/**************************************************************************** * MeshLab o o * * A versatile mesh processing toolbox o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2005 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VORONOI_VOLUME_SAMPLING_H #define __VORONOI_VOLUME_SAMPLING_H #include #include #include namespace vcg { namespace tri { template< class MeshType> class VoronoiVolumeSampling { public: typedef typename tri::VoronoiProcessing::QuadricSumDistance QuadricSumDistance; typedef SimpleVolume MyVolume; typedef typename vcg::tri::TrivialWalker MyWalker; typedef typename vcg::tri::MarchingCubes MyMarchingCubes; typedef typename vcg::GridStaticPtr GridType; typedef typename MeshType::VertexIterator VertexIterator; typedef typename MeshType::VertexPointer VertexPointer; typedef typename MeshType::CoordType CoordType; typedef typename MeshType::FacePointer FacePointer; VoronoiVolumeSampling(MeshType &_baseMesh, MeshType &_seedMesh) :baseMesh(_baseMesh),seedMesh(_seedMesh),seedTree(0),surfTree(0) { } KdTree *seedTree; KdTree *surfTree; GridType surfGrid; typedef FaceTmark MarkerFace; MarkerFace mf; vcg::face::PointDistanceBaseFunctor PDistFunct; MeshType &baseMesh; MeshType &seedMesh; MeshType poissonSurfaceMesh; float poissonRadiusSurface; MeshType montecarloVolumeMesh; void Init(float radius=0) { MeshType montecarloSurfaceMesh; if(radius==0) poissonRadiusSurface = baseMesh.bbox.Diag()/50.0f; else poissonRadiusSurface = radius; float meshArea = Stat::ComputeMeshArea(baseMesh); int MontecarloSampleNum = 10 * meshArea / (radius*radius); tri::MeshSampler sampler(montecarloSurfaceMesh); tri::SurfaceSampling >::Montecarlo(baseMesh, sampler, MontecarloSampleNum); montecarloSurfaceMesh.bbox = baseMesh.bbox; // we want the same bounding box poissonSurfaceMesh.Clear(); tri::MeshSampler mps(poissonSurfaceMesh); typename tri::SurfaceSampling >::PoissonDiskParam pp; pp.geodesicDistanceFlag=false; tri::SurfaceSampling >::PoissonDiskPruning(mps, montecarloSurfaceMesh, poissonRadiusSurface,pp); vcg::tri::UpdateBounding::Box(poissonSurfaceMesh); qDebug("Surface Sampling radius %f - montecarlo %ivn - Poisson %ivn",poissonRadiusSurface,montecarloSurfaceMesh.vn,poissonSurfaceMesh.vn); VertexConstDataWrapper ww(poissonSurfaceMesh); if(surfTree) delete surfTree; surfTree = new KdTree(ww); surfTree->setMaxNofNeighbors(1); surfGrid.SetWithRadius(baseMesh.face.begin(),baseMesh.face.end(),poissonRadiusSurface); mf.SetMesh(&baseMesh); } // Compute the signed distance from the surface float DistanceFromSurface(Point3f &p) { surfTree->doQueryK(p); float dist = sqrtf(surfTree->getNeighborSquaredDistance(0)); if( dist > 3.0f*poissonRadiusSurface) { Point3f dir = surfTree->getNeighbor(0) - p; const Point3f &surfN = this->poissonSurfaceMesh.vert[surfTree->getNeighborId(0)].N(); if(dir* surfN > 0) dist= -dist; return dist; } float _maxDist = this->poissonRadiusSurface*3.0f; dist=_maxDist; Point3f _closestPt; FacePointer f=surfGrid.GetClosest(PDistFunct,mf,p,_maxDist,dist,_closestPt); assert(f); assert (dist >=0); Point3f dir = _closestPt - p; if(dir*f->cN() > 0) dist = -dist; return dist; } float DistanceFromVoronoiSeed(Point3f p_point) { // Calculating the closest point to p_point seedTree->doQueryK(p_point); float minD = seedTree->getNeighborSquaredDistance(0); for(int i=1;igetNofFoundNeighbors();++i) minD=std::min(minD,seedTree->getNeighborSquaredDistance(i)); return sqrtf(minD); } float DistanceFromVoronoiFace(Point3f p_point) { seedTree->doQueryK(p_point); std::vector > closeSeedVec; for(int i=0;igetNofFoundNeighbors();++i) closeSeedVec.push_back(std::make_pair(seedTree->getNeighborSquaredDistance(i),seedTree->getNeighbor(i))); std::sort(closeSeedVec.begin(),closeSeedVec.end()); Point3f p0=closeSeedVec[0].second; Point3f p1=closeSeedVec[1].second; Plane3f pl; pl.Init((p0+p1)/2.0f,p0-p1); return fabs(SignedDistancePlanePoint(pl,p_point)); } /* * Function: scaffolding * ---------------------------- * calculates the distance between the point P and the line R * (intersection of the plane P01 P02) * * p_point: point to calculate * p_tree: KdTree of the mesh of point * p_m: Mesh of points ( surface and inside ) * * returns: distance between the point P and the line R */ float DistanceFromVoronoiEdge(Point3f p_point) { seedTree->doQueryK(p_point); std::vector > closeSeedVec; for(int i=0;igetNofFoundNeighbors();++i) closeSeedVec.push_back(std::make_pair(seedTree->getNeighborSquaredDistance(i),seedTree->getNeighbor(i))); std::sort(closeSeedVec.begin(),closeSeedVec.end()); Point3f p0=closeSeedVec[0].second; Point3f p1=closeSeedVec[1].second; Point3f p2=closeSeedVec[2].second; Plane3f pl01; pl01.Init((p0+p1)/2.0f,p0-p1); Plane3f pl02; pl02.Init((p0+p2)/2.0f,p0-p2); Line3f voroLine; // Calculating the line R that intersect the planes po1 and p02 vcg::IntersectionPlanePlane(pl01,pl02,voroLine); // Calculating the distance k between the point p_point and the line R. Point3f closestPt; float closestDist; vcg::LinePointDistance(voroLine,p_point,closestPt, closestDist); return closestDist; } void RelaxVoronoiSamples(int relaxStep) { bool changed=false; assert(montecarloVolumeMesh.vn > seedMesh.vn*20); int i; for(i=0;isetMaxNofNeighbors(1); QuadricSumDistance dz; std::vector dVec(montecarloVolumeMesh.vert.size(),dz); for(typename MeshType::VertexIterator vi=montecarloVolumeMesh.vert.begin();vi!=montecarloVolumeMesh.vert.end();++vi) { seedTree->doQueryK(vi->P()); int seedIndex = seedTree->getNeighborId(0); dVec[seedIndex].AddPoint(vi->P()); } // Search the local maxima for each region and use them as new seeds std::vector< std::pair > seedMaximaVec(seedMesh.vert.size(),std::make_pair(std::numeric_limits::max(),-1 )); for(typename MeshType::VertexIterator vi=montecarloVolumeMesh.vert.begin();vi!=montecarloVolumeMesh.vert.end();++vi) { seedTree->doQueryK(vi->P()); int seedIndex = seedTree->getNeighborId(0); float val = dVec[seedIndex].Eval(vi->P()); if(val < seedMaximaVec[seedIndex].first) { seedMaximaVec[seedIndex].first = val; seedMaximaVec[seedIndex].second = tri::Index(montecarloVolumeMesh,*vi); } } changed=false; for(int i=0;i vdw(seedMesh); delete seedTree; seedTree = new KdTree(vdw); if(!changed) break; } qDebug("performed %i relax step on %i",i,relaxStep); } /* * Function: BuildScaffoldingMesh * ---------------------------- * Build a mesh that is the scaffolding of the original mesh. * uses an implicit function and a voronoi3d diagram consisting of the set of inside and * surface points of the original mesh m * * m: original mesh * surVertex: mesh of surface points * PruningPoisson: mesh of inside and surface points, it's the voronoi3d diagram * n_voxel: number of voxels for the greater side */ void BuildScaffoldingMesh(MeshType &scaffoldingMesh, int volumeSide, float isoThr,int elemEnum, bool surfFlag) { printf("Scaffolding of the mesh \n"); MyVolume volume; float max = math::Max(baseMesh.bbox.DimX(),baseMesh.bbox.DimY(),baseMesh.bbox.DimZ()); float voxel = max / volumeSide; int sizeX = (baseMesh.bbox.DimX() / voxel)+1; int sizeY = (baseMesh.bbox.DimY() / voxel)+1; int sizeZ = (baseMesh.bbox.DimZ() / voxel)+1; // Kdtree seedTree->setMaxNofNeighbors(4); volume.bbox=baseMesh.bbox; volume.bbox.Offset(baseMesh.bbox.Diag()*0.04f); volume.siz = Point3i(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ); volume.ComputeDimAndVoxel(); volume.Init(Point3i(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ)); qDebug("Init Volume of %i %i %i",sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ); int cnt=0; float offset= volume.voxel.Norm()*isoThr; for(float i=0;iDistanceFromSurface(p); float elemDist; switch(elemEnum) { case 0: elemDist = DistanceFromVoronoiSeed(p) - offset; break; case 1: elemDist = DistanceFromVoronoiEdge(p) - offset; break; case 2: elemDist = DistanceFromVoronoiFace(p) - offset; break; default: assert(0); } float val; if(surfFlag) val = std::max(-elemDist,surfDist); else val = std::max(elemDist,surfDist); volume.Val(i,j,k) = val; cnt++; } // MARCHING CUBES qDebug("voxel out %i on %i",cnt,sizeX*sizeY*sizeZ); MyWalker walker; MyMarchingCubes mc(scaffoldingMesh, walker); walker.template BuildMesh (scaffoldingMesh, volume, mc,0); } /** * @brief * start from the montecarlo. * Write onto the poisson surface sampling the maximum distance from a vertex inside. * */ void ThicknessEvaluator() { surfTree->setMaxNofNeighbors(1); tri::UpdateQuality::VertexConstant(poissonSurfaceMesh,0); for(VertexIterator vi=montecarloVolumeMesh.vert.begin(); vi!=montecarloVolumeMesh.vert.end(); ++vi) { this->surfTree->doQueryK(vi->P()); VertexPointer vp = &poissonSurfaceMesh.vert[surfTree->getNeighborId(0)]; float dist = sqrt(surfTree->getNeighborSquaredDistance(0)); if(vp->Q() < dist) vp->Q()=dist; } tri::UpdateColor::PerVertexQualityRamp(poissonSurfaceMesh); } /* * Function: BuildVolumeSampling * ---------------------------- * Build a Poisson-Disk Point cloud that cover all the space of the original mesh m * */ void BuildVolumeSampling(int montecarloSampleNum, int seedNum, float &poissonRadius, vcg::CallBackPos *cb=0) { montecarloVolumeMesh.Clear(); math::SubtractiveRingRNG rng; surfTree->setMaxNofNeighbors(1); while(montecarloVolumeMesh.vn < montecarloSampleNum) { Point3f point = math::GeneratePointInBox3Uniform(rng,baseMesh.bbox); float d = this->DistanceFromSurface(point); if(d<0){ vcg::tri::Allocator::AddVertex(montecarloVolumeMesh,point); montecarloVolumeMesh.vert.back().Q() = fabs(d); } if(cb && (montecarloVolumeMesh.vn%1000)==0) cb((100*montecarloVolumeMesh.vn)/montecarloSampleNum,"Montecarlo Sampling..."); } vector pruningVec; tri::UpdateBounding::Box(montecarloVolumeMesh); if(poissonRadius ==0 && seedNum!=0) tri::PoissonPruningExact(montecarloVolumeMesh,pruningVec,poissonRadius,seedNum); else tri::PoissonPruning(montecarloVolumeMesh,pruningVec,poissonRadius,seedNum); std::vector seedPts(pruningVec.size()); for(size_t i=0;iP(); tri::Build(this->seedMesh,seedPts); // Kdtree must be rebuilt at the end of each step; VertexConstDataWrapper vdw(seedMesh); if(seedTree) delete seedTree; seedTree = new KdTree(vdw); } }; // end class } // end namespace vcg } // end namespace vcg #endif // VORONOI_VOLUME_SAMPLING_H