#include #include #include #include #include #include // topology computation #include // half edge iterators #include using namespace vcg; class MyEdge; // dummy prototype never used class MyFace; class MyVertex; class MyVertex : public VertexSimp2< MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace, vert::Coord3f, vert::BitFlags >{}; class MyFace : public FaceSimp2 < MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace, face::VertexRef,face::FFAdj, face::Mark, face::BitFlags > {}; //class MyVertex:public Vertex{}; //class MyFace : public FaceAFFM{}; class MyMesh : public tri::TriMesh< std::vector, std::vector >{}; int main(int ,char ** ){ MyMesh m; //generate a mesh vcg::tri::Icosahedron(m); //update the face-face topology vcg::tri::UpdateTopology::FaceFace(m); // Now for each face the F() members are meaningful if(face::IsBorder(m.face[0],0)) printf("Edge 0 of face 0 is a border\n"); else printf("Edge 0 of face 0 is NOT a border\n"); // always this path! vcg::face::FFDetach(m.face[0],0); // Detach the face [0] from the mesh vcg::face::FFDetach(m.face[0],1); vcg::face::FFDetach(m.face[0],2); if(face::IsBorder(m.face[0],0)) printf("Edge 0 of face 0 is a border\n"); // always this path! else printf("Edge 0 of face 0 is NOT a border\n"); m.face[0].SetD(); // deleting face [0] (i.e. marked as deleted) // declare an iterator on the mesh vcg::face::Pos he, hei; // Now a simple search and trace of all the border of the mesh MyMesh::FaceIterator fi; m.UnMarkAll(); int BorderEdgeNum=0; int HoleNum=0; for(fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi) if(!(*fi).IsD()) { for(int j=0;j<3;j++) { if ( face::IsBorder(*fi,j) && !m.IsMarked(&*fi)) { m.Mark(&*fi); hei.Set(&*fi,j,fi->V(j)); he=hei; do { BorderEdgeNum++; he.NextB(); // next edge along a border m.Mark(he.f); } while (he.f!=hei.f); HoleNum++; } } } printf("Mesh has %i holes and %i border edges\n",HoleNum,BorderEdgeNum); return 0; }