/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004-2016 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCGLIB_IMPORT_OBJ #define __VCGLIB_IMPORT_OBJ #include #include #include #include #ifdef __gl_h_ #include #endif #include #include #include #include namespace vcg { namespace tri { namespace io { /** This class encapsulate a filter for importing obj (Alias Wavefront) meshes. Warning: this code assume little endian (PC) architecture!!! */ template class ImporterOBJ { public: static int &MRGBLineCount(){static int _MRGBLineCount=0; return _MRGBLineCount;} typedef typename OpenMeshType::VertexPointer VertexPointer; typedef typename OpenMeshType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename OpenMeshType::VertexType VertexType; typedef typename OpenMeshType::EdgeType EdgeType; typedef typename OpenMeshType::FaceType FaceType; typedef typename OpenMeshType::VertexIterator VertexIterator; typedef typename OpenMeshType::FaceIterator FaceIterator; typedef typename OpenMeshType::CoordType CoordType; class Info { public: Info() {} /// It returns a bit mask describing the field present in the obj file int mask=0; /// a Simple callback that can be used for long obj parsing. CallBackPos *cb=nullptr; int numVertices; int numEdges; int numFaces; // Note that numFaces can be different from the final number of triangles int numTexCoords=0; int numNormals; }; // end class struct ObjIndexedFace { void set(const int & num){v.resize(num);n.resize(num); t.resize(num);} std::vector v; std::vector n; std::vector t; int tInd; bool edge[3];// useless if the face is a polygon, no need to have variable length array Color4b c; int mInd; }; struct ObjEdge { int v0; int v1; }; struct ObjTexCoord { float u; float v; }; enum OBJError { // Successfull opening E_NOERROR = 0*2+0, // A*2+B (A position of correspondig string in the array, B=1 if not critical) // Non Critical Errors (only odd numbers) E_NON_CRITICAL_ERROR = 0*2+1, E_MATERIAL_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 1*2+1, E_MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND = 2*2+1, E_TEXTURE_NOT_FOUND = 3*2+1, E_VERTICES_WITH_SAME_IDX_IN_FACE = 4*2+1, E_LESS_THAN_3_VERT_IN_FACE = 5*2+1, // Critical Opening Errors (only even numbers) E_CANTOPEN = 6*2+0, E_UNEXPECTED_EOF = 7*2+0, E_ABORTED = 8*2+0, E_NO_VERTEX = 9*2+0, E_NO_FACE =10*2+0, E_BAD_VERTEX_STATEMENT =11*2+0, E_BAD_VERT_TEX_STATEMENT =12*2+0, E_BAD_VERT_NORMAL_STATEMENT =13*2+0, E_BAD_VERT_INDEX =14*2+0, E_BAD_VERT_TEX_INDEX =15*2+0, E_BAD_VERT_NORMAL_INDEX =16*2+0, E_LESS_THAN_4_VERT_IN_QUAD =17*2+0 }; // to check if a given error is critical or not. static bool ErrorCritical(int err) { if (err==0) return false; if (err&1) return false; return true; } static const char* ErrorMsg(int error) { const int MAXST = 18; static const char* obj_error_msg[MAXST] = { /* 0 */ "No errors", /* 1 */ "Material library file wrong or not found, a default white material is used", /* 2 */ "Some materials definitions were not found, a default white material is used where no material was available", /* 3 */ "Texture file not found", /* 4 */ "Identical vertex indices found in the same faces -- faces ignored", /* 5 */ "Faces with fewer than 3 vertices -- faces ignored", /* 6 */ "Can't open file", /* 7 */ "Premature End of File. File truncated?", /* 8 */ "Loading aborted by user", /* 9 */ "No vertex found", /* 10 */ "No face found", /* 11 */ "Vertex statement with fewer than 3 coords", /* 12 */ "Texture coords statement with fewer than 2 coords", /* 13 */ "Vertex normal statement with fewer than 3 coords", /* 14 */ "Bad vertex index in face", /* 15 */ "Bad texture coords index in face", /* 16 */ "Bad vertex normal index in face", /* 17 */ "Quad faces with number of corners different from 4" }; error >>= 1; if( (error>=MAXST) || (error<0) ) return "Unknown error"; else return obj_error_msg[error]; } // Helper functions that checks the range of indexes // putting them in the correct range if less than zero (as in the obj style) static bool GoodObjIndex(int &index, const int maxVal) { if (index > maxVal) return false; if (index < 0) { index += maxVal+1; if (index<0 || index > maxVal) return false; } return true; } static int Open(OpenMeshType &mesh, const char *filename, int &loadmask, CallBackPos *cb=0) { Info oi; oi.mask=0; oi.cb=cb; int ret=Open(mesh,filename,oi); loadmask=oi.mask; return ret; } /*! * Opens an object file (in ascii format) and populates the mesh passed as first * accordingly to read data * \param m The mesh model to be populated with data stored into the file * \param filename The name of the file to be opened * \param oi A structure containing infos about the object to be opened */ static int Open( OpenMeshType &m, const char * filename, Info &oi) { int result = E_NOERROR; m.Clear(); CallBackPos *cb = oi.cb; // if LoadMask has not been called yet, we call it here if (oi.mask == 0) LoadMask(filename, oi); const int inputMask = oi.mask; Mask::ClampMask(m,oi.mask); if (oi.numVertices == 0) return E_NO_VERTEX; std::ifstream stream(filename); if (stream.fail()) { stream.close(); return E_CANTOPEN; } typename OpenMeshType::template PerMeshAttributeHandle > materialsHandle = vcg::tri::Allocator:: template GetPerMeshAttribute >(m, std::string("materialVector")); typename OpenMeshType::template PerFaceAttributeHandle mIndHandle = vcg::tri::Allocator:: template GetPerFaceAttribute(m, std::string("materialIndex")); std::vector& materials = materialsHandle(); // materials vector std::vector texCoords; // texture coordinates std::vector normals; // vertex normals std::vector indexedFaces; std::vector< std::string > tokens; std::string line; std::string header; short currentMaterialIdx = 0; // index of current material into materials vector Color4b currentColor=Color4b::LightGray; // we declare this outside code block since other // triangles of this face will share the same color Material defaultMaterial; // default material: white defaultMaterial.index=currentMaterialIdx; materials.push_back(defaultMaterial); int numVertices = 0; // stores the number of vertices been read till now int numEdges = 0; // stores the number of edges read till now int numTriangles = 0; // stores the number of faces been read till now int numTexCoords = 0; // stores the number of texture coordinates been read till now int numVNormals = 0; // stores the number of vertex normals been read till now int numVerticesPlusFaces = oi.numVertices + oi.numFaces; int extraTriangles=0; // vertices and faces allocation VertexIterator vi = vcg::tri::Allocator::AddVertices(m,oi.numVertices); //FaceIterator fi = Allocator::AddFaces(m,oi.numFaces); // edges found std::vector ev; std::vector vertexColorVector; ObjIndexedFace ff; const char *loadingStr = "Loading"; while (!stream.eof()) { tokens.clear(); TokenizeNextLine(stream, tokens, line, &vertexColorVector); unsigned int numTokens = static_cast(tokens.size()); if (numTokens > 0) { header.clear(); header = tokens[0]; // callback invocation, abort loading process if the call returns false if ((cb !=NULL) && (((numTriangles + numVertices)%100)==0) && !(*cb)((100*(numTriangles + numVertices))/numVerticesPlusFaces, loadingStr)) { stream.close(); return E_ABORTED; } if (header.compare("v")==0) // vertex { loadingStr="Vertex Loading"; if (numTokens < 4) { stream.close(); return E_BAD_VERTEX_STATEMENT; } (*vi).P()[0] = (ScalarType) atof(tokens[1].c_str()); (*vi).P()[1] = (ScalarType) atof(tokens[2].c_str()); (*vi).P()[2] = (ScalarType) atof(tokens[3].c_str()); ++numVertices; // assigning vertex color // ---------------------- if (((oi.mask & vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) != 0) && (HasPerVertexColor(m))) { if(numTokens>=7) { ScalarType rf(atof(tokens[4].c_str())), gf(atof(tokens[5].c_str())), bf(atof(tokens[6].c_str())); ScalarType scaling = (rf<=1 && gf<=1 && bf<=1) ? 255. : 1; unsigned char r = (unsigned char) ((ScalarType) atof(tokens[4].c_str()) * scaling); unsigned char g = (unsigned char) ((ScalarType) atof(tokens[5].c_str()) * scaling); unsigned char b = (unsigned char) ((ScalarType) atof(tokens[6].c_str()) * scaling); unsigned char alpha = (unsigned char) ((numTokens>=8 ? (ScalarType) atof(tokens[7].c_str()) : 1) * scaling); (*vi).C() = Color4b(r, g, b, alpha); } else { (*vi).C() = currentColor; } } ++vi; // move to next vertex iterator } else if (header.compare("vt")==0) // vertex texture coords { loadingStr="Vertex Texture Loading"; if (numTokens < 3) { stream.close(); return E_BAD_VERT_TEX_STATEMENT; } ObjTexCoord t; t.u = static_cast(atof(tokens[1].c_str())); t.v = static_cast(atof(tokens[2].c_str())); texCoords.push_back(t); numTexCoords++; } else if (header.compare("vn")==0) // vertex normal { loadingStr="Vertex Normal Loading"; if (numTokens != 4) { stream.close(); return E_BAD_VERT_NORMAL_STATEMENT; } CoordType n; n[0] = (ScalarType) atof(tokens[1].c_str()); n[1] = (ScalarType) atof(tokens[2].c_str()); n[2] = (ScalarType) atof(tokens[3].c_str()); normals.push_back(n); numVNormals++; } else if ( header.compare("l")==0 ) { loadingStr = "Edge Loading"; if (numTokens < 3) { result = E_LESS_THAN_3_VERT_IN_FACE; // TODO add proper/handling error code continue; } ObjEdge e = { (atoi(tokens[1].c_str()) - 1), (atoi(tokens[2].c_str()) - 1) }; ev.push_back(e); numEdges++; } else if( (header.compare("f")==0) || (header.compare("q")==0) ) // face { loadingStr="Face Loading"; int vertexesPerFace = static_cast(tokens.size()-1); bool QuadFlag = false; // QOBJ format by Silva et al for simply storing quadrangular meshes. if(header.compare("q")==0) { QuadFlag=true; if (vertexesPerFace != 4) { stream.close(); return E_LESS_THAN_4_VERT_IN_QUAD; } } if (vertexesPerFace < 3) { // face with fewer than 3 vertices found: ignore this face extraTriangles--; result = E_LESS_THAN_3_VERT_IN_FACE; continue; } if( (vertexesPerFace>3) && OpenMeshType::FaceType::HasPolyInfo() ) { //_BEGIN___ if you are filling a vcg mesh with GENERIC POLYGON ff.set(vertexesPerFace); for(int i=0;i tmp = ff.v; std::sort(tmp.begin(),tmp.end()); std::unique(tmp.begin(),tmp.end()); if(tmp.size() != ff.v.size()) { result = E_VERTICES_WITH_SAME_IDX_IN_FACE; extraTriangles--; continue; } for(int i=0;i > polygonVect(1); // it is a vector of polygon loops polygonVect[0].resize(vertexesPerFace); std::vector indexVVect(vertexesPerFace); std::vector indexNVect(vertexesPerFace); std::vector indexTVect(vertexesPerFace); std::vector indexTriangulatedVect; for(int pi=0;pi3) oi.mask |= Mask::IOM_BITPOLYGONAL; if(vertexesPerFace<5) FanTessellator(polygonVect, indexTriangulatedVect); else { #ifdef __gl_h_ //qDebug("OK: using opengl tessellation for a polygon of %i verteces",vertexesPerFace); vcg::glu_tesselator::tesselate(polygonVect, indexTriangulatedVect); if(indexTriangulatedVect.size()==0) FanTessellator(polygonVect, indexTriangulatedVect); #else //qDebug("Warning: using fan tessellation for a polygon of %i verteces",vertexesPerFace); FanTessellator(polygonVect, indexTriangulatedVect); #endif } extraTriangles+=((indexTriangulatedVect.size()/3) -1); #ifdef QT_VERSION if( int(indexTriangulatedVect.size()/3) != vertexesPerFace-2) { qDebug("Warning there is a degenerate poligon of %i verteces that was triangulated into %i triangles",vertexesPerFace,int(indexTriangulatedVect.size()/3)); for(size_t qq=0;qq",tokens[qq].c_str()); } #endif //qDebug("Triangulated a face of %i vertexes into %i triangles",polygonVect[0].size(),indexTriangulatedVect.size()); for(size_t pi=0;pi 1)) // material library { // obtain the name of the file containing materials library std::string materialFileName; if (tokens.size() == 2) materialFileName = tokens[1]; //play it safe else materialFileName = line.substr(7); //get everything after "mtllib " if (!LoadMaterials( materialFileName.c_str(), materials, m.textures)) result = E_MATERIAL_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } else if ((header.compare("usemtl")==0) && (tokens.size() > 1)) // material usage { // emergency check. If there are no materials, the material library failed to load or was not specified // but there are tools that save the material library with the same name of the file, but do not add the // "mtllib" definition in the header. So, we can try to see if this is the case if ((materials.size() == 1)&&(materials[0].materialName == "")){ std::string materialFileName(filename); materialFileName.replace(materialFileName.end()-4, materialFileName.end(), ".mtl"); LoadMaterials(materialFileName.c_str(), materials, m.textures); } std::string materialName; if (tokens.size() == 2) materialName = tokens[1]; //play it safe else materialName = line.substr(7); //get everything after "usemtl " bool found = false; unsigned i = 0; while (!found && (i < materials.size())) { std::string currentMaterialName = materials[i].materialName; if (currentMaterialName == materialName) { currentMaterialIdx = i; Material &material = materials[currentMaterialIdx]; Point3f diffuseColor = material.Kd; unsigned char r = (unsigned char) (diffuseColor[0] * 255.0); unsigned char g = (unsigned char) (diffuseColor[1] * 255.0); unsigned char b = (unsigned char) (diffuseColor[2] * 255.0); unsigned char alpha = (unsigned char) (material.Tr * 255.0); currentColor= Color4b(r, g, b, alpha); found = true; } ++i; } if (!found) { currentMaterialIdx = 0; result = E_MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND; } } // we simply ignore other situations } // end for each line... } // end while stream not eof assert((numTriangles +numVertices) == numVerticesPlusFaces+extraTriangles); vcg::tri::Allocator::AddFaces(m,numTriangles); // Add found edges if (numEdges > 0) { vcg::tri::Allocator::AddEdges(m,numEdges); assert(m.edge.size() == size_t(m.en)); for(int i=0; i= 0 && size_t(e.v0) < m.vert.size() && e.v1 >= 0 && size_t(e.v1) < m.vert.size()); // TODO add proper handling of bad indices m.edge[i].V(0) = &(m.vert[e.v0]); m.edge[i].V(1) = &(m.vert[e.v1]); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Now the final passes: // First Pass to convert indexes into pointers for face to vert/norm/tex references for(int i=0; i=0 && vertInd < m.vn); (void)vertInd; m.face[i].V(j) = &(m.vert[indexedFaces[i].v[j]]); if (((oi.mask & vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) != 0) && (HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m))) { ObjTexCoord t = texCoords[indexedFaces[i].t[j]]; m.face[i].WT(j).u() = t.u; m.face[i].WT(j).v() = t.v; m.face[i].WT(j).n() = indexedFaces[i].tInd; } if ( oi.mask & vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD ) { ObjTexCoord t = texCoords[indexedFaces[i].t[j]]; m.face[i].V(j)->T().u() = t.u; m.face[i].V(j)->T().v() = t.v; m.face[i].V(j)->T().n() = indexedFaces[i].tInd; } if ( oi.mask & vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGNORMAL ) { m.face[i].WN(j).Import(normals[indexedFaces[i].n[j]]); } if ( oi.mask & vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL ) { m.face[i].V(j)->N().Import(normals[indexedFaces[i].n[j]]); } // set faux edge flags according to internals faces if (indexedFaces[i].edge[j]) m.face[i].SetF(j); else m.face[i].ClearF(j); } if (HasPerFaceNormal(m)) { if (((oi.mask & vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR) != 0) && (HasPerFaceColor(m))) { m.face[i].C() = indexedFaces[i].c; mIndHandle[i] = indexedFaces[i].mInd; } if (((oi.mask & vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGNORMAL) != 0) && (HasPerWedgeNormal(m))) { // face normal is computed as an average of wedge normals m.face[i].N().Import(m.face[i].WN(0)+m.face[i].WN(1)+m.face[i].WN(2)); } else { m.face[i].N().Import(TriangleNormal(m.face[i]).Normalize()); } } } // final pass to manage the ZBrush PerVertex Color that are managed into comments if(vertexColorVector.size()>0) { // if(vertexColorVector.size()!=m.vn){ // qDebug("Warning Read %i vertices and %i vertex colors",m.vn,vertexColorVector.size()); // qDebug("line count %i x 64 = %i",MRGBLineCount(), MRGBLineCount()*64); // } for(int i=0;i &tokens, std::string &line, std::vector *colVec) { if(stream.eof()) return; do { std::getline(stream, line); // We have to manage backspace terminated lines, // joining them together before parsing them if(!line.empty() && line.back()==13) line.pop_back(); while(!line.empty() && line.back()=='\\') { std::string tmpLine; std::getline(stream, tmpLine); if(tmpLine.back()==13) line.pop_back(); line.pop_back(); line.append(tmpLine); } const size_t len = line.length(); if((len > 0) && colVec && line[0] == '#') { // The following MRGB block contains ZBrush Vertex Color (Polypaint) // and masking output as 4 hexadecimal values per vertex. The vertex color format is MMRRGGBB with up to 64 entries per MRGB line. if((len >= 5) && line[1] == 'M' && line[2] == 'R' && line[3] == 'G' && line[4] == 'B') { // Parsing the polycolor of ZBrush MRGBLineCount()++; char buf[3]="00"; Color4b cc(Color4b::Black); for(size_t i=6;(i+7)push_back(cc); } } } } while (( line.length()==0 || line[0] == '#') && !stream.eof()); // skip comments and empty lines if ( (line.length() == 0)||(line[0] == '#') ) // can be true only on last line of file return; size_t from = 0; size_t to = 0; size_t length = line.size(); tokens.clear(); do { while (from!=length && (line[from]==' ' || line[from]=='\t' || line[from]=='\r') ) from++; if(from!=length) { to = from+1; while (to!=length && line[to]!=' ' && line[to] != '\t' && line[to]!='\r') to++; tokens.push_back(line.substr(from, to-from).c_str()); from = to; } } while (from &tokens, int pos) { float r = (float) atof(tokens[pos+0].c_str()); float g = (float) atof(tokens[pos+1].c_str()); float b = (float) atof(tokens[pos+2].c_str()); return Point3f(r, g, b); } /*! * Retrieves infos about kind of data stored into the file and fills a mask appropriately * \param filename The name of the file to open * \param mask A mask which will be filled according to type of data found in the object * \param oi A structure which will be filled with infos about the object to be opened */ static bool LoadMask(const char * filename, Info &oi) { std::ifstream stream(filename); if (stream.fail()) { stream.close(); return false; } // obtain length of file: stream.seekg (0, std::ios::end); int length = stream.tellg(); stream.seekg (0, std::ios::beg); if (length == 0) return false; bool bHasPerFaceColor = false; bool bHasNormals = false; bool bHasPerVertexColor = false; oi.numVertices=0; oi.numEdges=0; oi.numFaces=0; oi.numTexCoords=0; oi.numNormals=0; int lineCount=0; int totRead=0; bool firstV = true; std::string line; while (!stream.eof()) { lineCount++; std::getline(stream, line); totRead+=line.size(); if(oi.cb && (lineCount%1000)==0) (*oi.cb)( (int)(100.0*(float(totRead))/float(length)), "Loading mask..."); if(line.size()>2) { if(line[0]=='v') { if ((line[1] == ' ') || (line[1] == '\t')) { oi.numVertices++; if (firstV) { int sepN = 0; for (size_t lit = 0; lit < line.size(); lit++){ if ((line[lit] == ' ') || (line[lit] == '\t')) sepN++; } if (sepN >= 6) bHasPerVertexColor = true; firstV = false; } } if(line[1]=='t') oi.numTexCoords++; if(line[1]=='n') { oi.numNormals ++; bHasNormals = true; } } else { if((line[0]=='f') || (line[0]=='q')) oi.numFaces++; else if (line[0]=='l') oi.numEdges++; else if(line[0]=='u' && line[1]=='s') bHasPerFaceColor = true; // there is a usematerial so add per face color } } } oi.mask = 0; if (oi.numTexCoords) { if (oi.numTexCoords==oi.numVertices) oi.mask |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD; oi.mask |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD; // Usually if you have tex coords you also have materials oi.mask |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR; } if(bHasPerFaceColor) oi.mask |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR; if(bHasPerVertexColor) oi.mask |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR; if (bHasNormals) { if (oi.numNormals == oi.numVertices) oi.mask |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL; else oi.mask |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGNORMAL; } if (oi.numEdges) oi.mask |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_EDGEINDEX; stream.close(); return true; } static bool LoadMask(const char * filename, int &mask) { Info oi; bool ret=LoadMask(filename, oi); mask= oi.mask; return ret; } static bool LoadMaterials(const char * filename, std::vector &materials, std::vector &textures) { // assumes we are in the right directory std::ifstream stream(filename); if (stream.fail()) return false; std::vector< std::string > tokens; std::string line; std::string header; materials.clear(); Material currentMaterial; // Fill in some default values for the material currentMaterial.index = (unsigned int)(-1); currentMaterial.Ka = Point3f(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); currentMaterial.Kd = Point3f(1, 1, 1); currentMaterial.Ks = Point3f(1, 1, 1); currentMaterial.Tr = 1; currentMaterial.Ns = 0; currentMaterial.illum = 2; bool first = true; while (!stream.eof()) { tokens.clear(); TokenizeNextLine(stream, tokens, line, 0); if (tokens.size() > 0) { header.clear(); header = tokens[0]; if (header.compare("newmtl")==0) { if (!first) { materials.push_back(currentMaterial); currentMaterial = Material(); currentMaterial.index = (unsigned int)(-1); } else first = false; //strcpy(currentMaterial.name, tokens[1].c_str()); if(tokens.size() < 2) return false; else if (tokens.size() == 2) currentMaterial.materialName = tokens[1]; //play it safe else currentMaterial.materialName = line.substr(7); //space in the name, get everything after "newmtl " } else if (header.compare("Ka")==0) { if (tokens.size() < 4) return false; currentMaterial.Ka = Point3fFrom3Tokens(tokens,1); } else if (header.compare("Kd")==0) { if (tokens.size() < 4) return false; currentMaterial.Kd = Point3fFrom3Tokens(tokens,1); } else if (header.compare("Ks")==0) { if (tokens.size() < 4) return false; currentMaterial.Ks = Point3fFrom3Tokens(tokens,1); } else if ( (header.compare("d")==0) || (header.compare("Tr")==0) ) // alpha { if (tokens.size() < 2) return false; currentMaterial.Tr = (float) atof(tokens[1].c_str()); } else if (header.compare("Ns")==0) // shininess { if (tokens.size() < 2) return false; currentMaterial.Ns = float(atoi(tokens[1].c_str())); } else if (header.compare("illum")==0) // specular illumination on/off { if (tokens.size() < 2) return false; currentMaterial.illum = atoi(tokens[1].c_str());; } else if(header.compare("map_Kd")==0) // texture name { std::string textureName; if (tokens.size() < 2) return false; else if (tokens.size() == 2) textureName = tokens[1]; //play it safe else textureName = line.substr(7); //get everything after "map_Kd " currentMaterial.map_Kd=textureName; // adding texture name into textures vector (if not already present) // avoid adding the same name twice auto it = std::find(textures.begin(), textures.end(), textureName); if(it==textures.end()) { currentMaterial.index = textures.size(); textures.push_back(textureName); } else { currentMaterial.index = std::distance(textures.begin(),it); } } // we simply ignore other situations } } materials.push_back(currentMaterial); // add last read material stream.close(); // Sometimes some materials have texture and no texture // in this case for sake of uniformity we just use the first texture. if(!textures.empty()) { for(size_t i=0;i