*2; assert((unsigned)Xindex<(n_vert_vars*2)); assert((unsigned)Yindex<(n_vert_vars*2)); AddValA(Xindex,Yindex,val[i][j]); AddValA(Xindex+1,Yindex+1,val[i][j]); } } ///add a 3x3 block matrix to the system matrix... ///indexes are specified in the 3x3 matrix of x,y pairs ///indexes must be multiplied by 2 cause u and v void Add44Block(ScalarType val[4][4],int index[4][4][2]) { for (int i=0;i<4;i++) for (int j=0;j<4;j++) { ///add for both u and v int Xindex=index[i][j][0]*2; int Yindex=index[i][j][1]*2; assert((unsigned)Xindex<(n_vert_vars*2)); assert((unsigned)Yindex<(n_vert_vars*2)); AddValA(Xindex,Yindex,val[i][j]); AddValA(Xindex+1,Yindex+1,val[i][j]); } } ///END SYSTEM ACCESS METHODS ///START COMMON MATH FUNCTIONS ///return the complex encoding the rotation ///for a given missmatch interval Cmplx GetRotationComplex(int interval) { assert((interval>=0)&&(interval<4)); switch(interval) { case 0:return Cmplx(1,0); case 1:return Cmplx(0,1); case 2:return Cmplx(-1,0); default:return Cmplx(0,-1); } } vcg::Point2i Rotate(vcg::Point2i p,int interval) { assert(interval>=0); assert(interval<4); Cmplx rot=GetRotationComplex(interval); /* | real -imag| |p.x| | |*| | | imag real | |p.y| */ vcg::Point2i ret; ret.X()=rot.real()*p.X()-rot.imag()*p.Y(); ret.Y()=rot.imag()*p.X()+rot.real()*p.Y(); return (ret); } ///END COMMON MATH FUNCTIONS ///START ENERGY MINIMIZATION PART ///initialize the LHS for a given face ///for minimization of Dirichlet's energy void perElementLHS(FaceType *f, ScalarType val[3][3], int index[3][3][2]) { ///initialize to zero for (int x=0;x<3;x++) for (int y=0;y<3;y++) val[x][y]=0; ///get the vertices VertexType *v[3]; v[0]=f->V(0); v[1]=f->V(1); v[2]=f->V(2); ///get the indexes of vertex instance (to consider cuts) ///for the current face int Vindexes[3]; //Vindexes[0]=f->syst_index[0]; //Vindexes[1]=f->syst_index[1]; //Vindexes[2]=f->syst_index[2]; Vindexes[0]=HandleS_Index[f][0]; Vindexes[1]=HandleS_Index[f][1]; Vindexes[2]=HandleS_Index[f][2]; //VIndex.getIndexInfo(f,Vindexes); ///initialize the indexes for the block for (int x=0;x<3;x++) for (int y=0;y<3;y++) { index[x][y][0]=Vindexes[x]; index[x][y][1]=Vindexes[y]; } ///initialize edges CoordType e[3]; for (int k=0;k<3;k++) e[k]=v[(k+2)%3]->P()-v[(k+1)%3]->P(); ///then consider area but also considering scale factor dur to overlaps ScalarType areaT=((f->P(1)-f->P(0))^(f->P(2)-f->P(0))).Norm()/2.0; //ScalarType ScaleFactor=f->area; for (int x=0;x<3;x++) for (int y=0;y<3;y++) if (x!=y) { ScalarType num=(e[x]*e[y]); val[x][y] =num/(4.0*areaT);//*ScaleFactor);//*(ScalarType)convex_size); val[x][y]*=Handle_Stiffness[f];//f->stiffening; //val[x][y]*=ScaleFactor; } ///set the matrix as diagonal SetDiagonal(val); } ///initialize the RHS for a given face ///for minimization of Dirichlet's energy void perElementRHS(FaceType *f, ScalarType b[6], ScalarType vector_field_scale=1) { /// then set the rhs CoordType scaled_Kreal; CoordType scaled_Kimag; CoordType fNorm=f->N(); CoordType p[3]; p[0]=f->P0(0); p[1]=f->P0(1); p[2]=f->P0(2); CoordType neg_t[3]; neg_t[0] = fNorm ^ (p[2] - p[1]); neg_t[1] = fNorm ^ (p[0] - p[2]); neg_t[2] = fNorm ^ (p[1] - p[0]); CoordType K1,K2; //K1=CrossVector(*f,0); //K2=CrossVector(*f,1); K1=f->PD1(); K2=f->PD2(); scaled_Kreal = K1*(vector_field_scale)/2; scaled_Kimag = K2*(vector_field_scale)/2; ScalarType stiff_val=(ScalarType)Handle_Stiffness[f]; b[0] = scaled_Kreal * neg_t[0]*stiff_val; b[1] = scaled_Kimag * neg_t[0]*stiff_val; b[2] = scaled_Kreal * neg_t[1]*stiff_val; b[3] = scaled_Kimag * neg_t[1]*stiff_val; b[4] = scaled_Kreal * neg_t[2]*stiff_val; b[5] = scaled_Kimag * neg_t[2]*stiff_val; } ///evaluate the LHS and RHS for a single face ///for minimization of Dirichlet's energy void PerElementSystemReal(FaceType *f, ScalarType val[3][3], int index[3][3][2], ScalarType b[6], ScalarType vector_field_scale=1.0) { perElementLHS(f,val,index); perElementRHS(f,b,vector_field_scale); } ///END ENERGY MINIMIZATION PART ///START FIXING VERTICES ///set a given vertex as fixed void AddFixedVertex(VertexType *v) { n_fixed_vars++; Hard_constraints.push_back(v); //v->blocked=true; } ///find vertex to fix in case we're using ///a vector field NB: multiple components not handled void FindFixedVertField() { Hard_constraints.clear(); n_fixed_vars=0; ///fix the first singularity for (unsigned int j=0;jIsD())continue; //if (v->IsSingular()) if (Handle_Singular[v]) { AddFixedVertex(v); v->T().P()=vcg::Point2(0,0); return; } } ///if anything fixed fix the first AddFixedVertex(&mesh.vert[0]); mesh.vert[0].T().P()=vcg::Point2(0,0); } ///find hard constraint depending if using or not ///a vector field void FindFixedVert() { Hard_constraints.clear(); FindFixedVertField(); } int GetFirstVertexIndex(VertexType *v) { FaceType *f=v->VFp(); int index=v->VFi(); //return (f->syst_index[index]); return (HandleS_Index[f][index]); //int indexV[3]; //VIndex.getIndexInfo(f,indexV); //return indexV[index]; } ///fix the vertices which are flagged as fixed void FixBlockedVertex() { int offset_row=n_vert_vars+num_cut_constraint; unsigned int constr_num = 0; for (unsigned int i=0;iIsD()); ///get first index of the vertex that must blocked //int index=v->vertex_index[0]; int index=GetFirstVertexIndex(v); ///multiply times 2 because of uv int indexvert=index*2; ///find the first free row to add the constraint int indexRow=(offset_row+constr_num)*2; int indexCol=indexRow; ///add fixing constraint LHS AddValA(indexRow,indexvert,1); AddValA(indexRow+1,indexvert+1,1); ///add fixing constraint RHS //AddValB(indexCol,(ScalarType)v->range_index.X()); //AddValB(indexCol+1,(ScalarType)v->range_index.Y()); AddValB(indexCol,(ScalarType)v->T().P().X()); AddValB(indexCol+1,(ScalarType)v->T().P().Y()); //AddValB(indexCol,0); //AddValB(indexCol+1,0); constr_num++; } assert(constr_num==n_fixed_vars); } ///END FIXING VERTICES ///HANDLING SINGULARITY //set the singularity round to integer location void AddSingularityRound() { for (unsigned int j=0;jIsD())continue; //if (v->IsSingular()) if (Handle_Singular[v]) { //assert(v->vertex_index.size()==1); //ids_to_round.push_back(v->vertex_index[0]*2); //ids_to_round.push_back((v->vertex_index[0]*2)+1); int index0=GetFirstVertexIndex(v); ids_to_round.push_back(index0*2); ids_to_round.push_back((index0*2)+1); } } } ///START GENERIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONS //build the laplacian matrix cyclyng over all rangemaps //and over all faces void BuildLaplacianMatrix(double vfscale=1) { ///then for each face for (unsigned int j=0;jIsD()) continue; int var_idx[3];//vertex variable indices //for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) // var_idx[k] = f->syst_index[k]; for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) var_idx[k] = HandleS_Index[f][k]; //VIndex.getIndexInfo(f,var_idx); ///block of variables ScalarType val[3][3]; ///block of vertex indexes int index[3][3][2]; ///righe hand side ScalarType b[6]; ///compute the system for the given face PerElementSystemReal(f, val,index, b, vfscale); //Add the element to the matrix Add33Block(val,index); ///add area term.. to test if needed //if (!use_direction_field) // AddAreaTerm(index,1.0);//f->area); ///add right hand side //if (use_direction_field) AddRHS(b,var_idx); } } ///find different sized of the system void FindSizes() { ///find the vertex that need to be fixed FindFixedVert(); ///REAL PART n_vert_vars=Handle_SystemInfo().num_vert_variables;//VIndex.NumVertexVariables(); ///INTEGER PART ///the total number of integer variables n_integer_vars=Handle_SystemInfo().num_integer_cuts;//VIndex.NumInteger(); ///CONSTRAINT PART num_cut_constraint=Handle_SystemInfo().EdgeSeamInfo.size()*2;//VIndex.NumCutsConstraints(); num_constraint_equations=num_cut_constraint+n_fixed_vars; ///total variable of the system num_total_vars=n_vert_vars+n_integer_vars; ///initialize matrix size //get max constraint-integer size int MaxAddSize=std::max(n_integer_vars,num_constraint_equations); system_size = (n_vert_vars+MaxAddSize)*2; printf("\n*** SYSTEM VARIABLES *** \n"); printf("* NUM REAL VERTEX VARIABLES %d \n",n_vert_vars); printf("\n*** SINGULARITY *** \n "); printf("* NUM SINGULARITY %d\n",(int)ids_to_round.size()/2); printf("\n*** INTEGER VARIABLES *** \n"); printf("* NUM INTEGER VARIABLES %d \n",(int)n_integer_vars); printf("\n*** CONSTRAINTS *** \n "); printf("* NUM FIXED CONSTRAINTS %d\n",n_fixed_vars); printf("* NUM CUTS CONSTRAINTS %d\n",num_cut_constraint); printf("\n*** TOTAL SIZE *** \n"); printf("* TOTAL VARIABLE SIZE (WITH INTEGER TRASL) %d \n",num_total_vars); printf("* TOTAL CONSTRAINTS %d \n",num_constraint_equations); printf("* MATRIX SIZE %d \n",system_size); } void AllocateSystem() { S.initialize(system_size, system_size); printf("\n INITIALIZED SPARSE MATRIX OF %d x %d \n",system_size, system_size); // number of nonzero entries in the matrix int num_facet=mesh.fn; //unsigned int nentries_vert = 4*6*6*2*n_scalar_vars; // 6x6 for each facet unsigned int nentries_vert = 6*6*num_facet*2; unsigned int nentries_fixed = 2*n_fixed_vars; // 1 complex variable fixed in each constraint, i.e. 2 regular unsigned int nentries_transition = 2*6*(n_integer_vars); // 3 complex variables involved in each constraint = 8 regular unsigned int nentries_constraints = 4*4*6*(num_constraint_equations); // int total_reserve=nentries_vert + nentries_fixed + nentries_transition +nentries_constraints; printf("\n*** SPACE ALLOCATION *** \n"); printf("* number of reserved vertices variables %d \n",nentries_vert); printf("* number of reserved entries fixed %d \n",nentries_fixed); printf("* number of reserved entries integer %d \n",nentries_transition); printf("* number of reserved entries constraints %d \n",nentries_constraints); printf("* total number of reserved entries %d \n",total_reserve); S.A().reserve(2*total_reserve); printf("\n*** ALLOCATED *** \n"); } ///intitialize the whole matrix void InitMatrix() { ///find singularities that must be rounded //AddSingularityRound(); FindSizes(); AllocateSystem(); } ///map back coordinates after that ///the system has been solved void MapCoords() { ///map coords to faces for (unsigned int j=0;jIsD())continue; //int indexV[3]; //VIndex.getIndexInfo(f,indexV); for (int k=0;k<3;k++) { //get the index of the variable in the system //int indexUV=indexV[k];//f->syst_index[k]; int indexUV=HandleS_Index[f][k]; ///then get U and V coords double U=X[indexUV*2]; double V=X[indexUV*2+1]; vcg::Point2 uv=vcg::Point2(U,V); ///assing //f->realUV[k]=uv; // ScalarType factor=(ScalarType)SIZEQUADS/(ScalarType)SIZEPARA; // uv*=factor; ///assing f->WT(k).P()=uv; } } ///initialize the vector of integer variables to return their values Handle_SystemInfo().IntegerValues.resize(n_integer_vars*2); int baseIndex=(n_vert_vars)*2; int endIndex=baseIndex+n_integer_vars*2; int index=0; for (int i=baseIndex;i EdgeSeamInfo; //VIndex.GetSeamInfo(EdgeSeamInfo); for (unsigned int i=0;i((n_vert_vars+n_integer_vars)*2); ///variables part int ScalarSize=(n_vert_vars)*2; int SizeMatrix=(n_vert_vars+n_integer_vars)*2; printf("\n ALLOCATED X \n"); ///matrix A gmm::col_matrix< gmm::wsvector< double > > A(SizeMatrix,SizeMatrix); // lhs matrix variables + ///constraints part int CsizeX=num_constraint_equations*2; int CsizeY=SizeMatrix+1; gmm::row_matrix< gmm::wsvector< double > > C(CsizeX,CsizeY); // constraints printf("\n ALLOCATED QMM STRUCTURES \n"); std::vector< double > rhs(SizeMatrix,0); // rhs printf("\n ALLOCATED RHS STRUCTURES \n"); //// copy LHS for(int i = 0; i < (int)S.A().nentries(); ++i) { int row = S.A().rowind()[i]; int col = S.A().colind()[i]; int size=(int)S.nrows(); assert(0 <= row && row < size); assert(0 <= col && col < size); // it's either part of the matrix if (row < ScalarSize) { A(row, col) += S.A().vals()[i]; } // or it's a part of the constraint else { //if (row<(n_vert_vars+num_constraint_equations)*2) assert ((unsigned int)row<(n_vert_vars+num_constraint_equations)*2); //{ int r = row - ScalarSize; assert(r::iterator new_end=std::unique(ids_to_round.begin(),ids_to_round.end()); int dist=distance(ids_to_round.begin(),new_end); ids_to_round.resize(dist); solver.solve( C, A, X, rhs, ids_to_round, 0.0, true, true); } void GetAttributes() { // you can query if an attribute is present or not bool hasSystIndex = vcg::tri::HasPerFaceAttribute(mesh,std::string("SystemIndex")); bool hasSingular = vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(mesh,std::string("Singular")); bool hasStiffness = vcg::tri::HasPerFaceAttribute(mesh,std::string("Stiffness")); bool HasSystemInfo=vcg::tri::HasPerMeshAttribute(mesh,std::string("SystemInfo")); assert(hasSystIndex); assert(hasSingular); assert(hasStiffness); assert(HasSystemInfo); HandleS_Index = vcg::tri::Allocator::template GetPerFaceAttribute(mesh,"SystemIndex"); Handle_Singular=vcg::tri::Allocator::template GetPerVertexAttribute(mesh,std::string("Singular")); Handle_Stiffness=vcg::tri::Allocator::template GetPerFaceAttribute(mesh,std::string("Stiffness")); Handle_SystemInfo=vcg::tri::Allocator::template GetPerMeshAttribute(mesh,"SystemInfo"); } public: void SolvePoisson(ScalarType vector_field_scale=0.1f, ScalarType grid_res=1.f, bool direct_round=true, int localIter=0, bool _integer_rounding=true) { GetAttributes(); //initialization of flags and data structures //ClearFlags(); integer_rounding=_integer_rounding; ids_to_round.clear(); ///Initializing Matrix int t0=clock(); ///initialize the matrix ALLOCATING SPACE InitMatrix(); printf("\n ALLOCATED THE MATRIX \n"); ///build the laplacian system BuildLaplacianMatrix(vector_field_scale); BuildSeamConstraintsExplicitTranslation(); ////add the lagrange multiplier FixBlockedVertex(); printf("\n BUILT THE MATRIX \n"); if (integer_rounding) AddSingularityRound(); int t1=clock(); printf("\n time:%d \n",t1-t0); printf("\n SOLVING \n"); MixedIntegerSolve(grid_res,direct_round,localIter); int t2=clock(); printf("\n time:%d \n",t2-t1); printf("\n ASSIGNING COORDS \n"); MapCoords(); int t3=clock(); printf("\n time:%d \n",t3-t2); printf("\n FINISHED \n"); //TagFoldedFaces(); } PoissonSolver(MeshType &_mesh):mesh(_mesh) {} }; #endif