/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VCGLIB_MATRIX33_H #define __VCGLIB_MATRIX33_H #include #include #include #include namespace vcg { template /** @name Matrix33 Class Matrix33. This is the class for definition of a matrix 3x3. @param S (Template Parameter) Specifies the ScalarType field. */ class Matrix33 { public: typedef S ScalarType; /// Default constructor inline Matrix33() {} /// Copy constructor Matrix33( const Matrix33 & m ) { for(int i=0;i<9;++i) a[i] = m.a[i]; } /// create from array Matrix33( const S * v ) { for(int i=0;i<9;++i) a[i] = v[i]; } /// create from Matrix44 excluding row and column k Matrix33 (const Matrix44 & m, const int & k) { int i,j, r=0, c=0; for(i = 0; i< 4;++i)if(i!=k){c=0; for(j=0; j < 4;++j)if(j!=k) { (*this)[r][c] = m[i][j]; ++c;} ++r; } } template void ToEigenMatrix(EigenMatrix33Type & m) const { for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) m(i,j)=(*this)[i][j]; } template void FromEigenMatrix(const EigenMatrix33Type & m){ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) (*this)[i][j]=m(i,j); } /// Number of columns inline unsigned int ColumnsNumber() const { return 3; }; /// Number of rows inline unsigned int RowsNumber() const { return 3; }; /// Assignment operator Matrix33 & operator = ( const Matrix33 & m ) { for(int i=0;i<9;++i) a[i] = m.a[i]; return *this; } /// Operatore di indicizzazione inline S * operator [] ( const int i ) { return a+i*3; } /// Operatore const di indicizzazione inline const S * operator [] ( const int i ) const { return a+i*3; } /// Modificatore somma per matrici 3x3 Matrix33 & operator += ( const Matrix33 &m ) { for(int i=0;i<9;++i) a[i] += m.a[i]; return *this; } /// Modificatore sottrazione per matrici 3x3 Matrix33 & operator -= ( const Matrix33 &m ) { for(int i=0;i<9;++i) a[i] -= m.a[i]; return *this; } /// Modificatore divisione per scalare Matrix33 & operator /= ( const S &s ) { for(int i=0;i<9;++i) a[i] /= s; return *this; } /// Modificatore prodotto per matrice Matrix33 operator * ( const Matrix33< S> & t ) const { Matrix33 r; int i,j; for(i=0;i<3;++i) for(j=0;j<3;++j) r[i][j] = (*this)[i][0]*t[0][j] + (*this)[i][1]*t[1][j] + (*this)[i][2]*t[2][j]; return r; } /// Modificatore prodotto per matrice void operator *=( const Matrix33< S> & t ) { Matrix33 r; int i,j; for(i=0;i<3;++i) for(j=0;j<3;++j) r[i][j] = (*this)[i][0]*t[0][j] + (*this)[i][1]*t[1][j] + (*this)[i][2]*t[2][j]; for(i=0;i<9;++i) this->a[i] = r.a[i]; } /// Modificatore prodotto per costante Matrix33 & operator *= ( const S t ) { for(int i=0;i<9;++i) a[i] *= t; return *this; } /// Operatore prodotto per costante Matrix33 operator * ( const S t ) const { Matrix33 r; for(int i=0;i<9;++i) r.a[i] = a[i]* t; return r; } /// Operatore sottrazione per matrici 3x3 Matrix33 operator - ( const Matrix33 &m ) const { Matrix33 r; for(int i=0;i<9;++i) r.a[i] = a[i] - m.a[i]; return r; } /// Operatore sottrazione per matrici 3x3 Matrix33 operator + ( const Matrix33 &m ) const { Matrix33 r; for(int i=0;i<9;++i) r.a[i] = a[i] + m.a[i]; return r; } /** Operatore per il prodotto matrice-vettore. @param v A point in $R^{3}$ @return Il vettore risultante in $R^{3}$ */ Point3 operator * ( const Point3 & v ) const { Point3 t; t[0] = a[0]*v[0] + a[1]*v[1] + a[2]*v[2]; t[1] = a[3]*v[0] + a[4]*v[1] + a[5]*v[2]; t[2] = a[6]*v[0] + a[7]*v[1] + a[8]*v[2]; return t; } void OuterProduct(Point3 const &p0, Point3 const &p1) { Point3 row; row = p1*p0[0]; a[0] = row[0];a[1] = row[1];a[2] = row[2]; row = p1*p0[1]; a[3] = row[0]; a[4] = row[1]; a[5] = row[2]; row = p1*p0[2]; a[6] = row[0];a[7] = row[1];a[8] = row[2]; } Matrix33 & SetZero() { for(int i=0;i<9;++i) a[i] =0; return (*this); } Matrix33 & SetIdentity() { for(int i=0;i<9;++i) a[i] =0; a[0]=a[4]=a[8]=1.0; return (*this); } Matrix33 & SetRotateRad(S angle, const Point3 & axis ) { S c = cos(angle); S s = sin(angle); S q = 1-c; Point3 t = axis; t.Normalize(); a[0] = t[0]*t[0]*q + c; a[1] = t[0]*t[1]*q - t[2]*s; a[2] = t[0]*t[2]*q + t[1]*s; a[3] = t[1]*t[0]*q + t[2]*s; a[4] = t[1]*t[1]*q + c; a[5] = t[1]*t[2]*q - t[0]*s; a[6] = t[2]*t[0]*q -t[1]*s; a[7] = t[2]*t[1]*q +t[0]*s; a[8] = t[2]*t[2]*q +c; return (*this); } Matrix33 & SetRotateDeg(S angle, const Point3 & axis ){ return SetRotateRad(math::ToRad(angle),axis); } /// Funzione per eseguire la trasposta della matrice Matrix33 & Transpose() { std::swap(a[1],a[3]); std::swap(a[2],a[6]); std::swap(a[5],a[7]); return *this; } // for the transistion to eigen Matrix33 transpose() const { Matrix33 res = *this; res.Transpose(); return res; } void transposeInPlace() { this->Transpose(); } /// Funzione per costruire una matrice diagonale dati i tre elem. Matrix33 & SetDiagonal(S *v) {int i,j; for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) if(i==j) (*this)[i][j] = v[i]; else (*this)[i][j] = 0; return *this; } /// Assegna l'n-simo vettore colonna void SetColumn(const int n, S* v){ assert( (n>=0) && (n<3) ); a[n]=v[0]; a[n+3]=v[1]; a[n+6]=v[2]; }; /// Assegna l'n-simo vettore riga void SetRow(const int n, S* v){ assert( (n>=0) && (n<3) ); int m=n*3; a[m]=v[0]; a[m+1]=v[1]; a[m+2]=v[2]; }; /// Assegna l'n-simo vettore colonna void SetColumn(const int n, const Point3 v){ assert( (n>=0) && (n<3) ); a[n]=v[0]; a[n+3]=v[1]; a[n+6]=v[2]; }; /// Assegna l'n-simo vettore riga void SetRow(const int n, const Point3 v){ assert( (n>=0) && (n<3) ); int m=n*3; a[m]=v[0]; a[m+1]=v[1]; a[m+2]=v[2]; }; /// Restituisce l'n-simo vettore colonna Point3 GetColumn(const int n) const { assert( (n>=0) && (n<3) ); Point3 t; t[0]=a[n]; t[1]=a[n+3]; t[2]=a[n+6]; return t; }; /// Restituisce l'n-simo vettore riga Point3 GetRow(const int n) const { assert( (n>=0) && (n<3) ); Point3 t; int m=n*3; t[0]=a[m]; t[1]=a[m+1]; t[2]=a[m+2]; return t; }; /// Funzione per il calcolo del determinante S Determinant() const { return a[0]*(a[4]*a[8]-a[5]*a[7]) - a[1]*(a[3]*a[8]-a[5]*a[6]) + a[2]*(a[3]*a[7]-a[4]*a[6]) ; } // return the Trace of the matrix i.e. the sum of the diagonal elements S Trace() const { return a[0]+a[4]+a[8]; } /* compute the matrix generated by the product of a * b^T */ void ExternalProduct(const Point3 &a, const Point3 &b) { for(int i=0;i<3;++i) for(int j=0;j<3;++j) (*this)[i][j] = a[i]*b[j]; } /* Compute the Frobenius Norm of the Matrix */ ScalarType Norm() { ScalarType SQsum=0; for(int i=0;i<3;++i) for(int j=0;j<3;++j) SQsum += a[i]*a[i]; return (math::Sqrt(SQsum)); } /* It compute the covariance matrix of a set of 3d points. Returns the barycenter */ template void Covariance(const STLPOINTCONTAINER &points, Point3 &bp) { assert(!points.empty()); typedef typename STLPOINTCONTAINER::const_iterator PointIte; // first cycle: compute the barycenter bp.SetZero(); for( PointIte pi = points.begin(); pi != points.end(); ++pi) bp+= (*pi); bp/=points.size(); // second cycle: compute the covariance matrix this->SetZero(); vcg::Matrix33 A; for( PointIte pi = points.begin(); pi != points.end(); ++pi) { Point3 p = (*pi)-bp; A.OuterProduct(p,p); (*this)+= A; } } /* It compute the cross covariance matrix of two set of 3d points P and X; it returns also the barycenters of P and X. fonte: Besl, McKay A method for registration o f 3d Shapes IEEE TPAMI Vol 14, No 2 1992 */ template void CrossCovariance(const STLPOINTCONTAINER &P, const STLPOINTCONTAINER &X, Point3 &bp, Point3 &bx) { SetZero(); assert(P.size()==X.size()); bx.SetZero(); bp.SetZero(); Matrix33 tmp; typename std::vector >::const_iterator pi,xi; for(pi=P.begin(),xi=X.begin();pi!=P.end();++pi,++xi){ bp+=*pi; bx+=*xi; tmp.ExternalProduct(*pi,*xi); (*this)+=tmp; } bp/=P.size(); bx/=X.size(); (*this)/=P.size(); tmp.ExternalProduct(bp,bx); (*this)-=tmp; } template void WeightedCrossCovariance(const STLREALCONTAINER & weights, const STLPOINTCONTAINER &P, const STLPOINTCONTAINER &X, Point3 &bp, Point3 &bx) { SetZero(); assert(P.size()==X.size()); bx.SetZero(); bp.SetZero(); Matrix33 tmp; typename std::vector >::const_iterator pi,xi; typename STLREALCONTAINER::const_iterator pw; for(pi=P.begin(),xi=X.begin();pi!=P.end();++pi,++xi){ bp+=(*pi); bx+=(*xi); } bp/=P.size(); bx/=X.size(); for(pi=P.begin(),xi=X.begin(),pw = weights.begin();pi!=P.end();++pi,++xi,++pw){ tmp.ExternalProduct(((*pi)-(bp)),((*xi)-(bp))); (*this)+=tmp*(*pw); } } private: S a[9]; }; ///return the tranformation matrix to transform ///to the frame specified by the three vectors template vcg::Matrix33 TransformationMatrix(const vcg::Point3 dirX, const vcg::Point3 dirY, const vcg::Point3 dirZ) { vcg::Matrix33 Trans; ///it must have right orientation cause of normal Trans[0][0]=dirX[0]; Trans[0][1]=dirX[1]; Trans[0][2]=dirX[2]; Trans[1][0]=dirY[0]; Trans[1][1]=dirY[1]; Trans[1][2]=dirY[2]; Trans[2][0]=dirZ[0]; Trans[2][1]=dirZ[1]; Trans[2][2]=dirZ[2]; /////then find the inverse return (Trans); } template Matrix33 Inverse(const Matrix33&m) { Eigen::Matrix3d mm,mmi; m.ToEigenMatrix(mm); mmi=mm.inverse(); Matrix33 res; res.FromEigenMatrix(mmi); return res; } ///given 2 vector centered into origin calculate the rotation matrix from first to the second template Matrix33 RotationMatrix(vcg::Point3 v0,vcg::Point3 v1,bool normalized=true) { typedef typename vcg::Point3 CoordType; Matrix33 rotM; const S epsilon=0.00001; if (!normalized) { v0.Normalize(); v1.Normalize(); } S dot=(v0*v1); ///control if there is no rotation if (dot>((S)1-epsilon)) { rotM.SetIdentity(); return rotM; } ///find the axis of rotation CoordType axis; axis=v0^v1; axis.Normalize(); ///construct rotation matrix S u=axis.X(); S v=axis.Y(); S w=axis.Z(); S phi=acos(dot); S rcos = cos(phi); S rsin = sin(phi); rotM[0][0] = rcos + u*u*(1-rcos); rotM[1][0] = w * rsin + v*u*(1-rcos); rotM[2][0] = -v * rsin + w*u*(1-rcos); rotM[0][1] = -w * rsin + u*v*(1-rcos); rotM[1][1] = rcos + v*v*(1-rcos); rotM[2][1] = u * rsin + w*v*(1-rcos); rotM[0][2] = v * rsin + u*w*(1-rcos); rotM[1][2] = -u * rsin + v*w*(1-rcos); rotM[2][2] = rcos + w*w*(1-rcos); return rotM; } ///return the rotation matrix along axis template Matrix33 RotationMatrix(const vcg::Point3 &axis, const float &angleRad) { vcg::Matrix44 matr44; vcg::Matrix33 matr33; matr44.SetRotate(angleRad,axis); for (int i=0;i<3;i++) for (int j=0;j<3;j++) matr33[i][j]=matr44[i][j]; return matr33; } /// return a random rotation matrix, from the paper: /// Fast Random Rotation Matrices, James Arvo /// Graphics Gems III pp. 117-120 template Matrix33 RandomRotation(){ S x1,x2,x3; Matrix33 R,H,M,vv; Point3 v; R.SetIdentity(); H.SetIdentity(); x1 = rand()/S(RAND_MAX); x2 = rand()/S(RAND_MAX); x3 = rand()/S(RAND_MAX); R[0][0] = cos(S(2)*M_PI*x1); R[0][1] = sin(S(2)*M_PI*x1); R[1][0] = - R[0][1]; R[1][1] = R[0][0]; v[0] = cos(2.0 * M_PI * x2)*sqrt(x3); v[1] = sin(2.0 * M_PI * x2)*sqrt(x3); v[2] = sqrt(1-x3); vv.OuterProduct(v,v); H -= vv*S(2); M = H*R*S(-1); return M; } /// typedef Matrix33 Matrix33s; typedef Matrix33 Matrix33i; typedef Matrix33 Matrix33f; typedef Matrix33 Matrix33d; } // end of namespace #endif